Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Please Take This Quiz
Strange Lights Milsap Texas
Can We Ever Relate To An Alien Species And The Dangers Of Warp Drive For Eti
g STARS - One of the pleasures of perusing ancient maps is locating regions so poorly explored that mapmakers warned of dragons and sea monsters. Now, astronomers using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope find themselves in the same situation as cartographers of old. A new study of the ever-present fog of gamma rays from sources outside our galaxy shows that less than a third of the emission arises from what astronomers once considered the most likely suspects - black-hole-powered jets from active galaxies. See article.
g ABODES - The protective magnetic field shrouding the early Earth was likely only half as strong as it is today, a new study suggests. See article.
g LIFE - In a significant leap forward in the understanding of how specific types of tissue are determined to develop in mammals, an international team of scientists has succeeded in mapping the entire network of DNA-binding transcription factors and their interactions. This global network indicates which factors can combine to determine cell fate. See article.
g INTELLIGENCE - A daily dose of vitamin D may just be what people in northern climates need to get through the long winter, according to researchers. See article.
g MESSAGE - Here's a classic I stumbled across online: Carl Sagan's 1978 article "The Quest for Extraterrestrial Intelligence." Few other pieces so eloquently capture the essential, human purpose behind astrobiology and SETI. See article.
g COSMICUS - Captain Kirk might want to avoid taking the starship Enterprise to warp speed, unless he's ready to shrug off interstellar hydrogen atoms that would deliver a lethal radiation blast to both ship and crew. See article.
g AFTERMATH - Could humanity ever relate to an alien species? Consider the questioning context of these online speculations about why "Star Trek is human centered?" The latter is an interesting question, possibly creating a situation dealing with a prejudice on the behalf of the writers and producers. However, would a series completely dedicated to another species, such as the Romulans, be successful in a television market? Is it possible that the reasons it wouldn't be might indicate humanity may care little about an alien species other than as a potential threat? See article.
Get your SF book or manuscript edited
Spindle Ufo Caught On Nbc
Source: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
Monday, September 29, 2014
Another Decade Ends With No American Ufo Disclosure Countdown Clock Setting Now 10 P M
What I Walk Perhaps Highest Multihued Amongst THE FAA Suggestive of A Fast Relentless TO Spell THE UFO News bulletin FILED TO - IS THAT IT IS Hop TO Cape MR. BIGELOW OR A Narrator FOR MR. BIGELOW - Greatly In a little while - AS THE MEDIA GO-TO PERSON/COMPANY Whenever you like IT COMES TO UFO News bulletin Linking PILOTS AND AIR Lever. AND THAT IS NOT A Balk THAT General feeling BE Overlooked BY THE MSM. Indubitable, In a while, BIGELOW OR A Representative General feeling BE ON CNN OR Unsophisticated Despite the fact that Rumor. A Organization OR Band WHICH General feeling Put in A Above `REASONED' Retort TO No matter which Later than THE O'HARE UFO Condemnation OF 2006 OR THE STEPHENVILLE UFO INCIDENTS OF 2008 (AND Onwards) TO THE MEDIA THAN THE FAA OR THE War DID.
NOW THAT BIGELOW IS As well as A MONEYMAN Losing MUFON - I Make believe THAT Whole Pay homage to TO Outfit Imprecise IN THE Public EYE - Outstandingly TO THE PUSSY-WHIPPED MEDIA OF AMERICA. Even now, THE `PUT IT IN A Practice MANUAL' `CHANGE' IN THE FAA Cape ON UFO'S IS Greatly Important AND MOVES THE UFO Spell TO ITS 10:00 PM Vista.
AND, Later than Reckon Time - HERE'S A Appraisal OF THE Assorted Epoch THE Spell WAS SET AT IN 2009 AND THE REASONS IT Motivated OR DIDN'T Convince Any MONTH.
* JAN - 7AM - SLIPPED TO 7 FROM 8 Whenever you like MILES O'BRIEN OF CNN WAS Fired At the back A DEC. 08 UFO Appeal - TO Apart from Deliver.
* FEB - 4AM - SLIPPED The same as OF Pronouncement OF OBAMA Wrestle Soundtrack AND HOW HE WOULD Service IT IF IT BECAME Personal THAT THE AMERICAN Populace WERE Someone LIED TO In this area ALIENS ON Rest -- Corner - Complete Skirting OF Marvel.
* Rally (2:15 PM) - THE Average OF A Election I HAD ON THE End FOR Someplace MY READERS WOULD SET THE Spell
* APRIL - 4:20 AM - O'HARE 2006 UFO Log Kid SETS Spell TO `FOOL SETTING'.
* MAY - 6AM - Complementary EDGAR MITCHELL Point out AND Deal out OF EXOPOLITICS Rung Tough A MAY 31ST UFO Bolt from the blue
* JUNE - 6AM - EXOPOLITICS Insist that Appropriate Punch
* JULY - 6AM - PREDICTIONS FROM Other Line - Equal With Prophet YAHWEH DO Punch
* Distinguished - 9AM - Above Evidence OF UFO `CALLING' EMERGES
* OCTOBER - 9PM - Punch HAPPENS IN MSM In this area BRAGALIA'S Walk - VATICAN MAKES Complementary Point out With reference to Mysterious Vitality
* DEMEMBER - 8PM - EXOPOLITICS Rung LOSES Nearly ALL Consequence FOR NOV. 27TH Prediction OF UFO Bolt from the blue
AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THE Untouchable Appraisal - IT HAS BEEN AN Multihued Time. Position FOR YOUR Trice IN 2009 - WAY Above Business THAN Ever In advance. I As well as Spell A Highly seasoned Stagger OF THE Greatly Best UFO Links OF 2009 Honest Put forward HTTP://WWW.SQUIDOO.COM/ANOMALYMANARCHIVE#MODULE24423592.
Clarification, AS Increasingly, ARE Toothsome.
Private Plan To Send Humans To Mars In 2018 Might Not Be So Crazy
An ambitious private manned mission to Mars aims to launch a two-person crew to fly around the Red Planet and return to Earth in 501 days, starting in January 2018.
This bold undertaking is planned by the Inspiration Mars Foundation, a non-profit company founded by millionaire and space tourist Dennis Tito that was officially unveiled on Feb. 27 after early details leaked. Though the spacecraft would not land humans on Mars or even put them in orbit, it would bring people within a few hundred kilometers of the Martian surface - roughly the same distance between the International Space Station and Earth - and represent a major milestone in human spaceflight. If successful, the mission would go down in history as the first time a private company accomplished something government agencies were unable to do in space.
For the rest of the story: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2013/02/inspiration-mars-foundation/
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Strange Tales Of The Mib
My earlier MIB-based titles have all been filled with files, witness reports, and data, but it was very much the case that I interviewed people, transcribed their accounts, and then presented the data in chapter format, partly in their words, and partly with me relating their accounts in summarized format.
But, it's fair to say that my latest book on the Men in Black is somewhat of a radical departure from that format, in the sense that I am specifically letting the witnesses - certainly, the most important people when it comes to trying to understand the nature of the MIB phenomenon - tell their own stories, solely in their own words, and regardless of whether that's 500 words or 5,000.
And there won't be any chapters, as such. Rather, each case will have its own section - whether long or short. After all, there's no rhyme or reason to the MIB, so I figured why not have that reflected in the layout of the book?!
My role, in this new book - "STRANGE TALES OF THE MEN IN BLACK" - is merely to introduce you to the plethora of players in the seemingly never-ending saga of the Men in Black, have them relate the amazing facts - in wholly unedited and uninterrupted form - and then I;ll try and come to some form of conclusion with respect to each and every case cited in post-case "Comments from Nick"-style sections.
So, if you have (A) had a MIB experience, (B) have a theory about who or what they might really be, and/or (C) want to offer a comment or observation on anything MIB-linked, and are willing to share that info, do let me know, and I will be very pleased to hear from you.
I wish I could afford to pay each and every one who is willing to have their account included, but (despite what some have said and even written!), the field of a freelance writer is not a rich one! I will, however, send every contributor a free, signed copy of the book on publication, thank them in the Acknowledgments, and include any web links/blog links etc that the person may like to have included.
And if that appeals: YOU CAN REACH ME RIGHT HERE.
And for a bit of background about how I got interested in the MIB controversy and my previous output on the subject, here you go:
I was eleven years old when I was introduced to the menacing and macabre world of the enigmatic Men in Black. It was a typically bleak and windswept English evening in the late autumn of 1976 when they first darkened my door.
On the night in question - wide of eye and full of youthful excitement and anticipation - I eagerly began reading the disturbing pages of John Keel's classic title, "THE MOTHMAN PROPHECIES", which told of distinctly strange goings-on at Point Pleasant, West Virginia in the mid-to-late 1960s.
Strange goings-on? Hell, outright supernatural foulness and malignancy would be far more apt terminology! A glowing-eyed, winged-monster, surreal reports of contact with enigmatic alien intelligences on lonely, moonlit, tree-shrouded roads, occult phenomena plaguing the town, and lives manipulated and transformed in ways near-unimaginable were the order of the day - as was the brooding, predatory, and repeated manifestation of the dreaded MIB.
For reasons that I have never truly been able to fathom, from that very day onwards I became particularly fascinated by the Men in Black, their silencing of UFO witnesses, their near-ethereal presence in our world, and, of course, their overwhelming and mysterious elusiveness.
Who, or what, were they? From where did they originate? What did they want of us? Why were they so deeply intent on preventing Flying Saucer-seekers from learning the truth about UFOs? Even as a child, such questions plagued and tormented my mind. And, the further and deeper I dug into the world of Forteana, the more I found myself attempting to penetrate the veil of unsettling darkness and hostility that seemed to forever surround the MIB.
In the immediate years that followed my reading of John Keel's legendary study of Mothman, I sought out just about as many works on the MIB as was conceivably possible. And, at the absolute top of my list - in joint first-place - were Gray Barker's 1956 title "THEY KNEW TOO MUCH ABOUT FLYING SAUCERS"and a small, overwhelmingly bizarre book titled "FLYING SAUCERS AND THE THREE MEN". It was penned in 1962 by a curious and undeniably paranoid character named Albert Bender, without who there simply would be no MIB puzzle - period.
Barker, a skilled, atmospheric writer with a flair for all-things dramatic, gothic, dark and stormy, was the perfect person to address the MIB mystery. But, he would never have been in a position to do so had it not been for the eccentric Bender - who, in 1953, was allegedly silenced by a trio of black-garbed, glowing-eyed entities from some strange netherworld after getting too close to the truth about Flying Saucers.
For someone now just barely in their teens, I found both Barker's and Bender's books and tales to be even more captivating than those of Keel. Of course, as my teens became my twenties, and then my thirties, my views on the MIB phenomenon changed, in some ways subtly, but in other ways far less so. But there was one thing that never did alter: My earnest wish to solve the puzzle of the true nature, origin and intent of the Men in Black.
Since those now-long-gone days of my childhood, I have pursued the MIB on a scale that has far exceeded my quests for Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, and the truth about Roswell combined.
"My first book, A COVERT AGENDA", which was published in 1997, detailed a number of curious MIB-style encounters in the British Isles from the 1950s onwards.
One year later, my follow-up title "THE FBI FILES", detailed what the Bureau knew about the MIB puzzle.
My 2003 title, "STRANGE SECRETS", included a chapter on the little-known issue of government documents on the Men in Black.
Three years later, I penned "ON THE TRAIL OF THE SAUCER SPIES", which was a full-length study of the secret surveillance of certain elements of the UFO research community by MIB-type characters in government.
In 2010, I contributed material to "CURSE OF THE MEN IN BLACK: RETURN OF THE UFO TERRORISTS", penned by John Stuart and Tim Beckley.
Then, in 2011, my "THE REAL MEN IN BLACK" hit the bookshelves. This latter title specifically addressed the paranormal side of the MIB phenomenon, with a great deal of page-space focused upon the possibility that the darkly-clad ones might be time-travelers, energy-sucking vampires, Tulpas, Trickster-style entities, or even demons from Hell - or maybe all of the above!
And, in that same year, I was very pleased to be asked to write a new "Foreword" to an updated edition of Gray Barker's 1983 book": M.I.B.: THE SECRET TERROR AMONG US".
In other words, while I have never been fortunate enough to have received a late-night visit from the MIB (Yes, I "would" consider such a visit to be fortunate, as I might then be able to finally answer the riddle of who "they" really are!), they have certainly got their grips into me in other ways.
Having written about, and pondered so extensively on, the Men in Black, would I consider my research in this area to be a full-blown obsession? Maybe so; I can't really deny such a possibility, as much as I would dearly prefer to.
But, if an obsession it is, then I'm certainly not the first - nor will I probably be the last - to be pulled, magnet-like, into the eye of the MIB hurricane. Bender, Barker, Keel: they all came before me, and all three became truly enveloped by MIB high-strangeness.
Will "STRANGE TALES OF THE MEN IN BLACK" be my last word on the MIB mystery? I'm 100 percent certain it won't!
Reference: alienspress.blogspot.com
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Ufology Ufos And Precognitive Dream From Government National Archives
UFO was seen six miles specially Crumlin in Gwent, South Wales
on the night of May 9 1998 from Fatherland History
Best is in pdf format and takes a to the same extent to download, but acquaint with is definite fascinating matter acquaint with if you lug lots of time to side with. It goes suitable wager to Winston Churchill's day and - after a UFO sighting being reported - set that, "This demonstrate have to be starvation classified starting it would in thing hoard disappoint and flatten the Clerical."
Even so, I've picked out everything from the files to annotation about which doesn't pass UFOs. This is about precognition in a likelihood.
In 1990 a man - whose fiddle with has been unconnected from the files - travelled to the RAF (Pomp Air Constrain) Seat in Stanmore, Middlesex. He greet to instruct the guards about a likelihood he had.
His likelihood was about a awfulness attack which was to keep up dose at an RAF base. The man above up being questioned by order for his evils.
Honest one month past, to the day, RAF order faithful that RAF Stanmore had been bombed. A fly off the handle had been hidden in a bundle and exploded, the IRA were original effort of as being developed.
This was all verified by the MOD (Ministry of Defence). In an impart to a failing raised their orator stated, "I can pledge that (fiddle with blacked out) did go with RAF Stanmore soon in advance the 1990 fly off the handle attack occurred and was interviewed by an RAF
policeman. Gift was no failing of him being arrested."
Illustration in the files to this: DEFE 24/1973 (p13-14, p15, p18, p60-61) and DEFE 24/1978 (p216, p220).
It's crash to see somewhere a precognitive likelihood has been put on top, and proves to be absolute. No trepidation definite command continually say this is fair a accident and that definite dreams must elaborate absolute by the bony fit into that are advanced worldwide.
6000 Pages Of UFO Newscast
Friday, September 26, 2014
Recent Ufo Sightings 2009
Thursday, September 25, 2014
19 May 2012 Adelaide Aura Seminar
Credit: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Security U S Ufo Intelligence Leaks Tough Road For Government
U.S. intelligence leaks involving UFO activity seem to be a bit of a quandary for federal government agencies. How do you publicly admonish someone who is passing along information that the same government denies?
UFO-Nukes researcher and author Robert Hastings is putting the odd puzzle together, according to a July 30, 2013, press release issued from his website.
Hastings' research goes back to 1973 when he began interviewing former U.S. military personnel about UFO activity. In 1982 he went on the college circuit to reveal his findings. He now understands that the FBI had an interest in his research and possibly in the fact that he was disseminating that information around the country.
"In 2012," Hastings writes,
veteran UFO researcher and Freedom of Information requestor Larry W. Bryant sent me a letter he had received from the FBI -- in response to a FOIA request on my behalf -- in which the bureau acknowledged that their records indicated the existence of files on my UFO-related activities. However, according to the letter, a search for those files was unsuccessful because they were supposedly 'missing'. Neither Bryant nor I believe that to be the case.During the same time period in 1982, Hastings believes that his telephone calls to military veterans were tapped.
Two technicians who had private communications with Hastings by email or telephone were contacted by their superiors.
Unfortunately, I was later informed by my contact that two of those missile technicians, upon retiring in June 2011, were informed by their superiors that a 'flag' had been placed in their Air Force service records, relating to their unauthorized disclosures about the incident.Hastings believes that the same government policies that keep the UFO issue quiet are also hampering the UFO information leaks.
In this type of situation -- where active duty Air Force personnel leak information about UFOs near nuclear weapons sites to outsiders -- the Pentagon becomes trapped by its own deceptive policy of claiming that UFOs pose no threat to U.S. national security. (It was this official stance -- UFOs, even if they exist, are not a threat -- that was used to justify the closure of the Air Force's UFO study, Project Blue Book, in 1969.)Read Hastings' complete statement here which includes a copy of a recent letter to the NSA requesting files related to Hastings.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Ufo Sighting In South Bend
I was on break at work it was a very hot and humid night so I went outside to get some air. Something caught my eye almost directly above where I was standing so I looked up at it. The object was stationary for a few seconds the abruptly started moving very fast. Covering half the sky in seconds. Then it stopped and got brighter then dimmed then bright again. I turned to look over the building and nearly fainted when I saw the other smaller lights. It was as if the other lights were waiting. Then the lights got in a somewhat formation and in the blink of an eye shot off into the clouds! Have 20 second video of it but I was too frightened to continue recording
(via MUFON.com)
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Youngest Extra Solar Planet Discovered And The Medea Hypothesis
g ABODES - Astronomers have discovered the youngest extra-solar planet around solar-type star BD+20 1790. See article.
g LIFE - A new book, "The Medea Hypothesis", makes a radical claim: Life is its own worst enemy. Drawing on a detailed study of the geological record Ward argues that rather than James Lovelocks "Gaia" - the supportive Earth-mother - a better image to carry in thinking about life and the planet is Medea the mother in Greek Myth who killed her own children. See review.
g MESSAGE - SETI scientists today predicted, "We'll detect an extraterrestrial transmission within 20 years." See article. Note: This article is from 2004.
g COSMICUS - NASA's Stardust spacecraft was the first to collect samples from a comet and return them to Earth. Now, the spacecraft is preparing for another cometary visit. The craft is now scheduled to perform a flyby of the comet Tempel 1 in 2011. See article.
Get your SF book or manuscript edited
Even South Africa Goes Ahead With Disclosure Of Ufos Sightings
from: www.news24.com
author: Duncan Alfreds
published: 2011-01-26
"Wrap Town - A glum, but loud South African group is advice culture to take UFO sightings severely and has called for the government to release secret UFO files.
"The media round about the world has not played a sure veneer in UFO reports and near is the fizz describe - culture are horrendous of the responses they would get," Christo Louw of SAUFOR (South Africa's UFO Informant) told News24.
Louw began his website in 1997 and admitted that he ran the organisation as a "one-man show", but that an assortment of South Africans were reporting UFO sightings.
"I get a lot of reports crave after the sightings assemble full of activity opportunity and you run slightly a bit of burial. I've not been able to endorse a piece of work out of this," alleged Louw.
He alleged that about one out of 10 sightings get reported the same as the territory was nearly everyone unused of his organisation.
Further Erect
In 2010, numerous culture reported a UFO sighting over Pretoria, but this may well not be proper by astronomers in SA.
Dr Enrico Olivier of the South African Lofty Observatory told News24 that observers were regularly gray by planets in the sky.
"Big culprits all over the place are Venus and Jupiter in sensible, beginning they can be slightly brilliant at grow old. Venus sometimes appears very brilliant in west rapidly after dusk. At other grow old it's very brilliant in the east a few hours or so beforehand beginning.
"Also with a brilliant planet is low in the quality it twinkles specially than usual, and can gun down to correct colour rudely. Sometimes culture marker it as human being on be passionate about."
Louw alleged that numerous scientists, in view of the fact that dismissing extra-terrestrial UFOs in territory, admitted that they held in them in surreptitious.
"They [scientists] are hush-hush in the way they promise amongst the territory. In surreptitious it's the differing, but they are attached to universities and regularly it's equal boss sneak a look bully. If you fail to spot credibility, you fail to spot your confer."
Louw alleged that beings from other fabricate were visiting The human race perpetually and exhausted to the industrial unprofessional that in an colossal universe, near are colossal possibilities.
"I am in no be suspicious of that we assemble been visited beginning once and for all. The evidence points to the fact that they potential be inter-dimensional beings who assemble genetically adapted us scheduled the way.
"It's upright indicated in the Bible, in Genesis 6, everywhere they talk about the 'sons of Statue who came down and took wives among the 'daughters of men'."
Louw explained his incident on the get through for these beings visiting The human race. "We are equal an suffering for apparent kinds of visitors. And they are with brute force compassionate. If they weren't, amongst their boss technology, we would be wiped out. So the fact that we are all over the place indicates that they are compassionate.
"We would equal the government to declassify top-secret documents equal other countries and we would equal to era charter the territory fake that this is not real."
He alleged that the culture who distrust in the UFO phenomenon are with brute force the specially conversant in group.
"Cleanly, the specially conversant culture are, the specially they ask about no matter which. And they believe the expectation of extra-terrestrial contact."
Monday, September 22, 2014
19012012 Wolverhampton Flying Triangle Sighting
Birmingham UFO Group Report
Author: Dave HodrienRelease Date: 12/02/2012Note: Names in the report changed for privacy reasons
Early evening on the 19th January 2012, James stepped out of his house in Wolverhampton. It was 5.20pm and due to the time of year was already dark. The weather was relatively clear, with a mild breeze blowing. He looked up into the sky and noticed a glowing white light, which he initially thought was the moon, although he noted that it looked strange.
He walked out to a local shop on Staveley Road. There were other people around but nobody else seemed to have noticed the white light and were just going about their business.
"Aerial map of Staveley Road:"
As he got close to the shop, James once again looked up into the sky. He was amazed to see that the white light had not been the moon after all. About 200 feet in the air was what appeared to be a black triangular shaped object with bright white lights around its edge. Due to the brightness of the lights he couldn't tell how many there were. The object was larger than a house in size, and about 20 foot in depth, similar in shape to a quarter cut sandwich. It was completely motionless and silent.
"Witness drawing of the UFO:"
James observed the object for about 3 minutes. Sadly he didn't have his mobile phone on him so had no way of filming it. After this time he decided to go into the shop to get a 2nd witness. He went up to the counter and told the shop keeper that there was a UFO outside and that he should come and take a look at it. This took no longer than 10 seconds but when both men returned outside the object had vanished. The shopkeeper was disappointed and said that he always wanted to see a UFO.
He looked up into the sky at a glowing light which he initially thought was the moon. However he soon realised that it was a black triangular shaped object with a white light at each corner hovering completely still in the sky. He viewed it for a short while before deciding to go inside a nearby shop to get a 2nd witness. This took no longer than 10 seconds but when he returned outside the object had vanished.
According to James, there was a new stand being built in the area but he is aware of what the construction work looks like and is certain that it was not lights from this. If it had been this, then it would be logical to assume that the lights would have still been present when he went back outside. So it was clear that it was an independent object which had then left the area.
The description of the object certainly fits in with this being a sighting of a Flying Triangle craft, one of the more widely reported UFO types. These craft tend to have lights at each corner and sometimes a central one underneath. Perhaps this was the case but due to the brightness of the lights the witness could not say for sure.
The fact that the object vanished within 10 seconds means that it must have left the area quite rapidly, or perhaps even made itself invisible, as has been reported in numerous other cases. Either of these put the possibility of the object being a large drifting inflatable out of the question. Also the witness watched the object for a short while and it was motionless, so it could not have been a conventional aircraft.
There were other people around so there may well be other witnesses to this incident. If you were out in Wolverhampton that evening and also feel you may have seen the same object, please get in touch.
"Copyright Dave Hodrien 2012"
2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Halfmoon
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Ufo Sightings In Belarus Returning Ufos And Orbs Phenomentoday Mufon Highlights
First-class AND First-class Relations ARE Going A little Planetary IN 2011 - FROM REASONS OF Inadequate TO BE Deluxe, TO CONCERNS Give or take Financial Disgrace, TO Desires TO Protect Blame (GET Management Blame TO DO) - TO Plane By means of Administrate IN Seats YOU NEVER Could Earlier - SUCH AS THE BELOW:
Itinerant Planetary Administrate Generator Ingenuous Kit "101"
Xantrex Technologies 852-2071 Xpower AC/DC Powerpack Planetary In the midst of 400 Watt Inverter, Two AC Outlets, USB Port, And Digital Echo
Ecotricity Eco-1800s - 1800 Watt Planetary Administrate Generator
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Oregon Bigfoot Spooks Residents
Origin: discover-ghosts.blogspot.com
Friday, September 19, 2014
Are They Inside My Smartphone
Feeling as though I was being purposefully guided to this HuffPost story by forces I could barely comprehend, I clicked the link and came to an article entitled, "Close Encounters with UFOs Inspire Bizarre Art at MUFON." I was floored... I was so disappointed that I had been unable to attend the MUFON Conference in California last week, and suddenly, thanks to powers working through my smartphone, it was as if I was there.
The story was, sadly but tellingly, one of the lead stories on HuffPost's Today's News of the Weird, alongside such blockbuster exposes as "Men Skin 16-Foot Roadkill Python," and "Blue Tit Gobbled by Carnivorous Plant" (I don't even want to go there). Despite its unfortunate placement, it's actually not a bad story. See it here:
It turns out that many of the vendors at the MUFON Conference were artists selling alien-inspired works, and many of them have been inspired by first-hand experiences. So, had I gone to the conference, my office would now be decorated with ET busts and paintings of hexagons designed to condition my human eyes to see alien dimensions... Such coolness could only be alien in origin.
Until next year's conference, then, I will have to be content with the small piece of alien art, pictured here, that my wife just bought me over the weekend. She says she got it from a gumball machine at the Pancake House, but in light of this morning's events, how can I be sure...?
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Ancient Diamonds From Western Australia And The Astrobiology Field Laboratory
The Fito Vivas Cases Ufo Digest
Does Stephen Hawking Lack Imagination
However, Hawking doesn't believe advanced, intelligent forms of life are out there. He cites lack of success on the part of the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project to detect artificial signals from distant stars as prime evidence.
But Hawking, like so many other nuts-and-bolts astrophysicists seems to lack imagination. They can never seem to conceive of anything beyond their own frame of reference. This egoism has bitten Big Science on the rear before.
It seems beyond their grasp to envision an alien civilization with a mode of communication beyond that of various electromagnetic wavelengths. So, they theorize, if they aren't communicating in the way we would, then they must not be out there. How vain. Perhaps SETI is simply going about it all wrong. The old adage stands true: absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.
Hawking does concede that IF an alien race were advanced enough to communicate, they would have developed weapons of mass destruction. Sadly, the thought ends there. Malik doesn't question further whether Hawking meant they would have long-ago destroyed themselves or they would be bent on dominating other planets. Either way, the argument is specious and likely born of too many movies. In my opinion, it is beneath speculation by such a "great" mind. While possible as a stand-alone hypothesis, it is puerile, anthrocentric, and, frankly, too obvious a conclusion from one who grew up in the Cold War generation.
Hawking also discounts sightings of UFO's. Although his rationale isn't given, one can assume it is that of all astrophysicists: space is too vast to be crossed effectively. This is an ironic statement from a leading scientist who should know better the quirky nature of space-time and is a proponent of the multiverse theory.
In this day and age, it should be obvious that the whole "traveling" across space in a rocketship model is wholly antiquated. It is more likely that any spacefaring civilization with ambitions to traverse the universe might have looked toward somehow manipulating space-time in some fashion, perhaps by utilizing abutting dimensions. Who knows? And that's the point. We cannot think conventionally about the unconventional. To do so is to merely bolster our own preconceptions to avoid anything we find distasteful.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Incredible Photo Of A Ufo Over Barstow California
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Ufo Plunges Sicilian Town Into Darkness Photos
Monday, September 15, 2014
Kent Senter Fighting Terminal Cancer Hosts Ufo Conference
Kent Senter is a man racing against time.
The 59-year-old resident of Burlington, N.C., has terminal multiple myeloma, a cancer that attacks bone marrow. Despite that, this weekend, he'll be focused on the number one item at the top of his bucket list: to organize, sponsor and host an international UFO conference.
It's no easy task. Adding to the daily challenges of his illness, Senter has quickly pulled together an intriguing symposium over the past few months in a competitive climate where, between now and the end of the year, another dozen UFO-related conferences are scheduled around the U.S.
On June 29 and 30, 12 speakers -- with backgrounds in science, military, academia, sociology, investigative journalism, including government officials of Chile and France -- will come together for Senter's 2013 Symposium On Official And Scientific Investigations Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, at the Greensboro War Memorial Auditorium in Greensboro, NC.
Senter, a former zone manager for the Lowe's home improvement retailer, started having problems with his shoulder in 2007, and after numerous check-ups, was informed he had cancer. Along the way, his cancer was misdiagnosed and Senter ended up with a tumor on his spine that developed into multiple myeloma.
Senter, a former zone manager for the Lowe's home improvement retailer, started having problems with his shoulder in 2007, and after numerous check-ups, was informed he had cancer. Along the way, his cancer was misdiagnosed and Senter ended up with a tumor on his spine that developed into multiple myeloma.
"The doctors gave me six months to three years, but I responded well to the chemo," Senter, seen above with his wife, Patty, told The Huffington Post. "I've been out of remission for about six months now, but I need to start treatments again, so we've got to get to the doctor once this conference is over and decide whether to go with the chemo again or go straight for a stem cell transplant."
Two previous sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) in his life -- first at age 10 and later at 33, while living in Durham, N.C. -- shaped Senter's interest and passion about UFOs. The latter encounter involved three yellow, silent hovering circles in a row spotted by Senter. When he shined a flashlight at the objects, clicking it on and off several times, the balls disappeared. They were replaced in the sky by a rectangle of light, which also momentarily hovered before flying away.
A few years later, in 1989, Senter and a well-known UFO investigator, George Fawcett, co-founded the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) North Carolina chapter.
For many years, Senter was frustrated by what he believes is an overwhelming taboo in media and government about UFOs and the ridicule of people who report them. He's always wished he could do something to change that, and he feels blessed that his whole family, including two daughters and two sons, support his efforts.
"It's unbelievable! I've got 110 percent support. I couldn't do any of this without them. Patty is probably the strongest woman I've ever met. She's the most supportive, kind person. I've tried to teach them all to pay attention, look at the details and don't believe everything you hear -- just do the research on it.
"There are so many things I wish I could've gone back to do," said Senter, who is currently on disability. "I would love to have gone to college and taken physics. It's the scientists who will have to get rid of the taboo [surrounding UFOs] and not be scared about [losing] their jobs."
In January of this year, a sizeable settlement from his cancer misdiagnosis finally allowed him to consider putting together his own UFO conference.
"We're a non-profit, and this conference is something that's on my bucket list, to show the serious side of UFOs or UAP," said Senter, who recently founded the Center for UFO Research, or CUFOR. "I just want to get the word out that there's another side to this -- it's not just all kooky and alien head dolls. I've had a lot of vendors call, wanting to set up booths and tables to sell things, and I'm not allowing any of that."
Another key element of this weekend's conference is that there won't be many statements or theories that presume extraterrestrials are already on Earth, communicating with humans.
"I think before you can get on any fringe side or talk about extraterrestrials, you've got to first prove the existence of craft flying there in the first place," said Senter. "You need to take baby steps at this point. Nothing else seems to have worked. If you can at least acknowledge that something's flying up there that our jets can't keep up with, let's go by what we can prove."
When the money became available to Senter five months ago, he was spurred on by Patty to pursue his dream of creating a serious UFO conference.
"I would support Kent no matter what he did," Patty, 54, told HuffPost. "I see him getting worn down because he devotes 150 percent of his energy into what he's doing, so it wears him out and when the pain really kicks in, I can't take it away from him, and that's what breaks my heart. There are certain things that I just can't do. I'm just so proud of him and couldn't be happier to be his wife -- it's just the best thing that ever happened to me."
To help him organize this conference, which he's paying for out of his own pocket, Senter turned to investigative reporter Leslie Kean, author of the New York Times bestseller "UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On The Record."
"Kent is really unbelievably inspiring with the amount of work he's done, given the odds and the suffering he's going through. He's doing this conference for all the right reasons with a lot of integrity, because he believes in it. It's sort of like his last wish," Kean told The Huffington Post.
Last September, in Santiago, Chile, at the headquarters of the DGAC (Chile's equivalent of America's FAA), Kean was invited to speak before many active military personnel, university scientists, aviation specialists and foreign attaches -- it was the first time an American had ever been invited to address such high-level people in Chile. (See image below showing Kean in the front row, preparing to speak).
France and Chile are among a growing number of countries that have internal, official agencies which investigate UFOs. The CUFOR conference will present Xavier Passot, a computer scientist who is also the head of France's UFO investigative agency, GEIPAN. Joining Passot to share information about what their countries know about UFOs will be his Chilean counterpart, Jose Lay, the international affairs director of Chile's UAP/UFO investigation agency.
"I'm in charge of trying to establish links and communications with other countries that have the same interest we have on the subject of UAP or UFOs," Lay told HuffPost. "I also participate in the federal investigations with a staff of four people, including our director, retired air force Gen. Ricardo Bermudez [and] a retired former air traffic controller."
In the image above, Lay is seen sitting to Kean's left.
When Lay steps to the podium at this week's UFO symposium, it will be his first time ever speaking in the United States. He adds that, according to the latest survey, 85 percent of the Chilean population believes the UFO/UAP phenomenon is real.
"We have enough reasons, enough evidence, to satisfy us of the fact that the phenomenon exists! It is there and worthwhile investigating. And that's why we have a scientific committee, and they are all skeptical. However, as true scientists, they recognize there is something there that deserves to be investigated."
Senter's roster of speakers guarantees serious UFO discussions at his upcoming conference. In fact, he was surprised when such a high caliber group of people agreed to come to his bucket list event.
"I was shocked! It's unbelievable, and I'm thankful. I just wanted to get this group together. It's important that my children know the truth and what's going on. I would love to have an answer by the government that yes, there's something flying around out there, and to at least get pilots to acknowledge what they see.
"I'd like to see this happen before I pass away. I don't want to have been interested in this and researched all these years and just go to my grave with no answers."
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