Thursday, September 11, 2008

Richard Saunders Crushed At Clow Ufo Base

Richard Saunders Crushed At Clow Ufo Base


BY Storyteller X

Richard Saunders, co-host of The Pessimist Territory, was released from Bolingbrook's Clow UFO Foot after his former attempt to make off with a UFO kaput 99% of his bones.

"It was horrible!" Said DocRak, an looker-on from the Andromeda Federation. One moment he was bracing himself under a leader craft, and asking for the clamps to be released. The close the craft was on the ground, and I couldn't see Richard!"

Liberate crews managed make off with the UFO off of Saunders kaput body, and started emergency body redecoration. Following a few report, Saunders was able to voice, "But for the fact that I can't stroke whatsoever, I think I'm proceed OK."

Saunders was thus hectic to Clow's healing position and released after a few hours. Sources told "The Babbler" that Saunders's loves his new body, and asked taking into account this healing technology would be completed in the order of to the rest of the world.

"He highly salutation that under human medicine, he would be insensitive, and we would be mailing his missile in an swathe." Said a agency. "Acquaint with, we were able to fix him, and now he can go vertebrae to great Australians that UFOs aren't real."

Saunders was at Clow to arise to the envoy of the Martian Colonies that Gravity Independence Bands don't use under cover obtained Martian technology. Saunders's explained that Earth's holographic bands last no special powers and rely on the panacea clobber. Yet the Martians last advanced holographic technology, dead even their diplomacy can't replicate the claims Hideaway manufacturers set out.

As the skeptical envoy watched, Saunders demonstrated the delightful second hand by one sellers of holographic bands and pendents.

"It was staggering." Said QiDo, an screen. "It looked yearn for he was flexible his mannish correlate extra bill, and super strength. Consequently he explained how it was out of the frame. Parallel we, who push the stars, can be fooled."

For the irrefutable demonstration, Saunders asked if he can borrow the ambassador's craft. Strenuous a Gravity Independence Edging, he was not entitled to crowd the craft and it's battery landing clamps. Saunders thus asked that his someone result in on a Higgs Boson inhibitor and affair it at the craft. Higgs Boson inhibitors are second hand to make less burdensome the twist of spacecrafts, for that reason allowing them to fly shut down the march of light before activating their twist drives. Sources supposed that Saunders imprint the mechanism would make less burdensome the cuff of the craft, allowing him to make off with the craft.

To be more precise, the craft's cuff was even, and Saunders was kaput under assured thousand tons of alien blade.

Investigators character the inhibitor was sabotaged. Yet they last no suspects, sources panel to the investigation questionable celebrate from the Martian Colonies.

"Quite a few colonists are looking for an excuse to initiate a war amongst Hideaway. They see these holographic bands as an excuse to initiate such a war. Richard's demonstration can last derailed their campaign. So it's raw to say yes that they tried to last him aimlessly killed."

According to assured eyewitnesses, after Saunders's was released, he told Clow officials that he now highly contained the selflessness of his pains to rid the world of holographic bands.

"I last to save the world!"

In the function of finally reached for shiny finish, Saunders laughed and denied ever visiting Bolingbrook.

"If you last evidence for your claims, thus James Randi Inspirational Cosmos and The Australian Skeptics last prizes for you." Said Saunders. "Self can use the money, right?"

In the function of asked if he would literal "The Babbler's" 5 Oppose Have the guts, Saunders explained, "It's sharply ready to fortify a negative. That's reasonably why The Skeptics Honest to The Conception won't accept your air. You last to set out a obvious contend and thus accord evidence for that contend. I'm diffident but the load of proof is on your rag. Wait! Who are you and why are you sitting close to my friend?"

A women in the background replied, "That's my partner, and he's been amongst me the very great time!"

"Wow!" Replied Saunders. "This is a real life representation of the primate video!"



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