Friday, October 23, 2009

Ufo New Rules

Ufo New Rules

New Rule:

Scientists must stop pretending they know about UFOs:

Scientists should do a little reading before they make statements about UFOs especially when they know nothing about them. I like a good laugh like everyone else but some of their explanations could be punch lines on comedy central.

New Rule:

UFO researchers have to stop finding new explanations for Roswell.

From now on every Roswell investigator has to show his new theory to the surviving witnesses of the Roswell incident; these researchers then have to report the witnesses responses in their books and UFO presentations. Then we can hear and read for ourselves how much baloney the witnesses think it is. We have everything from MOGUL balloons to dead dwarfs as explanation for Roswell...what's next Roswell -was a movie promotion?

New Rule:

Admitted liars, like hoaxers, who claim their hoax caused a "famous UFO case" need to take Polygraph tests or they remain what they were...liars.

Many UFO witnesses with good character and absolutely no history of lying have been asked to take polygraph test. But these hoaxers who are sadistic people and like to embarrass others get a free ride. If you come out forty or fifty years later and make fantastic claims about a famous UFO case then the first item on the agenda should be a polygraph test... that is the least we can demand for the sake of the real UFO witnesses. Come to think of it, I think Charles Moore is a liar, you know the guy who worked on MOGUL. He remembered some forty years later the exact day a MOGUL balloon way launched. It turned out to be the only MOGUL that could have landed in Roswell. He should get a polygraph, too. There are so many others out there, let me think...Rendlesham Hoaxers?

New Rule:

UFO researchers have to spend more time on new investigations.

We have a rich UFO history. I love it. I write about it. But there is so much out there that seems legitimate which is not being investigated. When was the last time you examined a book on new UFO sightings? You would think nothing is going on, and that does not seem to be the case, believe me. Why not send the new MUFON Teams to do some new thorough investigation of multi-contact experiences? Gilliland Ranch comes to mind.

New Rule:

UFO researchers have to make "different presentations" at "different UFO conferences".

We are having a hard enough time getting young members into the conferences. Nothing will turn them off more than watching the same thing over and over. Also, many of us like to attend different conferences and we get bored with the same presentation at each conference.

New Rule:

Some UFO researchers need to practice what they preach.

Attacking the UFO witnesses in the midst of presenting new evidence on a case is just distracting and non constructive. You guys are the experts in this field. If you see some inconsistencies, present them-absent the jibes. Most of us, who think, will note your professionalism and respect you for it. People are multi-layered-

many times a little gray. I know that is hard to take in a black and white UFO world but you can handle it.

New Rule:

Bloggers who have big mouths have to turn on comments:

Recently I was taken to task for not publishing comments. It was an accident but people can get pretty frustrated when a blogger writes statements that are controversial and they can't counter them. Somehow my email had been changed at BlogSpot. When I corrected it, I ended up having to answer every comment... it took two days... people still believe I did it on purpose. The comments are turned on off many UFO blogs and on many scientific blogs and web pages. After you receive a PHD you don't need to be right about UFOs... all you need to be is, on the right side.

New Rule:

Debunkers need to explain away the entire UFO sighting

Only UFO debunkers get away with explanations and no detail. We need to be on their asses and let them know, we know their game. UFOs haven't been explained, not by Project Bluebook, Condon Committee or any other government sponsored study. A star by any other name might not be a star.

New Rule:

MUFON needs to design a new "MUFON Journal" geared more towards the rank and file:

I love the MUFON Journal. I get it every month. I think it can be improved. First, I would like an expanded comments page. They could delete the sky map page. Anyone can get that on the internet now. We have many great UFO investigators that make mistakes or get hoodwinked. The MUFON Journal should recognize this and offer the investigator space in the journal to respond before they print a counter explanation. This was allowed for Stanton Friedman on the Brad Sparks MJ12 controversy; it should be allowed with others.

New Rule:

Contactees have to stop acting like they know it all.

You not only have contactees in our community claiming they know the real intentions of the ETs but they can name you each star they come from; really? These outlandish statements just turn off the majority of good UFO investigators and delay serious investigation into this real phenomenon.

Contactees, use some common sense. Think about this, would you reveal to a species just full of war mongers, fanatics, racists and power hungry mad men where your planet was?

New Rule:

The UFO community has to stop criticizing TV series UFO shows.

Beggars can't be choosy. We are lucky to get any show on TV. The constant attacks on UFO Hunters and others, I believe, helped in their demise. Although the show wasn't perfect, they did have access to some of the best scientific instrumentation around. Get over it, people. We should have supported, and encouraged our readers to watch the show through our blogs and our involvement, instead of nit picking it to death.

New Rule:

UFO witnesses need to stop embellishing their experience.

Nothing will hurt your credibility more than embellishing your story.

Simply put, don't do it...even if you have a book deal and they tell you it will increase sales. There are tons of UFO researchers out there just waiting for a sign of weakness in your report... you will not get away with it.

New Rule:

Scientist who want to investigate ongoing UFO/paranormal encounters need to treat what they are investigation as probably intelligent.

These multi-contact experiences are an important new component to UFO investigations- a chance to investigate in real time what is happening. The "Skinwalker Ranch" is a prime example of non intuitive scientific investigation which can lead to failure, at least on our side. It can be done better and we all know it.

I am sure everyone reading this has their own "New Rule" they would like to see put into place. I would really like to read them. Thanks to the Bill Maher show for the idea. Thanks to you, to the Anomalist and Aliencasebook and Lesley at the "Debris Field" for helping in increasing my weekly hits 10,000 fold and for helping support non- commercial independence in the UFO field.

Joseph Capp

UFO Media Matters

Non-Commercial Blog

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