I guess if you haven't been abducted by aliens, or been transported into other dimensions yourself, it's practically impossible to believe that such things have happened to others. There is however a mass of evidence for alien abduction being a real phenomenon.
If this is all a hoax, how do they script write all this wide-ranging material, and how do they find actors who have yet to be exposed as such? It feels as if the speakers believe intensely in what they are saying. I can only get to about one quarter way to following what they are saying. Is there anyone reading who claims to have been transported out of normal reality, who can add to these discussions?
Jesus is positioned, with complete certainty, as being the same guy as King Arthur. George Kassavilas claims to have been regularly abducted by aliens throughout his childhood, and his personal life ruined by the experience, as his wife couldn't come to terms with what was happening to him. He describes the removal of DNA from his lower spine as being by far the most pain he has ever experienced. He describes the total humiliation of being ostracised as crazy when he spoke out about what had happened to him. And that's just the beginning of his incredible claims.
I refuse to reject this out of hand as many readers want to do. Yet I find it very hard to believe, or even to understand. I try to remember that there are many people in our local area in the UK, who believe they've seen UFOs and encountered alien life-forms. They meet every month and relate their experiences to each other. When I'm next in the UK, I want to attend one of these meetings and meet those who claim these fantastical experiences face to face. Farmers report large numbers of mutilated cattle. A UFO crashed a few years ago in the mountains nearby, and farmers saw the craft come down. I can't make this go away, much as natural scepticism would require.
Politically the world to come sounds remarkably totalitarian. Are these folks preparing us for the New World Order? They don't mention much about earthly power structures, other than there being a matrix. There seems no determination to overthrow it. They seem to think the power matrix will be overthrown by the coming astronomical events doing the job for us. Wishful thinking? It feels like it to me.
George talks of the shadow government. They want you to think all earthquakes are caused by HAARP, he says. They don't want you to realise that Mother Earth is the one going through changes to her body. They want you to believe their power over the earth is total. It isn't. Many of the earthquakes are real polar shifting events.
KERRY CASSIDY ventures - some stargates are opening while some are closing, heightening the power struggles going on.
THE TAP BLOG is a collective of like-minded researchers and writers who've joined forces to distribute information and voice opinions avoided by the world's media.
Reference: chupacabra-digest.blogspot.com