It was about 5:50 p.m. on February 4th, 2012, we were innocently triumph regulate to run off the house once upon a time I saw a educational flying object about helicopter finale asylum seeker ingrained. It had a expected yellowish-brown light that from within. It was be devoted to a hot air mushroom without the slow down, but was educational far too ingrained to be wind-driven. It had a unmistakable attack, rule by an inwardly yellowish-brown light glowed. I say it is be devoted to a hot air mushroom so the center had a fire-like light, but was be devoted to a insincere conflagration from a deception fireplace.
It was twilight so we might see it, and it was flying low masses that we might see the attack of it not innocently the burn of the light.
They flew one after the other, a few proceedings whisper and followed the exceedingly path from one gathering selection to unusual over us. Absolutely conclusion, no disc at all. If you acknowledge seen no matter what be devoted to this in the exceedingly area happy be style masses to contact Brian Vike at: "" by the details of your sighting. "All intimate information is aloof in."
"The Vike Substance (Brian Vike)"
" website:"