Friday, March 21, 2008

Vernon British Columbia Objects Caught On Film Photos

Vernon British Columbia Objects Caught On Film Photos
Posted: Respected 14, 2008Date: Respected 12, 2008 Time: Approx: Twelve noon hour.Hi Brian, I had two elder sightings today, and the squabble I say two, is equally they were very another objects, every in calendar day, stylish in Vernon, BC, during the middle of the day hour. One I managed to get on camera, and was a very inestimable, cloud grade, shaft fashioned object, broad on the prime end. It would hastily approach anywhere I was looking, I would award a picture and it would get smaller. I was on a walk along with my pup and as I walked, I couldn't telltale sign but to part up persistently. It would approach over and again; I would award a picture and after that it would get smaller. It did this a few time, on a few another streets, in another orientations in the sky; east west south etc. Sometimes I would diminutive sign up a stance in the sky, but knew I had seen it over. Far-flung time it would stop hope for sufficient for me to get a picture. I got three pictures from another locations on my walk. It was so interested. It about looked similar a pinwheel that can stop and reel.The other, which did not show up well on camera, was a ashen orb which hovered at cloud grade, and equally the object was ashen, chary ashen clouds - it merely showed as a miniature imperceptibly darker spot on the pictures. I standoffish the pictures equally I show what I saw, but others wouldn't discharge ominously of the miniature darker spot chary the clouds. So I won't secure individuals pictures. It thoughtfully stirred East to West. It would block for a promontory, move and block over as if concerned, and after that after about 5 minutes it flummoxed.Thank you to the past performance for their report and for method in the photos.Brian Vike, Improved HBCC UFO Learning and broadcaster of the Vike Record UFO Witness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Learning International: Telephone system show broadcaster for the Vike Record, observer involving their experiences. report/index.htmlIn recent times further, the Vike Record Telephone system Performance Blog. You can subjugate the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and potential programs I do. UFO Learning, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
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