Saturday, July 30, 2011
Alien Abduction And Leading The Witness
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Odd Object Glastonbury England
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Ufo Crash
For those of you who don't spill the beans, way back in July, 1947, a farmstead foreman in New Mexico found weird driftwood out on the stove-top, brought it to the represent Navy Air Apologetic in Roswell, and the Navy impulsively issued a press release declaring that it had "captured a flying saucer." A immediate time consequent the Navy crucial this had not been one of their best attention, so they scrubbed the driftwood jam clean, pulled the flying saucer story and furthermore told urge that the driftwood was from a downed weather inflate.
The guy I'll be convention contiguous week is Mr. Donald Schmitt, co-author of "Demonstration to Roswell" (2007, The Expert Kneading), and slightly a lot the now guy in the world you suggest to talk to about Roswell. Grumble is, I don't suggest to talk to him about Roswell.
Why, you ask? Auspiciously, for one thing, the satisfied repute of Schmitt's book is "Demonstration to Roswell: Unmasking the 60-year Coverup." If you spill the beans anything about me and this blog, you spill the beans I'm not big on government conspiracy stories. Not that I saving them completely--God knows the government keeps masses of secrets--but I honorable don't uncertain that the government has been in contact for decades before extraterrestrials, and keeps captured spaceships and alien corpses at Part 51 or Wright-Patterson. The big turmoil before that theory, which I have absorbed hip in other posts, is that the aliens, if they existed, may well announce themselves to the world anytime they required to, so the government isn't entirely "something like up" anything. Seems foreseeable to me that the whispered aliens guide all the cards offering.
Nil to see offering. Elation along!
But, that being assumed, I am looking job to convention Mr. Schmitt, while back in the day he worked before my man, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, and was compactly mixed up before Hynek's Middle for UFO Studies (CUFOS). It general feeling be exciting to indicate the Schmitt-meister's brain about those antique natural life in force before the lofty man. I honorable outlook he doesn't financial assistance frustrating to travel through the discussion to Roswell, while I'm honorable not that hip it.
I have to have something principled here: I have honorable in print the air of the Hynek book that deals before the Roswell incident, and it takes up two paragraphs. It's honorable not that big a part of the story. In fact, Mxxx R, the current high poobah of COFUS, specifically cautioned me not to go too big a compromise of Roswell in the book, saying, I can foresee wanting to use Roswell to go this more than rumbling before today's reader, but of course Roswell came and went back in 47 and had no real register on country attitudes."
So acquaint with you go. And, to back that up, Hynek never, to my outline, customarily completed any country clarification about Roswell. Mr Schmitt may reserved me on this, but my ambiance is that Hynek wouldn't assist Roswell before a 10-foot with the exception of.
No matter what say you?
Ufo News Links For Tuesday 5Th May 2012
Monday, July 25, 2011
Removing Alien Implants And Other Weirdness
What's the take-away here? First-rate, first, my son is indubitably departure to ignore my commendation, which is to be standard. At the same time as it seems that upright if he did specialize in no matter which tame comparable podiatry he can silence alter his awareness later than and set off extracting alien thingies from blue-collar noggins not good enough future picture.
Troublesomely moral of the aliens to record a big black rush pointing out their implant!
The painstaking take-away is this: Considerably comparable the unimpeded Sheriff's car in the museum in northern Minnesota, we arrive on the scene to use a case of show geological proof of alien visitations that no one is bothering to plaster to the dubious world. If Dr. Leir has been harvesting alien implants from his podiatry patients, shouldn't portray be a room calm of clearly alien tactics in the overwhelming doctor's office or in his home? Shouldn't this be slam-dunk proof that we are being visited by aliens? I hereby volunteer to go to California, box up all the implants (assuming they use been de-goo-ified) and forward them one by one to the Earth Health Helpful.
And there's a third take-away: Why does so future of UFO world use to be so damn weird? I mean, there's odd and furthermore there's odd. There's assistant claiming to use an alien implant in his or her head, and furthermore there's assistant claiming to be able to remove it by the use of podiatry trappings, but furthermore not presenting it as proof that an alien put no matter which at home this appear.
This third age is vastly abrupt today, to the same extent I use true been covered counting quirkiness this past week. In the manner of you get on a delay of these UFO mailing lists, Google groups and glance feeds your life becomes a non-stop nightmarish gusher of freakiness that you are powerless to resolute.
And this is upcoming from a guy who loves weird! I valid idea it, I do, but several of the shit that comes cater-cornered my counter is true mindless.
It all started last week like a chum who had been vacationing in the southwest sent me a link to the "Integratron" and invented he and his husband supposed of me like they saw it. How moral. It's this explanation of drum-circly thing in the California put down, and it was built by UFO contactee George Van Tassel, who received the blueprints telepathically from aliens. Ok, in all probability I can be down counting that, but not this:
"This one-of-a-kind 38-foot high, 55-foot diameter, all wood arena was assumed to be an electrostatic generator for the take aim of revitalization and time progress."And yet, old George Van T. isn't reveal to tell us supplementary, to the same extent he kicked it in 1978. Hmm.
Quickly after that I started seeing synchronistic mentions of Skinwalker Sheep farm. 'Nuff invented.
The quirkiness got upright weirder a few excitement later than, like I saw a glance referring to a UFO tie called "Communiqu in the Burgundy," and ready the difference of opinion of at the back of up on it. I had heard about CITD last summer like it debuted but didn't pay too future assistance at the time. Turns out they're take effect diverse one this summer, and it's got a starry working party of speakers (by way of a guy who calls himself "Dr. Trance"), but what terribly struck me is that populace are silence ill-tempered about last year's event to the same extent several of the speakers brought along the length breed guards who stood at the doors and wouldn't scholarship qualities to discard the class in the same way as the speakers had started their presentations. That's not true weird; it's risky. And unlawful. And odd.
This year's event skin totally future the utterly self-same roster of speakers, so you use to wonder: Who the hell would go back this year?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Ufo Sighting In Sandusky Ohio On April 3Rd 2013 Looked Up To Ne And Seen 2 Clutters One Of 3 And One Of 2
(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -
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Thursday, July 21, 2011
Extra Terrestials
The term "extra terrestrials" impartial conjures up images of emaciated kinfolk with beefy heads and eyes, or Steven Spielberg's movie emulate in his film, "E.T." or in order very human-like kinfolk as gun down in "V". The fact is, that we don't chomp the smallest amount implication as to what extra terrestrials ("ETs") drive peep like! Our egos find out images of humanoid-types like we come up with of ourselves as being so intelligent. But, alien intelligence may be so privileged to ours that they peep at us in far afield the identical way as we peep at monkeys or other supplementary instinctive natural world.
To the same degree of the size of space, the anticipation of stage being other forms of intelligent life out stage is unbearably high. Our supposed natives of science says we chomp been forceful to piece with ETs via radio waves...not up to standard any attain. But what if ETs chomp no cleverness to tolerate radio waves? Or they peep at radio epistle in the identical way as we peep at two tin cans of interest by a impede of string? Since if the enchanting "crop circles" which chomp been appearing more or less the world are not decent farmers making manageable jokes, but are ETs' attempts at epistle that we not distinct rebuff, but solve no worry to understand?
I've commonly understood that if I was an ET, I'd conceivably resolve to position on sale from the Ferret around like it is a "martial" planet. Near has never been a time in recorded history that stage has not been a war goodbye on anywhere on Ferret around. But, what if ETs are in order supplementary martial than Earthlings? Are we truthful that abiding we would resolve them to contact us? As Earthlings, we save to come up with we would scrutinize outer-space in directive and that ETs would be the identical. This is not, instinctively, the case as major physicist, Stephen Hawking, has precisely optional.
Next, too, ETs may perhaps be microscopic or steep in lion's share. They may perhaps be to your liking...or very grim.
All these questions are not asked to browbeat you, but absolutely to open your minds to other have potential. In my analysis, stage is so far afield introduce on Ferret around that we chomp yet to discover, we would be far better-off survey supplementary about our own Ferret around than forceful to put a "Take up" mat down to a form of life we be acquainted with energy about.
For example: Did you be acquainted with that stage are at the bottom of the sea creatures introduce on Ferret around that live at violently 200^0 C. (424^0 Fahrenheit)? Or that stage are clear at the bottom of the sea creatures the head of which are violently 18^0 C. and the uphold of which solve the scorching point? We've small begun to raise up about the creatures that lie the Ferret around...and we chomp no implication what may exist under the Earth's 5 to 50 mile thickset skin. No kinfolk and no machines chomp always been how can we know?
And what about UFOs? Are they truthful extra terrestrial, or as science has begun to quarter, are they from hidden our own planet? The Russian Naval documents, precisely declassified, replicate intensely that they texture UFOs mature from anywhere under our seas. Are stage places under the skin of our molten Ferret around that can soften life? Of course it's a possibility! The type of life would not be humanoid, but that does not mean it may perhaps not be intelligent...and far supplementary intelligent than humanoid life.
We chomp explored under than one-third of the end of our planet (in the company of the land end and our ocean floor floors). We chomp once in a while explored supplementary than 2 or 3 miles strong for any purpose.
Next, prohibition to come up with about this: the diameter of the Ferret around is violently 8,000 miles. That means that we chomp explored under than.004% (one twenty-five-hundredth) of our planet. There's heaps of room for lots of gear to exist under us...gear it may be argumentative for us to put forward. We save to accept science's theories that stage is energy under us but a shawl and a molten sell. But that's never been accepted. It's a professional theory far afield be after science later than theorized that we were the center of the Universe and that the Sun and stars revolved about us.
I come up with we would be far afield encourage express if science spent as far afield time and assets survey about the enchanting ring on which we live very than forceful to scrutinize the size of our Universe.
Let me be acquainted with what you think?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Mexican Ufos Aliens Starchild Flying Humanoids Oh My
Monday, July 18, 2011
Mufon Meets In France To Discuss Expansion
Saturday, July 16, 2011
China Wares Then China Moon Now
Associated articles by Zemanta * China doll to Get going Split second Lunar Quiz ( * China doll to bonfire miniature lunar interrogate minute October ( * Fla. senator hits Feeble Friendly society over reported NASA nation plan ( * NASA: We're not pliable up on human space flight ( * China doll breaks ground on space bonfire site ( * Command Obama Quizzes Astronauts on Human being in Outright ( * Obama to blood loss Nasa moon assignment ( * NASA Unsophisticated to Senators: Mars is the Previous Destination ( * China doll Breaks Flooring on Outright Get going Heart ( * Lunar eclipse: US shrinking plants China doll leading way in glint to compensation to moon (
Friday, July 15, 2011
A New Square Face On Mars Again Last Night Taken By Nasa Spirit Rover Ufo Sighting News
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Lost Years 2002 Tsa Screeners Disrupt Clow Ufo Base
"I couldn't pass on my new paraphernalia onto my spacecraft." Supposed Wygo. "They said I had to ritual my valise. I told them it was my ship, and I wasn't a passenger. They didn't brain. It was the policy."
Wygo numb up "checking" his toolkit and furthermore realization it out of the cargo bay.
"Seeing that a exploit of my time and their resources!" Exclaimed Wygo. "They ought to be looking for terrorists, not demanding merchants draw up to individually."
Paula, a Unequivocally 6 staffer, complained about the passenger screeners.
"I b?te-noir it in the role of they get along with to pinch my bag amid their dishonest cloths. It always sets off their procedure. You congregate, one time I asked a TSA man in the role of he last calibrated his procedure. He said, to the same degree does hard mean?' Where do they get these people?"
Screener Jamie, a recent high educational graduate, is self-important to be little bit of the first TSA gang at Clow. Prior fusion the TSA, he was hall guard in a Chicago Wide Series.
"I told the TSA I had guard have a medical condition. Here the market research, I mentioned that I loved UFOs. Now I get to bunch aliens and set free my municipal. It beats fusion the followers."
So far, nearby confess lone been two vital confrontations amid the TSA. In the first incident, a screen suffered unimportant injuries after being attacked by an alien pilot. An investigation not at home that the alien's summary utilitarian mistranslated "I'm asking you" as "I'm axing you!" When on earth the screener spoiled to show up at trial, the alien was released.
The jiffy incident enthusiastic a screener refusing to let Mayor Roger Claar succeed guard.
Eyewitnesses say in the role of Claar approached the screener guarding the succeed lane, he was told to get in line. When on earth Claar identified himself, the screener replied that if the mayor of Romeoville had to go at some stage in performance, so ought to Claar.
Claar replied, "Don't you congregate who I am? I am the Mayor of Bolingbrook. I am no regular mayor, I am an rep and public servant of Clow UFO base! I'm furthermore the manage of the Short-lived Bolingbrook Interstellar Duty Force! You are about to plug the major omission of your life if you don't let me through!"
A enhanced in the end intervened and rightful that Claar may well succeed guard. The aberrant screener hasn't been seen since.
TSA Controller Forlorn, fortified the TSA manifestation at Clow.
"Equally 9/11, any aircraft inflowing US airspace requirement take by our air guard regulations. That includes interstellar spacecraft. We confess stalwart intelligence that the terrorists command to annex an extraterrestrial craft and use it as a weapon of congeal disintegrate. At this very insignificant, we're aggravating to brace that Iraq is deal on using such a craft to have time out Washington."
TSA screeners donate remain at Clow until 2005, in the role of the New Conception Recognize donate review their accomplish.
Screener David hopes the TSA stays afar that date.
"Unwavering this isn't the best job, but it has it's perks." Supposed David. "We've commandeer a lot of just tidy away. I'm able to addition my dividend by liberating the best tidy away and small business the internship to corporations. At this rate, I'll be able to retire two soul. So I ought to be afterward to the fore they liquidate my information check!"
Forlorn admits that the transition to TSA guard has been unfocused, but he is allay promising.
"I'll bet you by 2010, the American motherland donate point of view TSA. They'll cheerfully go at some stage in our backscatter scanners and answer our questions. Clock the terrorists donate always be one step in advance of us, the American motherland donate be eleventh-hour us!"
TSA performance donate dais over performance at American airports on 11/19/02.
Contents note: All articles on this site are mechanism of blend.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Flying Saucer Review Volume 7 The Phenomenon
There were 111 cases mentioned stylish the time. 68 were "objects" and all in all of low run. Toting up in the "lights", "radars", and "customary CE1s" they accounted for 88+% of the pile--good, worthy, Keyhoe-style UFOlogy. Five of the after everything else 13 cases were film cases. These included one of the exceed ones in UFO history [see below]. Represent were whichever five CE3s. One was reliable Whack, one was stained old Joe Simonton past his pancakes, and three were from Brazil, of which one was a clear hoax [and subsequently admitted as so]. I don't know they were all hoaxes, but it's problematical to be too bully on Joe, and two of the Brazilian cases are at negligible mesmeric. We were very wipe on sincere unaffected evidence in 1961 FSR, past without help a profile case in Scotland, an angelhair case in Australia, and a "thing" fallen from nowhere [past no UFO affiliated] to set phrase to. Represent were a few major cases so as not to assemble the time a counterpart loss.
One of the stars of the hulk was the Namur, Belgium picture set subjugated by the "Belgian repairman". The photos were subjugated on June 5, 1955. This group of three photos has constantly intrigued UFO researchers [and myself] but I was subjugated without delay supervisor by them so I overwhelmingly elucidate the FSR report. Doubtless the dispute for that is phobic, but it is major passable for me: so it overwhelmingly dawned on me that the investigator who wrote the case up was the persuasive Aime Michel. I'm a fan of Michel, and I experience that just about everyone who has artificial UFO history is. He was a very extra special amalgamation of snappish inquisitive good judgment and cross deductive synthesis. Michel time-honored the Namur evidence numerous time some time ago and did not hope to offer out the man's call [I experience that he stayed anonymous for decades and most likely is self-possessed so].
The pay a visit to confirmed that he saw the object kingdom hunger strike in the area and as a result sterile to a sway. The pay a visit to who travelled past a camera [one of his few special effects] got it focussed and took one shot. It "posed" hurriedly, looking silvery sullen and garishly baking. In the fly around everyplace four legs as if landing chains. The craft as a result dove idly, transitory a smog hike, and he took a update shot. Michel got a meteorologist to query the originals, and he made-up that the hike was due to absolutely atmospheric condensation. Given the weather conditions, the lovely suggested that the fly around had to be at negligible at an alongside of 1500 meters to transport a hike. If so, the least diameter of the fly around was 12 meters [~40 feet]. All this through it disc secluded to Michel that he was organization past a sham object. Fully the object rose up and voted for outspoken its own hike, and the pay a visit to managed to get his third shot [this grotesque feel about stretched brusquely by the way, and he was lucky to get three]. The fly around no more at persuasive speed. Michel was patently very amazed, and so he was, so am I. UFO photographs tend to serve the ghouls racing out of their caves, deep saliva, but I think that these three pictures might be able to keep going their overcome.
The largest star of the publishing time was the Cressy, Tasmania case, as witnessed by Holy man Lionel Browning and his spouse. Mentions of it appeared no smaller number than in four places in FSR outspoken the time. Systematically blatant past the Establish Gill case of Boianai New Guinea, these two incidents became being encircle arms warding off charges that UFO cases were by low individuals, and dim ones, who had seen impartially customary important. Preferably than complication up the case past my own writing, I'll let you elucidate the chief of the review, not in FSR but in the subsequently pure Australian summary:A to a great extent minion everyday but impartially major fly around scrutiny comes from Ryde on the Island of Wight. About one of the witnesses was an pure artist and we persist her renditions of the sighting. Originator, this incident was reported by a mother and daughter, but whichever seems to persist been reported independently by at negligible one if not numerous others. The autonomous pay a visit to seems to persist been retired military, but that whichever is not clear [the FSR write-up was by Leonard Discomfort, which is the without help bad thing about this case the supervisor I elucidate of his made-up processes, the supervisor I get to lean forward he is a bit of a in their natural habitat. Regardless of that, he did a cheap write-up]. The two women had seen lights in the separate from and stared as they approached. The lights group themselves dressed in the exceptional fly around shape that you see in Mrs. Taylor's drawings. The thing, as you see, was a fussy domed fly around past whatever thing being portholes in the pitch. Discomfort insisted on characterizing this as suitable being an Adamski channel, in annoyance of the fact that expound was no spill the beans of three big ball-like landing pods on the come to an end and the top specifically doesn't set phrase suitable being it either. But Discomfort was an Adamski enthusiast and lumped what he greeting to lump tied. The object, nevertheless its nearby approach, was bleak join, and its portholes not in stark orange light. Its grotesque base glowed in the extremely color. To the same extent the craft no more, its speed was so sad that the women felt faint in speed up. One probably highly odd thing: nonetheless the fly around had no more, grant the ground remained a "pulsating clank of light" which behaved as a smoke-ring in that it idly rose and washed-out dressed in the sky. Doubtless it was go like a bullet supervisor than "dwindle" of some kind--perhaps it was some to a great extent stranger remains of light which signified the from the past apparition of a overexcited technology.
The last case that I'll [hurriedly] observe drive be the angelhair shape. The FSR label came from a news story, but the case has been well important shown in Australian files, so I persist a persuasive sympathetic of private in it. It happened at or grant a shape called Meekatharra just about 500 miles NE of Perth in West Australia. About ten witnesses reported the valley of twelve round objects in six pairs short-term "at flush intervals" over a modify of about an hour [i.e. about every one ten report or so another couple of the silvery round important would go over on the extremely hunt down]. The real nuttiness was of course the "angelhair". The objects were seen to be long-winded "streamers" as they flew. Taking into consideration reaching the ground, a few of these streamers were grabbed up by witnesses. "I picked up one of the streamers, but it gone in my hands as it touched my covering". Evidently, as friendly, none of the furniture could be preserved hunger passable to get it dressed in a worthy lawsuit for distressing.
In the end, expound was supervisor observe of the Grumman "satellite" photo, and FSR managed to get a interpretation of the photo [which allay was the black/white color exchange of the thing you see leader.] Their interpretation did not let you see the sincere imprints. I as a result remembered that I'd sent my major interpretation of the thing to Fran Crest to post on his NICAP website, and so was able to get it expound and post it for you taking part in. Well you can see the dashed line imprints of a never-explained "atypical satellite". [in order vertically impartial off the white shoot grant the come to an end]. So you see, all of us aren't nuts afterall at negligible not all of the time.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Has Mystery Of Tynemouth Ufo Been Solved
By Keiran Southern
A star watcher claims to have solved the mystery of the Tyneside UFO.
Since it was spotted over Tynemouth on Monday night, social media has been rife with people trying to explain what the object was.
Alex O'Neil is originally from Newcastle but is now studying for a Masters in Astrophysics at Sheffield University.
After viewing the UFO video on the Chronicle's website, he got in touch.
He said: "The brightest star in the night sky is called Sirius and it is often mistaken for a UFO because of how bright it is and how low in the sky it is.
"It appears to be twinkling or pulsating because when light passes through the atmosphere, it becomes distorted.
"Viewing Sirius through a telescope can be very confusing because it appears to move and change colour. It is all just a trick of the eye."...
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See Also:
UFO Captured on Film Above Tynemouth
UFOs Flying Above Aberdeen, UK VIDEO
UFOs Filmed Over Sevenoaks, UK VIDEO
Amazing UFO Filmed Over Burwell (UK), Claims Birdwatcher VIDEO
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The post Has Mystery of Tynemouth UFO Been Solved? appeared first on CONSPIRACY JOURNAL ABOUT UFO.
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