Exclusive: TALKING TO ED DAMESby Debby StarkFor several weeks I had been getting antsy that we were writing so muchabout PSI TECH in Your Newsletter but not actually speaking to anyone fromthat organization. At last I decided that the best thing was to write to EdDames and ask him some questions since his business is located here intown. On the afternoon of May 20 I composed a letter and I finished it at5:30. I went out to the mail boxes at my apartment complex and discoveredthat the mail was only just then being distributed; the replacement carrierwas very late so my letter could leave with him. That should have been myfirst indication that Thursday had been exactly the right day to write thatletter.Why? Your editor, Carolyn, called around noon the next day to say she hadheard from Mr. Dames in response to my letter and that rather than writeback, he hoped we could get together for a chat. In a short time wearranged to meet on the following Monday, May 24.The Interview and My DisclaimerCarolyn and I asked if we could tape the conversation but Dames indicatedthat he preferred we didn't. As it turned out, there was so much noise froma live piano player and a fake waterfall in the Holiday Inn's lobby thattaping wouldn't have worked. So instead I am relying on copious short-handnotes. Due to the wide-ranging nature of our conversation, I am breakingthis report into at least two parts and two issues: The Big Event, andeverything else.I hope you have read Carolyn's PSI TECH report in the last two issues ofYour Newsletter and in UFO magazine (Vol. 8, #3). If you have, you alreadyhave an inkling what the Big Event is all about. Basically, aliens arecoming to (or actually may already be in) New Mexico. This isn't called TheLand of Enchantment for nothing.First, Dames warned us several times that while he was telling us what heand PSI TECH have observed, in the end "They" (the aliens) are in charge ofeverything. He said, "We think they're going to meet us more than half way,but they have their own agenda, it's stupid to second guess them." Iunderstand that he mentioned to another researcher that if the Big Eventhasn't happened by the end of August he's getting out of the UFO busi-ness. He reminded us that foremost he is a business man, and, while he hasbeen interested in UFOs for a long time, business comes first now. Hehinted that he might have an investor willing to pay for PSI TECH'sUFO-oriented work, one who will allow the information to become public(which is why PSI TECH has kept the project in-house, so it won't becomesomeone's proprietary information).Also, Dames explained that PSI TECH is "action oriented," but, fortunately,"we keep getting the carrot," i.e., interesting things keep happening thathave sustained the employees interest.The Big Event: A SummaryThere are two sites involved. Site One is somewhere near Chaco Canyon, aplace of historic and prehistoric interest to many cultures. "They wantedus there," Dames said, "far from the meeting ground," i.e., Site Two, "theywanted to educate us." The implication for me was that "they" expect thespirituality associated with Chaco to instill a certain awe in humans,perhaps to help condition them. "It's a programmed approach... We need tounderstand what we're dealing with before they land... They're not going toland until we have a better understanding."Dames is not doing this alone but has invited various researchers along toSite One. Also, apparently the Aliens are looking for a "special person."He didn't tell who this special person was, not even a hint other than thatit wasn't who we might think. What special person do you think aliens wouldlike to talk to?He said we may not get "the hybrids" before August, but we will have anindication of a landing before the end of August. It will be a "vanguardcolony" of perhaps 30.Hybrids? you ask, your mind reeling.Here's the story: Apparently some 150 million years ago the Martians wereliving comfortably on Mars. A large celestial object of some sortsideswiped the planet and sucked away part or all of the atmosphere. TheMartians must have foreseen this disaster because they built shelters(pyramids), stocked them and moved in. Dames reminds us that pyramids havebeen seen on Mars. (See the work of Richard Hoagland.) The Martians,apparently hoping that the planet would regenerate its atmosphere overtime, remained in their pyramid/hibernation chambers. They ate all the foodand began to die; the population dwindled to 15%.Then, "from out of the blue--or rather, out of the black" came space shipsto rescue them. These were from what Dames said at the TREAT V conferencethey call "the Federation" because they are a federation of a dozen or sodifferent interstellar traveling races. Unfortunately things when wrong.[Personal aside: I get the feeling this is more Kirk's Federation thanPicard's...]"It got messy..." Dames said, but then he warned us, "we're missing a lotof this, about 20%." For example, PSI TECH is uncertain how the Federationmoved the Martians, whether it was through time (which they seem to becapable of now) or just waiting it out. He did say that they wanted tobring the survivors here, to Earth, but "somebody already had a plan forthis planet," it was already somebody else's garden way back then...Some of the adult Martians are still enchambered in a controlledenvironment, he said. Some are here on Earth; some are still back on Mars;and others are in a "goop" that sustains them and into which their wastesfilter. Some of the Martians are upset about the gooped ones because theyhave been in the goop so long (150 million years?) that they've totallychanged in the horrid conditions and can now only communicatetelepathically. One can imagine; the remote viewers did not enjoy seeingthis, it made some of them physically sick.Here on earth, though, the gravity is hard on the Martians. While they canlive with it, they are unable to reproduce. The rescuers have been makinghybrids to save what they can. The adults, then, are Martians, but theirchildren are hybrids. Dames foresees hybrids helping/working with humansand eventually returning to Mars to open the catacombs to see what theirancestors looked like.So, "Mars is super important." The moon is used as a transit point,something like a parking garage. "The moon is where the hardware iskept."He suggested a closer study of videos taken of the moon's surface(like the ones a Japanese astronomer took of an object crossing themoon's face). At the TREAT Conference, when asked about greys, he mentionedthat the moon was about the only place PSI TECH had seen them, in the"parking garages."Site Two is apparently where the Federation is arranging the meeting withthese Martians and hybrids, and it is also in New Mexico. When we asked,"Why here?" Dames pointed out the scientific laboratories located in thestate. [In the June 18 "Albuquerque Journal", there was a headline aboutthe suggested building of a laboratory to study the Mystery Disease. Morescientific minds that could be turned to helping the Martians?Interesting...]At the beginning of the interview, Dames gave us a little background aboutPSI TECH's remote viewing (RVing). Their targets are largely scientific andtechnological. For example, the US military has deep space platforms, aseries of satellites, that watch for rocket launches. The office thatcontrolled the DSPs asked PSI TECH to look into the "things" (upwards offive at a time) that were coming to Earth from "(i.e., outer space)past the DSPs. Dames also mentioned that there have been many UFOintrusions over military bases and nuclear weapons storage depots; thepurpose: apparently keeping track of nuclear weapons. He has talked tomilitary personnel off the record about this.Our next questions involved, as might be expected, the Taos Hum. Had PSITECH looked into it? Naturally! Dames told us that it seems to be caused bya device that is alien in nature. He suggested that rather than accousticalmeasuring devices, investigators should take magnetometers (to measurechanges in magnetic fields). Devices that can be used locally (as opposedto those that measure large areas for big maps) are preferable. The soundseems to be at 17 hz. He mentioned modulated gravity fields and said theyare generated by a solid device. He drew a quick sketch of it; it isunderground. It's purpose? It appears to be a time beacon: a roundedtriangular device with toruses on top. The toruses cause the hum,generating a pulse that heads out into space. Why? Time traveling aliensuse it as a guide post. They sense the pulse of gravity it is creating. Wefailed to ask why it is so noticeable suddenly. Any guesses?He mentioned that his mentor, Ingo Swann ("Everybody's Guide to NaturalESP") will have a new book out this July, "Nostradamus Factor". Anotherauthor he suggested we look for was Prof. James Deardorff. This scientist,Dames said, was right on, he "hit the nail on the head" in his thoughts andwritings about alien subjects. Dames showed us photocopies of two Dear-dorff articles and I noted down the particulars for those who have accessto a college library: "Journal of Radio Astronomy", 1986 (24) 94 - 101 and"Journal of the British Interplanetary Society", V40, 373-79, 1987.Since cattle mutilations are making big news now (at least in UFO interestcircles), we asked about them. Dames said that PSI TECH has spot checkedthem. They have seen a small, remotely operated vehicle that jolts asubject cow with electricity, killing it. It takes samples, vaporizingthem in the process. Why? The samples are "base-line bioassays", PSI TECHhas foreseen nuclear plant accidents in Eastern Europe due to deterioratingplant conditions and poorly (or not) paid workers. He could (but didn't)tell us the exact part that will break in one plant. Thus, the bioassaysfrom around the world are for before and after the radioactive accidents.Hey, we said, if aliens know this is going to happen, why don't they stopit? Dames believes the aliens won't let us get into a nuclear war (again,they know where the weapons are), but as for accidents, well, they teach ussomething. (He has since mentioned that such trials/accidents give us anopportunity to develop Character; depending on an outside force to saveus wouldn't do that.) (Star Trek's "non-interferrence" directive at workhere.)Green fireballs became a brief topic of conversation: They are artifacts ofUFOs' movement through time, He showed us a drawing showing how it mighthappen. The sighting itself is like the sonic boom. The" isn't thejet, it's just an artifact. We catch sight of UFOs moving through time.Dames grinned and described what it was like to be in a UFO, for examplewatching Gulf Breezers on the lookout. A set of humans are on the beach onWednesday, then there's a different bunch on Tuesday, and still adifferent group on Monday... To the humans the UFO may seem to move a bitbut we see it only briefly, in three dimensions; that they're travelingthrough time faster than we are doesn't occur to us.What's so interesting about Gulf Breeze? Aliens are mining potash/potas-sium destined for Mars. "They wave at us as they go back through time toget it."How about Area 51? All the UFOs at Area 51 are actually made by humans. TheAurora-type crafts fascinate Dames (to this reporter he sounded proud ofU.S. capabilities).The government and UFOs. The implication was that the government doesindeed have information on UFOs like pictures, but that the information hasbeen gathered while in the process of looking at other things. Agencieshave "collection priorities,"i.e., getting information about Iran orCuba. While watching what's on the priority list, UFOs are seen andthat... irrelevant information is put somewhere else.MJ-12? Well, Project Blue Book ran out of leads to explain what was beingseen, what was happening. At a high level, those in charge of securityfeared for their jobs. They realized that UFOs weren't Russian. Theysuspected that civilian scientists could have information they needed, butthey couldn't ask out right (readers may recall Stanton Friedman explaininghow various organizations hold their information close, only to discoverthat sharing it could have speeded things up, saved money, etc). So to lureout that private information, official-looking documents were made up,broken to the public and the reaction was monitored. MJ-12: Real documents,fake contents...As for Ed Dames himself, he told us that when he was young he wasfascinated by people like Ivan Sanderson. At that age, strange thingswould fascinate and attract him, "I couldn't figure it out." But "Ifyou're not loosing sleep, you're not alive." Recently he mentioned thatnow he sees the majesty of the whole thing, "It's worth pursuing."He appreciates groups like MUFON and others as well as serious, sincere re-searchers. He suggested that they might want to engage in goodphotoanalysis of the videos of odd things seen on the moon, since thatcapability is increasing. Perhaps the reader has seen the videos made bya Japanese astronomer.In Your Reporter's Opinion..This two-part article synopsizes what we talked about in that all-too-briefmeeting. It was a lot of fun and I hope that Ed Dames remains in the fieldso we can do it again. As you may recall, he has said that if the Big Event(which should be the beginning of a series of events) hadn't happened bythe end of August he was getting out of the UFO business.But, as I've been asked, is he for real? I don't know. In my mind, though,he's got several things going for him:Remote viewing is not a one-person-only phenomenon (i.e:, Ramtha etal). See Ingo Swann's book; or look into what John Alexander and othersare doing.Skilled remote viewers, to my way of thinking, must learn to know"being right feels "even when what they're looking at can't be easilyverified (such as what happened to the Russian probe of Mars). PSITECHguarantees certain amounts of its work 100%, money back. That impresses me.Dames also moved here to be closer to The Big Event. Moving ones entirehousehold and business is not simple, and certainly business was easier toconduct in Maryland, nearer the centers of power, than it is out here inthe desert, as great a place to live as this is.And, maybe the biggest factor in my mind, for all this UFO and other fasci-nating information, Ed Dames hasn't asked us for any money. True, we'vegiven him a lot of free publicity, but if The Big Event fizzles out..I hope it doesn't. Seeing paradigms change for the better in my own lifetime would be great.** End **
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Exclusive: TALKING TO ED DAMESby Debby StarkFor several weeks I had been getting antsy that we were writing so muchabout PSI TECH in Your Newsletter but not actually speaking to anyone fromthat organization. At last I decided that the best thing was to write to EdDames and ask him some questions since his business is located here intown. On the afternoon of May 20 I composed a letter and I finished it at5:30. I went out to the mail boxes at my apartment complex and discoveredthat the mail was only just then being distributed; the replacement carrierwas very late so my letter could leave with him. That should have been myfirst indication that Thursday had been exactly the right day to write thatletter.Why? Your editor, Carolyn, called around noon the next day to say she hadheard from Mr. Dames in response to my letter and that rather than writeback, he hoped we could get together for a chat. In a short time wearranged to meet on the following Monday, May 24.The Interview and My DisclaimerCarolyn and I asked if we could tape the conversation but Dames indicatedthat he preferred we didn't. As it turned out, there was so much noise froma live piano player and a fake waterfall in the Holiday Inn's lobby thattaping wouldn't have worked. So instead I am relying on copious short-handnotes. Due to the wide-ranging nature of our conversation, I am breakingthis report into at least two parts and two issues: The Big Event, andeverything else.I hope you have read Carolyn's PSI TECH report in the last two issues ofYour Newsletter and in UFO magazine (Vol. 8, #3). If you have, you alreadyhave an inkling what the Big Event is all about. Basically, aliens arecoming to (or actually may already be in) New Mexico. This isn't called TheLand of Enchantment for nothing.First, Dames warned us several times that while he was telling us what heand PSI TECH have observed, in the end "They" (the aliens) are in charge ofeverything. He said, "We think they're going to meet us more than half way,but they have their own agenda, it's stupid to second guess them." Iunderstand that he mentioned to another researcher that if the Big Eventhasn't happened by the end of August he's getting out of the UFO busi-ness. He reminded us that foremost he is a business man, and, while he hasbeen interested in UFOs for a long time, business comes first now. Hehinted that he might have an investor willing to pay for PSI TECH'sUFO-oriented work, one who will allow the information to become public(which is why PSI TECH has kept the project in-house, so it won't becomesomeone's proprietary information).Also, Dames explained that PSI TECH is "action oriented," but, fortunately,"we keep getting the carrot," i.e., interesting things keep happening thathave sustained the employees interest.The Big Event: A SummaryThere are two sites involved. Site One is somewhere near Chaco Canyon, aplace of historic and prehistoric interest to many cultures. "They wantedus there," Dames said, "far from the meeting ground," i.e., Site Two, "theywanted to educate us." The implication for me was that "they" expect thespirituality associated with Chaco to instill a certain awe in humans,perhaps to help condition them. "It's a programmed approach... We need tounderstand what we're dealing with before they land... They're not going toland until we have a better understanding."Dames is not doing this alone but has invited various researchers along toSite One. Also, apparently the Aliens are looking for a "special person."He didn't tell who this special person was, not even a hint other than thatit wasn't who we might think. What special person do you think aliens wouldlike to talk to?He said we may not get "the hybrids" before August, but we will have anindication of a landing before the end of August. It will be a "vanguardcolony" of perhaps 30.Hybrids? you ask, your mind reeling.Here's the story: Apparently some 150 million years ago the Martians wereliving comfortably on Mars. A large celestial object of some sortsideswiped the planet and sucked away part or all of the atmosphere. TheMartians must have foreseen this disaster because they built shelters(pyramids), stocked them and moved in. Dames reminds us that pyramids havebeen seen on Mars. (See the work of Richard Hoagland.) The Martians,apparently hoping that the planet would regenerate its atmosphere overtime, remained in their pyramid/hibernation chambers. They ate all the foodand began to die; the population dwindled to 15%.Then, "from out of the blue--or rather, out of the black" came space shipsto rescue them. These were from what Dames said at the TREAT V conferencethey call "the Federation" because they are a federation of a dozen or sodifferent interstellar traveling races. Unfortunately things when wrong.[Personal aside: I get the feeling this is more Kirk's Federation thanPicard's...]"It got messy..." Dames said, but then he warned us, "we're missing a lotof this, about 20%." For example, PSI TECH is uncertain how the Federationmoved the Martians, whether it was through time (which they seem to becapable of now) or just waiting it out. He did say that they wanted tobring the survivors here, to Earth, but "somebody already had a plan forthis planet," it was already somebody else's garden way back then...Some of the adult Martians are still enchambered in a controlledenvironment, he said. Some are here on Earth; some are still back on Mars;and others are in a "goop" that sustains them and into which their wastesfilter. Some of the Martians are upset about the gooped ones because theyhave been in the goop so long (150 million years?) that they've totallychanged in the horrid conditions and can now only communicatetelepathically. One can imagine; the remote viewers did not enjoy seeingthis, it made some of them physically sick.Here on earth, though, the gravity is hard on the Martians. While they canlive with it, they are unable to reproduce. The rescuers have been makinghybrids to save what they can. The adults, then, are Martians, but theirchildren are hybrids. Dames foresees hybrids helping/working with humansand eventually returning to Mars to open the catacombs to see what theirancestors looked like.So, "Mars is super important." The moon is used as a transit point,something like a parking garage. "The moon is where the hardware iskept."He suggested a closer study of videos taken of the moon's surface(like the ones a Japanese astronomer took of an object crossing themoon's face). At the TREAT Conference, when asked about greys, he mentionedthat the moon was about the only place PSI TECH had seen them, in the"parking garages."Site Two is apparently where the Federation is arranging the meeting withthese Martians and hybrids, and it is also in New Mexico. When we asked,"Why here?" Dames pointed out the scientific laboratories located in thestate. [In the June 18 "Albuquerque Journal", there was a headline aboutthe suggested building of a laboratory to study the Mystery Disease. Morescientific minds that could be turned to helping the Martians?Interesting...]At the beginning of the interview, Dames gave us a little background aboutPSI TECH's remote viewing (RVing). Their targets are largely scientific andtechnological. For example, the US military has deep space platforms, aseries of satellites, that watch for rocket launches. The office thatcontrolled the DSPs asked PSI TECH to look into the "things" (upwards offive at a time) that were coming to Earth from "(i.e., outer space)past the DSPs. Dames also mentioned that there have been many UFOintrusions over military bases and nuclear weapons storage depots; thepurpose: apparently keeping track of nuclear weapons. He has talked tomilitary personnel off the record about this.Our next questions involved, as might be expected, the Taos Hum. Had PSITECH looked into it? Naturally! Dames told us that it seems to be caused bya device that is alien in nature. He suggested that rather than accousticalmeasuring devices, investigators should take magnetometers (to measurechanges in magnetic fields). Devices that can be used locally (as opposedto those that measure large areas for big maps) are preferable. The soundseems to be at 17 hz. He mentioned modulated gravity fields and said theyare generated by a solid device. He drew a quick sketch of it; it isunderground. It's purpose? It appears to be a time beacon: a roundedtriangular device with toruses on top. The toruses cause the hum,generating a pulse that heads out into space. Why? Time traveling aliensuse it as a guide post. They sense the pulse of gravity it is creating. Wefailed to ask why it is so noticeable suddenly. Any guesses?He mentioned that his mentor, Ingo Swann ("Everybody's Guide to NaturalESP") will have a new book out this July, "Nostradamus Factor". Anotherauthor he suggested we look for was Prof. James Deardorff. This scientist,Dames said, was right on, he "hit the nail on the head" in his thoughts andwritings about alien subjects. Dames showed us photocopies of two Dear-dorff articles and I noted down the particulars for those who have accessto a college library: "Journal of Radio Astronomy", 1986 (24) 94 - 101 and"Journal of the British Interplanetary Society", V40, 373-79, 1987.Since cattle mutilations are making big news now (at least in UFO interestcircles), we asked about them. Dames said that PSI TECH has spot checkedthem. They have seen a small, remotely operated vehicle that jolts asubject cow with electricity, killing it. It takes samples, vaporizingthem in the process. Why? The samples are "base-line bioassays", PSI TECHhas foreseen nuclear plant accidents in Eastern Europe due to deterioratingplant conditions and poorly (or not) paid workers. He could (but didn't)tell us the exact part that will break in one plant. Thus, the bioassaysfrom around the world are for before and after the radioactive accidents.Hey, we said, if aliens know this is going to happen, why don't they stopit? Dames believes the aliens won't let us get into a nuclear war (again,they know where the weapons are), but as for accidents, well, they teach ussomething. (He has since mentioned that such trials/accidents give us anopportunity to develop Character; depending on an outside force to saveus wouldn't do that.) (Star Trek's "non-interferrence" directive at workhere.)Green fireballs became a brief topic of conversation: They are artifacts ofUFOs' movement through time, He showed us a drawing showing how it mighthappen. The sighting itself is like the sonic boom. The" isn't thejet, it's just an artifact. We catch sight of UFOs moving through time.Dames grinned and described what it was like to be in a UFO, for examplewatching Gulf Breezers on the lookout. A set of humans are on the beach onWednesday, then there's a different bunch on Tuesday, and still adifferent group on Monday... To the humans the UFO may seem to move a bitbut we see it only briefly, in three dimensions; that they're travelingthrough time faster than we are doesn't occur to us.What's so interesting about Gulf Breeze? Aliens are mining potash/potas-sium destined for Mars. "They wave at us as they go back through time toget it."How about Area 51? All the UFOs at Area 51 are actually made by humans. TheAurora-type crafts fascinate Dames (to this reporter he sounded proud ofU.S. capabilities).The government and UFOs. The implication was that the government doesindeed have information on UFOs like pictures, but that the information hasbeen gathered while in the process of looking at other things. Agencieshave "collection priorities,"i.e., getting information about Iran orCuba. While watching what's on the priority list, UFOs are seen andthat... irrelevant information is put somewhere else.MJ-12? Well, Project Blue Book ran out of leads to explain what was beingseen, what was happening. At a high level, those in charge of securityfeared for their jobs. They realized that UFOs weren't Russian. Theysuspected that civilian scientists could have information they needed, butthey couldn't ask out right (readers may recall Stanton Friedman explaininghow various organizations hold their information close, only to discoverthat sharing it could have speeded things up, saved money, etc). So to lureout that private information, official-looking documents were made up,broken to the public and the reaction was monitored. MJ-12: Real documents,fake contents...As for Ed Dames himself, he told us that when he was young he wasfascinated by people like Ivan Sanderson. At that age, strange thingswould fascinate and attract him, "I couldn't figure it out." But "Ifyou're not loosing sleep, you're not alive." Recently he mentioned thatnow he sees the majesty of the whole thing, "It's worth pursuing."He appreciates groups like MUFON and others as well as serious, sincere re-searchers. He suggested that they might want to engage in goodphotoanalysis of the videos of odd things seen on the moon, since thatcapability is increasing. Perhaps the reader has seen the videos made bya Japanese astronomer.In Your Reporter's Opinion..This two-part article synopsizes what we talked about in that all-too-briefmeeting. It was a lot of fun and I hope that Ed Dames remains in the fieldso we can do it again. As you may recall, he has said that if the Big Event(which should be the beginning of a series of events) hadn't happened bythe end of August he was getting out of the UFO business.But, as I've been asked, is he for real? I don't know. In my mind, though,he's got several things going for him:Remote viewing is not a one-person-only phenomenon (i.e:, Ramtha etal). See Ingo Swann's book; or look into what John Alexander and othersare doing.Skilled remote viewers, to my way of thinking, must learn to know"being right feels "even when what they're looking at can't be easilyverified (such as what happened to the Russian probe of Mars). PSITECHguarantees certain amounts of its work 100%, money back. That impresses me.Dames also moved here to be closer to The Big Event. Moving ones entirehousehold and business is not simple, and certainly business was easier toconduct in Maryland, nearer the centers of power, than it is out here inthe desert, as great a place to live as this is.And, maybe the biggest factor in my mind, for all this UFO and other fasci-nating information, Ed Dames hasn't asked us for any money. True, we'vegiven him a lot of free publicity, but if The Big Event fizzles out..I hope it doesn't. Seeing paradigms change for the better in my own lifetime would be great.** End **