Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fttv Reviews Castle 5 20 The Fast And The Furriest

Fttv Reviews Castle 5 20 The Fast And The Furriest
ABC's "Castle" returned last night after a two week hiatus with a brand new episode and a new suspect for Castle to add to his many absurd, but cute, theories. All "Castle" fans know that Castle (Nathan Fillion) is the master of ridiculous theories, from aliens to ninja assassins to ghosts. But could this theory be true? Is bigfoot our murderer?I'm with Beckett (Stana Katic) on this one when I say absolutely not. Someone plants evidence to make it seem like the victim was killed by a hairy beast. Our vic, Anne Cardinal, works at a primate sanctuary, but she dabbles in bigfoot research. And apparently she's very good at it.Anne was found in an alley barely breathing, obviously attacked by someone, or something, when a passerby literally threw her out of a car at the hospital where she later died. The passerby had a wrap sheet and didn't want to get involved, thus only making himself look more guilty, but after interrogation he's cleared.Esposito and Beckett are certain that the bigfoot theory has nothing to do with the case; that it's just a hoax to through them off the right trail, but Det. Ryan and Castle have other ideas. They uncovered Anne's phone records; the last person she spoke with is world renown scientist, Dr. Meeks. Still think bigfoot has nothing to do with this?Dr. Meeks says that Anne consulted with him and he believes that she had indeed found bigfoot, but was keeping it to herself. So next stop, Anne's work.Anne's boss at the primate facility tells Beckett and Castle he saw her arguing with a guy the day she was killed. Is that our killer? Not likely. That guy turns out to be Chase Diggins, a big game hunter. Like Ryan says, "kind of like Crocodile Dundee meets Indiana Jones meets Ted Nugent."Chase was following Anne because he too thought she found the elusive bigfoot, but turns out she was faking...sort of. Chase caught Anne in the act of creating fake bigfoot foot prints, but only to throw off the other bigfoot researchers. Well, that's what he thought.After all that, still no credible suspect? And don't say bigfoot.We soon learn that Anne's former roommate, Justine, was murdered and her boyfriend was the No. 1 suspect, but he disappeared. Was the boyfriend back to finish off Anne? Did Anne know too much? All questions our gang was asking, but again all the wrong questions.The boyfriend and Anne were working together to find the roommate's killer and Anne suggested the boyfriend hide out in the woods until she could clear his name. And just that they did.Both Anne and Justine's killer turned out to be Anne's boss, who was also Justine's faculty adviser at college. He was stalking and sexual harassing Justine and just before she was going to report him, he killed her. With all the attention on the boyfriend, no one suspected the boss, until Anne came along. When she went into the woods he followed her and killed her with a club, then moved the body to throw off suspicion. I think many people thought going in this was just a filler episode, but I think it turned out to be much more. It was a solid, funny "Castle" episode with a lot of heart. We learned a little more about Beckett and about what she believes in. She may not believe in bigfoot, zombies or ghosts, but Kate Beckett believes in something. "There is one inexplicable, mysterious phenomenon that I do believe in still... us."Next week is the much anticipated episode "Still" in which Beckett walks onto a pressure sensitive bomb and must stand completely still while law enforcement quickly works to defuse it. All the while Castle picks a fight with her about who fell for who first. Check out the promo for "Still":Will Kate say those three magic words? Does it matter at this point? Doesn't it look like a doozy? Last, but certainly not least. Congrats on the three-peat "Castle" fans! You voted Castle and Beckett as favorite couple in TV Guide's Fan Favorite Awards.What did you think of "The Fast and the Furriest?" Was it too much "Harry and the Hendersons" and not enough Caskett? Drop us a line below and be sure to follow us on twitter @FilmThrasher and @"

Reference: aliens-are-friends.blogspot.com
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