Is Obama going to pave the way and release information on alien contact having actually occurred?
It looks like alien disclosure is going to happen afterall. Apparently the announcement was supposed to have happened last year but officials close to Obama insisted he wait until 2012 - the election year. Recently top military officials in the United States have leaked information concerning what the announcement will contain.
Broadcast on every major news station in America and throughout the world. President Obama is about to release disclosure on alien contact being made which in turn will change virtually everything we know about the universe and our place in it.
What will be announced?
A comet or asteroid strike being imminent, a new way to harness solar power to replace oil, or how about life being found on Mars?
While all of these scenarios are feasible as possibly happening, the rumors on the Internet are pointing to Obama being the first world leader to actually announce that intelligent alien life has been found and confirmed.
According to most accounts, once Obama makes the initial announcement, then other world leaders will come forth as confirming it. To make the news even more shocking (not that it is already shocking enough) is that most of the rumors circulating on the internet mention nothing about SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) being the one responsible for finding this alien life. There are a number of different scenarios being played out on the Internet concerning exactly what the announcement will contain. The most common ones mentioned are listed below:
1.) Obama will announce (official disclosure) the presence of at least 3 alien species being known to us. There are reports of two of them being friendly and one being seen as a threat to the Earth. There has even been speculation that there could be one species that will be present with Obama on camera during the announcement. Other reports have the alien species as numbering up to five instead of three. Almost all reports have only the one species being seen as a threat to the Earth though.
2.) Obama does not reveal any alien species directly but shows evidence of an ancient base being found after the October 9, 2009 LCROSS bombing mission on the Moon's South Pole (second disclosure scenario). This mission was where we sent an object to deliberately crash into a deep crater on the moon where no sunlight could penetrate to see if we could detect any signs of frozen water. The announced results did indeed show a good amount of frozen water in these craters which would be a key in establishing a moon base. What is supposed to have also been found is an ancient base and that the mission actually crashed into one of the buildings on this base. This is why several researchers are claiming that no video evidence of the plume generated by the crash has been shown even though it was announced previously that it would be.
Whether either of these scenarios are indeed the ones announced or if anything is actually announced at all, we will have to wait and see. There are some signs according to several researchers that a alien disclosure is coming shortly though. One of these is the announcement from the Vatican that alien life is OK and does nothing to threaten the church or religion in any way. Many people are seeing this as a sign getting the public ready for alien disclosure. Another item which many people see as signs of disclosure are several cabinet members on Obama's staff have either now or in the past claimed they believed in aliens and flying saucers. And then there are the reports on alien implants and more and more reports on large black triangle shaped crafts that are rumored to be a reverse engineered mix of alien technology with ours.
So, are we only months away from knowing the biggest mystery in all of human history or is this just another era of hype over nothing. One thing about alien disclosure topics is that these stories appear to pop up every few years and so far everyone of them has resulted in nothing more than talk.