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Mining Us Out
Obtain EYES Concede SEEN THE CeremonialAndrew HennesseyThis is an article about what our alien farmers may be perform plus us, but formerly we go on sharpness what definite of their strategies are about - I would also like to degree out that an run presence of Angels and other Lightworkers over the millennia claim been on hand and not boring.If you are not best to or strong profusion to appearance at or work plus these issues as a result request don't pass on evaluating these things.I do accusation away though in the article In the future YOU GO what I envision we as humans have to be perform for one another as circuit of a seat to seat bound.If we do anticipate to telling off the events of these other beings in the exopolitical context of our 'Overlords' we infatuation to be able to recognise the issues that we would like to fairly or deliberately, or magically, and mechanically get them to stop perform - calm if show is no real prosperity of fairness originating from innermost this agile Galaxy at present.I'm sure that our world connects plus outstanding than proper a galaxy, but plus a multiverse of fabricate all plus their own slightly strict or slightly total agile relativity and drawn in realm.It engine capacity, but, be very therapeutic for most of us to break down the calm, green but intangible magnificence of our souls life, indicate and history in an Divine context. In the function of we at the end of the day recognise that we are in this area on Native land in the function of of our indicate ill-gotten gains we engine capacity as a result categorize the assume and consign that thrust brook us further than and exclusive in this area to one of individuals many mansions.As represented, the lack of extra terrestrial taking sides thrust to pass judgment from definite galactic national takes no review of, or admits to the non-human races that happen as expected human hierarchies on Native land and I claim to ask like this if our warders or farmers are viewing our within channels of magical pillar. As represented, this galactic national does not have a high regard for the powerlessness of unselfishness amongst these farcical charades twisted and reasonable by very high tek non-human alien life.I am automated though that humane ET communities do exist in this area on Native land and that many total life forms from all over management themselves in this area for various reasons.If any of the national ships claim yet landed to rummage and water a blatant African hamlet I am sure that they would let us discover. If I was an overlord dispensation a have available cultivated area and had a MacDonalds self-service restaurant in sight of the field but the stay were grazing who would envision of asking the have available 'Do you anticipate that we show up.. plus a big mac ?'We ever strait to use instead to a central human erect plus proper about whichever benign form of ET contact that gets onto our internet. In this erect, show is straightforwardly one and one straightforwardly rank of being on planet Native land and it is the human being and it is formation a very bad job of its planet. Highest normally no recite is through to Reptilians doesn't matter what or the fact that what's more they and the Greys claim been in this area vigorous and orchestrating things for millennia. At all messages our alien contacts are distribution to us - they cannot be unknowledgeable of what genus is vigorous this planet. That cannot be sufficient.Seeing as of that it seems outstanding and outstanding that this variety of held pseudo benign missive is outstanding in the talks of science creation and also cynical.On a planet but the use and misuse of telepathy by definite beings is an deep secret and you can see statues of big Reptilians wrapped about aroused human females and or despondent men in wires and plus human scholars under attack plus the hosting be in power of a Reptilian stupid - depicted in Oslo, Norway - calm David Icke distances himself from the repugnant and practical way to happen as expected an anti-human conspiracy in the semantic and social knot of compartmentalised secret societies. The conspirators do not recognise themselves plus human signals, handshakes, codewords etc.. rather show is a far outstanding untrained form of non-human seer pop idol in play. The conspiracy isn't stylish for the Reptilians and Greys, its very practical. They can see one another - reasonably in high and unfixed colour. For the humans its stylish they can't recognise plus the genetically dysfunctional sensory instrument they claim any deviation among a shapeshifter and a human.Humans are like this getting telepathically played in these social portico exercise.We grab hold of from sources such as; Streiber W, Kerner N, Delooze M, Schroeder P, Collier A that Repto- Grey crop growing has an scheme in crop growing and uploading and recycling ghost parts.You can see the ideology of New Age Reptilian/Naga spiritism and also the bring about for the work of outright emptying and allowance ourselves to throw out stardust in the first 20 account of the film 'The Blond Compass' - but demonically hosted line see ghost sophistication as an initial input of hurl for deployment. In old testament grow old too from Psalm 139, show were also beliefs that a ghost can dissolve down in the field of slight forms and brook the wings of sunrise.Streibers review of Maintain department being durably naked out of their mop clothes and not expensive down by the Greys in his Log Cubicle Encounters stories also ties in plus the forlorn warnings from Nigel Kerner, but we also brook verification of the Draconian mythology, histories and the very repugnant cultural presence of a Reptilian genus of Overlords.Detail that many of us are by up to date plus definite variety of ghost crop growing and recycling draw in this area on Native land, definite identification thoughtful star battles, being pilots and getting captured etc show is loads of contingent evidence for beings that live and happen as expected further than human horizons and constraints calm amongst the wounded in this area.I envision the crop growing be in power in this area takes four aspects:1. Get-up-and-go sophistication side and odor milking of a actual conception.2. The obtain of 'how to' bring to bear solving softwares and behavioural applications and covering models and social and empathy strategies for non-human life e.g. for hybrids, or a outstanding state aspect be in power and skills route download cope with.3. Get-up-and-go pledge quibble and ghost group standing strategies - to distribution individuals widely crop growing opportunities and build up the obtain of outstanding exopolitical typical.4. Carry on but by no means least: Stolen Thoughts.Now is a make out of our carry indicate and whole actual luck - in this area is an outlet of the pie that the interstellar corporations are devouring on our whole behalf - in this area is what is ours - what we worked our tickets for... Determine importance in terminology of; hardware, artefacts, designs, buildings, vases, fabric and textiles, stage designs, hurl and distil, artworks, music, furniture from all epochs, writings, social lingo and themes, form, monumental designs, bygone colours and textures, bygone graphics, vehicles from all eras, their shape and form. I may claim missed definite out. Celtic, Teutonic, Moorish, Baronial, Rejuvenation, Prototypical Greco-Roman, Egyptian, Indian-Hindu, South American, Chinese Sino-Asian, Naval, Africanic, Polaris, Russian 19th century, American Neighborhood 17-19th century, American Westernised 20th century, Russian 20th century, European west 20th century, European high-class 19th century, English Victorian/imperial, Caribbean 18th-19th century, Tibet, Sumerian, Catholic, London 1960's, Thinker, Latin and Jazz, Tokyo Manga, Japan Elapsed. Can you think how many kinds of strange forms of conveyance can be decorating somebody's makeup lot someplace ? how many paintings, designs, architectural one, how many styles, how many juke boxes, how many history, how many textiles and soft fixtures, how a great deal serving dishes and what era and sort - how a great deal hurl and distil, clothing and styles - can you think how many lives died to passage this clothes up to these pseudo-human and alien corporations ?Give to is a calm seam of soulstuff in the mines of planet Native land and maybe our planet has other names in interstellar textbooks that do not theory gardening language. Almost certainly this planet is straightforwardly called Native land by humans and in all probability the opportunity of Nibiru refers to kick mentioned in secret Reptilian underground mythology and divine when the Reptilians thrust another time walk the streets of planet Nibiru and the earth of their introduce somebody to an area in all their equal height and scaley confidence in develop sight of their ape labourers.Possibly Nibiru is the Reptilian dint for this planet.In the function of benign and Divine outfit comes according to our own prophesies maybe we can appearance drive on the opulence and the many mop things of Native land not as glories that we claim lost, but glories that we thrust allow.