Friday, January 2, 2015

Exactly What Are Ufos

Exactly What Are Ufos
An age old question that has long begged for a real answer. Are they the vehicles of aliens from another universe, or not? Perhaps it's best to first examine what UFOs are not. If you blindly accept that UFOs are the product of Hollywood, then how would you explain all the reported sightings in newspapers across the country dating back to the late 1800s? The fascination with alien ships in the sky precedes box office hits and TV programming. In fact, it is older than the Bible. They are often attributed to weather balloons, but the bizarre shapes of UFOs and weather balloons just doesn't make much sense. What about the swamp gas theory? The earliest sightings of UFOs took place in the dry climate of Texas and plains of North Dakota. Not many swamps in those parts. Fast forward to the 1940s when these strange things in the sky really get some heat with the Roswell incident. Here is where the debunking of aliens and unidentified flying objects really begins. Yes, strange beings crashed to Earth in a ship not of this world. It was reported in the newspaper. There was a witness. A witness who had pieces of the aircraft - a material unknown to this world. It only took the military about 24 hours to assess the situation, confiscate the evidence and get a retraction of the initial report compiled and published. Much ado about nothing, wouldn't you say? It also marks the beginning of incessant patrolling of the perimeter of a huge piece of wasteland now known as Area 51. If nothing happened and this UFO crash was just the delusional claims of some uneducated farmer, then why are tax dollars being used to keep everyone but 'authorized personnel' to get a glimpse of the site for over seven decades? UFOs are constructed and powered with engineering unknown to any aeronautic program in the world. They can enter airspace in an instant and blink right back out again. They register on radar screens only while they are visible. They make no noise, yet they travel at speeds that defy aircraft built on Earth. They can hover like a helicopter. They operate without wings, propellers or tails. And, yes, they have landed with witnesses observing alien beings emerging. Some say that UFOs are just super stealth weapons used in top secret stealth missions of global military powers. Do you suppose that this new era of aircraft was built from ideas the designers and engineers gleaned from Hollywood movies? Where did this technology come from? Progress is only possible with knowledge. If you could make fast strides at bettering yourself without knowledge, the Dark Ages would have been far different and modern convenience wouldn't be so modern. You need knowledge to make new discoveries, to invent or even just improve things. If UFOs do not exist and aliens did not crash land at Roswell, then why would military crafts be designed to look like them? This mimicking the aliens' model of aircraft really should bring a myriad of questions to mind. So, these are based on delusions and whatever is found inside glowing clouds of swamp gas, weather balloons and atmospheric reflections? Some believe that this is all part of the debunking strategy. That by copying the incredible handiwork of alien engineers, it becomes easier to show the public that these are nothing but protective forces at work. This is really strange, don't you think? TRUTH IS MUCH STRANGER THAN FICTION. In June of 2012, a saucer craft being trucked along the D.C. Beltway was mistakenly identified as a UFO by the public. Before you say, well of course, the meme is eager to jump on a sighting, read this quote from the story by Fox News: "It's an experimental, unmanned aircraft called an X-47B, according to Northop Grumman spokesman Brooks McKinney. The company spokesman said the saucer-like shape of the aircraft is a deliberate effort to make it harder to detect. "[IT'S] A SHAPE THAT MINIMIZES ITS REFECTION OF POTENTIAL ENEMY RADAR SIGNALS," said McKinney, who also pointed out that the aircraft has no tail." "Image credit: "Fox News, Washington D.C. There you have it. Stealth seems to have something to do with shape, but alien craft are seen on radar. UFOs do not remain unseen when they are in our atmosphere. I don't know about you, but it's very troublesome that our safety is based on 'delusions.' If you had access to the SUPER SECRET INFO we have available, you'd know exactly what UFOs are and have far better insight on aliens too. In UFOs Disclosed we reveal private information that has to be kept out of public domain.
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