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Bournville Northfield Hole Lane Uk Large Orange Objects
Posted: January 16, 2009Date: December 21, 2008Time: In the region of 9:30 p.m.Blemish of Sighting: Bournville/Northfield - Open Administrate.Figure of witnesses: 2Figure of objects: 6Typical of objects: Yellowish-brown Circles.Subjugated Testify of event/sighting: On 21/01/2008, I was out in addition to my call walking stock and I was depressed to the ideas of a ungainly yellowish-brown object in the sky. It ended no phone call whatsoever and was move to prolonged to be any airline and at first I assiduousness it was a comet or meteorite, but I realized it was move way too prolonged. It was not inconsiderable than any airline I'd customarily seen also. I lost sight of this UFO after about 5 report, moreover I saw 3 of the little actual UFO's fly nonstop over my head, all straightforwardly parallel to each other and move at straightforwardly the actual speed. They were a bare careful yellowish-brown colour, in addition to no other lights. Stage were moreover assorted 2 that followed about 2 report as soon as. Forward this sighting I did not resist in UFO's, but I am partnership what I saw was a UFO and cannot be explained to be doesn't matter what but that.Thank you to the track record for their sighting report.Brian Vike, Excellent HBCC UFO Research and throng of the Vike Convey UFO Viewer radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Interactions show throng for the Vike Convey, spectator linking their experiences. report/index.htmlUnemotional new, the Vike Convey Interactions Reach Blog. You can curb the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and pending programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO