interview I conducted with John Lear, author of Lear.txt in the files section. Hopefully, this interview will answer some of your questions as well as some of mine.
Brad Langton 02-Feb-88 approx. 1:30AM to 3:30AM
Ok, we're "live" so to speak... you just mentioned that
there were 70 other species in contact with this world... of which 4 others were overt...are they aware of the EBE's?
Yes they are. The types I will mention are listed in a USAF
Academy Physics book called Introductory Space Science Volume 2. I
refer to Chapter 13 about page 8 which lists the ones that are most seen. They are the EBE's the "blondes". (also called the Nordics).
They look just like us but are invariably blonde haired and blue eyed.
Don't know where they come from but they do not interact with us
except for a few abductions now and then.
We also have a species that is similar to us in appearance but
they are about 7 ft tall and the main difference is that their eyes wrap around the head a little more than ours. Another type listed is a small species about 4 ft. tall, very hairy and extremely strong for their size. We don't know where these guys come from either. All
this was in the aforementioned text which was withdrawn by the Air
Force in the early 70's from the book. But there are several people that have the original book. The EBE's are about the only ones where we are pretty sure where they come from and that is Zeta Reticuli 1 ' (and as late as one week ago) that the situation is 'ominous'.
Please understand my pauses... have to consider the next
Ok, meantime looking for the date and issue of Nature.
I recall now, one of my users requested information on the
"Roswell Incident" and if it were in any way tied to any of this?
Yes, the Roswell crash was the first recovered flying saucer
crash in the U.S. Bill Moore located 90 material witnesses to the
crash. It was near Corona, N.M. and a few months ago I interviewed
Mrs. Procter near whose ranch this thing crashed. 4 bodies were
recovered. There is one person still alive at this moment who helped Mac Brazel drag some of the wreckage to the shed. He and Brazel were approached at that time by (I know its hard to believe but the guy is going to come forward soon) an alien who told them both to keep their mouths shut. He is the last guy alive that was directly connected
with that retrieval.
Are you saying that the others involved were murdered?
No. No. They have just passed away. That was a long time
ago. The last guy to die was Maj. Jesse Marcel, The intelligence
officer at Roswell who went out and helped pick up the wreckage.
Before he died a few years ago he went public with his account which was that the crash was not a balloon or a radar reflector or an
airplane. He didn't state what it was, but said it was not of this
earth. I have a transcript of the cassette tape of his memories of
picking up the wreckage, its only a page long if you would like me to send that.
Of course, any information you have will be helpful... What
of yourself, why are you coming forward now, particularly placing the spotlight on yourself... aren't you concerned that there may be some sort of repercussions from the government regarding the stir this is and will continue to cause?
Hopefully the spotlight will be on the information and not on
myself. No there is not too much worry because, well let me say that
5 years ago I wouldn't have gotten away with this but things are so screwed up now that one voice talking to...what 50? 100? people
can't make any possible difference. Also if something was going to
happen it would have happened a few weeks ago. I wrote Dr. Lew Allen, Director of JPL and MJ-12 member that I was going to do a story on his participation in MJ-12 particularly because JPL employed 8000 people in the Southern California area. I also enclosed a copy of my
hypothesis and told him it was on ParaNet and CompuServe. Dr. Allen has a reputation of responding to all mail in a very prompt manner.
But me? I didn't hear anything. Not even a "John Lear you must be
crazy." He wrote a letter to Max Fiebleman of Los Angeles on the 18th of December. Max had sent him a copy of the Hudson Valley video and asked Dr. Allen to look at it. Dr. Allen responded that he had taken a quick glance but did not have the time for anything more and on the basis of what he saw determined that it was a blimp. He also wished Max a Merry Christmas. Now......this is one of the worlds greatest
scientists? Not interested in that Hudson Valley video tape?
Gimme a break.
There are certainly a lot of inconsistencies seemingly from
everywhere on this issue. As you know, Jim Speiser and ParaNet are
often published in some form, usually a quote from Jim, in the major UFOlogy magazines... I would suspect that this matter will be reaching a lot more people than just those of us here in the BBS community.
What of the future...can we expect more information, hard or soft
evidence that will help align the apparent inconsistencies or at best, give a more cohesive picture of some of the answers to questions that your original release has raised?
I would be very surprised if some kind of statement from the
government is not forthcoming within the year, more probably within 6 months possibly much sooner... That's about all I can speculate from the information I am getting.
Well, you can be assured that we will be continuing to watch
these developments should they occur. Last year there was a similar promise of major information by year's end... you got in just under the wire but the other information was not this information, at least not necessarily as coming from you. Time is running short for me here and I want to thank you for incurring the phone bill for this
interview but I think it is important that we try to get as many
answers on this as possible. Do you have any closing statements that you would like to make at this time?
Just to thank you for your time and I will be sending you the
aforementioned documents etc.
Thank you very much John, your participation will no doubt
add a level of credibility to your desire to spare little expense in helping us find the truth about all this.
Thanks again, and talk to you later.
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