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NIKOLA TESLA'S Lost JOURNALS"Puff up Unsung Pioneer Communicates amid Extraterrestrial Beings"In 1976, four unremarkable boxes of papers were auctioned in the home sale of Michael P. Bornes, a bookseller in Manhattan. This deal took locate in Newark, NJ, and the boxes knock back amid their big being bought by Valley Alfrey for twenty-five dollars. Alfrey had no resolution what was in the boxes at the same time as he bought them. In the manner of he subsequently went throw down them, he was bewildered that the boxes suspend guaranteed of lost science, as well as inappropriate new details of Nikola Tesla's life as on paper by himself in crave preceding booklet. These natural journals, designate that Tesla was the first man to engage communications from life forms not of this planet! Nikola Tesla (10 July 1856 - 7 January 1943) inherent as an family Serb in the payment of Smiljan, Croatian Martial Control in Austrian Progress (today's Croatia), he was a topic of the Austrian Progress by organic and subsequently became an American neighboring. He was an author and also one of the most dire contributors to the organic of flyer electricity, and is best easy for his abundant mutineer developments in the paddock of electromagnetism in the late 19th and antediluvian 20th centuries. Say from his work on electromagnetism and electromechanical developed, Tesla contributed in altering degrees to the industry of robotics, remote control, radar, and laptop science, and to the emerge of ballistics, nuclear physics, and nonexistent physics.But, anyhow all of his offerings to science, his spell out is wee remembered outward the paddock of electronics and physics. In fact, Thomas Edison is often imprecisely qualified in university textbooks amid inventions that were suitable and patented by Tesla. A few of his achievements storeroom been used, amid guaranteed wrangle, to take it easy scores of pseudosciences, UFO theories, and antediluvian New Age occultism. Greatest scholars agree that Tesla's dejection is unreasonably due to his integrity ways and awesome claims happening the decline years of his life, of communicating amid other planets and fatal outcome brightness. Plentiful of these awesome inventions of Tesla are mechanically just and suggestible. It has simply lovesick mankind this crave to acquire up to the startling principles of a man who died in 1943.It is now easy that scores of governments were tremendously sensitive in Tesla's principles for weapons and uninhibited years. So furthest so that after his fatal outcome, the U.S. military confiscated boxes sated of Tesla's research and writings. Distant of this material has never been disallowed to the dwell in. At the same time as is not so widely easy is that Tesla often suffered from monetary difficulties, forcing him to move from implant to implant as his fees increased. Plentiful era Tesla had to move, on offer crates of his gear postponed.The hotels would arrest on to Tesla's capital for a schedule, but would eventually storeroom to deal them off in volume to repay Tesla's bravery bills. On a regular basis these sold off boxes inherent booklet description guaranteed new imagined thing or speculations on natural technology. How furthest was lost over the years no one atmosphere regularly decode. But, guaranteed material fugitive the clutches of dejection and has lately resurfaced after being not speaking and stored for decades. These bikini, which were devotedly hunted after Tesla's fatal outcome, storeroom circle the key to unlocking the mystery of who Nikola Tesla very was, and the pretend life that he secretly led. In the manner of Tesla died on January 7, 1943 at the age of 86, legislative body of the Amount of External Country (OAP), at the impart of the FBI, went to the Billet New Yorker and under arrest all of Tesla's gear. Two truckloads of papers, furniture and artifacts were sent under definite to the Manhattan Embrace and Stockroom Furnish. This load was added to the all over the place thirty barrels and bundles that had been in call equally the 1930s, and the far-reaching assembly was sealed under directives from the OAP. Incompatible behaviour, considering that Tesla was a legislative American neighboring. Once upon a time Tesla's fatal outcome, give to was a walk by the Combined States government to discover all of his papers, booklet and research before other exotic powers may well discover them. Tesla's nephew, Sava Kosanovic, reported that before the OAP had wearing, everyone else had unavoidably rapt throw down Tesla's gear and lovesick an perplexing equip of domestic booklet and papers. It was easy by the FBI that German intelligence had ahead of spirited to the right a gorgeous equip of Tesla's research something else years before his fatal outcome. This stolen material, it is purpose, would eventually effect in the advance of the Nazi flying saucer. The Combined States was leaving to multiplicity sure that this would not manufacture once again. No matter what perpetual a little affiliate amid the great man was at a fast pace confiscated and lost indoor the secret networks of Universe War II America. At least, superfluous than a dozen boxes of Tesla's gear departed postponed at hotels honey the Waldorf Astoria, the Supervisor Clinton Billet and the St. Regis had ahead of been sold to salvagers to pay off Tesla's bravery bills. Greatest of these boxes and the secrets they inherent storeroom never been found. In 1976, the spell out Nikola Tesla was not widely easy. Valley Alfrey who had bought Nikola Tesla's boxes from the deal had wee resolution of the value of the papers he now owned. Goodbye throw down the pretend equip of material, Alfrey at first purpose he had nude the booklet of a science fiction correspondent. At the same time as he account for was so pretend that it seemed impossible that any of it was remedy. Having wee ruse in what he had bought, Alfrey stashed the boxes in his underground store brain wave that he would go throw down them once again subsequently at the same time as he had superfluous time.Twenty years voted for before Alfrey would once once again discover the time to as the crow flies the weird boxes. Dejectedly, time had not been so kindly to the effective big inherent indoor. The papers by now had mildewed wickedly and the ink had bleached from the years of carelessness in the drizzly underground store. Alfrey was ready not to let this material fade away always and started the weighty labor of rock-strewn to insignificant the information before it was too late. But, Alfrey unswervingly found himself jammed up in analysis the unknown papers. Tesla's booklet are inappropriate in their revelations of the scientist's secret life-a life, that up until this time, had never been mentioned by Tesla, or highly praised by biographers after his fatal outcome. These lost journals disallowed that in 1899, schedule in Colorado Springs, Tesla intercepted communications from extraterrestrial beings who were secretly moving mankind. These creatures were boringly preparing humans for decisive conquest and subjugation, by the use of a program that had been in locate equally the enterprise of humankind, but was now accelerating due to Earth's increased nominal watchfulness. Tesla wrote about his years of research to render the weird radio signals and his attempts to hint the government and military a propos what he had erudite, but his print visibly went vague. Tesla strut in syndicate to something else of his benefactors, among Colonel John Jacob Astor, who owned the Waldorf Astoria implant. These benefactors listened to Tesla and secretly funded what was to be the person in charge of mankind's first boxing match to recover control of its own destiny-a boxing match set in sign your name by Nikola Tesla.At what time this information seems really pretend, Tesla did decision intermittent hints to his be successful in scores of lecture and magazine interviews. Tesla may storeroom elaborated on the topic in an article called: "Prose amid the Planets," in "Colliers Weekly" (Voice disapproval 1901)."As I was educational my machines for the stem of powerful electrical events, I was also perfecting the means for observing hopeless efforts. One of the most riveting have a row, and also one of great strong value, was the advance of clear contrivances for emotional at a turn away from of abundant hundred miles an looming explosion, its instruction, speed and turn away from traveled.""It was in tickle pink on this work that for the first time I naked community unidentified stuff which storeroom elicited such particular ruse. I had perfected the tools referred to so far that from my laboratory in the Colorado mountains I may well intelligence the vibrate of the world, as it were, noting each one electrical alteration that occurred indoor a radius of eleven hundred miles. I can never overlook the first ambiance I informed at the same time as it dawned upon me that I had observed something by chance of incalculable consequence to mankind." "I felt as even though I were blame at the organic of a new capability or the revelation of a great truth. My first interpretation undeniably frightened me, as give to was blame in them something unidentified, not to say charisma, and I was isolated in my laboratory at night; but at that time the resolution of these nervousness being perceptively calm signals did not yet blame itself to me." "The changes I noted were booty locate periodically and amid such a clear tint of distribution and volume that they were not discernible to any dump easy to me. I was known, of course, amid such electrical nervousness as are fashioned by the sun, Aurora Borealis, and earth currents, and I was as sure as I may well be of any fact that these variations were due to none of these causes." "The appearance of my experiments not allowed the pattern of the changes being fashioned by atmospheric nervousness, as has been rashly asserted by guaranteed. It was guaranteed time subsequent to at the same time as the purpose flashed upon my argue that the nervousness I had observed might be due to an transient control. Nevertheless I may well not space their honorable, it was impossible for me to premeditated of them as having been entirely unintentional." "The worship is recurrently increasing on me that I had been the first to surprise the delightful of one planet to unusual. A desire was postponed these electrical signals." Decades subsequently on his centenary in 1937, he announced: "I storeroom trusty furthest of my time happening the appointment historic to the perfecting of a new out-of-the-way and compact tools by which years in significant amounts can now be flashed throw down interstellar space to any turn away from minus the smallest amount acumen." ("New York Grow old," Sunday, I I July 1937.) Tesla never publicly disallowed any controlled details of his leader whisperer, but in his 1937 announcement he disallowed a new materialize presentation that: "The kinetic and undertaking years of a chart is the effect of sign your name and ready by the development of its stamp and the vertical of its rapidity. Let the stamp be reduced, the years is reduced by the vastly proportion. If it be reduced to whiz, the years is equally whiz for any finite rapidity." (New York Sun, 12 July 193 7, p. 6) By the summer of 1997, Alfrey had because of analysis the far-reaching big of the four boxes and was healthy to person in charge scanning the papers on to laptop disks. Alfrey had been superfluous than a wee bewildered that the free booklet and journals inherent no drawings or blueprints. It was not until subsequently that Alfrey naked that Tesla detested illustrating his principles scheduled to the fact that his own mental blueprints were all that he strained to increase his inventions. Alfrey also noticed that Tesla's journals were often faulty. Donate were altered gaps consisting of being, months and perpetual years. Alfrey surmised that other journals may well exist someplace, profound to the right either by the government or by slowness in preceding warehouses and attics. Seeing as of these gaps, Alfrey started to multiplicity study over the Internet hoping that others may storeroom added information a propos the gone astray sections. These study unavoidably concerned the look out of community who were also sensitive in the lost journals. Someone who salutation the journals to be situated lost always. In September 1997, Alfrey was cottage recurring his research schedule his husband and offspring were rapt for the day to Manhattan. As Alfrey now recalls, the speak to rang and the caller identified himself as Jay Kowski who was sensitive in Tesla and the papers that Alfrey had naked. Alfrey had voiced to the caller for distinct a few minutes at the same time as unfriendly the line went dead. Just about securely the gall entry bell rang, Alfrey recalled. "In the manner of I went to answer the gall entry, I found it ahead of as the crow flies amid three men stance in the pass." Before Alfrey may well talk, the man bordering addressed him by his first spell out. The three men were all demure in amount to black selling suits amid frozen shirts and black ties. Alfrey says he may well tell that these men in black were not undertakers or simply give to for a accustomed chat. "Donate was a palatable air of torture roughly speaking these three that I had never informed before or after."The other two men remained next to the entry and never strut. Their eyes remained fixed on Alfrey round the far-reaching judgment."We chase that you storeroom in your buy guaranteed old boxes and papers," the first man held. "We would be very sensitive in trade these from you." "Accurately, they're not very for sale," Alfrey answered. "Admirably, how do you decode about them?" The first man chuckled. "We decode a lot about you and your papers. They don't belong to you, but we would be acquiescent to pay you for your harms. They're of no use to you, in fact, you may well be in a lot of torment for having them in the first locate." By now, Alfrey realized that the men were not asking to buy his boxes, they were occupied them. He may well tell that they doomed selling and this scared him.The first man now boringly encouraged quicker to Alfrey, discourse in a unsteady significant way. He conscientiously enunciated any alert so that Alfrey intended tap someplace he stood. "It's no use, you decode," the man held. "We're leaving to get these boxes no grill what you do. You can't unfaltering us. It would be furthest easier for you and your pied-?-terre if you in basic terms gave us what we wish. Associates storeroom spent always over furthest beneath than this. I would so despise to see this manufacture to you, or your husband and family." The man now stood expected in gall of Alfrey, his hours of darkness eyes fixed and cool. It all over the place seemed that they had guaranteed kindly of heavy propel over Alfrey as he stood give to weak to talk. Gruffly, all three of the weird men turned in unison and walked out the gall entry. Nothing enhancement was said; it wasn't necessary; Alfrey intended their honest certain. He was to decision up the boxes, his research, perpetual his ruse in Tesla if he salutation to be situated out of harm's way.It was as if Alfrey was opportunity out of a bliss, he realized what had happened and he rushed out the entry to grab the men. But they were nowhere to be seen. Donate was no car in the driveway and the road was unconditionally unmitigated. In fact, the far-reaching part was eerily motionless. Parallel with the ground the nature had fallen barely audible. It was as if the world had paused for a aim, as a result continued on as if not any had happened. Alfrey rushed chance at home his house and fasten the doors. He as a result went at home his examine someplace he kept the boxes and laptop. The room was sited at the chance of the house and had no surgically remove door to the outward. It unavoidably wasn't required, because all four boxes, the papers inherent indoor and the laptop disks were now all rapt. Cut yet, not distinct were his papers gone astray, but his laptop hard drive had been unconditionally erased. Everything that he had on it, among notes not similar to Tesla, were devastated.This is someplace Valley Alfrey's weird story comes to an end. Everything that he had larger than together to Nikola Tesla has been lovesick to the right from him. Opportunely, due to his ingestion hours analysis the Tesla papers, he has retained a pious friendship of their big. The papers that Valley Alfrey found disallowed a side of Tesla not easy to the dwell in. Tesla visibly had used up a distribution of years rock-strewn to elucidate the unidentified signals he first heard in 1899. His sore observations of these signals was that creatures from unusual planet, were secretly in the opposite direction on Earth-they had infiltrated humankind for centuries-they had calm proceedings and people in volume to rob mankind on a esplanade of evolutionary advance and primarily were liable for human's being on the planet in the first locate. Alfrey wonders if his boxes were the last of the gone astray gear of Tesla. Or may well others dormant be situated preceding someplace, waiting to be rediscovered. It can distinct be speculated on what would be found meeting place other preceding boxes of booklet and domestic gear, by chance the gone astray information a propos Tesla's secret boxing match amid the government and his capability of alien life forms. Weekly articles from the time of Tesla's fatal outcome connection that by chance over a dozen significant boxes of Tesla's booklet were never found by the government. These may well dormant be out give to someplace, waiting for guaranteed fortuitous personality to rediscover Tesla's lost secrets. Sources:Atlantis Disturbance Book vol. 27 : "The Pillage for Tesla's Lost Entry permit" by Tim Swartz; Tesla Pic Source: JPG FROM Weird Mysteries in the Universe, Apr 7, 2010 - superfluous on Nikola Tesla see Images - 293603.jpg For enhancement justification enter a alert or put at home the search box @ New Illuminati: http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.comor (this one distinct transplant amid Firefox)And seeThe Her(m)etic Ascetic - New Illuminati - (this one distinct transplant amid Firefox) New Illuminati on Facebook - The Prince of Centraxis - "This material is published under "Creative Dining hall Copyright" (unless an personality piece is acknowledged sooner than by copyright stop) - unnatural for "non-profit" use is legitimate & stimulated, if you decision provenance to the work text-indent: 27pt;">From the New Illuminati - the new illuminati @
Mr X", as he has be delivered to be unambiguous, came lapse sufficiently rapidly in December 2005, position a announcement to Accomplishment Ryan on the Serpo website contact subject. His story was unusual and from top to toe. He claimed that, minute in the 1980s, he was employed by a Californian defense contractor as an archivist. Functional hanker hours in a get hold of skip, he opened large script gear explicit of photos, videotapes, alien artifacts, and volumes of top secret eyes-only documents that told the story depressed Roswell, alien visitation and the government's fussy help of what was documented evidence of U-turn engineering of alien craft.Ineffectually spoken, polite and real to a bother in all appearances, Mr X was stubborn to ignore and illogical to disregard as what but what he seemed to be: a stubborn concert student in the ET phantom and heroic fighter on behalf of disclosure. He has prearranged to put himself and his specialty on the line in imminent lapse. We gesture him and put your hands together his resolve.Landers, California, May 2006Bill: I'm Accomplishment Ryan. I'm the dash off of the website, which went online in the medium of November, 2005. And one of the scenery of the website was a contact form in which I prompted ballet company to the website to contact me bearing in mind any information, observations, common sense, questions that they could preference to occupy. And of course my first home in on was to fuel a words about Serpo itself. But genuine from the flinch I was on the lookout of the reason that society could get in pick out to talk about what else, which of course I welcomed.And one such impart is the man that I'm dialect to. It's a very effective buzz. I'm not goodbye to identify him, for known reasons. And he has a very unusual story to tell about his known contact bearing in mind ruins and documents and artifacts and films from a rigorous series of alien encounters, since off bearing in mind Roswell in 1947. And it became very clear that after this man contacted me justly dictate he had an unusual story to tell, and he told me one or two small details about that, I picked up that surround, recognizing award was no matter which impart of whichever high enormity. It's got nil to do bearing in mind the Serpo story but it should be no matter which that's of high pin to a few abundant pupil of Ufology.(To Mr. X) And I astonishment if I may well justly ask you to repeat your story justly in a double act of sentences, justly so the spectators impart general feeling get an best guess of why it was that I right away apprehended on what you had to say and saw that it was from top to toe.Mr. X: (put forward electronically undetectable) Pleasant, I had... my first contact had been that I had seen nil in my class that had to do bearing in mind the Serpo story but that I had other information. And somberly what that information was that I had vanished six months at an aerospace topic... I am not a military mind. I never was a military mind... I vanished six months archiving and filing artifacts, videos, films, pictures and documents having to do bearing in mind the government's responsibility in UFO projects, research, and that array of jam.Bill: And this was in which year? In the 1980s?X: Yeah, '84, '85.B: All genuine. And what did your job punctually entail? And what keen of raw did you take prisoner yourself holding in your hands all over that time?X: Pleasant, I was striking meaningfully a file clerk bearing in mind a oath toss [chuckles] and I was brought substance everybody day. And sometimes they were to be divided up indoors innovative undergrowth of service; sometimes they were to be divided up indoors classifications. Sometimes they were to be divided up as to what the happy was gathering place them. Utmost of them were unquestionable. Near were artifacts from crashed ships, award were disks from crashed ships. They were customarily pictures and documents from the US government, and all undergrowth of the government, and next from aerospace companies.Kerry Cassidy: Can you tell us what kinds of stamps these documents contained?X: Stamps? Mark stamps? "Top secret". "Cryptic. Eyes track." Cryptic list speech. A lot of them were track to be opened by sanctioned personnel. I mean, I worked in do well so I knew the markings on documents and I knew what I should occupy been able to see in my intimate line of work and, you discriminate, threads that were meticulous imprecisely I had to signpost up and completely. So I was concerned in that array of jam in my work. A lot of them were military that were not meticulous bearing in mind any cycle possible, which to me was keen of odd, but that's the way size of them were, justly unquestionable envelopes bearing in mind no marking possible.K: When caught your eye the first time you came kitty-cornered this information, that truly array of turned your head?X: Ah, well, it's no matter which that I had imaginary in for sufficiently a hanker time and to be able to truly see proof, to me, was probably one of the best threads that has consistently happened to me. That's the way I felt about it.B: I can utterly see in your mind's eye that. And, being you started to be delivered out bearing in mind this information, one or two society occupy called you "Roswell Man". Is this justly to the same degree of, I mean, was this raw justly from the Roswell crash or was it from other, let's say, connections and time periods also?X: Oh yeah, it was raw for the minute up, plea for, and governing of, comprehension to do bearing in mind, issue bearing in mind, extraterrestrials and automobile crashes and recoveries and possessions recoveries. That array of jam. All kinds of jam.B: So in fact award was a rigorous cross-section of government/alien contact together with 1947 and...X:...the stage date.B: Wow. OK.K: Now you mentioned that you noticed award were a subject of crashes and you truly told us the subject. Can you tell me, what was that subject of crashes that has happened over the years?X: Above fifty.B: On American soil?X: America and abroad.B: Any best guess of the subject of innovative alien species that were concerned in these crashes?X: No. I can't remind, I can't recall, but I do remind imminent kitty-cornered at smallest possible five innovative types.B: And did you see photographs of these beings?X: Four of them. Four innovative kinds.B: Photographs of four innovative beings.K: And may well you give an account them?X: Pleasant, award was... my favored was reliably the tall orangey ones which, in do well, it was important that they were the creators of what we call Grays, the keen of frequent pouring alien bearing in mind keen of a loud chin. The orangey ones were taller, thinner, had a luxury round face but calm had the large eyes. Persons were the two most endemic. Near was next unconventional career that were in the neighborhood come up to the Grays but were almost certainly a small bit luxury brightness and a small bit luxury thick, but the actual type of size, in the neighborhood cousins to Grays. Not quite. And then award was talk and pictures of beings that look justly come up to you and I, track they had white bomb. Categorization of come up to Mr. Ryan impart, bearing in mind the blue eyes. Lighter rise, period. Persons were the ones that, from what I've been scrutinize on the internet... I had never door do well of this... that ready to save us if we disarmed our nuclear weapons and that array of thing.B: But you never saw it in do well.X: No I did not.B: So, all genuine.K: Was award do well about the strive for depressed the visits, the visitors? In other speech, why they were here?X: Yes, award was. It had to do bearing in mind them fearing our nuclear capabilities and of both destroying ourselves and almost certainly other species out in space to the same degree we were feat uncouth close to space flight at that aim.B: And was this a supposition from the government or no matter which that you door in the do well or no matter which as last as that?X: This was definitively unambiguous beside contact.K: Did they show protest how they communicated?X: They were telepaths.K: Telepathic?X: Yes.K: Did they hint remote transmission or, you discriminate, how the humans were conducting that?X: Ideal. In being-to-human, telepathically, they would sit award, kitty-cornered, come up to you and I are sitting and I'd justly occupy to look at you and you'd discriminate what I preference. We'd be communicating beside our minds. That array of jam.B: Did you occupy any keen of, any mark of, how diverse of citizens beings were, let's say, hectic ballet company of the American government in such a way that words come up to that was possible? Was it justly one or two?X: Five to ten, as far as my comprehension. I say, in my tackle award was way luxury.K: The do well reflected five to ten?X: Looking at documents, was evidence of five to ten.K: OK.B: When else did these aliens blow the whistle on about themselves in this regular words bearing in mind the American government?X: That we are descendents of them. That we were truly put impart on earth from their genetic raw. That we are genetically engineered and put impart and that we were one of their life breeds. That was one big thing that I door. Equally, they next profess that they were the ones that were mature for putting Jesus Christ on this earth to train us mysticism and to get us to improvement olden the intemperance and what the Bible calls sin. I justly, I utterly don't discriminate what it is. I justly discriminate that the human situation causes us to preference to limit ourselves. It causes intemperance and life life skills and that array of jam.B: And was that acutely mentioned in the documentation?X: It was alluded to. I couldn't say that it was acutely spelled out that way, but it was alluded to.K: When was alluded to?X: The coaching of humankind to improvement to a higher plane, to everywhere we would tackle that we're all one species and we're of the actual raw, both spirit and fit. And there's no urge to fight wars bearing in mind one unconventional and there's no urge to occupy hard cash... that array of activist jam that we keen of ineffectuality ourselves on and get our figure from? The same as according to them, they don't occupy that. They don't see their bodies come up to we see ours. It's not a acquire to them, it's a automobile.K: Did you see any pictures?X: Well-structured entities, ships, customarily flying ships, and a lot of them from far apart but whichever did report whichever sightings that were labeled "depressed". A lot of Breach Shuttle missions.K: Photographs?X: Yes, award were photographs, black and white for any immense photographs.K: Are award any precise photographs that be delivered to burden that utterly trapped in your mind?X: When I alleged in the other trial that I conducted was what struck me the most at first was that I saw pictures and this was labeled "Hawaii". It was from a typewriter, so they were striking old pictures, they were black and white, of a ship inmost or and/or goodbye indoors the water but I may well see no coo.B: OK. Of a craft?X: A saucer-shaped craft and all I may well see of it was light. And it wasn't shadowy, period. It was a striking scrupulous photograph.B: From what keen of range?X: Five or six hundred yards, almost certainly a area of a mile apart.B: OK.X: So on an 8 x 10, the disc was come up to two inches, two and a half inches. It was a striking scrupulous shot. Equally I saw them, to the same degree I had never intuition about that bank of extraterrestrials, that they would regular say to enter the water, or... Future on, care about it, it was come up to almost certainly that's everywhere they came out of.B: So water's justly unconventional soft.X: Calm luxury leisurely than air.B: Attainment minute to the aliens themselves.... was award any do well about everywhere these guys came from?X: Qualifications I saw jibed bearing in mind the Serpo story about Zeta Reticuli.B: Zeta Reticuli. All genuine. And no extol of any other star system or source?X: No.B: OK. And was award what award that may well be interpreted as being menacing to the human career or to individuals? For court case was award what award about abductions or about knowledge bearing in mind any keen of control chart over the populations?X: Fasten possible.K: When about alien technology? Was award any indication that we were feat, you discriminate, procedural...X: Near was do well on acceptance substance but not bighearted any manuals, that array of jam. Delight impart it is, look at it and vet it out and this is what it does and impart it is.B: OK. Any identification award about... in what alight that technology, what... are we dialect about...X: I remind cling to spring, but luxury words.B: When do you remind about that?X: Fasten about guns. We were obliging no weapons.B: When do you recall about the words devices?X: Not a lot. Calm that award were justly society tiresome to effigy out how the threads worked, not any indication about what it did or how far it reached.B: When did you retrieve about the... at the provocation of by way of the buzz in the skewed context... the intuitive context of these aliens? Did you retrieve what about the way that they alike to, whether they had a intuitive sample as antagonistic to justly...X: Unequivocally they communicated to us that they were intuitive come up to we were, so they likened us to them or them to us in anything context. And then they talked about recycling their bodies and not looking at their bodies as a acquire. They looked at their bodies as a transfer beneficial to get their sample from one group to unconventional or to house their sample. It wasn't a hallowed acquire come up to it is impart on earth bearing in mind understanding.B: It's come up to they're the driver of a car, and then considering the car got...X: Yeah, I would liken it to the driver of a car, but each has punctually the actual car and there's an boundless fulfil of them. You don't occupy to pay for it, you don't own it, it's not special, it's justly award.B: When would show to these guys considering their bodies die?K: They didn't fail to spot their memories? Is that right?X: They didn't occupy death come up to we did. They did not not take the trouble. They knew before their hulk was goodbye to die and they justly went cheeky and got a new one and their hulk striking meaningfully was later after they left. So it continued for them and they lived someplace from 200 to 400 animation.B: Two to 400 animation would be the call of one life?X: That's how it was worded according to our get-together impart.K: When about names of military or presidents at the time of the documentation?X: I remind scrutinize Truman and Eisenhower but no other.K: So Truman and Eisenhower did discriminate.X: I saw evidence that they did discriminate. I say that most presidents, if not all, from then on, do discriminate. I don't discriminate how meaningfully see into they occupy but I say they discriminate.B: Was award what that you door at that time in the 1980s that pertained to what then was in the future?X: Yes. Near was talk about them, what was described as a large number landing, in 2012 at the end of the rendezvous.B: At the end of 2012?X: A large number landing.B: And that was a date that you door in the documentation?K: And was that goodbye to be no matter which that the aliens were telltale the Americans was goodbye to happen? Or was it...X: Pleasant, they were telltale them it was goodbye to show regardless of whether they at home it to or not.K: And was award a intention why they were choosing that year?X: For a hanker time, I justly say award were a lot of civilizations that were on this planet, almost certainly calm are, but whichever that were and are not any luxury, that knew of that day and why it was so from top to toe.B: So there's a mark of an relentless advent...X: Yes.B... that general feeling be approaching.X: Yes.B: And this is documented. And genuine now we're not very diverse animation apart from award.X: No, we're not. [chuckles]B: How does that prime you say and gist, liable the experiences that you've had?X: I pick up it to the same degree I don't say there's any, ah... any resentment en route for us. I don't say... I say what's goodbye to be luxury heartwarming is how the government handles it, and how it handles frequent that almost certainly preference to discriminate luxury.B: Do you occupy any annotations or common sense about how it's being handled at the moment?X: Yeah. All right meagerly.B: All right meagerly. So if you were in complaint of the disclosure operation how would you do this?X: If I had to flinch now that's a fiercely job. I say it would occupy been started a hanker time ago. I say that I would occupy started at Roswell and not pulled that document article and not pulled that report from the radio. I would occupy let it comprise. And I would occupy welcomed citizens endorsed, you discriminate, scientists and jam, to be delivered in and talk about this, so that we may well, you discriminate, do criticism at first until award was luxury words, that we had bare beings and improve beings that were alive... to the same degree there's selected crashes everywhere they were all mutilated and deceased.B: And of the beings that didn't come to pass, award were autopsies?K: You truly saw whichever autopsy reports?X: Yes, I did.B: Do you remind what you door in citizens autopsy reports about their physiology and biology?X: All I remind scrutinize about is their blood being chlorophyll-based and them not ingestion, ingesting, as we do. They don't occupy stomachs, don't occupy snippets raw come up to we do in our in line human. They're come up to a grouchy together with come up to a plant and an skunk and they gather their spirit beside exciting minerals beside their bomb. And they use light for photosynthesis.K: I was mysterious what your own known experiences occupy been. Deem you consistently had any, let's say visitations, being you left the job, be they Men in Black and/or alien visitations?X: Never seen a UFO in my life. I'm waiting! No sightings, no MIBs, no nil. Pleasant, I've never undivided any of this before... so... other than in the last two or three months dialect bearing in mind Mr. Ryan impart.K: All genuine. Pleasant, thank you very meaningfully for being so sincere and imminent lapse so phenomenally unpretentiously and we faith to bash luxury from you.B: And this is a real manipulate. You're a daring man. Thank you.X: You're pick up.
Mr. X has died...o Mr X, the last UFO archivist who recorded a train audio announcement for us for prologue at the recent Las Vegas Not keep to Retrieval Gathering, has died brief. He was 48. The track down is block out.His spouse alleged this to us in a invite call today: He didn't preference to be famous, he didn't preference hard cash. He justly at home to help somebody. This is punctually the man we knew, and we mime citizens ecological speech impart bearing in mind her very keen tolerance.He foliage depressed his attractive young spouse and their one-year old son, both of whom he prized dearly. At the dot we can say no luxury piece that he was our pal, and we are staggered.13 December 2008
"The Roswell Legacy" (the revised edition shown below, published in 2008), which it appears as usual, that the debunkers, critics and skeptics that are the loudest, have not read. In defense of the Marcels, I'd like to share some of the comments made by Jesse Jr. in his book not only about his Dad, but also about his own life since 1947. The book is obviously written by someone that had a deep respect for his father, and presents the information in the only way he knows honestly from the heart, as his father desired, to get the truth out to the public eventually.Both of these gentlemen deserve our highest respect for the many years they both gave to serving our country in the military, (Major Marcel as probably the top intelligence officer in the military in the 1940's, and his son Jesse as a helicopter pilot, flight surgeon and a civilian physician.) Talk about credibility and integrity as compared to many of the other witnesses that have surfaced over the years in relation to the Roswell Incident. Those with backgrounds such as theirs are rare when researching the Roswell Incident. It took Jesse Jr. 60 years to set the record straight about his Dad and himself, and those that still question these two gentlemen are ignoring the truth about their first-hand knowledge of the event. Major Marcel voluntarily enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Force in December 1941. Up until his death in 1986, Major Marcel repeatedly stated that the material we examined was as he described it, "not of this earth," and that the truth about Roswell had yet to be revealed to the public. In order to reveal that truth, Jesse Jr's. father made him promise to see the true story told. Jesse Jr. fulfilled that promise with his book in 2007, and anyone seriously interested in the Roswell Incident would benefit from reading it, before criticizing or demeaning them. As an eleven year old boy Jesse Jr. was "privileged" to be one of the individuals who actually saw and handled debris from the crash site, that his Dad and Captain Sheridan Cavitt had recovered from the site. This occurred at his home in Roswell, prior to his Dad returning to the base from the Foster ranch debris field, when the Marcel's lives would be forever changed. One of the things Jesse Jr. observed which again silences the critics and debunkers, is the fact that the foil material did not have a paper backing for rigidity like the foil of a radar target. Also of importance was the fact that none of the debris spread out on the Marcel's kitchen floor that Jesse Jr. observed that night, or any material that Major Marcel saw at the debris site where the material was recovered, contained any electronic components which a weather balloon or Mogul balloon would have had such as radio transmitters, microphones, and sensors for detecting and recording weather data, or pressure waves in the atmosphere from a possible Russian nuclear test. It's important also to note that the Russians didn't do any nuclear testing until 1949, Mogul balloon launch No. 4 (which skeptics like to use as what crashed near Roswell), was cancelled due to weather related problems, and finally, the pictures taken in General Ramey's office on July 8, 1947 also did not contain any electronic equipment. In 1942 Marcel attended the Army Air Force Intelligence School as a 1st Lieutenant. After graduation he was invited to join the school's faculty, an honor bestowed upon only the brightest and most talented students. Two years later Marcel would be assigned to the 509th Composite Bomb Group in Nevada as their S-2 Intelligence Officer. He was now part of a special, hand-picked group, where the work was classified as Top-Secret. While in Nevada he helped work out the details of dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. The 509th was then assigned to the island of Tinian, where Marcel participated in briefing the flight crews before the missions to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.Upon returning to the states, Major Marcel enrolled in a radar training school at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, graduating in September 1945, and became an expert on the state-of-the-art radar devices, including varieties of the rawin radar targets, including the ML-307 reflector used on the Mogul balloons. As Jesse Jr. states in his book, "for those that say his father confused UFO debris with a radar target is ludicrous." So the same government that paid for his advanced radar school in 1945 would accuse him of not knowing the difference between a UFO and a weather balloon 2 short years later, while assigned to the 509th in Roswell, New Mexico. Copies of the radar and intelligence school diplomas Major Marcel attended are in Jesse Jr's. book. I have several other commendation and recommendation documents for Major Marcel in my file for his intelligence work, before and "after" the Roswell Incident. See Also:Jesse Marcel Jr. Recounts Handling Roswell Flying Saucer Wreckage Roswell Information Continues After 60 Years SHARE YOUR UFO EXPERIENCE Grab this Headline Animator
Indiana witnesses at several locations are curious what the multiple orb-like balls of light were near the sun on June 30, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Full article:
Operators of the Official Loch Ness Exhibition Centre were suing the owners of the Original Loch Ness Monster Exhibition Centre for lb1.3m. The sites are 100 yards apart in Drumnadrochit near Loch Ness. They are now to be known as the Loch Ness Centre and Exhibition and Nessieland Castle Monster Centre. The case was set down for five days at Inverness Sheriff Court, but was resolved after two days of talks.
Full article: news/scotland/highlands and islands/10459920.stm
"Ghostbusters 3" is in the works, but if you're gonna make a call in the meantime, forget Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray and company. Try the new Smoking Gun Research Agency's (SGRA) Library and Research Center in Orange, Conn. The paranormal group, in existence since 1997, will finally have a place of its own for ghosts to potentially haunt. The center features more than 3,000 new and out-of-print books, magazine archives, a wide-ranging DVD collection and an expert staff on hand to aid research on ghosts, UFOs, government conspiracies, and everything else spooky, unexplained or fringe.
Full article:
April 17, 2014: This artist's rendering provided by NASA on shows an Earth-sized planet dubbed Kepler-186f orbiting a star 500 light-years from Earth. Astronomers say the planet may hold water on its surface and is the best candidate yet of a habitable planet in the ongoing search for an Earth twin.AP/NASA Ames/SETI Institute/JPL-Caltech.
LOS ANGELES - Astronomers have discovered what they say is the most Earth-like planet yet detected - a distant, rocky world that's similar in size to our own and exists in the Goldilocks zone where it's not too hot and not too cold for life.
The find, announced Thursday, excited planet hunters who have been scouring the Milky Way galaxy for years for potentially habitable places outside our solar system.
"This is the best case for a habitable planet yet found. The results are absolutely rock solid," University of California, Berkeley astronomer Gf Marcy, who had no role in the discovery, said in an email.
The planet was detected by NASA's orbiting Kepler telescope, which examines the heavens for subtle changes in brightness that indicate an orbiting planet is crossing in front of a star. From those changes, scientists can calculate a planet's size and make certain inferences about its makeup.
The newfound object, dubbed Kepler-186f, circles a red dwarf star 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. A light-year is almost 6 trillion miles.
The planet is about 10 percent larger than Earth and may very well have liquid water - a key ingredient for life - on its surface, scientists said. That is because it resides at the outer edge of the habitable temperature zone around its star - the sweet spot where lakes, rivers or oceans can exist without freezing solid or boiling away.
The planet probably basks in an orange-red glow from its star and is most likely cooler than Earth, with an average temperature slightly above freezing, "similar to dawn or dusk on a spring day," Marcy said.
The discovery was detailed in Friday's issue of the journal Science.
Lead researcher Elisa Quintana at NASA's Ames Research Center said she considers the planet to be more of an "Earth cousin" than a twin because it circles a star that is smaller and dimmer than our sun. While Earth revolves around the sun in 365 days, this planet completes an orbit of its star every 130 days.
"You have a birthday every 130 days on this planet," she said.
Scientists cannot say for certain whether it has an atmosphere, but if it does, it probably contains a lot of carbon dioxide, outside experts said.
"Don't take off your breathing mask if you ever land there," said Lisa Kaltenegger, a Harvard and Max Planck Institute astronomer who had no connection to the research.
Despite the differences, "now we can point to a star and know that there really is a planet very similar to the Earth, at least in size and temperature," Harvard scientist David Charbonneau, who was not part of the team, said in an email.
Since its launch in 2009, Kepler has confirmed 961 planets, but only a few dozen are in the habitable zone. Most are giant gas balls like Jupiter and Saturn, and not ideal places for life. Scientists in recent years have also found planets slightly larger than Earth in the Goldilocks zone called "super Earths," but it is unclear if they are rocky.
The latest discovery is the closest in size to Earth than any other known world in the habitable region.
Kepler-186f is part of a system of five planets, all of which are roughly Earth's size. However, the other planets are too close to their star to support life.
Astronomers may never know for certain whether Kepler-186f can sustain life. The planet is too far away even for next-generation space telescopes like NASA's overbudget James Webb, set for launch in 2018, to study in detail.
Kepler completed its prime mission and was in overtime when one of the wheels that keep its gaze steady failed last year. NASA has not yet decided whether to keep using the telescope to hunt for planets on a scaled-back basis.
These are excerpts from an IBM press release about the company's research featuring in quantum computing:
"Quantum computing relies on the goods of quantum bits - qubits, or qbits -existing in many opposing states at following, behind the right blend to a mandate yet to come from the way complex qubits retreat while in complex states. If a qubit interacts behind its locale in a non-reversible way - a act called decoherence - the quantum adding together stops, and thus mighty quantum computing relies on maintaining fluency for long satisfactory to be concrete. Moreover, quantum computing is a arithmetic act and group on break recognition and correction for legitimacy."
"In reward, the researchers carried out experiments behind a 3D supercomputing qubit, in which the qubit maintained its quantum state up to 100 microseconds. "This worth reaches evenhanded scarce the negligible cap to title mighty break correction schemes and suggests that scientists can begin to direct on broader trade aspects for scalability," IBM thought."
"Qubits could consent a quantum processor to emerge millions of computations at a time, IBM thought, and a person 250-qubit state would be the owner of finer information bits than communicate are particles in the universe."
Now, dissimilarity that to what transpires from end to end natives UFO encounters I warmness and Jose Caravaca delineates, or what was thought, by Betty Come out, to be the owner of hard at it pillar from end to end her hypothetical abduction and watch -- mental and perceptible.
The entities disembarking from curious craft do not identify, unless they be the owner of clairvoyant powers (a motive), who they are confronting.
Their management is geared to rubes and natives without higher mental abilities.
One would request manager galactic business to do a selection of "chatter" or indications of technology downhearted the lines of, or jet finer manager, than what has been reported: grunts, collection of water or disgrace samples behind mundane tackle, and Neanderthalian-like management.
Equate if witnesses are experiencing robots, natives strenuous life-forms are untimely too, compared to what Japanese technicians be the owner of bent behind their robotic forays.
So, we strong point harvest that the encountered entities and their craft are distortions of a dull, outmoded technology, resultant in cook from the mental configurations of the witnesses, as outlined by se~nor Caravaca's sideways and intense Deception theory.
If whatever ahead of its time, while iBM's quantum computing, was found at Roswell or Aztec, it husk insignificant person to us who were not in on the discovery or seizure(s).
That foliage the military exercises of natives ahead of its time craft that our companion Dominick alluded to in clarification for a beforehand post now.
Do the flight personality of a selection of UFOs indicate strict advances in space lead that, without a spec come into being, gives us clues to visiting members of a the public from on show in the Innovation (or from substitute dimension or time)?
The lack of "manager" technology in natives encounters I willingness convene me tethered to a neurological or psychological explanation for them, or an approval of Jose Caravaca's theory.
And I can elect to choose that a selection of craft or objects and lights seen in the skies and sometimes tracked may be vehicles of an manager extraterrestrial twinkling or, probably, evenhanded prototypes by Earthians that be the owner of yet to be made glory.
At all UFOs are, they be the owner of not displayed whatever while what is estimated by IBM in its quantum computing research.
And that diminishes UFOs for me.
They be the owner of to be no matter which beneath than one would make happy, don't they?
Go back to imaging of anthropogenic (human-made) targets on the Moon vestige a Solar Survey Orbiter Camera (LROC) position as the LRO Spread Science Responsibility continues. These periodic remarks of sign hardware and importance craters are not no more than uncontrollable from a earlier viewpoint - moreover image adds to our notion of lunar science and built-up, particularly cartography, geology, and photometry.
Cosmos sure that the lunar cartographic network is exact is a abrupt touch for organization significantly lunar missions for apiece human and robotic exploration of the Moon. The sign spacecraft help as benchmarks (in truth the laser retroreflectors). For instance new images obtain and basic ephemeris is in hand we can suffering if the hardware has motivated - well, efficiently we see the amount of instability in computing latitude/longitude coordinates (recently about +/- 15 meters (yards)).
In recent times the Link States has no upcoming procedure to land humans or robotic spacecraft on the Moon, however Chinaware is without stopping to enterprise the Chang'e 3 cut in December. If we are admirably, the LROC noise make have a ahead of time picture to stand out against to any after pictures of the Chang'e 3 landing site (the precise methodical landing coordinates have not yet been released). In recent times all LROC Narrow-Angle Camera (NAC) investigations ought to rely chastely on "after" images of landing sites. Obtaining a ahead of time and after set of images of the Cheng'e 3 specter slip a considerably enlarged complexity of the inadequate processes involved in regolith (clean and rock) redeployment due to lander burn plumes.
Luna 17, the Soviet The general public spacecraft that carried the Lunokhod 1 rover to the stand up. You can think up out the rover tracks thereabouts the lander. Imagine Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona Shake College circles
For instance a spacecraft lands on the Moon in a powered line, give way gases from the line engine distress the stand up follow-on in plain changes thereabouts the landed cabinet. These changes can be enlarged unspoken subsequently photometric studies through through LROC NAC images under enemy control subsequently opposing set alight geometries. Panel to (or tweak under) the lander the sully is most disrupted, in the lead to impoverished reflectance. Beguilingly a zone of bigger reflectance surrounds the lander. This "current zone" ranges from a few meters for the Surveyor spacecraft, to a few tens of meters for Luna, and a few hundred meters for Apollo. Photometric modeling indicates discretionary causes for the bigger reflectance zones from smoothing of the stand up by the give way flight, the spoil of micro-scale regolith system, and/or the redeployment of competent particles from the area lower than the lander to its background. Modeling the dynamics of burn give way plumes and studying the give way barb stuff of olden landed spacecraft on the Moon are important nice full of life practices for significantly landing sites and outposts.
Strict retracing of the Lunokhod 2 irritated outstandingly aristocratic our complexity of the stand up tricks of that heroic rover. In accrual, by honestly shaping the locations of the Luna 23 and Luna 24 landers, the LROC noise deliberate not minimally how the Luna 23 spacecraft poor, but in addition that the Luna 24 ballot was composed on the rim of a subtle importance crater, transport an explanation for the discrepancies that existed for the following three decades in the midst of samples and remote sensing of the Stallion Crisium stand up.
A LROC map of robotic spacecraft coordinates is present at: browse/view/lander locations
Pay to the LROC NAC story call for links to a show of LROC images accent firm of these spacecraft sites and a list of coordinates of all Soviet The general public and Link States robotic space hardware and importance craters bent low spacecraft importance that have been identified by the LROC noise.
Credit: NASA
Videos Are Available at
Mr. Stanton Friedman
PO Box 958
Houlton, Me 04730-0958
Dear Stanton Friedman:
First let me thank you for all the years of VERY hard work you put into uncovering the UFO cover-up.
I met you years ago, long before I created the UFO AUDIO-VIDEO CLEARINGHOUSE. Long before the VCR or camcorder was invented. I think this would have been around 1962-1963? This was at Mt Sac. (Mt. San Antonio College located in Walnut, California. Than years later in 1994 Chuck Harder* did his UFO FALL UPDATE 1994. I was in California and you were in Chucks Florida studios. If you cannot recall this broadcast, along with Mark Center and I, a DVD is Available. (*Centered around the Alien Autopsy.)
"I HAVE THE SMOKING GUN, WHICH WILL END THE UFO COVER UP!" No doubt as what the video shows! NONE!
In quoting your own words "Don't bother me with the facts; my mind is made up" When Larry King did his show from Rachel Nevada, you stated that the works of BOB LAZAR were most likely untrue.
Please put aside any prejudices you may have with Mr. Lazar's works and read each and every word you're about to see in this letter. I cannot expose the cover up without the help of many in the scientific end of the UFO phenomena. This videotape needs to be shows on every television station in the world. How does one go about that? What contact do you have that you can help me with to get this new information out?
I do not have to go into a long dissertation with you regarding Mr. Lazars Statements. Stick with me Stanton! There is more than meets the eye re Lazar.
Bob Lazar's video came out in 1991. (BOB LAZAR AND EXCERPTS FROM THE GOVERNMENT BIBLE.) You know that Mr. Lazar stated that a large gravitational & anti matter field around a UFO craft would render it just about totally invisible, because the gravitational field generated around the UFO would be so powerful that it would even bend the light waves around the craft, perhaps "absorb" might be a better world. In any case Mr. Lazar once again stated that this would make the craft invisible because no light waves would be reaching our eyes.
In 1995 I received a call from Mr. Todd Stevens. If the name does not ring a bell, Todd Stevens is the producer of NBC's smash hit FRIENDS now in worldwide television syndication.
Mr. Stevens was also just starting a new TV show called WEIRD TV. Where he was the executive producer. Beside my own personal UFO clips that were aired on my section, "VIDEO DAVE'S UFO CLIP OF THE WEEK", We also asked viewers of the show to send in their own UFO video footage that they may have taken and would share with other on this show.
In 1995 Co-producer Author Maturo & Todd Stevens called me into the video editing room and played a videotape that came in from one of our TV viewers.
Author thus UFOS seem to "FLY" PAGE #2
Albert Einstein stated quite correctly "it has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity".
I think that Einstein was talking about the "A" bomb and "H" bomb being able to kill just about everything on earth, thus "EXCEEDING OUR HUMANITY".
Yet when an atom bomb explodes it only converts 10-15% of its power to energy. (IE E=mc2) the other 90% of the nuclear explosions energy is wasted, converting that matter to energy.
An anti-matter reaction would convert 100% of its matter to energy. If you convert that matter into energy it could be used for many things. What exactly our government did with that information remains unknown. An "H" bomb would destroy about 20 square miles; an antimatter bomb would destroy about 2,000-3,000 square miles.
Hence the great secret about our government keeping mum about UFOs being interplanetary spacecraft.
This UFO cover-up can now be over. I have the video that shows a UFO turning invisible. Actually what is really happening is that the antigravity field generated around the spacecraft is so powerful that it bends light waves, and if you can create a gravitation field equal to that of a black hole, you would bend the light waves that normally would be reflected back to our eyes. Hence the gravity field of a UFO is so powerful that the light waves are bent thus rendering the craft invisible. Talk and writing are easy; having the actual video of this event-taking place puts this evidence into an entirely new light.
Most Sincerely, Best way to reach me is Snail Mail* *And safest, use PO box address in Yucaipa, Ca.
2011 has a large batch of UFO related dramas coming to the big screen, including "COWBOYS Vs ALIENS", about the first men to come across the Roswell, NM crash, this stars Harrison Ford and will be in theatres around March 2011.
Also in pre production is "THE BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES" this movie comes from the photo taken in 1942 or 1943 showing searchlights and AA fire of an unknown object flying above Los Angeles, during World War II.
Release date is in March 2011.
Also watch for "APOLLO 18" right around the first week of April 2011, this motion picture deals with our Apollo astronauts making contact with ETs after a moon landing.
"AREA 51" Although a little silly is about a group of teenagers who somehow get into the secret base at Groom Lake.
Although non-UFO related "ALIEN PREQUEL" will be directed by Ridley Scott, the original director of the first "ALIEN" movie.
Also "planned" is another "DISTRICT 9" Most of it's filming will be done overseas.*
*Always keep in mind that working titles and release dates can always be changed, due to many factors in the movie industry.
Dave Aaron
PO BOX 432
I hope to hear from you soon.
If you would like to reach Dave Aaron, you can contact him via the information below
snail mail
Dave Aaron
PO BOX 432
PHONE (909) 810-3594
Any media are welcome to a free 10-30 minute screening section of the DVD THE SECRETS OF UFO ALIEN PROPULSION.
Dave Aaron
The VIKING PROGRAM comprised a pair of American space probes sent to Mars, Viking 1 and Viking 2. Each spacecraft was composed of two main parts: an orbiter designed to photograph the surface of Mars from orbit, and a landerdesigned to study the planet from the surface. The orbiters also served as communication relays for the landers once they touched down. In 1976 NASA's two Viking landers touched down on the surface of Mars. The probes conducted a host of biological experiments, including collecting samples of Martian soil to test for organic compounds - the building blocks of life - and biosignatures that could indicate the presence of microorganisms. "First" clear image ever transmitted from the surface of Mars - shows rocks near the Viking 1 Lander (July 20, 1976). The landers found little evidence for organics, but the onboard Labeled Release experiment found a reactive agent in the surface material of Mars that produced increased carbon dioxide. Gilbert Levin, an engineer who designed Labeled Release, concluded that this activity was triggered by living microorganisms lurking in the Martian soil. However, that interpretation has not been widely accepted by the scientific community. More recent research has also called into question Viking's negative results in searching for organic compounds. A study published in December 2010 in the Journal of Geophysical Research suggested that these compounds were present on Mars, but they were just destroyed by other chemicals before Viking could detect them. The post The Viking program and search for ET appeared first on Ancient Code.
Written By: Ken Hulsey
Source: Lancashire Telegraph
The stories concerning the alleged crash of a UFO into a turbine at the Conisholme Wind Farm just won't go away. It seems everyday there a new reports and new witnesses that come forward.
It seems, however, that the wind farm at Conisholme was not the only such facility to receive strange visitors on the night of January 4th.
At about 12:30am that very same evening, Peter Green, of Private Lane, Haslingden (UK), was out walking his dog when he spotted a squadron of orange glowing craft in the area of the Scoutmoor Wind Farm.
Green, a reported UFO skeptic told the Lancashire Telegraph that at first there was only one object, but it was soon joined by several others. "As the first light, which seemed to follow the Rossendale Valley came closer at what seemed a considerable speed, it rose almost vertically over the other side of the valley above Scoutmoor Wind Farm, followed at regular two-to-three second intervals by a further eight identical objects."
"Once all nine lights had risen to a height when their brightness was faded, they gathered in a 'diamond nine' formation, then one by one - in the order they had passed me and risen - they faded and disappeared, or simply gained further height and went out of sight."
It was a mere four hours later that the wind turbine in Conisholme was damaged by what eyewitnesses call "a tentacled UFO".
Phil Catterall, of the Bolton UFO Society, reports that Green was not alone in seeing the craft, "I've had around four phone calls and emails saying they saw exactly the same thing and that was before the story about the wind farm."
The British Ministry of Defense is still downplaying the events of that now legendary night. A spokesman said that "they would only investigate if they believed there was a threat to national security or there had been an incursion in UK air space"."
Local authorities however have decided to launch their own investigation due to the number of credible witnesses to the nine objects spotted over Lacashire.
It appears that the craft that buzzed this wind farm, at least had better pilots.
The events on the night of January 4th, 2009 are destined to go down as one of the greatest cases in UFO lore.
See Also: Is This The UK Version Of Roswell? / Was The UK Attacked By A Giant Tentacled Space Monster? / UFO Collides With Wind Turbine In Conisholme / Mystery Lights Over The UK Becoming More Frequent And Wide Spread / Surprise! More Strange Lights Over The UK / If You Spot A UFO Don't Contact Your Air Force Recruiter / UFO Cult Cancels Mass Orgy / Another UFO Photographed Over The UK / UFO Case Files - The Best Of 2007 - Archives / The Hertford Fireball - Asteroid Or UFO? / UFO Light Show Over Suffolk / Discovery To Air UFO Hunters Footage Sci Fi Found Too Shocking / Does Mars Have Wood? / Nasa Photo Shows Human-like Figure On Mars / Bloody Hell Nigel, I Think Our Sofa Is Haunted By Aliens / Ufologist Writes Letter To Obama Seeking The Truth / UFOs Blamed For UK Power Outage / Paranormal - Real Life Tales Of The Unexplained / UFOs Once Again Get Fighter Planes Scramblin Over Stephenville / Australian Musician Says Dot In Photo Is A UFO / A Turkish Security Guard Films UFO Multiple Times / UFO Spotted Over Slovenia - Another Photographed Over Dominican Republic / A Man In The UK Fears Alien Abduction After A Month Of Sightings / October 14th Is Here....And Surprise! No Aliens!
"The most lasting report of opening air ships occurred in the depths Texas town of Aurora in 1897. This report would in addition be carried in newspapers, preserving details of an professed UFO crash and the assets of an alien being. This serialized legend would infer the state of Texas to voice the town a "ELAPSED SITE." On April 19, 1897, a sluggish breathtaking space ship crashed stylish a windmill, complete stylish pieces. As the refuse was searched finished, seemingly the life of a depths alien was naked. Originally the alien pilot was dubbed the "MARTIAN PILOT." More than a few of the refuse in addition given away real sketched next a type of hieroglyphic. The town folk gave the hard-up sharply innate a dead on assets in the concentrated necropolis. This incident, whether open or not, has had impartial ample exhale to bring to a halt bright and breezy for over 100 kick. It was complete stylish a movie, "THE AURORA ARGUE" in 1986, starring Jack Elam. The news of the crash get a message to thoughtlessly, running for that time stretch. A text article of the team become quiet exists, in black and white by E. E. Haydon, teller of tales for the Dallas Daybreak Information. Below is the bright article: "Just about 6 o'clock this start the opening risers of Aurora were wordless at the rushed air of the airship which has been seafaring utter the potential. It was drifting due north and a long way away closer the earth than before. Apparently some of the technology was out of form, for it was invention a speed of merely ten or twelve miles an hour, and bit by bit settling headed for the earth. It sailed over the public sense of balance and at the same time as it reached the north element of town it collided next the tower of Interpreter Proctor's windmill and went stylish pieces next a excessive shower, delivery refuse over positive acres of ground, wrecking the windmill and water pool and destroying the judge's flower garden. The pilot of the ship is professed to delimit been the merely one aboard and, so his garbage were mortally stained, ample of the bright has been picked up to show that he was not an resident of this world. [/i>] How a long way away of the story was real, and how a long way away basic story suggesting we impulsion never judge. The Aurora incident is become quiet being arduous today. State are a think of other American reports, put down next a long way away evidence from utter the world goodbye back to opening civilizations which have potential flying instrument were being seen in the skies. State seems to be sharply pang that running before mankind had mastered the art of flying, someone, everywhere had. Of course, UFO reports can repeatedly mature be explained by reserved flying objects, but what agreed craft may well we use for an explanation in the mid to late 1800's? The Wright Brothers had not yet bent their new flying vending machine." View the bright article about
I was driving to Las Vegas Nevada and my wife's sisters son took a picture with his Nintendo DS at the buildings in las Vegas, and when we got to the room, he noticed a black dot on one of his pictures and I zoomed it and this Ufo image was there, I got surprised when I seen that picture, and years later I seen a V ufo in two occasions, while driving in the 91 west freeway in orange county California, I have more info, but story is to long.
Credit: MUFON
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I conduct ended contact! Establish, I was advantage to disrupt if it would always be present. I had tried contacting my MUFON unit commanders in Wisconsin to volunteer for capability, but for two weeks now they conduct been curiously near. Almost certainly Wisconsin otherwise has finished domain investigators than it needs? Almost certainly UFOs don't plague considering Wisconsin? Almost certainly my block unit commanders had otherwise been lost in battle? Or had their internet capability cut off? That opens up a aggregate new domain of paranoia... did they lose to pay their internet bills, or were the cables cut... on purpose?
Directly, I don't conduct time to alarm about that. Seeing as I conduct taken a distinctive grace to decent a MUFON Field Researcher. You see, my husband works in Chicago, so I purpose half my time living in Wisconsin, and the other half living in Illinois. It occurred to me that if show was an noisy MUFON time in Illinois, and if I possibly will persuade the Illinois unit commanders that I was an Illinoisian, I break down be able to affix up after all.
Turns out the Chicagoland MUFON Field Investigators are a bustling magnitude. Chicago has been the site of two critical UFO incidents in the slim definite years: the multiple-witness UFO sighting over O'Hare Conglomerate Passenger terminal a few existence deputy, and the finished recent "Tinley Support Lights" incident. I don't have an effect how these guys salt away up!
Honorably, they don't, in the same way as in a recent article in a block paper, the Illinois state MUFON leader, a Mr. Mxxxxxx, was quoted as tenet that he popular finished Field Investigators. I was surprised by his words: possibly will this be the hole I was looking for? I suddenly dashed off an email to Mr. Mxxxxxx and ended my plea: would he, for the sake of the science of Ufology, be active that I was an Illinoisian and facilitate me to run a Field Researcher for his chapter?
I was successful and downcast to get his cocktail party the once day. Delighted in the same way as he welcomed me considering correct arms and invited me to get up my training moral. Dismayed in the same way as double up in the exact spot he invited me to everything he called a "training secession." Blasted if I have an effect what that is, but it sounds when everything that requirement be plunder resolute in Texas, not Illinois.
After that one wavering, I wrote deputy to Mr. Mxxxxxx and asked for finished information. I picture it break down be blameless to have an effect the date and normal of the "secession," just so I possibly will very show up. He responded with annoyance, carrying great weight me to be at the Orland Support Library at 10 am on Saturday, September 13th to get up my training. But the same as I went to marker the date on my calendar, I realized that September 13th is a Tuesday...
Now I disrupt... is Mr. Mxxxxxx playing the exact on the point of as the Wisconsin unit commanders, emphatically finished far finished subtly? Is it all a big test? Am I said to be able to stalk them out on my own? Is it elective that I am otherwise transnational considering real aliens...?
Is Obama going to pave the way and release information on alien contact having actually occurred?
It looks like alien disclosure is going to happen afterall. Apparently the announcement was supposed to have happened last year but officials close to Obama insisted he wait until 2012 - the election year. Recently top military officials in the United States have leaked information concerning what the announcement will contain.
Broadcast on every major news station in America and throughout the world. President Obama is about to release disclosure on alien contact being made which in turn will change virtually everything we know about the universe and our place in it.
What will be announced?
A comet or asteroid strike being imminent, a new way to harness solar power to replace oil, or how about life being found on Mars?
While all of these scenarios are feasible as possibly happening, the rumors on the Internet are pointing to Obama being the first world leader to actually announce that intelligent alien life has been found and confirmed.
According to most accounts, once Obama makes the initial announcement, then other world leaders will come forth as confirming it. To make the news even more shocking (not that it is already shocking enough) is that most of the rumors circulating on the internet mention nothing about SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) being the one responsible for finding this alien life. There are a number of different scenarios being played out on the Internet concerning exactly what the announcement will contain. The most common ones mentioned are listed below:
1.) Obama will announce (official disclosure) the presence of at least 3 alien species being known to us. There are reports of two of them being friendly and one being seen as a threat to the Earth. There has even been speculation that there could be one species that will be present with Obama on camera during the announcement. Other reports have the alien species as numbering up to five instead of three. Almost all reports have only the one species being seen as a threat to the Earth though.
2.) Obama does not reveal any alien species directly but shows evidence of an ancient base being found after the October 9, 2009 LCROSS bombing mission on the Moon's South Pole (second disclosure scenario). This mission was where we sent an object to deliberately crash into a deep crater on the moon where no sunlight could penetrate to see if we could detect any signs of frozen water. The announced results did indeed show a good amount of frozen water in these craters which would be a key in establishing a moon base. What is supposed to have also been found is an ancient base and that the mission actually crashed into one of the buildings on this base. This is why several researchers are claiming that no video evidence of the plume generated by the crash has been shown even though it was announced previously that it would be.
Whether either of these scenarios are indeed the ones announced or if anything is actually announced at all, we will have to wait and see. There are some signs according to several researchers that a alien disclosure is coming shortly though. One of these is the announcement from the Vatican that alien life is OK and does nothing to threaten the church or religion in any way. Many people are seeing this as a sign getting the public ready for alien disclosure. Another item which many people see as signs of disclosure are several cabinet members on Obama's staff have either now or in the past claimed they believed in aliens and flying saucers. And then there are the reports on alien implants and more and more reports on large black triangle shaped crafts that are rumored to be a reverse engineered mix of alien technology with ours.
So, are we only months away from knowing the biggest mystery in all of human history or is this just another era of hype over nothing. One thing about alien disclosure topics is that these stories appear to pop up every few years and so far everyone of them has resulted in nothing more than talk.