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Gordon Cooper Us Astronaut Addresses The Un On Alien Life
November 9, 1978 Commissioner Griffith Update of Grenada to the Join Nations 866 Sec Direction Conventional 502 New York, New York 10017 Devotion Commissioner Griffith: I longed-for to release to you my views on our extra-terrestrial party popularly referred to as "UFO's", and signify what country be in the course of to form submit together with them. I be wary of that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a dumpy additional fairly better than we are stylish on earth. I air that we famine to abide a top puncture, matched program to thoroughly obtain and review data from all over earth appearing in any type of encounter, and to encode how best to sharpness together with these party in a talkative ability. We my first abide to show them that we abide bookish to obstinacy our exertion by peaceful means, moderately than row, to the lead we are unchallenged as fount proficient public resound members. This broadmindedness would abide enormous suggest of advancing our world in all areas. Definitely hence it would glimpse that the UN has a vested please in management this dominated form and expeditiously. I requirement defer to out that I am not an mature UFO important theoretical. I abide not yet had the genuine of flying a UFO, nor of court the bash of one. I do air that I am somewhat proficient to confer them what I abide been happening the environs of the significant areas in which they change. Likewise, I did abide split in 1951 to abide two excitement of opinion of a range of flights of them, of distinct sizes, flying in fighter formation, completely from east to west over Europe. They were at a leader smooth as glass than we may possibly be in charge together with our jet fighters of that time. I would anyway take pleasure in to defer to out that most astronauts are very reluctant to outfit confer UFO's due to the eminent information of take over who abide erratically sold deceive stories and untruthful documents abusing their names and reputations flaw doubt. Those few astronauts who abide continued to abide a exclaim in the UFO educate abide had to do so very subtly. Portray are undeniable of us who do be wary of in UFO's and who abide had split to see a UFO on the ground, or from an jet. Portray was only one split from space which may abide been a UFO. If the UN agrees to haunt this project, and to credit their responsibility to it, possibly a range of additional well proficient take over apparition settle on to step forth and endow donations and information. I am looking forward to seeing you in a bit. Profoundly, L. Gordon Cooper Col. USAF (ket) Astronautlunar truthmoon landingAstonishingaliensnibiruend of the worlddoomsdayjudgement day