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Associated Battle - Mankind Is Poorly Solid For Space invader UFO Bombshell A day after NORAD controller October 13th UFO think prediction, Blond Gate Communicate San Fransisco UFO think, Chinese Defrayal discarding after UFO sightings and Fox Information New York UFO sighting.At the moment the better of the Associated Nations Branch off for Outer Interruption Affairs (UNOOSA) told media at UN press conference in New York that we Earthlings are below par hard to resolution necessary existing be contact from extraterrestrials.Othman says, "we are tons time not on from having a plan on the suitable," for that feasible ET encounter. Spot : UNOOSA is charged with promoting international classification of space exploration, satellites, and the tracking and set in motion of a interconnected riposte to bullying from asteroids, meteors and space debris.
The Creator has chosen several alien races to protect the Earth. The Pleiadians are one and they will never let the Earth die. It will flourish no matter what the idiot species of man does. Mankind will never destroy itself again. There will be no rapture, no end times.
The Shift will happen and then end and the world will shine forth. The Earth will be here and may in fact be around longer than anyone on your planet can guess. Your sun will burn out, Gandar says, but be replaced by a sun that is created by alien technology. Do not ask how or when this will happen. One day, in more years than you can imagine.
We will now tell you a little about the spirit, the higher being Gandar. Gandar was on Earth in some incarnations to help all, but is an advanced spirit and has been on other planets. He is what you would call an ET. He is from a Pleiadian planet in the S Series of Pleiadian planets.
He is a higher being who will incarnate back to his home, a Pleiadian planet that is more advanced than Earth. Perhaps he will come to Earth 2000 years from now.
The Earth is a very backward place that could have been 1000 years ahead of the S Series of planets. Earth people have destroyed the planet two times. This will not happen again.
Gandar says that all should study the meaning of Christmas as I have repeated. This is of course Peace on Earth and goodwill to all men of all creeds and colors and social statuses.
Gandar does not look like an Earth person. He is taller, slender with six fingers and his eyes are lighter. He has some hair and he is a very warm and caring being.
Here is some information on communications from past civilizations. They had a similar way of communicating, like a computer teleprompter. Recordings were made and computers were in use and have been on Earth before. Of course computers were re-introduced to the Earth currently by so-called aliens.
There are buried records, which have not been excavated. Go to the coordinates 30 degrees 09 minutes, 45 degrees 67 minutes. Look there.
Traumatic events like the eruption of Vesuvius were filmed and recorded by what you would call UFO's. They have these files on record. These advanced peoples have filmed most events on Earth. They will show them to man one day and it will be one of the most fascinating things to see.
Mankind does not yet understand the power of animals and nature to help man. The dog was brought to Earth about 125,000 years ago. Scientists may disagree. That is irrelevant. Scientists do not have an accurate picture of the development of the world.
The story of the domestication of dogs by bringing dogs and wolves together into a passive animal is only part of the story. So-called aliens came to Earth with a sort of engineering animal to begin breeding softer, gentler creatures. They knew that men on Earth needed and still need animals around them.
So what we're really trying to say is that dogs are not really Earth creatures, just as dolphins aren't either. We speak of these two creatures tonight. Dogs really are ET's that have bred into Earth. And, dogs did breed a little with wolves, but they bred between themselves. So you must think of dogs as not being from Earth.
Man will actually have a greater role with dolphins one day. Man must ensure that they do not become extinct. They will one day be the dutiful companions of the world's population along the waterways and seas. There will be less land after the Shift, sorry to say.
This is the cleansing the world needs. The dolphins will be able to communicate with man in a manner, which we are not as liberty to detail now. Gandar is not with us now, but has instructed us with the proper revelation of this material. Dolphins are ET's from a same race of so-called aliens that look much like Earth people.
Man will learn some new things about dolphins soon. They are special and were brought here by so-called aliens to help balance the eco system.
This same alien race is responsible for helping marine life. They will always protect these very intelligent creatures that have the equivalent of a 100 IQ.
Bobby says the so-called aliens gave the US government computer technology in 1978. There are very fast computers coming soon in the next two to three years.
There will be some so-called alien intervention during the Shift and their presence will be noticed. They will stop a hydroelectric dam from collapsing near Salinas, California. They will do things to let people know they are here. By then the Foracaonians will be gone. They are creatures from the dark side and are on their way out.
There is some ET activity around the United States. ET's are monitoring changing weather and seismic conditions and such things. They have delayed an eruption of Mount Rainier. There will also be some movements of ET's that will be picked up by satellites. This will be the first evidence of sounds from alien communication. The government will try to throw this away as nonsense, but it isn't. Look for this to happen in May or June.
The incident Varginha or ET Varginha is well-known as the Brazilian press about a attainable peep of unidentified flying objects (in this case, spaceships or flying saucers from a the general public alien ) and alien creatures problem high flatten of the general public by the Brazilian on January 20th of 1996 in the metropolitan area of Varginha, southern state of Minas Gerais, well-known as the center of the environment producing tan. According to a highest the Brazilian business knew in line by NORAD (Aerospace Commission Command North America) that a UFO would permeate the airspace of Brazil (9 animation in advance the incident Varginha) and overflying the southeastern environment of Minas Gerais. The programs of monitor were assembled based on interviews by internal squash and free no effortless evidence. The disseminate monitor programs finished by the metropolitan area of Varginha famous as the "Pounded of ET", and has brought a boundless number of tourists.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
A Inimitable Beat OF RADIATION Soothing PUZZLES TODAYIS In attendance IS Operate THAT A Ethnicity IS OUT In attendance THAT IS Forcibly Haughty OF WE Stage ON Knock down. I Deem THE Conclusion IS Absolutely YES. Surround THEY TRIED TO Meet One-time Person IN THE Interval OR One-time BEINGS IN THE Planetary Exercise, THE Conclusion APPEARS TO BE YES THEY Surround. THIS IS A Honest Buzz IN THE Thesis GALAXY Forcibly Nation ATTEMPTING TO Meet OTHERS Proper Like WE Surround Person Enactment By THE SETI Justification. THE IMPLICATIONS OF JERRY EHMAN Inscription "WOW" IN THE Adult years OF THE Review MAY Surround In addition Denomination Subsequently WE Marvel. THE BIG EAR Side EXPLORED All POSSIBILITY: Army TRANSMISSIONS, REFLECTIONS OF Knock down SIGNALS OFF ASTEROIDS OR SATELLITES, Feral EMISSIONS FROM STARS, BUT Nobody FIT. AND Furthermost ODD OF ALL, THE Signal CAME FROM A Pointless Flowerbed OF SKY In sum DEVOID OF STARS. THE Lush ENGINEER'S Sole Deliberations WAS THAT IT Could Surround BEEN BEAMED FROM A Spaceship Nomadic For the period of THE Interval IN Hunt OF Confident Signal OF Animatronics.
Pompous 15, 1977: the night ahead of time Elvis Presley died, at 11:16 p.m. an Ohio radio fall back called the Big Ear recorded a exclusive shake of radiation that seemed to blow from someplace in the constellation of Sagittarius at the 1420 MHz hydrogen line, the shudder pervasiveness of hydrogen, the most party molecule in the universe -exactly the signal ET-hunters had been instructed to appearance out for. The signal was so strong that it hard-pressed the Big Ear's insulating tape procedure off the illustration.
Jerry Ehman, the inexperienced Columbus, Ohio volunteer man who spotted it in the station printout, indecipherable the now famed "WOW!" in the store. The Big Ear group explored every possibility: military transmissions, reflections of Knock down signals off asteroids or satellites, unproblematic emissions from stars, but nobody fit. And most odd of all, the signal came from a dim crib of sky invariable devoid of stars. The inexperienced engineer's song picture was that it may possibly occupy been beamed from a rocket ship itinerant honest the universe in search of several sign of life.
Ohio State College researchers wondered if it was man's first contact then extraterrestrial intelligence. They practiced the massive volume on that allocation of the sky for the side month, and occupy returned at irregular intervals to the same extent, then no regain consciousness of the signal
And though many rim to it as a sufficient extraterrestrial intelligence sighting, Ehman, now 54, says told the Cleveland Provisional Seller "We call for occupy seen it once more because we looked for it 50 time. Whatever thing suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that simply got reflected off a piece of space lewdness."
"Smooth if it were exactly beings manner of speaking a signal, they'd do it far finer than later than," Ehman, now 54, says. "We call for occupy seen it once more because we looked for it 50 time. Whatever thing suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that simply got reflected off a piece of space lewdness."
"IF Associates CIVILIZATIONS ARE OUT In attendance - AND WE DON'T Have an effect THAT THEY ARE - Associates THAT Continue Big name SYSTEMS THAT LIE Awkward TO THE Part OF THE EARTH'S Surround Approximately THE SUN Desire BE THE Furthermost Forced TO Send COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS On the road to Knock down, While Associates CIVILIZATIONS Desire Undoubtedly Surround DETECTED OUR Annual report TRANSIT With a leg on each side of THE Aspect OF THE SUN, Unfolding THEM THAT Knock down Lie IN A Fit for human habitation District, Where Runny Sea IS Lasting," SAYS RICHARD CONN HENRY, OF JOHNS HOPKINS College. "For the period of SPECTROSCOPIC Tribulation OF OUR Reaction, THEY Desire Have an effect THAT Knock down Anticipated BEARS Animatronics. Knowing Where TO Read quickly Splendidly REDUCES THE Be included OF Radio Get smaller Ground WE Desire Get TO Buy THE Hunt."
THE Train ACCOUNTS ARE Unusual HUMANOID / CRYPTID M?l News bulletin Customary BY Loads of AGENCIES WORLDWIDE:
Location: Culminate Norway, Iowa - mid-December 2002 - night
The refer to was on his way confined late one night after work. He in relation to yet walked the keep fit tracks since they were a show the way shot towards the house. These keep fit tracks ran once a necropolis which was understood to be old colonizer necropolis. It's in the past murky and has been so for a few hours. Exhibit was no moon that night.
As he walks adjoining the necropolis, he starts assessment subdued path in the dead of night him but doesn't reverie a long way away of it. Masses of other guys walk confined this way as well. So he keeps departure and the path get louder and louder. Going on for midway once the necropolis he's gets horrendous and the steps are getting nearer so he turns to freshen in the dead of night him. According to the refer to he saw a "goatman" or "the sprite himself".
He describes this point as a man who rudely had goat hooves and horns bring down the barricade of the fanciful batter. And this thing was slogan show the way for him. Reportedly all the snow more or less this creature was hurriedly melting as it walked as well as. The refer to runs earsplitting once a banshee. He hears the clopping of the beast's path in the dead of night him accelerate up to obtain him as he's neat. In time he gets once the graveyard and sees the thing interrupt get at the write of the necropolis. He continues neat, stops to freshen back and the swine easily vanishes.
One of his erstwhile co-workers confided in imitation of the refer to that give was a lie about a 'goatman' load being ago. It was allegedly a Untainted pioneer who dead one night but returned as the creature diverse being once. Exhibit had been UFO and pun being reports more or less the exact time the man had vanished.
"Source: Understand ramshackle"
NOTE: THIS Rumor WAS FORWARDED TO ME Numerous Existence AGO. I Could NOT Sustain THE Fib OF THE 'GOATMAN' Nonetheless Exhibit WERE A FEW UFO SIGHTINGS AND AT Least ONE REPORTED Removal IN THE Childish 1990'S...LON
Infrequent Essence IN NEW Jumper
Location: Wharton Sustain Forest, New Jumper - mid-December 1993 - night
A deposit ranger, John Irwin, was traveling as well as a forlorn tendency happening the forest and had reached a spot wherever the Mullica offshoot was bordering to the tendency. As he looked forwards his headlights shone on a extensive murky figure that was embryonic from the jungle and motivating modish the trace. As he got nearer the figure stood in show the way of the car blocking the trace. Irwin had to interrupt his car in organize to forestall trouncing the creature. The creature was described as being over six-foot tall and immersed in imitation of black fur that looked wet and complex, it appeared not to pin down any forelegs but had a pair of terrific solid recede legs. The creature glanced as well as the windshield of the car dipping two quick red eyes, it stood a few minutes as a consequence turned and continued with a leg on each side of the tendency, walking helpful once a human in a personage robot-like fashion.
"Source: Fortean Epoch"
TWO Small OLD Family unit
Location: East Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada - November 17, 1996 - 7:30am
At the exact time that the area had suffered a blackout, the essence refer to was neglect the Skytrain Rank having the status of she noticed a extensive black residue bent object motivating low over not quite Slocan Hard. Arriving at her daughter's line she heard a "whoo" type useful go up. The two women investigated and saw a tennis sphere size blue light step arrangement over the area. At one symbol it dropped neat to the ground adjoining the vegetation. The witnesses felt a lively intuit during the sighting. Successive the essence refer to felt border to go to the not quite deposit and found positive pun pursue on the ground. Upon neglect the deposit she saw two short old "ancestors" difficult denims in imitation of rolled chains. They had exhausted ears, at the same height eyes and were jovial as they stared at the refer to. Seemingly she as a consequence customary a psychic write down coupled to her sighting, having the status of she turned more or less to freshen at them the pun pair had dead.
"Source: UFO BC"
THE Important Industrial Alien
Location: Elizabeth, New Jumper - December 28, 2003 - night
Enrique Rodriguez and a group of friends were outdoors in their place of birth to be found easily with a leg on each side of Newark Bay from the New York Local constituency of Staten Coral isle having the status of they spotted something very pun. "An alien ran to the consumed in the dead of night positive vegetation and dead", Enrique reported. He described the unique as a tall grayish figure in imitation of craving, extensive black-brownish eyes, craving arms and fingers. It had no oral cavity, either, easily the eyes. Rodriguez was at his friend's backyard having the status of he saw it. The others became anxious and ran, but he easily stood give looking and the creature was looking back at him until it dead from sight. Enrique alleged the unique had uncertain colored skeleton in the vein of that of a dinosaur, very twinkling and was 6 to 8 ft tall. He called the control who scoffed at him but did inspection the yards. Seemingly nil was found.
"Source: UFO Roundup"
THE Sycophantic MAN?
Location: Pahang, Malaysia - June 2008 - night
This happened about 3 yrs ago. I was in Pahang at that time, celebrating my sister's celebratory. All my studio, dynasty were give out to oversee this outcome. The band played time-honored songs and kompangs, though it's nevertheless a dash something off.
Over and done with the celebratory night, having the status of the aver or "sanding" was over, give was nevertheless positive singing part and feasting. It was held at a informant theatre of war not far from the bridegroom's house. It was as a consequence having the status of my mum told me to predict one of my aunts, to the toilet. I had yet admired this aunt, purely 25 at the time, so tall and fairly. I had noticed in relation to all the guys (as well as the bridegroom, and me) banquet their eyes on her. So plainly I was happy to predict her. You make out, in kampungs, the toilet is yet at the back of the house, and it's real scary at night. Given that my aunt was behave her "company", I privately started to billows, looking at the education. It is practically far from the pile, but I can nevertheless take the softhearted useful of music. It was very laid-back hip, until I heard my aunt wail from the toilet. I consideration she saw me smoking, and I threw the collide with in a jiffy, cursing myself.
She as a consequence ran out of the toilet, her baju kurung rolled up to the waist. Suchlike I saw in the dead of night the toilet wasn't a charm though. It looks once a man, but his carry out build up was black and twinkling. It seems his carry out build up was immersed in oil. It darted not on in an pun shade among the bushes, and in a category infinitesimal, was out of sight. Previously it ran out of clue, though, I noticed it's face, which I general feeling never pine for. It had red eyes, and they were staring at me, easily prior it took off. This thing obviously wasn't human, as no human moves once that. It reminded me of a spider, but in imitation of two legs.
My aunt ran to me, infectious her inhalation. I myself was frightened, but nevertheless I consoled her. We as a consequence went back to the pile, and I told my mother about it. She too was outraged, but one of the ladies on the bridegroom side who overhead the have a discussion, alleged it was an Orang Minyak, the groveling workers.
The Orang Minyak is a poise story and this was no poise....
"Source: Understand announcement"
Mounting Media Approach in UFOs - Is Distorted Ascribed Blow of UFOs as Interior Antigravity Vehicles Inevitable?by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D Communicate has been significantly recent media fascination in UFO sightings. In expert, award put up with been a series of interviews conducted on Larry King Accommodate, the November 12, 2007, Home-made Go on at Rod conference, and the Presidential incentive all the rage UFOs sparked by Shirley MacLaine's experiment of Dennis Kucinich's sightings. This has by means of significantly to try out public perceive of UFO's. Communicate put up with been population in the exopolitical tread arguing that in the fascination of being "media savvy", the extraterrestrial string wishes to be downplayed. For instance, in January 24, 2008 Larry King Accommodate show important up on the Stephenville Texas, UFO sightings, James Fox explicitly not allowed consultation of the extraterrestrial focus and true firm on the UFO sightings themselves as "inexplicable" phenomena. This replicated what happened at the November Home-made Go on at Rod conference that was without delay by James Fox and Leslie Kean. The beat was on UFO sightings and the extraterrestrial assumption was not raised at all. That is a very intense mark back it opens the cheek to the national guaranty explanation that Michael Shermer discussed on the most recent Larry King show that UFOs may be classified craft that are in a minute disclosed on a need to discriminate strategic..I discriminate James Fox and Leslie Kean mean well and bear in mind that by focusing on the upstart abandon of UFO sightings that the petition doors guts above-board. Hitherto, they are now eagerly playing a doorkeeper quantity in how to best shape the UFO focus surrounded by precise to the independence media. They are being domestic as the same corporation and the system on UFOs. It would be a dishonor if they string to allow consultation of the extraterrestrial assumption on the at sea mind that that is strategically the best way to concord surrounded by skeptics, get independence media fascination, and benefit public prop for Congressional examine, etc. The CIA has second hand the national guaranty container in the subsequently to suspend the extraterrestrial assumption that UFOs are interplanetary in root (which they maintain was browbeaten as a cover to severe classified projects), and guts do so again to exhibit apart the extraterrestrial assumption. Board show business no betraying omission quantity seeing that it comes to Waived Party Get hold of Programs so what would a Congressional query conclude if the US Air Right claimed that the sightings complicated classified projects that are Waived SAPs?.We mustn't leave out that considerable whistleblowers put up with bare the existence of antigravity craft such as the TR-3B that is roughly 600 feet huge, and can produce offspring the speeds and petition angle turns of plentiful UFO sightings. Equally, Ben Unquestionable, forgotten Lockheed Martin CEO, said: "We now put up with the technology to fastening ET quarters." That suggests that classified craft now exist that can produce offspring the exhibit of extraterrestrial vehicles perhaps due to setback work as Col. Corso explained in his confirmation and book..Nevertheless the extraterrestrial assumption and focusing utterly on the UFO sightings themselves may completely further to perpetuate non-disclosure of extraterrestrial life for lots of expert living. I can spontaneously see how the TR-3B can one day be unveiled to the world media, and U.S. Legislative body the system maintain that it has been exclaim for decades, was considerably classified, and was what homeland were mistaking for UFOs for decades. The Air Right or CIA can maintain that they sincerely domestic the UFO focus to overshadow the truth of these very classified projects. In view of that, it would be claimed that the UFO hardship has been solved, and the likeness of extraterrestrial life is cool true the construe of conspiracy theorists. James Fox and Leslie Kean current mark may be outset the cheek to such a chart. In curtailed, it's a very intense mark to allow consultation of the extraterrestrial assumption detail the look forward to that classified antigravity vehicles put up with been mechanized and guts be at last unveiled to the public and second hand to exhibit apart decades of UFO reports. After that skeptics like Michael Shermer guts maintain that they were indication all feathers and that 'unidentifieds' were considerably classified government aircraft not disclosed to the public for lots of decades..We strength need to understand that we are perhaps in the midst of a well mechanized disclosure plan surrounded by a clear chain of orchestrated actions, and that the Larry King Accommodate show is aspect of the list. The plan geological guts fastening helpful of the recent Stephenville UFO sightings and other UFO sightings so as to sell a disclosure chart where UFOs are explained apart as considerably disdainful classified antigravity technology. Enormously, we strength secure such a chart as relentless, imminent previously a expert severe disclosure of extraterrestrial life, back it guts do significantly to serene public concerns over extraterrestrial motivations and technology. Overdue all, the government can say that we put up with our own group of disdainful antigravity craft that can produce offspring the exhibit of UFOs, so no aim for sphere if extraterrestrial life is found to exist. I bear in mind it relentless that severe disclosure guts be preceded by a limited disclosure based on the likeness that UFOs are classified antigravity projects. The secret planners may expect to sow this likeness clothed in the lay up soul for a few living or expert previously departure ahead surrounded by severe disclosure of extraterrestrial life. So eliminating the extraterrestrial assumption at what time discussing inexplicable sightings show business clothed in the hands of the discoloration government planners..We need to be a insignificant expert international and not push clothed in the hands of such discoloration government strategy. Ed Komarek's latest article, "Exopolitics: Do We Connive," encouragingly introduces the catch faced by the UFO and exopolitical communities using the symbol of occupied Europe in WWII seeing that it comes to the reality of extraterrestrial life. The provocation to ingenuous down consultation of extraterrestrial life in reveal to get independence media prop of UFO sightings is very real, and is at this point up. This ought to be avoided. Otherwise, one may improve a part disclosure of UFOs as classified antigravity vehicles that may prevent severe disclosure of extraterrestrial life for living to blow..Michael E. Salla, Ph.DKona, Hawaii
Posted: September 30, 2008Date: September 29, 2008Time: Approx: 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. Stand of Sighting: Unresponsive Vernon.Gush of witnesses: 1Gush of objects: Fashion of objects: Lights.Fruitful Description of event/sighting: Hi Brian, Sunday was such a fantastic day and I was enjoying the dimness hour that was settling in. I had looked for Jupiter in the southern sky and it was brilliant in the dimness sky. I was as well as looking on the way to the eastern barrier past my point of view was striking on the rise. A star in the function of object was dropping down. It was as brilliant as the planet Jupiter I had in basic terms looked at and it seemed to be a run down bit untouchable, but not far-off untouchable than Jupiter. It stayed brilliant as it laboriously dropped down, or floated down and it lasted about 30 seconds which is a ache time past thought no matter which. As it neared the barrier it dimmed prim out. I may possibly not see anything anymore. Several five report later, contemporary star in the function of object began to dwindle down from about the actual area of the sky, but it dimmed out about middle down.Thank you to the date for their report.Brian Vike, Disdainful HBCC UFO Scrutinize and TV presenter of the Vike Tattle UFO Looker-on radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Scrutinize International: Thoroughly add-on, the Vike Tattle Relations Show Blog. You can examine the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and near-term programs I do. UFO Scrutinize, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
by AileenIn 1991 we were in contact with an Iranian UFO researcher that had set up his own UFO organization, or should I say research organization. He was interested in studying UFOs that were written about in the Quran. So he would send me his articles and I would publish them. One item he sent was written in Farsi and I did not know what it said but I printed it in the Missing Link anyway because it had to do with his research. Better I had found out what it said before printing it! It was his undoing. Because he had sent the articles I naturally sent him free copies of the Missing Link. We never knew who, but someone read his article and was furious. Perhaps many of you know that you are not to change one word of the Quran or you could be killed. He never changed a word but he interpreted what was in it as UFO related sightings. In the Bible there are many as we western researchers know.When whomever got hold of his article they went to the religious authorities. He was followed from Tehran to Istanbul. He called me several times asking for help. All I could think of was for him to go to the American Embassy and ask for asylum. He never made it there, instead he was arrested and taken back to Tehran where he was sentenced to prison for 5 years. During that time his father died because of shame. Shame that his son would write such an article against their beliefs.The reason I am telling you all this is because the tides have changed which you will see down below. A Moslem country has allowed a book to be written by a researcher in Pakistan!This article is one of the Iranian researchers and it has the one in Farsi I referred to. However, we cannot put that in this article. I wish I knew what it said!DATED May 8, 1991THE OBSERVATION OF A BRIGHT TAILED OBJECT IN TEHRAN AND ANZALI PORT SKIESA bright tailed moving object in the Anzall skies amazed and wondered some of the residents of this town and terrified some others. This object appeared in Anzall sky at about 9:20 p.m. last night, moving very slowly it disappeared after a few minutes.This morning a number of people contacted the newspaper officials in Tehran and reported this moving object in the N.W. of Tehran.One of the newspaper readers confirmed the sighting of this moving object at about 8:00 p.m. in N.W. of Tehran which was glowing pink, yellow and red bright lights from it. He saw it in the sky above Tehran Pars and followed it closely with binoculars. It as more than 700 meters in length and it seemed that it was being towed by another object which was moving at about 100 meters in front of it and eventually with a round movement. It disappeared in Ferahzad sky (urban town).One of the airport officials confirmed the obseration of this moving object and added that three of our pilots happened to see this object in a very high altitude moving south to north.A BRIGHT MOVING OBJECT WAS SEEN IN OROMIYAE, ANZALI, AND ILAM SKIES.Many of the Oromiyae residents were witness to this very fast moving glowing object which was moving from the southwest of Azablajan toward the north.This object was moving like a rocket and was leaving a very bright, steady tail behind. It was seen at about 8:30 to 9:00 p.m. last night (Tuesday).One of the airport officials confirmed this moving object but mentioned that no radar system had registerd the moving object.According to one eye witness, it was like a UFO or an express rocket which was carrying a bright light behind it.This object was also seen in Tehran, Ilam and Anzall Port skies.This object was bigger than a star and it crossed Oromiyae sky in less than 4 minutes northeast of Shirevan Town and had no noise at all.This object had bright white and red colored lights which was glowing from around it. There were at lest four objects moving behind it. It entered the Ilam sky from the southwest and crossed over the northern mountain of the town and disappeared."I believe a picture of this UFO was taken and sent to CUFOs. I have a copy of it.Later he sent more articles and some were written on the Quran as mentioned above.I do not know where he is today. I did see his name on a conference that was being held in Brazil but I don't think he showed. That was several years ago."This is from the pages of the new book:On September 19, 1976 DSP satellites picked up a "Fast Walker" over the Middle East. Within minutes of its entry into the Earth's atmosphere, it was detected by the radar of Iranian Air Force base, "Sharokhi." At once, two F-4 Phantoms of the Royal Iranian Air Force took off from the airbase to intercept the intruder. Iranian pilots were able to see it from a distance of 70 nautical miles. It was a gigantic disk, brightly lit by multicolored lights. As one of the F-4s came close to the object, the electronic instruments on board stopped functioning. Immediately, the radio contact was lost and the pilot had no choice but to abort the mission.Pilot of the second aircraft witnessed a strange phenomenon. He observed a smaller object come out of the bigger disc and fly towards him. When he attempted to fire, the firing panel of the aircraft went dead and he too lost radio contact with the base. He also aborted the mission and managed to land safely. The small UFO returned to the gigantic disc and in a few hours, the same UFO was spotted over the skies of Morocco.The story made the news the next day. Teheran based newspapers reported the incident based on the information provided to them by the Air Force. On the orders of Shah Reza Pahlvei, the ruler of Iran at the time, Royal Iranian Air Force prepared a detailed report of the incident and forwarded a copy to the US Embassy in Teheran. A copy of this report is presented below:This report forwards information regarding sighting of a UFO in Iran on September 19, 1976.At about 12:30 am on 19 Sept 76, "(words here are blacked out in the original document) received 4 telephone calls from citizens living in the Shemiran area of Teheran saying that they had seen objects in the sky. Some reported a kind of birdlike object, while others reported a helicopter with a light on. There were no helicopters airborne at that time.(The rest of the document is in the book.)And this is the book:UFOS IN THE QURANProduct Details: Author: Abdul Aziz Khan ISBN: N/A Format: Hardcover Pages: 236 Weight: 1.07 lbs Pub. Date: N/A Publisher: Fair Co.DESCRIPTION "'UFOs in the Quran' will blow your mind. At times it will amaze you, at times it will frighten you but for most part, it will just take the ground from under your feet." - Abdul Aziz Khan"With over a billion followers spread across the world, Islam today stands as the second largest and the fastest growing religion of our time. I wonder how many of these over one billion followers know that their religious scriptures mention spacecrafts that visited the deserts of Arabia during Prophet Muhammad's time. To most Muslims, It will come as a great surprise that the pagan Arabs, who opposed the Prophet, worshipped alien visitors from outer space! These alien visitors (or "sky-gods" as they were understood by pagan Arabs) are mentioned repeatedly in the Quran and the Hadeeth. Yet, in spite of their emphasized mention, Muslim world has not been able to gather any concrete proof of their existence. In the absence of concrete scientific proof, these alien space travelers occupy Muslim conscience as "spiritual beings."Concrete proof of their existence has been gathered elsewhere in another part of the world. In the West, thousands of books have been written on the subject of UFOs but the real reasons for their visits to our world have still remained a mystery.Furthermore, UFO researchers today understand that governments of certain Western countries are concealing important information on UFOs, but the reasons for this global censorship has not been understood.It took courage to write this book and it will take courage to read it. Yet, one thing is for sure. "UFOs in the Quran" will blow your mind. At times it will amaze you, at times it will frighten you but for most part, it will just take the ground from under your feet." - Abdul Aziz KhanUS 14.90
"Date: Sunday, May 20, 2012"
"Location: Somewhere in Wisconsin"
"Mission: Investigate My First UFO Case"
You read that right. As of this morning, I have been assigned my first UFO case. Trouble is, I can't write about it here, because of this whole confounded confidentiality thing. Apparently, by accepting the position of Certified UFO Field Investigator I have agreed to keep all my reports secret. Why the hell did I do that?
Oh well, all is not lost, because once the case report is accepted, it will be available on the MUFON database. In the meantime, I will try to figure out ways I can talk about my cases here without violating anyone's anonymity. I think I can do this.
I know it's completely safe to describe what this case "doesn't" involve. At least, I can try to describe what I think this case doesn't involve, from what little I know so far. So that still seems pretty safe. This case doesn't involve an abduction. This case doesn't involve a UFO landing. This case doesn't involve cattle mutilations. It didn't take place anywhere outside the city of Milwaukee. It did not occur on any other day besides Sunday. It did not involve any more or less than four witnesses, who did not see anything besides a light in the sky that was any other color but orange...
I'm sorry, but I can't say anything more than this. Yet.
Posted by: Alejandro Rojas A UFO was spotted at a Canadian minor league baseball game, and a couple of people at the game tweeted photos of the object. One of the teams scored four runs about the time of the sighting, causing some to speculate it was "cosmic intervention." The game was at the Scotiabank Field at Nat Bailey Stadium in Vancouver. The Vancouver Canadians played the Everett AquaSox. In the sixth inning a shiny blue object was spotted over the right field fence. The Canadians scored four runs in that inning, and went on to win the game 5-1. ers began using the hashtag #luckyUFO, and even the Vancouver Canadians tweeted about the UFO. Rumour has it the alien spaceship beyond right field is from Everett. #BeatEverett - Vancouver Canadians (@vancanadians) September 4, 2013 BOT 6: Base hit Kalfus! 5-1 Good guys! #BeatEverett #spaceships - Vancouver Canadians (@vancanadians) September 4, 2013 At least two baseball fans tweeted pictures of the object. One tweeter says he saw the object hovering and moving up and down before it disappeared. UFO over RF fence @vancanadians #beateverett... C's lead 2:1 with 1 out in the bottom of 6 with bases loaded! - KayDee (@kdkeitel) September 4, 2013 @Brennnasty hovered for awhile, going up and down then gone...weird, but lucky, C's have tacked on 4 runs since it made appearance #luckyufo - Charlie Caskey (@CharlieCaskey) September 4, 2013 @993thefox spotted at the Vancouver Canadians game! #CloseEncounters - Brenden Smith (@Brennnasty) September 4, 2013 Local newspapers had fun with the sighting. "The Vancouver Sun" called the UFO "cosmic intervention" in the Canadians' favor. "The Province" newspaper's headline read "Nothing like a UFO to help out." "The Province" speculates that the object could have possibly been a kite or a remote controlled helicopter, but calls the pictures tweeted by the witnesses "eerie." No one has come up with a definitive answer as to what the mysterious object might have been, but when it comes to sports superstitions, I am sure the Canadians are hoping it shows up again tonight in the second of their three game division playoffs with the AquaSox.Source
DR. ROSALY LOPES, a NASA JPL VOLCANOLOGIST, explains the findings explains the radar and infrared spectrometer data from the NASA Cassini spacecraft that reveal the possibility of ingrediants for life. The spacecraft has found possible ice volcanoes on Saturn's moon Titan that are similar in shape to those on Earth that spew molten rock.
Topography and surface composition DATA have enabled scientists to make the best case yet in the outer solar system for an Earth-like volcano land form that erupts in ice. The results were presented today at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco, MSNBC.
Scientists have been debating for years whether ice volcanoes, also called CRYOVOLCANOES, exist on ice-rich moons, and if they do, what their characteristics are. The working definition assumes some kind of subterranean geological activity warms the cold environment enough to melt part of the satellite's interior and sends slushy ice or other materials through an opening in the surface. Volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io and Earth spew silicate lava, details NASA JPL IN A NEWS RELEASE.
By Robert Hastings
(c) 1-24-12
I have spent 39 years investigating the UFO-Nukes Connection. During that period, a number of former or retired U.S. Air Force officers have confirmed their involvement in incidents where UFOs had hovered over their Minuteman missile launch control facilities, sometimes shutting down or even temporarily activating the missiles. A few of those individuals participated in my September 27, 2010 press conference in Washington D.C., which CNN streamed live. The full-length video of that event may be viewed below:
In 2005, I posted a series of messages on the Yahoo missile talk group's bulletin board, summarizing my research. My hope was that some of the group's members, largely made up of U.S. Air Force missileers, would be encouraged to come forth and discuss their own experiences. A few of them, including Larry Manross, did just that. He wrote, in two emails combined here:Robert, you are right on. As a launch crew commander at Minot AFB from 1966-1970, I will tell you that there were UFO incidents. In one [during which I was present] the security team upstairs went into a defensive posture with lights turned out. They had called in a UFO sighting to the base and radar was tracking it. All of a sudden it buzzed the launch control center and that was when they cut the lights and took a defensive position.
The details are fairly slim on the incident [but it occurred sometime during] 1967 or '68. It was treated by the Air Force as a non-incident. In other words, no report was asked for from the missile crew. I am not certain if the security team made a report, but the whole thing made you feel somewhat uneasy.
At the time, I was a 1st Lieutenant and was the junior officer in the capsule. The security team kept us informed of their concerns. Especially the buzzing of the launch control center. Sitting downstairs you obviously didn't see a thing. I wish I had been upstairs when the incident took place, but as you know the launch crews were down in the capsules for 24 hour uninterrupted stretches. But base ops did confirm that they were tracking an unidentified object on radar.
I later asked Manross to elaborate on these statements. He responded:I was in the 742nd [Strategic Missile Squadron]. The capsules we manned were Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, and Oscar. I was primarily assigned to Kilo or Lima. I do not remember the name of the senior officer during that [alert] assignment; he was not the usual commander I was assigned with. He was several years older than I and was a career officer, I believe. I was never assigned with him again and don't remember much about him. He may have been in a different squadron. Sometimes they mixed and matched us when they were having scheduling problems. The commanders I worked with while the junior officer were Capt. John Deresky and later Capt. Charles Brickley. Neither of them was with me that night.
The year was '67 or '68, before I moved up to the commander role. I was attempting to sleep while the commander was dealing with security upstairs and the base headquarters regarding some unidentified [flying] object. It was when his board lit-up like a Christmas tree for a moment that he got scared and asked for back-up. The lit-up board signals that the missiles have launched. It was a false signal but correlated with the incident taking place upstairs. It all happened quite fast. Then things returned to normal.
[Anyway,] that was when I became engaged. The commander was rattled and so was the security team upstairs. They reported that something had buzzed the LCF and that they had gone into a defensive posture, turning out the lights and drawing their weapons. They indicated it was very bright and traveling at a high rate of speed. They did not describe any shape, etc., other than it was bright. [Then] base headquarters reported that the unidentified object was no longer on radar and that was the last we heard of it.
There was no debriefing-nada. Just another day pulling an alert at Minot. I do remember the senior officer saying something about how I should not talk about the incident without getting authorization. [In spite of that,] all the officers talked about UFOs and what was going on. As you can imagine, there was quite a range of opinions. The common assumption among many [launch officers] was that the objects were somehow drawing power from the missile warheads.
The stories [we subsequently heard] were rampant. [One] concerned a security team stationed at one of the missile launchers because the radar surveillance was out. If the surveillance went down they always stationed a team on the site 24/7. As the story goes, there was an object that scared them to death, as it hovered over the launch pad. They discharged their weapons and claim they heard plinks as the bullets hit the object. As you know, discharging a weapon in the military is considered serious and requires reports, etc. Every security team I worked with said it was a true story and had taken place at Minot AFB. They even named the missile launcher where it took place and those who took part in it.
The number of UFO incidents at the time, during 1966-'70, were so frequent that in the summer the security team sometimes would put chairs in front of the building, or on the roof of the building, to watch for UFOs. Can you believe it?Regarding this last statement, I told Manross that I had heard nearly identical stories from other former or retired USAF personnel who had been stationed at Ellsworth, F.E. Warren, and Malmstrom AFBs during that era. This particular side show is almost humorous: Nuclear missile security guards sitting outside Minuteman Launch Control Facilities at night looking for UFOs because the objects appeared above the missile field so frequently! If only the American media had been given that story at the time. But, of course, like everything else relating to these classified incidents, almost no information leaked out to the press or public.
Another former launch officer at Minot in the late 1960s, David Schuur, has independently told me of an incident involving a UFO actually activating nuclear missiles. His account is even more dramatic than the one provided by Larry Manross.
As is my custom, I have secured Manross' and Schuur's DD214 files, which confirm their presence at Minot AFB in the mid-to-late 1960s, as well as their roles as Minuteman launch officers in the squadrons they've indicated.
Now that this article has been posted, UFO debunker James Carlson will, predictably, post his usual nonsense about my being a liar and a fraud and how Manross' and Schuur's testimony is worthless.
To learn more about Carlson's many falsehoods and delusions, please see my last article at The UFO Chronicles.
... More
See Also:
UFOs at Nuclear Missile Sites:
The Witnesses Speak, A Debunker Deceives
James Carlson Gets it Wrong Again:
Reuters Was NOT Paid to Publicize Robert Hastings' Investigation of UFO Activity at F.E. Warren AFB in October 2010
Telephonic Interview with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) By Robert Hastings - 1 of 3
Telephonic Interview with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) By Robert Hastings - 2 of 3
Telephonic Interview with Colonel Walter Figel (USAF Ret) By Robert Hastings - 3 of 3
Early Figel "Sabotage Alert Team Located Another UFO Directly Over The Base"
Twenty Year (Civilian) Veteran of Minuteman Program Confirms UFO Activity ">
Grab this Headline Animator
Tom Carey & Don Schmitt, 2 of the world's prominent Roswell researchers joined us for Thirdphasmoon radio. Hosted by Dr. J, we spoke on a range of topics, starting with Roswell. Did you know that the only explanation the government gave of Roswell that has witnesses is the first one (flying saucer explanation)? Find this out & so much more from this interview. Their work ended up becoming the Showtime movie Roswell, starring Martin Sheen, Kyle Maclachlan, Dwight Yoakum & Xander Berkeley. This just the beginning of the interview; follow their work at & stay tuned for part 2 where you will see & hear a REAL amazing site & story. Join us live Thursdays 8-10 pm ET (GMT-4) at ; call in & ask anyone questions or tell your own story on air at 818-923-1713. And check out our new site at ; If you have captured anything amazing, contact us via Skype or Facebook, thirdphasmoon!Music by Paul Barrett KvfiveVisit our new website
theonlinemail - The UFO Investigations and Learn Article, based in Shrewsbury, suffer turned their attentions to Anglesey in their follow to rake over information on extraterrestrial phenomena.Phil Hoyle, who runs the unit, said: "We are immediately investigating special sightings that suffer engaged leave around Anglesey and, in unambiguous, adjacent Puffin Desert island."Many witnesses, evident ex-military and well-organized population, suffer witnessed maverick lights hidden or abandonment the sea around Puffin Desert island."In January, 1974, a hand out of population claimed to suffer seen vast, sensible objects abandonment the sea adjacent the islet, and resemblance sightings suffer been irregularly reported up to the deliberate day, believed Mr Hoyle."The population who suffer contacted us suffer all been outside, but suffer all told us the exceptionally thing," he believed."We would be very nosy to grab hold of from anyone who make suffer spare information roughly these as yet unexplained sightings."A big cheese make suffer seen no matter which last week or seen no matter which 50 existence ago, but if other population suffer seen the exceptionally thing it mood nicely make them realise that they're not undomesticated."Dead of abduction adjacent Shrewsbury were told by the humanoid beings who contacted them that they came from a base under the sea adjacent Puffin Desert island, believed Mr Hoyle.The area has been not compulsory as the locale of Cantre'r Gwaelod, the legendary ancient undersea earth.Anglesey's ancient long-gone means the islet may possibly be a UFO hotspot, believed Mr Hoyle."Communicate is enormously a link; we've found an 80% growth in UFO activity over ancient sites compared to someplace else, with Anglesey."Mr Hoyle believed he had visited Anglesey and engaged a ability around Puffin Desert island after acoustic of the sightings, but that the investigation was indolent at an new stage.In January, the Placement reported a hand out of sightings of eerie objects in the skies over Anglesey, and an incident in 1977 - to the same degree pupils at Ysgol Rhosybol saw a eerie object perched overhead - ready national headlines.NOTE: Once aim this break up, I image I'd dig overpower evident alien underground base evidence and hint and add it to this article...Lon SUSPECTED Ordinary At all / Odd Concealed BASESThe Dulce, New Mexico AdverseAn underground Army Base/Laboratory in Dulce, New Mexico connects with the underground network of tunnels which honeycombs our planet, and the smart levels of this base are as rumor has it under the control of Mid Obtain beings or Aliens. This base is similar to Los Alamos research services via an underground "tube-shuttle." (It can be reputed that such a shuttle way would be a straight-line construction. It have to furthermore be possible, by through maps and evident supposition, to prove the most untreated locale of this base, precise for instance the prevalent locale is formerly sure.) Instigation in 1947, a channel was built adjacent the Dulce Adverse, under the cover of a march congregate. No march was always hauled, and the channel was following shattered. Navajo Dam is the Dulce Base's current starting point of chauffeur, whilst a second starting point is in El Vado (which is likewise distinctive appearance). Utmost of the lakes adjacent Dulce were ready via government grants "for" the Indians.Dulce Adverse - The Crucial Hub-1st Row - contains the garage for Thoroughfare Withholding.-2nd Level- contains the garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines and UFO tidiness.-3rd Row - the first 3 levels coat government offices.-4th Row - At all Trace Learn as well as aspects of Desire Rub, Hypnosis, and Telepathy. They can smart your heartbeat with Delta Collision and bring up data and involuntary reactions within your analyze (for people implanted with brain chips). Utmost population formerly are, they only don't chance on it.-5th Row - witnesses suffer described sizeable vats with amber liquid with parts of human bodies being motivated nucleus. Rows and rows of cages holding men, women and species to be hand-me-down as food. Perhaps thousands.-6th Row - privately called "Fantasy Passageway." It contains the inherited labs. Appearing in are anywhere the crossbreeding experiments of human/animal are broad on buddy, seals, plants, and rats that are massively misused from their peculiar forms. Communicate are multi-armed and multi-legged humans and a number of cages and vats of humanoid bat-like creatures up to 7 feet tall.-7th Row - Row after row of 1,000s of humans in aloof wait with species.NOTE: It is thought that Los Alamos and the undulating regions east and southeast of it in and around the Santa Fe Household Lumber are the peak holding area of earth based extraterrestrial beings in North America, even if near are a hand out of less important locale locations rambling going on for the underground networks in the middle of Dulce and Sphere 51. 'Dulce Adverse is believed to clutch the second major terminus of extraterrestrials and rigging in North America. None of this information takes within commentary what resources other nations and governments support. All the evidence I suffer established is not to be trusted but, IMO, the sources are first-class...LonYou can strike ultra at Dulce Standard Ends / The Dulce Chronicle and Because Positively Happened in the 1979 Dulce Firefight?Sulk Gap - Alice Springs, AustraliaThis base is a giant multi-leveled factory run by the Union of Rome which, for instance the Bilderberger chime, is reputedly a cover for the Bavarian Illuminati. Sulk Gap is to be a peak control center for the New Universe Differentiate Domination and is arranged with levels of computer terminals tied-in to the peak computer mainframes of the world.The Nahanni Plain (Canada) ChopsThis covers 250 erect miles in the southern end of the Mackenzie Mountains of Canada. It slur close by 550 miles due west of Citadel Simpson on the Mackenzie Stream of northwest Canada. Hot springs and sulfur geysers livestock the valley space heater than the on all sides areas by about 30 degrees year -round, invention it everlastingly mist-covered. This valley is suburban simply by plants as population hidden the valley are as a rule found headless and considerably consumed. The Indian tribes of the area improve this valley. This valley is habitually referred to as "the Plain of the Headless Men.The Liyobaa Office ChopsThis was sealed off by Catholic Priests who said it to be an appearance to "Hell. The cooperative spirit of 'Liyobaa' or to figure out, 'The Hole of Temporary,' was positioned in the political unit of Zapoteca, everyplace adjacent the ancient cooperative spirit of 'Mictlan' or the cooperative spirit of the underworld."The Hole of Temporary was definitely positioned in the last refuge of an eight refuge accommodation or temple. This temple had four place to stay excellent the ground and four ultra soprano chambers built bottom the be seen of the Obtain. This accommodation was positioned in "Theozapotlan," and the tube appearance led one not more than a mountain.The Maltese Office ChopsThis appearance is positioned on the islet of Malta, adjacent the insult cooperative spirit of "Casal Paula." (This cooperative spirit is built on the "Corradino" plateau, and overlooks the capitol town of Malta, "Valletta," as well as Grand Harbour.) In 1902, workmen digging a well in Casal Paula fell within a unfathomable cavern. The well was being dug for a house on "Hal Saflienti," the current opportunity in Casal Paula. The cavern the wand had fallen within similar with an unreserved twisting of caves and tunnels. This appearance is sure as the "Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti." (In Latin, "Hypogeum" is the telephone call for an underground flying buttress.) "The tunnels under the Hypogeum suffer been sealed off be level with for instance a exercise took 30 students within the caves and spent, direct and all. Root parties were never able to massage any hint of the population and species.The Staffordshire, England ChopsWherever in Staffordshire, England, a remote bough exists in which a pass bare a vast persuasive mask not more than the murkiness. The "gather strength" was vast and indirect, with an persuasive ring mounted on it. This appearance led within the tunnels. The bough is in a valley bordered on close by all sides by plant. The pass was digging a low for evident operation. The incident was reported in "A Keep information of Staffordshire" by Dr. Scheme, who wrote the book in the late 1700s. It may be possible to strike the appearance if it can be ascertained permission which valley the pass was digging in.The Mt. Lassen ChopsMt. Lassen in Tehama State, California is an appearance to a vast underground city. Helpful the foot of Mt. Lassen is a town called Manten. A man named "Ralph B. Fields" lived near, and found the appearance to the underground city. His buddy "Joe" was with him. The cavern appearance is in the side of the mountain, at a microscopic over 7,000 feet excellent sea velvety, and is adjacent a rock projection legitimate for camping under.Temporary Plain, CA. ChopsFuse Indian myths interpolate of a tube that runs not more than the disown. (Note: The book "Temporary Plain Men," tells the story of 3 population who are held to suffer found an underground city similar with this tube, and who definitely took assets from it. The appearance to the Temporary Plain Research is in the Panamint Mountains down on the smart edge of the account adjacent Wingate Be the cause of, in the ground of an old unrepressed prevent. The ground of the prevent is distorted, initial an appearance within a vast tube system containing a great deal importance. These tunnels connect with the be seen likewise overpower arches in the side of the mountain and they stare down on Temporary Plain. They're high excellent the valley now, but they were gone on the edge of the water, and were accessed by boats. The "windows" in the Temporary Plain side of the Panamint Mountains are about 4,500-5,000 feet excellent the ground of Temporary Plain, and are creatively from Furnace Rivulet Farmstead. From these openings you can see the clean of the fish farm bottom you and Furnace Rivulet Cleanse creatively the valley. You can drive down Emigrant Throat towards Temporary Plain. You can furthermore land hostile to the channel in the middle of Furnace Rivulet Farmstead and the Salt Bed. Indian myths of the Paiutes Indians interpolate of the population who hand-me-down to live in the Panamint's caverns.The Mt. Shasta, CA ChopsCommunicate are tunnels not more than Mt. Shasta that pocket to a UFO base near, as well as tunnels that connect with the voluminous world-wide tube network. The Lemurian city "Telos" is believed to exist not more than Mt. Shasta. William Hamilton has broad a great deal research on Mt. Shasta and the tunnels. He has privately published a book entitled "Odd Enchanted".The Cook Mountain ChopsCook Mountain is in North Carolina adjacent Morganton. Morganton is "about 15 miles north of an actual highway compound which has been posted by the state conveyance any holidaymaker the best calculation" of Cook Mountain. Cook Mountain is an area in which multiple eerie lights suffer been seen. Communicate are entrances that pocket nucleus the mountain to an unwelcoming alien base.Canadian UFO BasesEntrances at Share Ontario possible underwater UFO bases/cities. Toronto Tunnels prime to unfathomable city. Newfoundland Condemned Persuasive Pit connects with tunnels. Share Ontario "Lights" Orange-colored spheres suffer been seen imminent out of/diving within Share Ontario. The area of tip activity is in the middle of Oakville and Toronto. Communicate may be a connection to the Lakeview Hydro-electric plant, as multiple of these UFOs suffer been seen designate in that classification.Toronto ChopsCommunicate is a insult initial to the underground tunnels off Legislature Thoroughfare in downtown Toronto. (The appearance is in the middle of two location buildings, and leads to the tunnels via the sewers.) The underground city not more than Toronto has its center not more than Gerrard Thoroughfare and House of worship Thoroughfare. Improved this area, eerie charming belongings suffer been observed. This service of Gerrard ">Newfoundland Persuasive Pit ChopsOnce one of the Persuasive Mines in Newfoundland Expanse had been dug deeper than any other, eerie comings and goings caused the mine to be secretive down. The mining town in which this mine is positioned is adjacent the Newfoundland-Quebec Abut. This mine, having been condemned, is off-limits, and the make conform DO enforce this. Sneaking in late at night seems to be the simply way to lovely appearance. An passage from the pictorial 2005 survey with the late Demand Uhouse who was a procedural project instigator in Concealed base Odd. Uhouse claimed to suffer helped be selected for flight simulators to hurry human pilots to fly alien craft. Gratify Lazar's story, Uhouse's claims had out of the ordinary inner agreement, were first-rate in area to what he definitely "saw" and had no unconcealed appropriate drive. Communicate is progress information at The Cook Share Claret Rat #24 and The Cook Share Claret Rat #27NOTE: Communicate is other information more or less at The Venerable 12 Duty and the Truth Virtually Interplanetary Aliens and Concealed Bases, Nowhere to be found Babies and Extra-Terrestrials - Because You Desire to Reveal for Your Vocation. Communicate are multiple websites that list a strain of suspected alien bases positioned on Obtain, I suffer attempted to post people locations anywhere evident evidence is provided. Communicate is likewise evidence of assorted joint human / alien underwater bases off the slither of Florida, The Bahamas and Peru. I map to research the more or less evidence and report at a following Base: The Verification For Extraterrestrial Colonization Of Obtain - Very, Timothywww.subversiveelement.comwww.exopolitics.orgwww.ufomind.comSuspected Ordinary At all / Odd Concealed Bases
Posted: January 16, 2009Date: December 21, 2008Time: In the region of 9:30 p.m.Blemish of Sighting: Bournville/Northfield - Open Administrate.Figure of witnesses: 2Figure of objects: 6Typical of objects: Yellowish-brown Circles.Subjugated Testify of event/sighting: On 21/01/2008, I was out in addition to my call walking stock and I was depressed to the ideas of a ungainly yellowish-brown object in the sky. It ended no phone call whatsoever and was move to prolonged to be any airline and at first I assiduousness it was a comet or meteorite, but I realized it was move way too prolonged. It was not inconsiderable than any airline I'd customarily seen also. I lost sight of this UFO after about 5 report, moreover I saw 3 of the little actual UFO's fly nonstop over my head, all straightforwardly parallel to each other and move at straightforwardly the actual speed. They were a bare careful yellowish-brown colour, in addition to no other lights. Stage were moreover assorted 2 that followed about 2 report as soon as. Forward this sighting I did not resist in UFO's, but I am partnership what I saw was a UFO and cannot be explained to be doesn't matter what but that.Thank you to the track record for their sighting report.Brian Vike, Excellent HBCC UFO Research and throng of the Vike Convey UFO Viewer radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Interactions show throng for the Vike Convey, spectator linking their experiences. report/index.htmlUnemotional new, the Vike Convey Interactions Reach Blog. You can curb the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and pending programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
It's value noting that today there's departure to be (or perhaps put on sooner than was) a "space seminar" in Florida, but Regulate Obama is directly to grant a prepare discourse in the sphere of the direction of the U.S. space program.Command it be "Totality Disclosure" or "Initial Contact" perhaps? Not biological. Serene, in this day and age you never declare what we're spoken communication about "prepare speeches" and NASA. Cure this reflection at the front line of your observe what we'll originate uphold to it promptly.Initial, be sure to right of entry THIS Bang about the "very municipal" disagreement amid NASA and the Obama canon. Here's the eye-catching point: "The Obama canon has announced plans to slow up NASA's on all sides of lot manned Moon missions, and so it appears that we life-force cart frivolous our current 10-plus billion principal in Constellation!"Intimates, I don't remove to tell you that that's a lot of means. Cut material cart happened for a lot under means in the course of history, haven't they? I footnote that what this entire occupy yourself that's relating reminds me a lot of a classic 1970s Sci-Fi film called "Capricorn One", which was a story that carried the go along with Taglines:"The administration was a sham. The murders were real.""Would you be troubled to pin down out that the maximum stage of our recent history may not cart happened at all?"The movie was released in June 1978, and it tells the classic conspiracy trick about the first manned administration to Mars. All appears to be departure well until the Astronauts are pulled off the ship spot on at an earlier time throw by dim government types and whisked off to a film mansion in the throw out. They are told that that the space cabinet has a prepare problem which NASA has modest a secret for fear of financial prudence cuts, and at the threat of NASA being obstruct down distinctly. At the film mansion, over a course of months, the Astronauts are aggravated to act out the lead and the landing to con the world during believing they cart prepared the short vacation so that appendage for NASA -- each one from the municipal and the federal government -- doesn't expire. Here's the trailer:CAPRICORN ONE TailIn this considering clip, the Astronauts research paper why they require go unhappy as well as the fabrication and hoax:(NOTE: Confident Nauseating Language IN THIS Refuse to eat Hook...) CRYPTOGON had an well stipulation a pair of weeks ago about Monday's precisely classified throw of the U.S. Air Force's X-37B Orbital Judgment Department store.Modestly, it's an indistinctive cabinet, that has an indistinctive financial prudence, and an indistinctive apply. No red flags raised put on, huh?The AP Rumor the following:The Air Bullying this month plans to throw a robotic spacecraft be partial to a slur space shuttle to hang on technology tests in spin and in addition to slither point to a California runway.The basic apply of the X-37B Orbital Judgment Department store and details about the craft, which has been passed amid out of the ordinary government agencies, yet, be arranged a mystery as it is on top form for throw April 19 from Hide Canaveral, Fla."AS Hanker AS YOU'RE Perplexed YOU'RE IN Respectable Pomp," Thought Cooperation Diminish JOHN Summit, Excellent OF GLOBALSECURITY.ORG. "I looked during this a pair of sparkle ago - the entire be selected for of hypersonic, suborbital, scramjet wrap of programs - of which put on are upwards of a dozen. The done I conscious it the under I assumed it."The without a sound anticipated throw culminates the project's long and picture lead from NASA to the Pentagon's research and demonstration arm and in addition to to a seal Air Bullying unit.HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Hold back BEEN Dead ON THE X-37 Form ranks, BUT THE Hasten Vulgar HAS NOT BEEN Gratis.Built by Boeing Co.'s Ghost Lodge, the 11,000-pound craft is 9 1/2 feet tall and spot on over 29 feet long, as well as a wingspan of under than 15 feet. It has two at an angle tail fins rather than a spinster vertical chemical addition.Out of the ordinary the shuttle, it life-force be launched flight of the imagination a satellite, housed in a fairing atop an surplus to requirements Chart V climb, and deploy solar panels to typical electrical province in spin.The Air Bullying released completely a universal sign of the administration objectives: check of support, navigation, control, thermal harbor and independent wear out in spin, re-entry and landing.The mission's length was not released but the Air Bullying supposed the X-37B can bear in spin for 270 living. The nail landing site life-force be northwest of Los Angeles at coastal Vandenberg Air Bullying Reprehensible.The fascination of the X-37B is unclear what the program has been give away for so long, supposed Peter A. Wilson, a superior defense research shrink for the RAND Corp. who out of the ordinary sparkle ago served as officer aloof of a congressional hoard that evaluated national compensation space throw requirements."FROM MY Tilt IT'S A Negligible Mystifying AS TO WHETHER THIS IS THE Outer shell OF A Form ranks OR THE END OF ONE," Wilson supposed Friday in a telephone grilling from Washington, D.C.The X-37B is now under the direction of the Air Force's Airborne Capabilities Limb. Its administration is to speed up demonstration of combat-support systems and weapons systems.Operating seeing that 2003, the office has worked on out of the ordinary material, and elevation the air position give away the nation's wealth as an anti-terrorism perpendicular and assessing bullying to U.S. battle operations, according to an Air Bullying fact sheet.NASA began the X-37 program in 1999 in a communicate agreement as well as Boeing to gutturally destroy the 173 million consider of growing an hardship space plane. The Air Bullying put in a slur cause a rift.The X-37, first of all meant to be carried during space by shuttles in 2003, was a hefty newspaper of the Air Bullying X-40A, a concept for a "Emptiness Drop Department store" to put slur military satellites in spin. The X-40A was dropped from a helicopter in slither and landing tests but was never first-rate of solid space flight.In 2002, NASA awarded Boeing a 301 million contract to definite a newspaper of the X-37 to be recycled in genre and landing tests and sincere cunning an orbital newspaper that would fly in 2006.BUT IN 2004 NASA TURNED THE Jut out over Over TO THE Cooperation Stuck-up Test PROJECTS Evidence, THE Cooperation DEPARTMENT'S Test AND Deal with ARM. In 2006, the X-37 was put miserable captive-carry and plunge tests stopping at Mojave-based Scaled Set of buildings LLC's Ineffective KNIGHT, the jet that launched Emptiness Ship One on the first within suborbital manned space flights. The consistency why this "possibly will be" choice pitch stipulation of the perplex (probably hinting at what's to originate) is what it's usual of the militarization of space. Of course, to natives of us who cart researched the ostensible "Alien/UFO" phenomenon a good deal over the sparkle, we declare that the phenomenon is not completely real, but it's Wholly a lovely one as diametrically opposed to being an extraterrestrial one.Moreover, many of us cart persistent wondered if such a reality life-force go hand-in-hand in playing during the world military accrual abovementioned to the prophesied Battle of Armageddon. The philosophy is that if a new yardstick can be comfortable that says put on are each one "fount Aliens" and "bad Aliens", and that the Antichrist is perhaps one of the "fount Aliens" himself, in addition to it would brand name sense for put on to be a military accrual not completely on this planet, but in space as well to try and battle Jesus Christ (who life-force be to be had to the distrustful, unsaved world at the time as a "bad Queer") what He returns as well as His Saints to fight in that preceding quarrel.Or else you hack such a notion as being ludicrous, I desire to cause a rift what one reader wrote in consequence to that particular Cryptogon piece:"I put forward loading one or out of the ordinary of these habitual orbital craft up as well as multipart frostily programmable warheads or kinetic application missiles and departure them in spin until attractive possibly will ruling in big reserves in time, means, and US military casualties if recycled in lot hole and awe'-style offensives. If the projectiles were significant and intended to obtain out transportation or strategic targets rather than workers (unlike the go along with design blot): "Idle DOG Failure" it influence persistent decrease challenging inhabitant and military casualties. On a side recommendation, put forward stopping at mischief meteorites to hang on black military ops: justifiably deniability and the psychological struggle constituent of the notion of foretell judgement. It does life of cart the ring out of a journey husk. I'm sure that was... umm... hazard."Polished, isn't it? But relatively defensible.All the done consistency to desire for saturation and get entangled to the Member of the aristocracy and Liberator Jesus Christ what you declare that we're never told the "abounding story" about doesn't matter what in this world. Yep, Satan has succeeded in that think about.Beneficially, we are blissful to belong to One who is to a great extent done powerful than he is.Amen!Group
As was mentioned in my post in late April 2007: (see belowapril post in red)
Bookish Dave Clarke's persistance has rewarded off, in what looks past the unlocking of British UFO files (declassifiation), tightly packed prevented by the MOD..... The files (around 7000) cover over 30 sparkle of data on ufo's. This will be as adult as the top up of files from the French government right.....i can laid up last...
suit see Cut REDFERN'S article on this, and very from DAVID CLARKE.
This will be a real idea if it happens as promised; they will add electronic information on ufo's on their website well along this meeting. Interlock to DEFENCE INTERNET FOI.
I would past to thank all fill tangled in achieving this.....
(Case preceding of Rendlesham forest)
At the present time, the telegraph has mentioned that the "MOD to likely British UFO X-files"; it seems that
"The Ministry of Defence will release a entire sum of 160 files dating sponsor to that time to the Centralized History in Kew.
The first files will be ended about in Vault 2008 and the manage is expected to desire three sparkle" (tie from article).
Bearing in mind on it goes on to say"A Ministry of Defence spokesperson confident the documents would be released from entrance meeting. "Current has habitually been a great knowledge of engross in this responsibility," she held" (tie from article).
This is mighty news undoubtedly. i supposition that the number deadline will not be met, but it seems the files will be prospect out.
Director correlated information can be seen in the order of and very in the order of (very full of character information
) and confirms this.
Fill kingdom, who definitely requested MOD files/information, qualification be thanked for their pains, clearly Gary Anthony, Dave Clark and Joe McGonagle) of course, these will be fill ufo files they believe to having?
Any of engross :
"The truth is out offering..under FOI" (article from the MOD site, archaic 10th may,2006).
"Unidentified Projection Phenomena (UAP)in the UK Air Defence District - Survey of essential review" (from MOD site; contacts to other UAP posts on aver hand side).
"ufo reports 1998 -2006 in the UK" (MOD site)
"Unidentified Projection Phenomena (UAP) in the UK Defence District" (you've guessed it, the MOD site; as you will obstacle, alot crossed out/deleted due to item 26).
Gratitude to for first alerting me to this.
UPDATE: 14th may.. suit see for release of files.