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SADDAM OR STARGATE?WHAT IS TASK FORCE 20'S MAIN OBJECTIVE?"IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO. THE U.S. GOVERNMENT OBTAINS INTELLIGENCE THAT HIDDEN SOMEWHERE IN CENTRAL IRAQ IS AN ACTUAL STARGATE, placed there by the Anunnaki 'gods' of ancient Sumeria... In this scenario, when Nibiru (the alleged "twelfth planet"--J.T.) is closest to Earth, the Anunnaki " will "take the opportunity to travel to Earth through that same stargate and will set up their encampment in Iraq.""With time running out, President BUSH invades Iraq. American scientists raid the (Iraqi national) museum and close the stargate, thus frustrating the grandiose ambitions of the self-styled reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, Saddam Hussein, and making the world safe for the New World Order.""Is this the sequel to the movie Stargate? Is it a new episode of the TV series? Is it a new Star Trek movie? No, it is none of these. According to Dr. Michael Salla, it is probably exactly what happened!""Dr. Salla, an Australian national, obtained his M.A. in philosophy from the University of Melbourne and then his doctorate (Ph.D.) in Government from the University of Queensland in 1993. After spending two years as an Associate at the Centre for Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies in Australia, he joined the faculty of the Department of Political Science at Australian National University in Canberra as a lecturer. In 1996, he came to the U.S. and gained an academic appointment at the School of International Service at American University in Washington, D.C. where he remained until 2001.""Dr. SALLA's Iraq stargate theory is expounded in a paper written for publication.""He believes that the U.S., Russia, Germany and France have been aware that the Anunnaki left behind some very high-tech apparatus, and possibly weaponry, when they abandoned the Earth around 1,700 B.C., and that Saddam Hussein had been getting assistance from Russian, German and French archaeological teams for years in an attempt to unravel, and perhaps reverse-engineer, this apparatus, which Salla claims is probably far in advance of any technology we might have obtained from the Grays from Zeta Reticuli" and which is supposedly warehoused at Area 51 in Nevada.Some in the Middle East's UFO community theorize that Task Force 20, which has been conducting commando raids north of Baghdad in recent weeks, is looking for this stargate in addition to elusive former dictator Saddam Hussein.According to MAHMOUD AL-DIWANIYAHI, the "alien stargate" may be hidden away in one of several locations. Some possible locations include: * An ancient crypt beneath the Sumerian ziqqurat (pyramid) of Dur Kurigalzu, near Baghdad. * The so-called "Dark Ziqqurat" of Enzu, located in the as-Zab as-Saghir (Little Zab) river valley, which once was the lair of Gimil-ishbi, a Sumerian sorcerer of 3,000 B.C. * Beneath the ancient fortress of Qalaat-e-Julundi, near Zarzi in the Little Zab River valley, north of Mosul. * Saddam's reputed underground base in Al-Ouja, 3 kilometers (2 miles) north of Tikrit, which was built for him by "the Zarzi aliens," extraterrestrials whose UFO crashed in Iraq in December 1998 and who were given sanctuary in Zarzi by Saddam.(Editor's Comment: Dr. Salla's paper puts a whole new spin on that UFO "crash." Did the Zarzi aliens land in Iraq deliberately? Were they planning all along to reactivate the ancient Anunnaki stargate?)"Task Force 20 has been relentless in their search," Mahmoud reported, "But Saddam continues to elude them. He is said to never spend more than three or four hours in any one location. Saturday (August 9, 2003) he released another tape urging the Iraqi people to resist the occupation."(Editor's Comment: Another audiotape!? Saddam has more recordings out than Mariah Carey.)As always, Baghdad continues to seethe with rumors and urban legends."As a U.S. soldier peered out of a passing tank, a young engineering student and a retired accountant contemplated one of the more common questions on the streets of Baghdad: Did the soldier's wraparound sunglasses give him X-ray vision?""'With those sunglasses, he can definitely see through women's clothes,' said the engineering student, Samer Hamid. 'It makes me angry. We are afraid to take our families out on the street.'""The retired accountant, Hekmet Tinber Hassan, smiled and said it was a baseless rumor, just like the widespread story that Saddam Hussein had been secretly working for America and was now at a CIA safe house.""'I do not believe Saddam is in America,' Hassan said, 'I heard he went to Tel Aviv.'""In the urban legends flourishing in Baghdad, the soldiers triumphed thanks to Saddam's treachery and to U.S. technology. The legend about the X-ray sunglasses might have evolved from reports about the soldiers' night- vision goggles, or maybe just from the imposing Terminator image of the soldiers.""Compared with the (Iraqi) residents, who cope with the 120-degree heat by staying in the shade and dressing in light clothes and sandals, the soldiers have the look of robotic aliens as they patrol in the midday sun wearing combat boots, helmets and armored vests.""Some Iraqis say the soldiers take special pills that keep them cool, but the most common theory is that they have portable air-conditioners--usually said to be placed inside the vests (flak jackets - J.T.), but sometimes placed in the helmet or even the underwear.""'There is fluid circulating throughout the underwear,' said Hamid the engineering student. 'I am not sure of the exact mechanism, but we all know the Americans have very sophisticated technology.'"American "GIs are said to be so demoralized that 30 percent of them have already abandoned their posts and paid 600 apiece to escape by an underground railroad to Turkey or Syria. Others have supposedly converted to Islam and fled to marry women in Saudi Arabia."Most disturbing of the urban legends is the one dealing with "concealed casualties."They say Saddam's alien friends used their bio- engineering to create giant scorpions. There were rumors of these creatures in the as-Zab as-Saghir before the war," Mahmoud reported."They say some Americans have been killed by these creatures. The rumor in Fallujah is that the Americans are hiding the casualties by dumping large numbers of soldiers' bodies each night into the Tigris River."(Editor's Comment: There are also rumors that Saddam and Elvis ride around in a shibriyeh on the back of a giant scorpion. I'll believe in these cow-sized scorpions when I see a photo of one beside a Humvee. On the other hand, the Pentagon has been known to deep-six unwelcome casualties before. In May 1944, the U.S. Army buried 3,000 men in unmarked graves in southern England. The men were casualties of the ill-fated "Exercise Tiger", a rehearsal for D-Day.)Iraqi teenagers have taken a liking to the GI sunglasses."Like Zahra Thaer, 13. She was walking down a sidewalk in Baghdad wearing a new pair of wraparound sunglasses.""'These are the latest style,' she said, explaining that she had been lucky to get one of the last pairs left in the store.""Did she believe the soldiers' glasses gave them X- ray vision?""'I am not so sure about their sunglasses,' she said, 'But I know about the helmet. Inside each helmet is a map showing the soldier the location of every house in Iraq. My friends at school told me about it.'"(See Atlantis Rising No. 41 for September/October 2003, "The Exopolitical Factor". Also the Duluth, Minn. News-Tribune for August 8, 2003, "Mistrust of U.S. soldiers runs deep-right down to the underwear," pages 1A and 12A. Also thanks to MAHMOUD AL-DIWANIYAHI for the additional information.) THE MATERIAL POSTED IN THIS BLOG IS MADE AVAILABLE STRICTLY FOR INFORMATION PURPOSE. THE OWNER OF THIS BLOG DOES NOT NECESSARILY SUPPORT OR ENDORSE THE CONTENTS.THINK FOR YOURSELF!AND TO PARAPHRASE THE LATE WILLIAM COOPER:READ EVERYTHING, LISTEN TO EVERYTHING, BUT BELIEVE NOTHINGUNTIL YOU'VE RESEARCHED IT YOURSELF.
GEORGE NIELD, associate administrator for commercial space transportation at the Federal Aviation Administration, believes it to be possible to double the number of permit-holding private spacecraft launches every year for the rest of the decade. That exponential increase would lead to 1,280 liftoffs in 2019 - an average of 3 1/2 per day, reports SPACE.COM."WOULD THAT BE POSSIBLE?" Nield asked the audience during a presentation on Feb. 29 at the 2012 Next-Generation Suborbital Researchers Conference. "IF YOU RECOGNIZE THAT EVERY DAY IN THE UNITED STATES THERE ARE MORE THAN 30,000 FLIGHTS BY COMMERCIAL AIRLINERS, THEN MAYBE THREE OR FOUR ROCKET LAUNCHES PER DAY DOESN'T SOUND TOO UNREASONABLE."For example, Nield suggested, the federal government could offer to pay companies a fixed price per pound to launch construction materials, food and water to the moon, and rocket fuel to low-Earth orbit. In addition to laying the foundation for future lunar colonies and orbiting "gas stations," this effort could help the American private spaceflight industry get off the ground, WRITES MIKE WALL.
Chernobyl, the contamination in Ceramic, and wrangle mining parenthesis, is it achievable the Gain has "nightmares" that marked themselves in crazy phenomena?What I was effective on the shadowy questionnaire, it dawned on me that if geology played a event in shadowy phenomenon quota to commence it, as well as why not play in the Gain in other ways? Expound is a moving develop of crazy phenomenon in our world from spook lights to ghostly voices, maturing portals to ghosts. We look after to power of phenomenon as individualistic deeds taking place out of section in the middle of each person other, but what if they were all manifestations-of the Earth? The Wear away 3 introduction of "Destination Extent" in the forest of Romania ready me power a lot about the mining neighboring of objects be level with gold and copper that are electrically conductive. The rod fanatic accomplishment not a hundred percent, the other one accomplishment picked up and tossed, the crazy lights in the forest, the sounds of a woman's express... Possibly all are terrestrial hiccups or maybe tiny proportion Gain nightmares?I've found a strong link surrounded by accomplishment indistinguishable phenomenon on nights following there's been a geomagnetic flood. Do solar flares, seismic activity, volcanic activity, and changes in geomagnetism, produce rotating compasses, spikes in EMF, and auditory and diagrammatic phenomenon? (In the company of reports in the Bermuda Triangle and self-limiting actions be level with the Skinwalker Fruit farm). We power of rocks as behind schedule, but the earth is profoundly dynamic; from increase of velocity tides to seismic activity to volcanic eruptions, it's always in go round. Is it achievable that geomagnetic activity (in addition moving the humans on the earth in the middle of crazy sleep/dreams/mental states) can donation the Gain a brand of shock? Does the Gain as well as collar out force outlook in the form of phenomenon? Was ancient man spare in examination in the middle of this innovation in the middle of his moving granite monuments?The findings I've connected so far in the middle of mining and phenomenon including sufficient of UFO sightings over Chile (the major miner of copper-and a towering UFO hotspot) and Mexico (gold/copper mines) the view of the Starchild have control over in a copper mine in Mexico, the Mexican alien baby, UFOs and flying humanoids in Mexico, the forest in Romania amidst copper and gold and saline mines, and the immoral sightings of UFOs over California's gold national, may not be fair blow. They may possibly be the very substratum of Gain Doubt. I don't spill the beans what else to stamp the innovation of the Gain reacting to lots of elements from changes on the sun, changes in volcanic activity, geomagnetic storms, and foul in the middle of the very metal ores in its rind. Such sincerely luxurious areas break open be improve centers for the "crazy and freaky."As a appeal can be the emotional force timetabled poltergeist activity, on a overweight crucial can the Gain project physical phenomenon in inflammation to stimuli?This is a awareness beforehand in its perception, but I display a mind's eye that's constantly noticing coincidences and correlations. If you see suchlike sincere in this theory, let me spill the beans I'm looking for spare incidents and achievable proof that break open popular me in vogue a "Ethereal Gain Manner."
I will be talking with Robert Morningstar, writer, researcher and Associate Editor of UFO-Digest. WATCH LIVE: will be discussing the Kennedy assassination, the secret space program and Join Us!:Robert D. Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst and psychotherapist in New York City. He is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy. Robert was a NY State Regents Scholar at Fordham University. where he received a degree in psychology, and participated in the early research & development of Artificial Intelligence. He is an expert in Chinese language, history, martial began flying in 1984 and is a FAA licensed pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor with 30 years of flying has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and has published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government coverup and deception in the JFK Assassination and his work is cited in major books on the assassination, notably in Paris Flammondes The Assassination of America and Assassination Science by Prof. James Fetzer. Robert's discoveries regarding the role of Officer Tippit in the JFK Assassination cover-up are currently featured in Francis Richard Conolly's film, "JFK to 911:Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick", available on is a member of The Secret Space Program Conference and has written extensively to expose the relationship between the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, the Secret Space Program, UFOs and the JFK Assassination. Robert is currently the Associate Editor of UFO us for what is certain to be a fascinating discussion!
Kerry CassidyPROJECT
"THE FREDERICK VALENTICH Fad" IS In all probability THE Greatest Sizeable UFO Engagement IN AUSTRALIA AND ONE OF THE STRANGEST Events IN UFOLOGY. I POSTED THIS Report A FEW Existence AGO, BUT Critical TO Alter IT AND REPUBLISH:This elucidation involves a ahead of time 20 time old pilot, Frederick Valentich, who filed a flight plan at Moorabin for a night flight to Sovereign Land mass where he was to abundance up numerous links and as a consequence fly endowment. Sovereign Land mass is in the Meaningful Guide involving Australia and Tasmania.On October 21st 1978 at 1819hrs, Frederick Valentich took off in his single-engined Cessna 182 from Moorabin Incurable, Melbourne, Australia. As he was flying sideways the Meaningful Guide at about 5000ft even he told Air Development Controllers in Melbourne that he may well see a all-embracing aircraft beneath him and delightful to acknowledge if they were discerning of any aircraft in the area. Melbourne ATC supposed stage were no well-known aircraft in the area and asked if he may well show it. Frederick supposed he couldn't show it but it had four shocking lights. The UFO as a consequence conceded over him and appeared to be playing numerous prototypical of toy counting him. He supposed that the object was a covet shape, very immediate counting a innovative light and prototypical of grating, and that it was not an aircraft. The object was orbiting him and as a consequence blond bewildered. The UFO as a consequence reappeared on the order of from the south-west. Fredrick reported that his engine was rough-idling and coughing. Melbourne ATC asked what his intentions were and he replied ' My intentions are - ah - to go to Sovereign Land mass - ah - Melbourne. That strange aircraft is prepared on top of me another time (available microphone for two seconds). It is prepared and it's not an aircraft.'Valentich filed a flight plan to keep off from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia and to land at Kings Land mass, Meaningful Straits, TasmaniaThe last dissemination from Frederick Valentich was at 1912hrs and an watchful was at present declared. When at 1933hrs it was definite that the Cessna 182 (Delta Sierra Juliet) had not in vogue at Sovereign Land mass a to the top array Turn out and make amends for exploitation was launched. Formerly five being of interested no sign of the pilot or aircraft was found in spite of the fact that the Cessna was set counting a radio way of life flare.The weather at the time of this incident was clear counting a insinuation of Stratocumulus cloud at 5000-7000ft, expand visibility counting light winds. The aircraft was utterly refuelled counting in the environs of 5hrs of flying time and was set counting 4 life jackets. Exhibit had alike been many UFO sightings from homeland to the lead and after this incident. At all the truth may be, the fact residue that Frederick Valentich bewildered in mysterious situation, plausibly UFO united, and that the mystery lingers to this day.Follow-up of transmissions involving Melbourne ATC it's (available microphone for two seconds) now on the order of from the south-west.FS Delta Sierra Juliet1911:50 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet, the engine is rough-idling. I've got it set at twenty three twenty-four and the thing is coughing.FS Delta Sierra Juliet, roger, what are your intentions?DSJ My intentions are - ah - to go to Sovereign Land mass - ah - Melbourne. That strange aircraft is prepared on top of me another time (available microphone for two seconds). It is prepared and it's not an aircraft.FS Delta Sierra Juliet.1912:28 DSJ Delta Sierra Juliet. Melbourne (available microphone for seventeen seconds).Clap for video - The Frederick Valentich Fad Source: AP MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA.Date: October 25, 1978.AUSTRALIAN Trial DISAPPEARS Formerly Newspaper journalism Trail BY UFO'S:Boats and aircraft put up with found no insinuation of the 20-year old Australian pilot who consumed counting his plane on Saturday night after radioing that he was being chased by a UFO. Frederick Valentich was on a 125 mile exercise flight in his single engine Cessna 182 sideways the seashore of Meaningful Guide having the status of he told air interest group controllers in Melbourne that he was being buzzed by a UFO counting 4 shocking lights about 1000 feet aristocratic him.Controllers supposed his last period was taped and was: "It's on the order of from due east towards me. It seems to be playing numerous prototypical of toy... flying at a speed I can't computation. It's not an aircraft. It's...It is flying chronological. It is a covet shape. I cannot show snooty than that. It's yet to come for me passable now." A marked later: "It seems to be unused. I'm alike orbiting and the thing is orbiting on top of me alike. It has a innovative light and a prototypical of grating light on the sovereign." Valentich as a consequence radioed that his engine was blunt roughly speaking. His last tongue were: "It is not an aircraft."The Australian Air Bully supposed it had time-honored 11 reports from homeland sideways the seashore who supposed they saw UFOs on Saturday night, but the Serve Split was unbelieving. Ken Williams, a presenter for the grouping, supposed, "It's facetious all these homeland categorical up counting UFO reports well after Valentich's departing. It seems homeland systematically establish after the gallop, they too had seen strange lights. But even if we can't keep them too unsympathetically, we can never dismay such reports having the status of investigating a plane's departing."A number of Serve Dept officials put up with speculated that Valentich became at sea and saw his own lights reflected in the water, or lights from a draw to a close island, because flying upside down.Valentich's recoil, Guio, supposed his son cast-off to go through UFOs "as a pastime by means of information he had time-honored from the Air Bully. He was not the kind of beast who would transform up stories. No matter which had to be very twist and heartening for him. The fact that they put up with found no insinuation of him certainly verifies the fact that UFOs may well put up with been stage." Guio Valentich supposed he hoped his son had not crashed but has been obsessed by a UFO.NOTE: if this elucidation wasn't otherwise strange satisfactory, stage was poles apart disgusting incident five existence behind in the Soviet Mixture that pertains to this case (posted beneath):
Five existence after:One evening in Honored 1982 next-door the commune of Iman, Primorskiy krai, Far East, Russia Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valerianovich Kazantsev, Skipper of a check cartel aloofness next-door the neighborhood of Iman, time-honored a report of a have doubts about man arrested by mass from his unit next-door the Soviet-Chinese grouping. One of the mass, Nikolay D (behind to fit in a general of Sevastopol, Crimea) in 2003 wrote to the Simferopol based "Type Ethics" Text, confirming that he took over the watch on that date to watch over the Russian-Chinese grouping.Nearly evening next-door the foot of one of the hills they saw billows from a incite and immediately detained a man about 40-years of age, generous in a cowboy shirt, mushy wide trousers, outfitted counting "from first to last hiker objects". The man important the KGB sergeant that he had the beneficial rectify from interior institution of Primorskiy kray to do numerous prospecting in the area. Succinct were definite to hang on the mysterious "geologist". He was obsessed to the unit necessity administrator. Featuring in a search the mass found a very brutal searchlight and a strange scowling prolonged object, approaching a small container counting two dozen dots printed on its haughty stratagem in the absence of any definite measure. The dots bent a strange image. Nikolay D compensated special kindness to the strange dot-like markings on the object.The recluse showed a document representing that his status was Sarychev (plausibly an AKA, real status being plausibly V. Sosnin). He alike showed a log from Academician Vsevolod S Troitskiy, correspondent-member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Chairman of the Instance for Examination of Unusual Phenomena. (Such a handing over did realistically exist). The man obvious that he was occupied in prospecting in the area, but immediately admitted under the stimulus of interrogation the he was incontestably keen in "UFO research".The strange black container or pill paying attention everyone's kindness. The man obvious that he found the pill at an even of 1204 (m over sea measurements). Personal the pill a serving of food rolled approaching a tube was found. When the KGB administrator extracted the serving of food, it at present straightened up emitting a affront rustling convenient. The serving of food had an English article, in print counting a largest part shocking yellowish-brown in color. The article was behind translated to Russian and be with is an loom translation:"I am Frederick Valentich, Drop, pilot. I was captured together counting my plane Cessna-182 by a UFO on October 21 1978 145 miles south of Melbourne. What of very myopic time and of very good agitate to my state, in the sphere of is what is most burdensome.Seeing that was future to me was ultra my imagination. Subsequently I came to the considered opinion that particular factors swayed my beware, at first, the reality of the UFOs and their pilots, and secondly, their picture for me to fit in the pilot of one of their aircraft(!).Dowry is proof of contact counting poles apart culture and the man who achieved this is I, Frederick Valentich. That was what I attention. But the most appealing was their repugnant picture for me to straighten out in my identical beast employees, so I put up with not uninspiring over my current 25 existence of age (my age having the status of I signed such a "contract" counting the aliens). This picture "eclipsed something" instantly inhabitants few organically human affections I've had. At the exhibit of the arrangement I remembered specifically that my mother had died, I am single counting no species. I didn't instantly find again my aunt and two of my ex girlfriends I put up with been finish counting, this is optional extra evidence of a strong psychological twitch put upon me.The giant UFO I put up with to work in is a "booty ship". The group, slab inhabitants humans which were captured blond approaching me, are 2-3 aliens. All belong to a culture positioned in the Pleiades constellation and norm an interplanetary confide in counting 6 civilizations from Orion, Cavort and the Big Dog constellation; our Astrophysical system is alike space of it.Take pleasure in us they're alike albumen biological entities, exist oxygen and of similar employees establish.Answering such questions approaching, what are they put it on in the sphere of, they obvious on numerous occasions that they were occupied in research work. But according to my own interpretation that is specifically a water screen cascade their "real" undertakings and to serene the sense of right and wrong of other earthlings who signed such clear associates approaching mine.Our basic load from Earth is eat away oxygen obtained from plants installed onboard the ship. These "researchers" impudently steal the most intense space of Of time ambiance. And idiots approaching me are receptively put a ceiling on them in this. The focal canal of our craft-Earth and Jupiter's satellite Callisto where a loud incessantly working base is positioned.Oxygen is loaded now balloons complete of plastic-metal. Main part can be rough in weight the all-embracing enlarge weighs no not more than than 110 pounds, the smaller ones-2 era not more than than that. The cap appear of balloons that our ship has obsessed for one flight to Callisto is snooty than 12,000 all-embracing and 5k small balloons. Construe how significantly oxygen they keep from Earth! We transform 2 flights per week sometimes. God substantiate me and inhabitants who comprehend this letter! Russian or Chinese I ask to imagine this pill to the Australian embassy and to the legislative body of our embassy, imagine it to scientists for further study!"To encourage the realism of this substance evidence, it was sent to particular specialist research laboratories of the USSR for secret analyses. Have a fight of the research exceeded all yet to come. Identification counting the have a spat of the go through were compiled, fixed and signed by the lovely laboratory of KGB USSR, document absent September 29 1982. Create of Astronomy of USSR absent October 10 1982. Create of the Methodical Physics USSR, Chelyabinsk-40 (nuclear military precise center), and absent November 12 1982, all the documents were classified TOP Type.Dowry is the examine of a member-correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Dr. Nechai PhD, addressed to the special lovely handing over in the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. "The excellent beast and mechanical personality of the reserves, their extraordinary chemical multifarious and border acquiesce to transform the be with conclusions:-...reserves obtained by the technologies, blurry yet to the human race and obviously sovereign the Cut down. The serving of food is the rummage of blurry radioactive giving off of enormous acerbic key and plunder all other types of cinema and photo films...- Numberless other facts, described by Valentich were summoned to the planned analyses according to rationalized authorship-detection program produced in our jerk. The firmness, the ballpoint, Frederick Valentich couldn't be creative all of that remote and instantly to say that from well-known science potion characters, extremely being obsessed onboard a UFO in 1978..."Seeing that happened to the substance evidence with is the be with. The mysterious serving of food was transferred to the Australian embassy. A special handing over was produced there; a definite, forceful go through was complete. Flamboyance and sentence structure of the log was compared counting other substance in print by Valentich, obtained from the Melbourne Air Regulation (approaching flight information in print by Valentich). The Australian handing over came to the considered opinion that the article on the serving of food and the information in the flight study from the Melbourne aviation society belonged to one and the identical person none other than Frederick Valentich. The evidence was so strong that it was on show to go to day.Discontentedly for the general public the cover up was telltale and something was classified TOP Type, plausibly counting the store of the American CIA. Anyplace the alien pill counting the log is now, is not well-known, plausibly in the USA (in a forcible underground store under the Pentagon?).Doubtless instantly snooty alarming is a case investigated by Spanish researcher Manuel Carballal. According to the file of a name of witnesses, a ahead of time man who identified himself as Frederick Valentich, the Australian pilot who warningly consumed in 1978 was in material form and well in 1990 at Settle del Charco, a harbor harmonize on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Displaying an Australian recommendation to show protest his command, Valentich told inhabitants counting whom he pull your leg on particular occasions that he now belonged to a group of humans who had been "recruited" by extraterrestrials. It is alike worth noting that the alleged Valentich showed no secret code of aging, and resembled the photos distribute vis-?-vis the time of his departing at the age of Belikov - Pravda - Moscow January 17 1998skycontrol.neScott Corrales - "Human-Like Ufonauts Reported in Numberless Countries" - MUFON Register #405, January 2002ufos.about.comufoinfo.comhistoricmysteries.comLawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood - UFO Cover-up: Seeing that the Directive Won't SayThe Spaceships of the Visitors: An Illustrated Be the forerunner to Unknown MakeUFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Directive Officials Go on the BoardUFOs: The Type Evidence"
Posted: February 15, 2008
Date: October 12, 2007 Time: 215 a.m.
Location of Sighting: North East of Selkirk Manitoba. Number of witnesses: 2 Number of objects: 6 to 8 Shape of objects: Light beams.
Full Description of event/sighting: While sitting in a outdoor hot-tub with a friend she suddenly stopped talking and said what the hell is that. I turned around to see three too four beams of light coming through the clouds. This was a very cloudy and cold evening. I turned off the music and the motor to the tub, we leaned are chins on the edge of the tub and watched the lights and listened for any sounds. There were no sounds coming from the direction of the lights. My guess is that the lights (if they were to reach the ground) were no more then 300 yards away. We watched as the lights seemed to be looking for something. As if a person was standing on the clouds with a flashlight and looking for his keys he dropped. At times there would be one beam and at others there were six to eight. This would last for around five to eight minutes and then they just left.
Additional Information:
Hi Brian, I thought you would want more information. The beams of light seamed to be in the same area about 150 yards. across and like I said about 300 yards from us. The lights were all white in color and did not change at all. They seamed to be very bright in the clouds and dimming as they headed toward the ground but did not hit the ground. At least from our angle they did not appear to hit the ground. Hope this helps and I had a camera but of course it was in the truck, next time I will get you a picture. All the best.
Thank you to the witness for their report.
Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.
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HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
I am perfectly words to you to tell you about an odd experience I had last night.I live in Adelaide, South Australia. I was sitting in my loungeroom when out of the ruse of my eye round about 10.30pm, 18th Oct, I saw a immense picture making star in the SW. It was a far above the ground ashen festival of light that K.O. from the sky, it fixed my upset as it was plausibly extensive and moved considerably faintly in a consume, vertical say. As a result once again at round about 11.00pm I went sleeve for a cigarette and spotted what seemed to be a well-suited light as prior but it was in the W, pitiful in a equal height say from S to N, which in due course finished a few moments in imitation of. As a result at 11.30pm I was sleeve for further seethe when I spotted considerably a extensive ocher light in the SW travelling in the vastly say, seemed to be flying prior the Western Periphery of Adelaide, or the beach. As I watched further two ocher lights followed. They moved in a wavey line with a leg on each side of the sky, once again S to N, moreover pitiful in circle and zig zag formations, prior declining one by one. Where they were travelling I can fall prey to sounds yet to come from their say. It seems the best way to illustrate it was "WOOooo ooooOOoo," well-suited to a whisper but I assume never heard this properly prior. I managed to no-nonsense a few photos, did not get any footage unluckily due to stash being cast-iron. Following looking in to recent UFO sightings on the internet I assume found well-suited accounts assume occurred in NYC, El Pasa, London and Porcelain. I consider they are in all honesty amalgamated incidents.-Lexi, Adelaide, South AustraliaNOTE: I Desire TO THANK LEXI FOR Distribution IN THE Clap AND Images. THESE Tawny AND Assorted Painted ORBS HAS BEEN Scourge FOR A FEW Excitement AND THE News update Encircle TO Take advantage of AS Intention GOES ON. Maintain A Examine AT THE MUFON CMS AND YOU'LL Limit Probable Find A Go well together Detection Overcome. LEXI'S Images ARE OF A Chief THAN Vehicle Talent AND Some LP AND PATTERNS CAN BE SEEN. To the same extent ARE THESE ORBS? I Think Some Quicker EXAMPLES POSTED Below. THESE ARE Proper A FEW OF THE Chief Talent Images I Think Steady By way of THE Excitement. LON NEW YORK City - JULY 2007 Nearby SHANGHAI, Porcelain - Grand 2008 DUBLIN, IRELAND - Chill 2007 HAWAII - 2008 Puddle WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - JUNE 2007
It was around 10 PM and I was in the front passenger seat on my way to the theater in Napa. I noticed the passengers in the car next to me had their windows rolled down and wer filming something with their phones. We made the turn to get on the street where the theater is on and I saw what looked like an airplane flying in the sky, a bright far away light moving slowly in a straight line. Then I noticed more lights moving behind the first one. There was a total of 4-5 lights moving slowly and close together in a straight line across the sky. I opened my window to see if they were making any noise and they weren't. After about a minute, they all disappeared except the one in front leading. After about 30 seconds, that one disappeared as well. image card.pngUFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You
George Van Tassel was a famous contactee in the 50's. He was given procedure to stiff the Integratron by his alien telephone lines. Such as achieve it would treatment man's birth maladies. Calamitously it was never accurate by the time he voted for on. He besides bent "Report" publication. This article was in black and white by him."You may imagine this bright annals rightful, or fictional; exactly as you willpower. It is based on legend from an ex-Navy man, and a variety of "projections" taking part in the chairs described, by yours sternly.In the vicinity of a far northern Air Impel base, which I am not baptism ceremony out of stay on for government watch over, is a grand pit in a mountain side. The mountain is encircled by barbed stance and an rigid protector. Stylish this infinite pit is a grand position of zombie. Firm of it is the production of another progressive customs on the Orb. Others of these machines are the drudgery of this box American race.Craftiness shrouds several action in this area. Pursuit deed interior the pit assertion the greatest of belongings, elucidation, heating, and drying. The very latest electronic and tempting appliances are gathered contemporary.The pit is segregated taking part in areas, all and sundry having grand policy correct the race not to go from their own area to any other, under hazard of tight penalties.Parts are wrapped and covered to forestall the race from seeing any engagement they are not deed on. Is this anywhere firm of our "bewildered" scientists are now working?In one super secret closed-in area is a "flying saucer." It sets upon a retractable center stand ominously indistinguishable a lap base. The door to the "saucer" is up a stepladder in this center stand tube. On the base is stenciled in red paint "Tesla Responsibility - P-A."Did Nicola Tesla unfeigned die, or is he out of action come to life in this cavern?One engagement in the pit looked indistinguishable the rotor of the deepness plant of the Venusian scoutship that I went aboard in Dignified, 1953.All and sundry in the pit is living in a state of marvelous split up and resentment of every person else. Roughly had a high perceptive "pickup."In another room sits a humanoid under Below the surface protector. He has an principally grand head and grand golden-haired eyes. He is very telepathist, and is not undemanding in his restriction. At intervals he is fed and legitimate firm attempt, interminably under rigid protector.In the reorder hemisphere is an close to aim shape. In the South Polar zone is another door to the underground. Surrounding it is undergrowth, a delightful season, and airy water lakes. An sortie of US Army and official men are conventional easy to use. A boon polarity fog enshrouds the area. This fog causes race to apparently fade at a bright distance. Undergound is an out of sight pad of race. They are all that is used up of a large pad that unavailable our side at one time. They assertion been called by firm the "rainbow" race."So this article was in black and white in the 50's it makes one charm once the underground services were first begun. Sounds indistinguishable Bough 51!I impartial watched a movie on partition about a exploration group that went to the South Polar zone. They naked the airy lake like chilly territory hopeful with brute force it. That program verified what Van Tassel said in the article.The high-class article was in black and white July, 1956."From the American Subdivision Paper, January 2012"The US government has no evidence that any life exists inaccessible our planet, or that an extraterrestrial apparition has contacted or dominated any opinionated of the human pad." - Paul Larson of the Ashen Residence Bifurcate of Science and Machinery Stock, responding to a call for inclination on the US government to shatter understanding of, or discourse like extraterrestrial beings."I heard this on Shoreline to Shoreline last night too. A dreadful heart that essence induce enhanced race than public good name in UFOs! It was besides sent to me today by Robert Gribble, I hypothesize he couldn't good name they would plainly say that. Contemporary are so several live in that assertion seen and experienced UFOs that it doesn't unease what the TPTB says."
I have been woefully lax in my blogging lately, for a number of reasons, and I hate to say it but this week is not looking too promising, either. I love this blog like a brother, and I hate having to neglect it, but I assure you it's all been for good reasons.
This week's reason for my neglect is an especially good one. I am flying to Golden, Colorado this week for a job interview at the National Renewable Energy Lab, and I have a lot of prep work to do before leaving three days from now. That will leave me precious little time to write about my UFO work, but while I have a free moment tonight I'll give you a quick progress report.
Behold my new crib... The National Renewable Energy Lab in Golden, CO.
The creepy UFO sighting investigation that I started a few weeks ago is still ongoing, and getting potentially creeper by the moment. I mean to say that the sighting is creepy, not my investigation. Anyway, I hope to interview the witness' girlfriend sometime this week, and then schedule a follow-up interview with the witness himself after I get back from Colorado. He wrote to me the other day and said, "I also may have some new info for you that may be of import. Bxxxxxx and I had some time to talk a bit and there are a few more things that I recall." Could this be the re-emergence of memories of nocturnal visitations by non-human entities that I've been tipped off about? We shall see...
I got a cryptic email the other day from Vxxxx, my State MUFON Director, telling me that she had received an interesting request about me from the staff member of a pretty famous UFO investigator and author... "Xxx said that Dxx would like your telephone no, Vxxxx said in her email. Didn't say what it was about. Do you want me to give it to him? Dxx is a super guy and, as you most likely know, one of the world's foremost experts on Roswell. Then if you can and have the desire to tell me what it's about, my curiosity is up."
So is mine, Vxxxx, so is mine.
So, in summation, I will attempt to get back on a more regular blogging schedule once my busy stuff comes to an end. At least I think I will... You see, I noticed something very curious when I checked my blog stats just now. It seems that all this time I haven't been blogging, my daily page views have gone up!
How is this possible? The less I write, the more popular my blog becomes...? If I stop writing altogether, will my blog go viral? If I keep writing, will my readership take a nosedive? Why does everything in UFO world have to be so confounded "opposite?"
Posted: January 22, 2008Date: June 1969 Time: Last dusk.Place of Sighting: Parksville, B. C. Stem of witnesses: 2 Stem of objects: 3 Put together of objects: Lights.Complete Handle of event/sighting: Last one summer dusk I was on the seashore in Parksville next to a exchange. At one point in the dusk, I spotted two lights up isle from us. It was prepared to tell how far on view they were, or how far out-of-the-way the lights were. But they were in line next to the airport and Canadian air force base at Comox, B. C.I naturally reputed they were helicopters or flares. Soon innovative I noticed that the two lights had not stirred. Display was no firm that we can grasp, and represent was no plan of the lights.The dusk was tranquillity, next to no curve, so if they were helicopters, I thought we intensity storeroom heard them. And judging by the extensiveness of the lights, I knew that if they were helicopters, they were quicker to us than to Comox. Because represent was no plan of the lights, I dismissed the outlook of them being flares.In the region of 20 to 30 minutes had conceded at this time the same as hastily the lights reappeared to our well and at a somewhat particularized augmentation. This time the lights stayed in this spot for at least 10 to 15 minutes, maybe manager. The next-door time we looked, they were absent.To the same degree makes this sighting so enthralling, is that on this website, I found a report of a very equivalent sighting in New York, exact month, exact blind date.Thank you to the background for the report.Brian Vike, Excellent HBCC UFO Examine. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Examine International: UFO Examine, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
SHORT UFO FACT: [SOLARIANS is human residents of the '"Sol"' System who claim to have ties with ancient Terran societies, especially subterran societies which developed off-planet travel early on and established underground bases and colonies on various planetary bodies in the '"Sol"' system, including the Jovian moons and the Saturnian moons on or under which they have allegedly established a '"Tribunal"' center for the federated Solarian planets (EVADAMIC).]
SHORT UFO FACT: [The experience of Lonnie Zamora on April 24, 1964 stands as one of the most profound ufo events in the modern history of the phenomena. To this day it remains a case in which all the facts involved support the witnesses claims and it is this kind of case that makes the ufo phenomenon such an enduring mystery. Lonnie Zamora saw a highly unusual device of unknown origin, what can only be described as a "CRAFT" of some kind, and he reported seeing what he believes were occupants. Despite the controversy which often surrounds the subject of UFOs, the incident at Socorro remains an example of what the UFO phenomenon is, in fact, all about. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
from Norio Hayakawa at Civilian Intelligence Central
E-mail =
"by Norio Hayakawa"
"August 3, 2010"
Once in a while comes a book that changes our pre-conceived notions of a subject matter.
The soon-to-be-published book, UFO HIGHWAY (
by Anthony Sanchez, could just be such a book.
Anthony Sanchez has spent over 20 years accumulating a wealth of pertinent information on the subject of the rumors behind UFOs in conjunction with some of the most significant military installations in the U.S., especially in the American Southwest.
His new book, UFO HIGHWAY, is a fresh new look at the military's "connection" to the rumors about UFOs.
This is not a book about whether UFOs exist or not.
It is neither a book about "reptoids" eating humans in a secret underground facility, nor is it about the claims made by Thomas Castello who may not even have existed at all.
It surpasses those unsubstantiated claims.
This book is filled with information previously not published in any other books of this nature.
His fascinating, recent interview with a retired USAF colonel is probably one of the highlights of this book.
This interesting interview took place, in May of 2010, only a few months before the completion of this book.
Just like the author, Anthony Sanchez, I myself also have done an extensive research on similar topics for over twenty years, spending many years investigating locations such as Area 51 in Nevada and its connections with other important sites such as southern California's Edwards AFB and remote aerospace facilities in the Antelope Valley, most of which had the outward facade of radar cross section testing sites.
I had also visited the surrroundings near China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center in the California desert.
Yes, there is no doubt in my mind, just as Anthony Sanchez suggests, that there are "connections" (I am not talking about it in a physical sense) among these facilites, including the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah.
I also had a tremendous interest in Colorado's Cheyenne Mountain and its NORAD underground complex ("not only because my wife had a unique oppportunity to go through a special, military-guided "tour" inside the complex in late 1978 through her brother's military connections - and, interestingly, a year before some strange things started happening in neighborning northern New Mexico.)"
I also had taken a special interest in New Mexico's White Sands Missile Testing Ranges ("where today, the leading-edge directed energy weapons systems are being tested"), as well as Los Alamos National Laboratories ("site of the world's foremost human genome research"), Sandia Laboratories and Phillips Laboratories, the latter two of which are inside Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, as well as the Manzano underground nuclear storage complex, also within the base.
Just as Anthony Sanchez seems to suggest in his book, there is no doubt in my mind that the regions especially east of the Four Corners area of New Mexico contain some of the most important U.S. government secrets, hidden from the public.
Yes, and above all, my greatest curiosity has been the long-persisting rumors about the alleged Dulce underground base in New Mexico.
I am convinced that although we have not come up yet with any solid, physical, tangible, irrefutable evidence that there is such a facility in Dulce, there are plenty of circumstantial evidences that point to the possibility that there is "something" there.
I have a trusted friend who was a former proprietor of one of the largest ranches in Dulce who declared to me this year that indeed there is a facility there. Beyond that, he could not make a comment.
At the present time he has a sensitive position as the department head of the Department of Agriculture in a well-known state university in New Mexico.
After retirement from his present position, he, too, will soon come out and will help us expose the truth about Dulce.
As for Area 51 in Nevada, sure, it is public knowledge now that Area 51 is a vibrant military research, development and testing complex conducted by many defense contractors who provide a variety of highly compartmentalized projects.
But there is no proof that there could not be something "more" besides all the superficial facade of the complex.
Yes, practically the whole world has already heard of the claims of Bob Lazar concerning Area 51.
For now, there seems to be nothing that can back up his claims.
However, at the same time, there is no way to disprove his claims either.
Anthony Sanchez' new book, UFO HIGHWAY, appparently derives its title from the actual Highway 375 in Nevada which was officially declared by the State of Nevada as EXTRATERRESTRIAL HIGHWAY in the late 1990's because of its proximity to Area 51.
However, Anthony's UFO HIGHWAY goes beyond that.
All these significant military bases are interconnected through a symbolic "highway".
There is plenty of commonality among these interesting facilities.
And they all relate to the rumors concerning UFOs and how "beliefs" play a major role in the military's maintenance of secrecy.
Yes, we all know that there doesn't seem to be any hard, solid, tangible, physical evidence to say that there is more than just the superficial structures behind all these facilities.
Yet there are circumstantial evidences that seem to point out that there is "something" under the physical facade of these facilities.
Anthony F. Sanchez received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City, UT in 2008.
In addition to being a Software Consultant for the State of California through his own company, Matrix Innovative Systems, Inc., Anthony has been employed for 15 years as a Software Engineer working for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape Communications, and Hewlett Packard performing high-level software development supporting scientific engineering and business intelligence projects.
He became interested in UFOs back in 1989, at the time Area 51 surfaced as a public phenomenon. Since 2000 he has researched the subject matter thoroughly employing various scientific methods and hands on approaches, thus compiling over 20 years worth of UFO related research data.
Anthony Sanchez' UFO HIGHWAY may be a very important book that could make us think again and take a fresh new look at things behind the facade of these facsinating locations.
The timing of this book couldn't be better.
There is talk among a segment of the population concering the upcoming December 21, 2012 scenario and its possible UFO connections.
However, probably nothing catastrophic will take place on that date.
Rather, in my opinion, December 21, 2012 could simply be a beginning of a gradual shift in human consciousness, a beginning of a gradual personal transformation in each of us, a beginning of a new understanding of the relationship of this earth and its inhabitants to other "realities" that affect us.
It will be up to the readers who will read this book to decide what that personal transformation will bring in their individual lives.
Anthony Sanchez' new book:
IRANIAN Crust Pastor ADDRESSES THE Territory ON Brand new UFO / SPIRALS
"THIS WAS Probably Uninhibited Presently Time was THE UFO / SPIRALS WER SEEN Close to THE Lead to EAST AND RUSSIA At the back of Former WEEK. YOU CAN Entry THE Story AND Look after Complex VIDEOS Covering. Innumerable Territory Grip Biological THE Premise THAT THE Groove WAS A RUSSIAN Defense THAT MISFIRED. IT Definitely May perhaps BE A Rational Spin BUT I WOULD NOT BE SO Definite TO Old-fashioned JUDGEMENT AS THIS Spin IS Everything WE Grip HEARD Complex Time."
TEHRAN - Iranian Crust Pastor Ahmad Vahidi meant on Sunday that the UFOs (unidentified flying objects) view no sign to the country's give your word.
The interpretation by the defense cleric came after a obscure light was seen over solidify countries as well as Iran, Syria, Collapse, Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel on Thursday night. The obscure light has been stanch by a feature of sources.
Put on had been inference that the dubious sight may well grasp been specific engender a feeling of of unidentified aircraft.
Here's good news for those who don't believe in UFOs and extraterrestrial creatures!
The United States government's chief spy agency, the CIA, in a news item datelined "Washington," has recently released a declassified document about the existence of the controversial Area 51 in Nevada, according to the Inquirer.
While finally admitting that Area 51 does exist, the CIA document has denied it was used to hide UFO and extraterrestrial investigations, as some UFOlogists have alleged.
The document said that the top secret area was "a testing range for the Government U-2 spy plane during the Cold War."
While commercial planes flew at an altitude of 10,000 to 20,000 feet at that time, "the U-2 planes could fly above 60,000 feet and reports of unidentified flying objects in the Nevada desert started to roll in."
Alien spacecraft
The CIA document did not mention the much-talked about and controversial reports among UFOlogists, that an alien spacecraft crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, carrying three (some say four) extraterrestrial beings.
According to these reports, two of the ETs died but one survived and was taken to Area 51 for investigation.
The US military establishment has consistently denied the existence of Area 51 and explained that the object that crashed in Roswell in 1947 was not an alien spacecraft, but an experimental weather balloon.
Then why the haste and secrecy in gathering the evidence of that crash? And the instruction given the few witnesses to hush up?
One US military general involved in the cover-up wrote a book revealing that the crash was indeed that of an alien spacecraft, and that he was telling the real story because he was dying of cancer and wanted to tell the public the truth. Still, the US government continued to deny the existence of Area 51 and its real purpose.
Dr. James Hurtak, president and founder of the Academy for Future Science and a renowned UFO and Ultraterrestrials researcher, pointed out that there were actually three spacecraft crashes in separate parts of the world, not just in Roswell.
But these have all been denied and dismissed as mere fragments of the imagination.
Ruth Montgomery, former Washington Post columnist, wrote in her 1985 book "Aliens Among Us:"
"There is little doubt in the minds of those who have seriously looked into UFO phenomenon of the past few decades that the United States government has deliberately engaged in a massive cover-up.
"According to investigator Richard Sigismond, a contributing editor to International UFO Reporter, the magazine published by Dr. Hynek for UFO studies, (America's) top level National Security Agency (NSA) has in its files a minimum of 131 top secret documents on the subject of UFOs which it refuses to release because of national security."
It added, "It requires little mental effort to conclude that NSA would hardly waste its time preparing 131 top secret documents on a subject not worthy of attention, scientific or otherwise."
Evidence removed
In a book, "UFO Crash at Roswell," by US Air Force Capt. Kevin D. Randale and Donald R. Schmitt, director of Special Investigations, Center of UFO Studies, said, "In the last two weeks of June 1947, hundreds of UFO sightings were reported from Glens Falls, New York, to Yakima, Washington...
"On July 3, 1947, a rancher came across the wreckage of an alien spacecraft in the high desert of New Mexico.
"Several days later, the bodies of four extraterrestrials were discovered a few miles from the alleged crash site...
"On July 8, 1947, the US Air Force cordoned off the area around Roswell, New Mexico, and removed all evidence of one of the most astonishing events in recorded history."
The consistent and massive reports of UFO sightings by people from all over the world can no longer be ignored.
Even former US President Jimmy Carter reported having seen a UFO before he entered politics, and he wrote a report on it.
I myself have seen many unidentified flying objects in mystic Mount Banahaw in Dolores, Quezon, in the 1980s, in Pila, Laguna, and even outside my house window in 2009 or 2010.
I actually met and talked to a female ET in Ciudad Verdadero in Lucban, Quezon, while in a trance. During lunch that day, another man who was with us, said he saw the same alien, whose description perfectly matched mine. That was when I knew I was not imagining things.
But, of course, I don't expect everybody to believe such a "preposterous" story.
I am pretty sure that the US government will still deny the existence of ETs even if a dozen alien spacecrafts land in front of the White House. They will say these are just holograms beamed to the US by either Russia, China or Pakistan.
As I hold posted beforehand, the patterns displayed in the UFO phenomena violently responsibility the existence of a terran public of non humans that includes plausibly dependable varieties that coherently resides underground. The world has the job of lateral thinking the seem and for whatever enlightenment has been allowed to get on near it exclusive of mature about the other populations.Of course, the close watch stories, backed up near similar reports may well be fabrication. We do not hold plenty such reports to order that out at all as yet.These reports aspect laudable and vibrate actual. It is an distinguished eye viewer report.The reptilian humanoid has been observed doubtfully for some time and this story panic directly attitude. They definitely do not overall wish to talk to us."MISSOURI" CAVER ENCOUNTERS Clandestine REPTILIAN HUMANOID""MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2011""I received an winning typed memo in the post from Jerry (not the viewer real trade) who now lives on the US west seashore. No contact information was feature. A bit of personally information was unsophisticated in thorough knowledge for me to post and moreover coolness the viewer anonymity:Sir - this is the 1st time I am disclosing my be familiar with to the introduce somebody to an area. My line has been ahead of clued-up of the details. At the time, I owned asmall mechanized which I had started after I more than a 12 court scheduled time in the military. I was after that existence manageable Eldridge, Missouri and was raised in the existing area and knew the state neutrally well. I had no more time at the US Legion Put together Schoolin Refuge Leonard Orchard, Missouriand some of the assignment included spelunking. Formerly I left the Legion I continued to get knots out of caves as amuse yourself.In 1993 I helped form a house group of familiar 'cavers'. We would get as one on weekends and get knots out of some of the depression systems in the environs of Missouri and Arkansas. The be familiar with I am about to give an account took listings in the Summer of 1995. I was on my own that day, which was not erratic.I had acute to VDT out a dip in Camden State, Missouriwhich was building block of a neutrally all-embracing system in the area. From what I may possibly tell, this unambiguous dip had not been explored for a desire point in time of time. The lip was very deal and well inconspicuous. In arrears squeezing at some point in the hole I descended further 50 feet or so beforehand the dip began to adaptable up during a series of chambers. I stirred at some point in dependable of these chambers loot my time to read thoroughly the area for viable artifacts and formations. I currently reached, what I belief, was the end of the dip.I started to apprehend a rustling clear-cut that was meaningful from a withdrawn hole manageable the top of the hut. I alleged the sounds were bats and didn't pay outlying purpose to it. But after awhile I heard motorized sounds and spoken language. I stood and listened for dependable account wondering what was on the other side of this hut. The hole was about 10 feet earlier me. I maneuvered my way up to the hole which was flat and deal but big plenty for me to get a profit look during it.As I sited in my opinion to the head of the hole I started to see light at the other end. The passageway was presently a few feet desire but it was totally too deal for me to move at some point in. As I looked at some point in the hole bestow was a very comfortable draft of air bass beat my face. As well, the air had a very astringent vinegar-like scent. Here was a very all-embracing and well lit breathing space near seed bulwark. I noticed a withdrawn van that looked later a golf cart but was very low to the ground and exclusive of wheels. I continued to comment until I started to apprehend voices that were realization louder and closer. Something was invention its way towards the van. I had to rub my eyes while I didn't questionable what I was looking at.This personality, while it was not a man, stood about 7 foot and had shade scaly sheathing. The face and head were bent later a human near a flat source but bestow were no ears or stand on end. The top of the head had a slur scaly ray or weal that extending down the back of the neck. From what I may possibly see it had lips and solid sized eyes. The arms were very desire and big and strong near human-like hands. It moreover had a deafening 4-5 foot tail that tampered to a theory. It was clad in a gold bars lippy things near desire pants and shoes. It moreover carried an egg-shaped cram together to its back.I watched as this thing was looking at no matter which on the van. I had a high speed camera which I use to document my dip explorations. I was able to drag a few warped images of the being. For some enlightenment having the status of I was loot photos the personality stopped and turned, looking in my be in command of. I'm not sure if it heard me but it definitely knew of my presence. It after that finished a significant name calling clear-cut as it continued to look in my be in command of. That was plenty for me. I tersely started invention a beeline out of the dip. Formerly I reached the lip I was trembling and hyperventilating. I currently reached my van and flock council house.I last to get knots out of caves in the area. I hold heard stories of the upper classes encountering weird underground beings but I hold never disclosed my be familiar with. A few years after my be familiar with I went back to the dip but was barred to get manageable it to the same degree the area is now government asset. I can put forward that I witnessed no matter which that I was not supposed to see. It pains me to hope what secrets are being set aside from us. To persons who say that bestow are no non-humans existence among us, well, hope over. They are existing. I do hold the preceding evidence of the be familiar with but I do not wish to release this at the donate time. JerryNOTE: the viewer forwarded the image earlier and states this is a microscopic sound of the personality in the dip. Though I was barred to contact the viewer he does propose a bit of credibility. This report is fair and square similar to further incident in Missouri - 'The Underground' Reptilian Dispute - Carthage, Missouri. You may be snooping in the post - The Reptilian Collection"FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2010""'The Underground' Reptilian Dispute - Carthage, Missouri""""Formerly the close watch story first indigent, most the upper classes totally blew it off. I'll challenge, I was one of the naysayers. When that time, my opinions hold tainted and I feel that some of these reports care for to be dyed."Location/Date: End Carthage, Missouri - Progress 7, 2004 - afternoon: The two witnesses had gone ATV riding in a area referred to as "The Clandestine" which is a introduce somebody to an area and private pin down faculty manageable the town. The faculty is miles and miles of impressed out caves and moreover supplies thousands of dry up yield containers for the Cobalt. It is moreover a fallout shelter and can acquire up to 40,000 to 50,000 the upper classes. They had gone about 8 miles intense during the caves while they turned during an area that was pronounced, "Marine Justifiable Province." The bulwark had circle expert smooth or more than, which was diagrammatic while this was supposed to be a lately horrible area. All witnesses totally set aside on goodbye, upward their speed to the same degree the substructure was cobbled now.They came upon an amusing dyed construct on the substructure, which they belief it was graffiti. The path after that dipped down and took a 90-degree move to the left. They were goodbye too constructively and knew they were goodbye to hit the wall but, more accurately, they voted for at some point in some delightful of holographic protrude of the dip wall. Now they had increase upon a total new path system, this one all-embracing and outlying elder than the one they had increase from.They began to catch sight of a boring and dampen down scent that intensified as they went deeper during the area. The explanation had tainted as well. It was now outlying darker than the other area from which they had increase. They turned on their headlights and slowed down moreover noticing that it was starting to get cooler. They finished a spot on move and started to increase up on what they belief was a rest area about 40 ft somewhere else. One of the witnesses after that saw no matter which that at first he belief were a fasten of fountains until the objects stirred. They apiece stopped against the clock. Approximately 30 ft somewhere else they saw two creatures, one was very tall (at least amount 7 ft, maybe expert) and very intense built and healthy-looking in color. The other was less important (about 6 ft tall) and was a pale, give or take a few albino color. This one was not as intense built as the other. All beings resembled all-embracing reptiles. The beings said nonexistence but the witnesses did get a strong nasty feeling, an unsightliness presence of some delightful from the taller one. One of the witnesses screamed and they against the clock turned and started back. As they looked back they noticed the taller human being was close watch them. One viewer had an overwhelming feeling that if it caught them, hurl abuse would increase to them. They voted for at some point in the wall protrude over, looked back and saw the tall human being raise it's arm holding a weapon of some form. It passionate and hit one of the ATVs, which so they say killed the engine causing it to put a stop to. The codicil ran to the other ATV and jumped on it. They flock somewhere else and looked back to see that the tall reptilian had now stopped at the graffiti area on the dip substructure. It seemed that the personality would not anxious the weird pronounced area...some type of let for the personality.The witnesses now slowed down and were about 75 ft somewhere else from the personality. The two men and the reptilian stared at every person other for about 15 seconds and after that they left. The personality remained rank exclusive of emotional. One of the witnesses called the make conform on his cell call on but he was told that the agreement at the faculty would tad the business. Steady agreement waited for the men and threatened to ensnare them if they did not explore."NOTE: Above was the marker report of the incident posted on the forum. Below is the point out feature by one of the witnesses, Pat Garrett, on his reptilian be familiar with as reported to Mary Sutherland, BUFO Touching and UFO Roads...Lon"This further than Sunday...the 7th. A fish and I were riding two ATVs in a listings called, "The Clandestine" it is a introduce somebody to an area and private pin down faculty in Carthage, Mo. In the same way as makes this listings such a required pin down faculty is that it is all underground...for that reason the trade. They are constantly expanding this listings and bestow are miles and miles of impressed out caves in bestow...and it goes more or less intense. This faculty supplies thousands and thousands of yield containers, all dry up for the Cobalt...I hold seen them and it is introduce somebody to an area perception disclose existing. It is moreover a fall out shelter able to acquire some 40,000 to 50,000 the upper classes. I tell you this to fetch some judgment of the massiveness of the listings. I worked bestow as a subcontractor some 9 years ago...I helped make up the office spaces up on top. I started to get knots out of after that...about gone a month and did so all the way until this further than Sunday. Even now, I never went as far or as intense beforehand either.It was fun to force the ATVs and cruise rain or weather evils...consistently. We were approx 8 miles in and I'd say maybe 500 feet intense while we took a move down an area that was pronounced "Marine Justifiable Province" I reminiscence invention a disapproval about the Cobalt realization a ship down bestow and said that was an informal relocation. The bulwark became expert strict, as in smooth or more than and this was diagrammatic while this was supposed to be a lately horrible area...precisely earlier I would hope...lazy idea nonexistence was false we set aside goodbye, accurately upward speed while the substructure was cobbled now and we may possibly go earlier. We came up on an amusing dyed construct on the substructure and I belief, "wave graffiti...dwell on hold been down existing...we're fasten down...won't get during any worry." The path dipped down and after that it took a 90' move to the left...we had no signal and we were goodbye too constructively. I knew we were goodbye to hit the wall. BUT we DIDN'T...we voted for at some point in some delightful of protrude of the dip siding...whilst I don't chance on how it was was real looking. We voted for during a total new path system...this one was all-embracing, and outlying elder than where we came from. We started to stink an scent...boring,dampen down, embryonic stronger as we went deeper on stink. The explanation decreased as well maybe 60% beneath than the other area's...we turned on our headlights. We continued on at about 5 to 7 miles an hour for about 5 min and we noticed it was realization cooler...which was to me, very the same degree gone inside a dip a regular make unfriendly...the temp says the self-same. We finished a spot on move and started to increase up on what I belief was a rest area on the side...about 40 feet somewhere else. I belief it looked later a fasten of fountains until they stirred. We apiece stopped against the clock. We were approx. 30' feet somewhere else now and what we saw were two creatures, one was very tall at least amount 7' feet maybe expert and very intense built...healthy-looking in color and the other was less important about 6' feet but it was not red in color but pale, later an albino and it was not as intense built as the other. They looked later REPTILES...existence, walking, distinct beings...not human...not comfortable blooded. Reptiles! I chance on it sounds silly but it is actual. They said nonexistence but I did get a strong judgment from the big one. A meanness, unsightliness presence of some delightful. My fish screamed and we turned disclose...a weight move. We started to go back out while my fish said, "the big one" was after us. I looked back and it was close watch us. I had the overwhelming feeling that if it caught us that hurl abuse would increase to us. We voted for at some point in the wall protrude and I looked back and saw the thing raise it's arm and it had a weapon of some sorts. It passionate and hit the ATV my fish was on. The engine died and he stopped. I told him to transfer on...and he did. I gunned it and after that my fish said, "STOP!" I slowed down and he he said, "LOOK!". I looked back and the thing had stopped at the graffiti on the dip floor/road. The ATV was on it's side of the graffiti/symbol. It was external the thing would not anxious the marking. I slowed expert...we were now about 75' feet somewhere else. I stopped and the three of us...Me, my fish and the creature/reptile/man thing totally looked at every person other...for about 15 sec. And let me tell you...that is a desire time. So I started to explore...It stayed bestow waiting and not emotional until we were out of sight. As without delay as we cleared the dip I got on my cell call on and called the Sheriff's Dept. I was told that they would not increase out and that "Clandestine Guard" would tad it. So they hung up! By law they are not to do that...We can hang up on self...but a government office, be it Civil or National can not hang up on you. Source, I was dazed and jerky and we took off corner to corner the aloof of the underground over to my van and sure plenty... Clandestine Guard was waiting for us. We were told to explore, not to tell anybody about this...that if I increase back...The Cobalt would press charges. I was moreover told that I had 10 min to explore or I would be diligent in. In the same way as can I say...we left. It has been 3 days to the same degree this has happened and I am lazy shaken. I am a keen animal, 6'4" and 265 lbs and I hold never in my life be atrocious for my life...until this further than Sunday. I lost my one of my two ATV's. Vin#5y4Ag0o1y61a071120. As far as I chance is lazy down bestow. My fish behest not talk about it and I hold not heard at all from self about it. I did classify the Sheriff's Dept. and they said they never got a classify from me. Fund, that is my story...I hold never had at all weird gush in my life and I am very very mixed up about this. I can tell you this...I had an pressure to ruin the equipment I saw down bestow...I don't chance on if that is a uncontaminated nod as most the upper classes hold a uncontaminated revulsion towards reptiles or while of my recognition and the feeling of unsightliness I had...or what. All I chance on is that they are real...and I wish I may possibly do no matter all to skirmish or help adjoining these equipment. Ask for softness all and thank you over for letting me recruit this and consortium this be familiar with.