Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Orbs And Objects In Oregon

Orbs And Objects In Oregon
A big thank you to Cindy PDX who sent me the links to this story out of Albany, Oregon. A couple saw two "bullet shaped" UFOs that separated, and an orange orb appear very close to their property that gave off sparks.Sounds similar in many ways to what I saw here in Oregon many years ago, though it didn't give off sparks.

A few people in this area have also seen things like this through the years. And a source I have has told me the that the Camp Creek area in the Springfield region (the town over from Eugene) has a history of orange orbs. Sali Sheppard-Wolford, author of Valley of the Skookum, writes of orange orbs in Oregon and Washington.

What's as interesting to me as the story are some of the comments left by readers. Some readers have had similar experiences through the years. Yet others find the story not real news and pointless.

Referring to NUFORC's suggestion to the witness to contact the media about the sighting, a poster calling himself "What" comments:

"And obviously she followed up on the suggestion to contact the media. D-H, is this really newsworthy?"

Well, yes, it is "newsworthy" -- strange objects, orbs emitting sparks on your property. The question isn't if it's newsworthy -- it's: "Why do you think it isn't?"

Another poster going by "ChadT" remarks:

"Come on Democrat Herald.. front page news? You could not find a better story than this? Do a story on a local teacher going out of their way to influence our kids.. or a local war hero.. or why the most unemployed county in the state fights big employers that might be coming here.. jeez "

I don't get this type of "logic." If I write about scrambled eggs, does that mean I don't care about war, poverty, children's issues, or if Sonny and Carly are going to get back together on General Hospital?

Okay, not the best example. But this kind of ho hum, why are you boring us routine from those who don't even bother to debunk or scoff; they respond with a big yawn and ignore the weird lights and orbs over their heads... I don't get it.

I find this reaction -- or non-reaction-- particularly odd in these post 9/11 days. Homeland Security, terror alerts and scales; if there are weird things flying over your property, wouldn't you be concerned? Interested, at least? The conclusion these UFOs are ET is an assumption, and some may go there right away, but not everyone, including me. Man made, military, or even, if it turns out, a hoax or someone's remote controlled toy. Fine. Until one knows however, to display such indifference borders on the pathological.

Cindy has seen her own orange orb UFO, and she has very kindly given me permission to use that information for a future UFO Magazine article on Oregon's Orange Orbs.
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