" Yes, the 2011 MS UFO Confrerence is on the way. I'll be current at 9 AM mordant, so if you exigency to do me, afterward show up being the doors rule. I can't convincingly thrust out what to affection of this - I hallucination it's terrible. We don't confine a withstand or what on earth, nor would I exigency one. This is a incalculable, grudging (IMMEDIATELY FIVE DOLLARS!) way to get steeped in whichever panic-stricken. I noticed give to that the tickets mature in five, ten, and fifteen dough varieties. I may buy the fifteen dough opulent plot and hallucination the extra ten bread doesn't go towards a questioning. One of the themes of the happening is to familiar information in connection with the 1977 Flora UFO Sighting. (STAND IN WARNING: THE CONNECT TAKES YOU TO THE "WWW.UFOEVIDENCE.ORG" buzz, which has a generous pop-up. It extremely has reporting by my home-town daily, the Madison State Emissary, which in 1977 was published in Canton, MS.) They are not deterred in any way by the fact that the basis team member in this sighting, Kenneth Creel, admitted that he ready the thing up. Unvarying the pub news channel WAPT, which is sponsoring the happening, mentioned this in their rather humorous story. So who's this UFO Disdainful in the video? Patrick Frascogna, the guy you contact if you've got any questions about the happening. Which is being hosted by the precise commentator that does the story. The Master of Ceremonies behest be Darren Dedo. If you're intricate me, you may be more exciting him from the old TV segments "THE SECRETIVE," in which a quantity of hauntings and UFO sightings were "INVESTIGATED." It aired 10 soul or so ago, and pre-dates the best quality current "GHOST-HUNTER" genre. Marginal case they'd intricate to ferment on is the May 25th, 1977 sighting in Taylorsville, MS. If that date doesn't bang for you, afterward the Effect isn't strong also you. May 25th, 1977 was extremely the precise day that Highlight Wars was released in the Join States. It's been optional (PERIOD CATEGORICALLY NOT EXPRESS) that movies featuring UFOs attitude to an amplify in UFO sightings. Atmosphere the Exactness be out current, or pale a beat to excellent up whichever terrible T-shirts? The best mark I've seen so far is the "YOUR CONCLUDE LOCATE" buzz. I'll be current also camera and laptop, skeptics. So you don't *have* to go, but I'd similar to see you current.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Possible Bigfoot Snow Tracks
Possible Bigfoot tracks in the snow
We found these possible Bigfoot tracks in the snow on 3/6/15 in Southeastern Kentucky. They were on a old coal mining road where there is not much traffic other than the night watchman. The mine has been closed down for several months but there is still a few items around, so they keep a watchman on the site. There is a couple miles of dirt road before you actually get to the old mining area.There was about 15-20 tracks total. Of course there is an amount of snow melt effect to these tracks but it does appear there are toes visible in some of the tracks. The possibility of a person walking along a snowy road in bare feet when the temperatures have been below zero or in single digits most nights, is just beyond a possibility. At first we thought it could be a bear but as we got to the area where there was more snow, it became clear it wasn't bear tracks.
This area does have Bigfoot activity and has had several sightings over the years. Here is a short video I made of the tracks.
I have never been a big fan of tacks in the snow due the fact that the melting snow makes the track appear larger than it really is. As for these tracks in the video, I didn't take a measurement but they appeared to be around 13 or 14 inches long and over 6 inches wide. My boot is a size 13 and the tracks are larger than my boot but you have to take in the melting snow factor. To me what is interesting is the appearance of toes in most of the tracks and the history of sightings in the area.
"This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet."
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Ufos And Beyond
This book is mainly about possibilities rather than actualities, as we have no hard evidence for the existence of extraterrestrial life. We do, however, have plenty of scientific data which indicate that some forms of life similar to that here on Earth could exist on other planets and satellites in the solar system. Life could also be common throughout the universe. As Jeffrey Bennett reminds us, astronomers in the first half of the twentieth century thought that planetary systems around stars were rare because they favoured a theory that the planets of our solar system were formed as the result of a very rare near-collision between the sun and another star billions of years ago.
It is now known that planetary systems are common, although at present it is possible to detect only the larger planets. Expected improvements in detection techniques should soon result in finding extrasolar planets about the same size as Earth or smaller. This has encouraged much scientific speculation about life, intelligent or otherwise, throughout the universe.
The author states: "In terms of possibilities for life in the universe the first thing to understand is that the universe is big, really BIG." (He is obviously referring here to the observable universe. Some cosmologists believe that the universe is infinite.) To give us some idea of the numbers involved, we are told: "The total number of stars in the sky is roughly the same as the total number of grains of sand on all Earth's beaches put together."
A chapter is devoted to discussing the nature of life and we are informed that the greatest biomass and greatest variety of life on Earth consists of microorganisms rather than animals and plants. It is known that some of these can thrive under extreme conditions, so that they could undoubtedly live on other planets or satellites in our solar system. The only other planet which might support life is Mars, where microorganisms could live deep underground where liquid water could exist.
Life could also exist on a few of the larger satellites, such as Jupiter's Europa, which is covered by an ocean of water, frozen on the surface, but no doubt liquid below the ice, the necessary heat being produced by gravitational stress.
Of course, what most readers of this book will be interested in is not just life, but intelligent life, but despite the use of the term "UFOs" in the title, there is little in-depth discussion of SETI (search for extraterrestrial intelligence). Bennett confines his remarks to the search for radio signals sent by civilisations.
He does mention the possibility that there is a highly advanced galactic civilisation but that we do not yet have the technology to detect its activities, but he doesn't mention the fact that for many years some scientists have advocated looking for signs of it somewhat closer than stars many light years away by trying to detect devices such as Bracewell probes (automated spacecraft sent to survey planetary systems and possibly making contact with any civilisations it might discover) and von Neumann probes (similar devices but having the ability to construct replicas of themselves from local materials).
The author has provided a useful introduction to the possibilities of ET life for the general reader, as no great scientific knowledge is assumed. In places, though, the writing seems a bit too informal, giving the impression that it is based on notes for lectures delivered to not-very-bright students." - John Harney."
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Ufo Over China
"UFO OVER CHINA" AIRPORT 2010 PHOTOS2 hours ago by lalate
HANGZHOU, "CHINA" (LALATE) - Another "UFO over" a "China" Airport (photos below) has been spotted; a UFO was spotted over a "China" Airport again this.
http://news.lalate.com/ - More results from lalate news - America's Fastest Growing...
36 minutes ago by iyac
A "UFO over China" has recently caused an airport to shut down for more than an hour. This is another of the UFO sightings in 2010 and the 8th one in China since.
52 minutes ago by donnylhowerton
Eight recent UFO sightings in China however have brought the matter to center stage yet again. The videos below report and provide images of the most recent encounters. ABC News Report about "UFO over China" this past...
55 minutes ago by terryadelgado
Incredible close up "UFO" filmed "over China" An incredible and somewhat unique "UFO" has been seen by dozens of witnesses hovering above the Chinese city of.
55 minutes ago by David Edwards
What the trend? There were reports of a "UFO over China" which caused an airport shutdown. News Fresh Report of "UFO Over China" Marks 8th Time Since June ABC News Read the full story... "Ufo Over China" >> HANGZHOU CHINA...
21 minutes ago by admin
Fresh Report of "UFO Over China" Marks 8th Time Since June - Flights were re-routed or forced to circle an airport for over an hour after Chinese air traffic controllers saw what they believed to be a UFO hovering over the...
41 minutes ago by admin
Home shopping:"Ufo over china": securesmb.harborcomputerservices(R),Get shopping. china ufo "ufo over china" 2010 Many sim it was a private hoax or something like that. pyramid "ufo over china" 33 pm and is video under strange airport and the...
21 minutes ago by Caroline Pristoll
A "UFO over China" has recently caused an airport to shut down for more than an hour. This is another of the UFO sightings in 2010 and the 8th one in China since June. The light, which was believed to be a UFO by air...
2 hours ago by dennis
Another "UFO Over China". A few hours ago, another airport in China had to be shut down because a UFO was hovering over it. This is pretty interesting because I believe this has happened 3 times in the past few weeks....
50 minutes ago by entertainer
WATCH: New Sighting of "UFO Over China" New UFO sighting in China? An airport in inner Mongolia reportedly shut down due to UFO sightings. Read more on ABC.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Black Triangle Sighting In Forest Lakes
In the Google Earth 2012 edition you can see numerous anomolies along Forest Road 300 between US260 - Forest Road 512 in Arizona. In the Goolge Earth 2013 edition you can clearly see numerous anomolies along the same Forest Road 300 between US 260 and Forest Road 512. The ship is located at the GPS Coordinates of 34 degrees 17' 36" North / 110 degrees 52' 27" West as well as 34 degrees 51' 13" North / 110 degrees 51' 13" West.
Credit: MUFON
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Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Ufo Group Explains Texas Sightings
FORT WORTH, TEXAS (AP) -- A group that investigates UFO's says most of the 300 reported sightings in Texas dairy country this year -- were probably planets, cloud formations or stars.
But Kenneth Cherry with the Mutual UFO Network says some cases still remain a mystery.
His group examined the January and February phenomenon in Stephenville and Dublin.
Many Erath County residents are unfazed by the group's logical explanations for many sightings.
Pilot and freight company owner Steve Allen says, quote: "We all know what we saw."
Although some details differed, many folks reported seeing a large silent object with bright lights flying low and fast.
Air Force Reserve officials in Fort Worth initially said none of their planes were in the area.
Military authorities later said they were mistaken and that ten F-16 fighter jets were training in the Stephenville area.
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Ufo Reports From Haunted Skies
Another photo from the Cradle Hill Sky-watch. Strange grouping of lights/raindrops seen on this photo (bearing in mind Dawn told of sighting three small lights while on the top of Cradle Hill). People used to tell me about the orange orbs they had seen running along the tracks in Rendlesham Forest years ago - I used to smile and humour them (!) until I saw them for myself and even photographed them. But of course I am told by other people that it is all in the mind!
Security lights on the perimeter fence guarding the local tank training centre looking down from Cradle Hill, Warminster, Wilts.
A still from a UFO sighted over the Woodbridge area in 2004. A woman UFO researcher sent the film back to the witness and said it was of no value!
An email from Debbie of "the Worcester Life (she is interested in featuring us and the Volumes of Haunted Skies):
Dear John-We are starting to put together the local Christmas gift guide together, which features local craftsmen and artists, to encourage people to stay local when they do their Christmas shopping and the editor has passed on your details to me as she thought it might be nice to feature the first three Volume of Haunted Skies if possible.Therefore if you were able to send me some information about the volumesand some high res images of the covers in the next week or so (we work quite a long time in advance!) it would be great.Any help would be gratefully received,Debbie
UFO landing Gloucestershire 1994
A married couple was driving along the A419 between Frampton Mansell and the Sapperton turn off at 9.49pm 15th March 1994 heading towards Cirencester when they noticed a white light descending through the sky which they took to be a meteorite. Their curiosity aroused they decided to pull up to have a closer look at a point where they thought the 'object' had come Down"After stopping we were amazed to see in a field too our left at a distance of about 80-120yards a triangular white light close to some green lights which were darting about rapidly but becoming stationary from time to time, illuminating the ground with a pinky purple light which appeared to be about two feet above the ground. I got out of the car leaving my wife still in the vehicle and continued to keep observations for a few more minutes, during which time I saw green lights with conical beams illuminating the ground and moving about erratically I was not parked very safely, I decided to drive around to the other part of Sapperton Road north of the A419 which took me about six minutes when I reached that point I looked out and saw the green conical beams were still there going on and off. I then reported the matter to the Police at Cirencester at 10.20pm they said they would send a mobile unit to have a look "
UFO over Holmfirth
At 4am November 2nd 1986 a huge cylinder-shaped craft was seen by a number of eyewitnesses hovering in the sky over the Emley Moor TV Transmission mast Holmfirth. Police Officers arrived on the scene at around 4.20am and watched the UFO, which they estimated was hovering at a height of 1,200 feet above the mast showing bright white lights at either end, for several minutes.
An unnamed officer said: "On first seeing the object it was totally static in the sky, not moving in any direction, but appeared to be hovering." Another said: "It did not move in any direction though it appeared to wobble and distort." It is thought nine people saw the UFO, which appeared to be changing colour from red to green before it flew off in an easterly direction.
Officers reported the sighting to the Civil Aviation Authority, which could offer no explanation. It was confirmed it was not a commercial or private aircraft.(SOURCE: DECLASSIFIED MINISTRY OF DEFENCE DOCUMENTS./ "Wakefield" Express City" newspaper".)
Monday, February 9, 2015
Europeans And Russians Agree On Exomars
Russian Proton rocket
ESA turned to Russia after NASA retreated from a partnership at the beginning of 2012, citing budget concerns. NASA spent the year evaluating its options for future Mars exploration, pursuing less expensive objectives and closer synergies between robotic and future human missions to the red planet, noted on-line publication SPACEFLIGHTNOW. "It's a pity that we've lost the partnership with NASA but it's good that we've now got the Russians coming in instead, so we're optimistic that this is now on track," British Science Minister David Willetts said, according to AFP". Besides the Proton launchers, Russia has agreed to build a descent stage for the European rover and provide scientific instruments to the lander and orbiter components of ExoMars. THE BBC points that the European-Russian ExoMars partnership may lead to future interplanetary cooperation to EXPLORE JUPITER, its MOON GANYMEDE and lunar robotics. Frederic Nordlund, the head of international relations at ESA noted, "Russia already has its LUNA-GLOB and LUNA-RESURS missions, which are already being implemented, but we're considering other opportunities for this in other areas."
The ExoMars Drill is devised to acquire soil samples down to a maximum depth of 2 metres, in a variety of soil types. This video shows footage from tests of a prototype drill.
Origin: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
Sunday, February 8, 2015
The Dance Within The Bubble
Theories, ideas, musings, hypotheses, thoughts, anecdotal evidence, we're all just trying to figure it out. Some are brave and fresh and daring; Nick Redfern's book on Roswell Body Snatchers in the Desert, (with a review by Stanton Friedman) or the current discussion over Mac Tonnies theory on 'cryptoterrestrials.' Others are almost quaint; for example, the idea benevolent Space Brothers who are here to help us vibrate to a higher level, or, something.
Hundreds of theories. There's no lack of theories on what UFOs are, and there's a good handful of theories about UFOlogy itself.
So I'm going to jump right in and present little theory; the Bubble Theory. The bubble doesn't mean anything, it was just a quick and convenient way to graphically organize some thoughts. But in thinking about it, I found that the bubble is a good image. It 's reminiscent of the bubble in The Wizard of Oz: the one that was small at first, only to grow bigger... and bigger...until it "landed' and the Good Witch appeared from within. The bubble is a sphere; many a UFO has been described as being sphere shaped. Planets are sphere shaped. The circle itself is a spiritual and holy symbol. the bubble fits, it's simple yet elegant.
My little Bubble of UFO Philosophy contains two key points that I think many do not consider when it comes to UFO theories. One, there is an inherent Trickster energy in the paranormal and Fortean realm; and this includes UFOlogy. Two, the Infrastructure -- science, academia, politics/government, society,the media and to a lesser extent, religious institutions -- cannot, will not, treat UFOlogy with "respect" or seriousness. It "can't". Expectations of science taking the subject of UFOs seriously, of embracing the topic with good intent is ridiculous, Expecting any of the 'departments' within the Infrastructure to do so is futile. That's why full disclosure will never happen, etc.
"The Trickster" is not a person, or some sort of comic book character. Rather, it's an energy, it's a force. It's manifestation. "Trickster" simply is an easy to hold, easy to use symbol to express this idea.
The same with 'Infrastructure." It's not an actual building (as one skeptic, in all seriousness, asked me eons ago on a forum) it's an idea, another manifestation of systems at work. Individual journalists, scientists, academics, religious leaders, politicians, may very well be sincere in their attempts to discover the truth within the UFO phenomeana. But as a whole, and as a force that can be addressed within our culture (and the modern world in general) we can accurately say that this Infrastructure has been diligent in doing what it does; keeping the mundane world mundane, and keeping the anomalous world out. That's what it "does."
I think another thing that is often "wrong' with UFOlogy is the expectation, or belief, that there is to be "one" explanation, "one" kind of witness, " one" kind of government response, "one" kind of research approach, etc.
Sometimes it seems that researchers shouldn't change their minds in regards to theories, or are given the room to safely say they don't know yet what to think of a thing; they're still considering.
Surrounding these two key points are the things I think are vital to unraveling the UFO enigma. they're not in any particular hierarchy, because we need all those things at the same time in order to gain a better insight into the phenomeana. It's a juggling act all right but it's necessary. Or, consider it more of a dance. (Hey! The Bubble Dance!) Not just the steps, but the dancers themselves. Some move up to the front, some move to the side or back, some are doing better than others, some, even if not as good as the rest of the troupe, are at least doing some innovative steps.
Also within the Bubble are the folk, the witnesses, the researchers, the skeptics. All of these things make up UFOlogy, and UFOLogy is a part of the UFO puzzle. It's a symbiotic system. It's not just the 'study of UFOs,' it's also those who study UFOs.
"I'll post Part II at a later date, where I'll define the terms within the bubble."
Reference: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Safety Probably Key Aspect Of Ufo Disclosure
Public health and safety, national security, as well as human development and survival are probably some of the important elements involved in the evolving public awareness about unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and other forward-leaning studies.As many researchers, writers and creative media projects have noted, there are many possible issues involved in phenomena such as UFOs, extraterrestrial visitors, unusual creatures and life forms, multiple dimensions, an afterlife, expanded human consciousness, extrasensory perception (ESP), a higher intelligence, time-space anomalies and other topics.
Safety - on many levels - is probably something that should be on the minds of people who are interested or involved in these kinds of subjects.
Many Americans and people internationally include views and beliefs about some of these ideas in their normal worldview. Yet, others might find sudden indications or evidence of such phenomena and realities to be anxiety-causing or disorienting.
Additionally, there could be real and concrete dangers involved in some of these phenomena. As a result, one perspective is that public disclosure of additional information should be handled carefully.
Looking specifically at the topic of UFOs (though there may be connections to other edge-science topics noted above), a helpful resource is the down-to-Earth 1992 firefighter manual "Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control" by public safety and firefighting professionals Charles "Chuck" Bahme and William Kramer.
Although the book is primarily a manual dealing with more conventional public safety situations, there is also a well-known chapter titled "Disaster Control and UFOs."
The subsection "Adverse Potential of UFOs" explores specific safety considerations: "The two principal hazards noted with relation to UFOs have been attributed to powerful electrical fields which they can project in a general or localized area and the psychological effects they have produced on the general populace or individual contacts," according to the authors.
These two areas of concern - physical and psychological - could, as a starting point, also be applied to other kinds of unconventional phenomena. More comprehensive impacts on human culture today and human development in the future are also issues to consider.
National and international security aspects of unusual phenomena are probably also involved. As we know, there are parts of these activities that are public and other aspects that are kept secret, or at least are handled in discreet ways.
For example, there may be intelligence operatives from other countries in your home city or state. Do you read about it in your news outlets or see it on the TV news? Normally, the answer is no.
However, there may be very significant activities behind the scenes by our own intelligence services keeping tabs on foreign spies in our country. By nature, the specifics of these activities are under the radar in terms of the public media. At the same time, if we think about it, we all know that these situations are real and ongoing.
Although there are legitimate reasons for discreet and secure handling of certain situations, there are also equally important factors involving public knowledge, information and awareness.
This is especially true in a democratic republic like the United States. Here, grassroots citizens are considered a fundamental force and resource.
That said, disseminating information, insight and understanding about certain complex topics may still be challenging for a number of reasons. And, judgments about what information should be made public and what should be held back are subject to various viewpoints.
A factor directly related to the grassroots responsibilities of average people is that knowledge and awareness about many important situations - both conventional and unconventional - rest with each of us.
We are responsible for learning more and handling the information and implications in appropriate ways. Waiting for some governmental agency or group to hand-feed us "disclosure" may not be necessary or even desirable.
Sometimes we must read between the lines.
As several researchers have noted, disclosure on UFOs and other kinds of interesting and surprising developments may come from the grassroots up, not from the top down. Or, these two will work hand in hand.
Maybe a better phrase would be that more disclosure might happen from the inside out.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Martian Civilizations Vanished Due To Nuclear Attacks Interplanetary Genocide
JOHN BRANDENBERG said that two Martian civilizations known as the CYDONIANS and UTOPIANS were absolutely wiped out due to attack from an unidentified alien race. He further proved his claim by giving evidences such as the numerous nuclear isotopes on Mars' atmosphere is from the hydrogen bombs that Earth releases.
Brandenberg stands by his beliefs that there is indeed life on Mars and how it got vanished for years. The civilizations he pointed out as Cyndonians and Utopians is very reminiscent to the ancient Egyptians, only advanced in a way or two. The reason for those civilizations' vanishing was due to the area and land on Mars that was particularly fueled the fire for the other civilization to target and get rid of.
Another reason for other civilization to get rid of other civilization is due to a belief that those civilizations poses as a big threat to older civilizations with their more advanced intelligent life. So it is quite normal for older civilizations to attack and wipeout their younger civilizations in hopes that they won't get replaced.
Source: faces-on-mars.blogspot.com
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Ufo Sighting In Chula Vista California On October 1St 2013 Cylinder Ufo And Bigfoot Like Creatures
Hello my name is [Name removed/cms/tg]. My sister and her friends are the real witnesses to this. The sightings were in two different occasions. The first sigthing was when my 23 year old sister and her guy friend where relaxing in her car one day just hanging out and at the moment they got out of the car they describe seeing a white cylinder floating just above them. She describes it as being like a floating cigarette. It hovered away behind some hills and they lost sight of it. The second encounter was at night when supposedly my sisters friend and his younger brother (who are also her neighbors) heard some strange screams outside their house. You really cant see anything back there at night. There is nothing but hills and mountains behind those houses. Anyways they went out with a pellet gun and a flashlight to check out what the noises were? then suddely they enconunterd what they describe as being two huge bigfoot type creatures standing infront of them but at a near distance. Supposedly they shot at them with the pellet gun but they say the creatures didnt even flinch. So they ran back scared to their house. After that he went directly with my sister to tell her the story. Thats all I know. I trust my sister and she wouldnt make up a story like this. Im gonna do a bit more of investigating on what these guys actually saw. but please do keep record of this. We appreciate you guys being here. Not to many people will believe a strange story like this. Thanks you.
Credit: MUFON
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Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Ufo News 6132013
By ScottCWaring
"UFO" Over Clouds In Russia On June 2013. Date of "sighting": June 2013. Location of "sighting": Russia. Eyewitness states: They're often fly out of the sea or the mountains! They've got a base in expressway SHOOTING for 15 seconds, you can...
UFO Sighting in Columbus, Ohio, United States on June 8th 2013
Date: June 8th 2013, Description: Driving home from work at about 10:10 pm on June 8, 2013, noticed what at first looked like a very large orange Big Dipper...
UFO sighting near Rome, Italy on 3rd June 2013 Latest UFO...
At about 13 I was in my garden. This morning I did 3 hours of mini conference at the bar with some of my friends and we were talking about UFOs.
The Fourth Kind Trailer
The next level, abduction, is the fourth kind.
This encounter has been the most difficult to document...until now.
Structured unlike any film before it, The Fourth Kind is a provocative thriller set in modern-day Nome, Alaska, where-mysteriously since the 1960s-a disproportionate number of the population has been reported missing every year. Despite multiple FBI investigations of the region, the truth has never been discovered.
Here in this remote region, psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler
(Milla Jovovich) began videotaping sessions with traumatized
patients and unwittingly discovered some of the most
disturbing evidence of alien abduction ever documented.
Using never-before-seen archival footage that is integrated into the film, The Fourth Kind exposes the terrified revelations of multiple witnesses. Their accounts of being visited by alien figures all share disturbingly identical details, the validity of which is investigated throughout the film.
Credit: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Et Contacts
http://www.coasttocoastam.com/..show/2011/07/14UFO Photographs & ET Contacts - Shows - Coast to Coast AM
Coast to Coast AM - UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death and other unexplained phenomena. Overnight talk radio with daytime ratings.
UFO Photographs & ET Contacts
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Date: 07-14-11 Host: George Noory Guests: Wilbur Allen
Former White House/Air Force One engineer for ABC News, Wilbur Allen has been a contactee since childhood when he was implanted. In recent years, he has forensically documented sightings and anomalies through photography. Describing his first abduction at five years old, he said the grey ETs looked like they had the physique of small, slender children. The entities use a technology that applies a dampening field to the human brain, preventing abductees from screaming or running away, he reported. In repeated abductions (which he said were accomplished via a transporter technology) he found himself on a gurney in a darkened space, being looked at by hybrids. The implant he received at an early age made him physically ill for the first 18 years of his life, he revealed.
Allen, who lives in the Washington DC area, said he is given mental cues to take photographs at certain locations. While he doesn't always see anomalies with the naked eye, what he believes are craft consistently show up in his photos, some of which are taken at 1/8000th of a second, suggesting that some of the activity is occurring at speeds too fast for the human eye to see. At the US Capitol, he saw small green luminous orbs, as well as larger ones the size of a VW Beetle. He described one of the objects he photographed in DC as having plasma-like qualities, and oscillating in three dimensions simultaneously, before exiting in a "stargate."
He witnessed "non-corporeal" ETs at the US Capitol building, anomalies that entered the water at the reflection pool, as well as unexplained aerial objects at the Washington Monument during the fireworks. Some of the images he's captured are a match to the UFOs photographed over DC during the 1952 wave, he said, adding that he believes there may be an alien base at an underground location there, explaining why Washington has so much UFO activity.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Steven Greer Sirius Film Red Ice Creations
Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Orion Project. He is the author of four books and multiple DVDs on the UFO/ET subject. He teaches groups throughout the world how to make peaceful contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, and continues to research bringing truly alternative energy sources out to the public. Greer has led research teams throughout the world investigating the existence of ETI and on several occasions has successfully established preliminary contact and communication with extraterrestrial spacecraft at close range. We'll discuss the crowd funded documentary called Sirius, which features Steven along with numerous government and military witnesses to UFO and ET secrecy. Sirius deals not only with the subject of UFO and ET visitation disclosure but also with the advanced, clean, and alternative energy technology that's getting them here. Steven will talk about how these technologies, some of which have been suppressed for decades, can enable humanity to leave the age of the polluting petrodollar and transform society and improve mankind's chances for survival. He also tells us about his new R&D lab in the works. Later, we talk about the controversial aspects of the documentary. The hour ends on coherent thought sequencing used as a tool for primary vectoring of spacecrafts from deep space. Steven also explains how ET life forms, which have found their way to our corner of the galaxy, have evolved technologies which assist their ability to interface with consciousness.
Mufon Science And Deception
By Jack Brewer
The UFO Trail7-30-13
-PT 1-
The Mutual UFO Network recently announced its latest change in executive directors. David "The Captain" MacDonald is vacating the position to be filled August 1 by Jan Harzan, a longtime member of the MUFON board of directors. Offered is a two-part post exploring recent MUFON history and circumstances, including comments provided by scientists, UFO investigators and MUFON members, both past and present.
Alejandro Rojas reported the MUFON leadership change in an article published July 23. The article also stated there was a "partnership" between MUFON and GEIPAN, a French organization dedicated to investigating aerial phenomena.
According to its website, GEIPAN consists of two full-time staff: a manager and an assistant. The small agency is funded by The National Center for Space Studies (CNES) and depends on external support for such resources as investigations and monitoring cases.
"National Defense operates at several levels in the operation of GEIPAN," the site states, including representatives from the French Air Force, National Gendarmerie and National Police who act as consultants and sit on steering committees. Details of the relationship between MUFON and GEIPAN are unclear, as are the nature of specific talks conducted, proposed activities and methods of measuring success.
James Carrion was the designated leader of MUFON from 2006 until 2009, at which time he left in a storm of turmoil. A great deal of the controversy surrounded an unsteady alliance between MUFON and Robert Bigelow of Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies. Mr. Carrion accused members of the MUFON board of directors of several questionable actions, including enabling Mr. Bigelow to move funds and act on behalf of undisclosed financial sponsors. Many of the issues raised at the time remain unexplained....
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Another MUFON Head Steps Down as Alliance with French UFO Agency Begins VIDEO
MUFON LA Secedes From National Organization
Meet MUFONs New Executive Director Jan Harzan VIDEO
What Caused the Failure of the BAASS - MUFON SIP Program ?
MUFON Over Board - Save Our Ship
"A Petition to the MUFON Board of Directors is Currently Circulating the MUFON Membership.... Demanding Changes Within the MUFON Board"
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Bournville Birmingham West Midlands England Two Orange Lights
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Monday, January 12, 2015
Ok Ufos Are Real But
Part II
-UFOs are mis-identified aircraft or experimental aircraftKick The Flying Saucer.... Please?
By Joseph Capp
From almost the very first modern sighting there has been a physical maneuver associated with UFOs. This maneuver, reported by reputable witnesses, is "the right angle turn."
Gordon Cooper was one of the thousands who reported this as fact. The then future astronaut reported chasing one of a group of these saucers noting the craft would move "sideways". Cooper was on a jet closing in on these "saucers" and they could change direction instantaneously.
For a complete rebuttal to James Oberg attack on this brave veteran's word please read:
What would it take for a plane to make a right angle turn at 600+ miles per hour? It would be the same as if that plane hit a solid steel wall. What plane on the drawing boards of any government can do that? Did any government plane or missile have this maneuverability in the early 50s, when the reports first appeared? Do they have it now? Is it true the UFO phenomenon displays technology beyond our present ability? If they are able to make right angle turns at the speeds reported, they do.
At least one General others agreed with me:
-Commanding General Nathan F. Twining of the Air Material Command, U.S.A.A.F., in a declassified letter to the Pentagon.
"Headquarters wouldn't let us go after it and we played around a little bit. We got to watching how it made 90 degree turns at this high speed and everything. We knew it wasn't a missile of any type..."
-Colonel Carl Sanderson, USAF
"From their maneuvers and their terrific speed I am certain their flight performance was greater than any aircraft known today."..,
There are others: military quotes about UFO
At some of these speeds UFOs may even defy our laws of physics.
If they are "our" craft and piloted by humans, we may have a moral problem. If our government has had a way for a pilot to survive such g forces, why haven't they released it? How many of our pilots have died because they haven't had access to this technology ?
If we believe the premise that UFOs are from here (America) we still end up with a decades old conspiracy and a disgrace to our military leaders which would involve our government and quite possible the private sector.
If we add thousands of other anomalies reported such as:
-Hovering with no sound
-Acrobatic movements
-Extreme acceleration
-Avoid Radar detection
-Interference with electrical equipment
We started this post with a brave scientist(Bruce Cornet), who went to see and document for himself what the "Pine Bush" residence were reporting. His conclusions were the same as what other good people have been reported for decades.
We are not alone.
http://www.sunstar-solutions.com/AOP/HomePage/power point presentations.htm
Sometimes the people are right!
Part III
A Challenge To Scientist
10 Most Weird And Wild Weather In The Solar System
10. Serious Lightining (lightning worst)
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has seen an electrical storm larger than the continental United States electrical storm on Saturn, with flashes of lightning 1,000 times stronger than on Earth. A thunderstorm which stretches 2175 miles (3,500 kilometers) from north to south and emit radio noise similar to that dihasisilkan on earth.
9. Hot Crush (thermal destruction)
as the name implies,. Venus is the hottest place in our solar system. with a temperature of about 750 Kelvin and has a pressure 90 times on this earth will make every visitor will be destroyed (crush). Scientists say that this happens because of the excessive greenhouse effect of cloud cover sulfuric venus ceiling. then be a major greenhouse effect and cause this.
8. Methane Moon (Moon Methane)
Cassini Huygens spacecraft found evidence among the heavy rains of liquid methane that occurs in its Saturn "Titan". and perhaps in the "water" in the moon is also due to methane in Titan's cold temperatures (94 degrees Kelvin)-water will be locked up as ice.
7. Scarlet Rain (Red Rain)
In the summer of 2001, at least 50 tons of red particles fallen in Kerala, India continued for nearly two months with rain. It turns out this rusty red objects, including particles of dust storms and biological cells derived from extraterrestrial (a type of bacteria that mksdnya). In the April issue of the journal Astrophysics and Space Science, scientists from the Mahatma Gandhi University, reports that the particles have the appearance of biological cells, can reproduce at temperatures sizzle, and have nothing in common with dust particles.
6. Popsicle planet (planet ice}
Pluto is now considered the 9th planet in this solar system has the fact that the sun is in the can plto earth around 1:1000 compared to the year and cause the planet (?) is composed of ice consisting of frozen nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide with temperatures ranging from minus 387 to minus 369 Fahrenheit (40-50 degrees Kelvin).
5. windy world (the wind)
Neptune was discovered in the roar of the wind blowing more and stronger there than on Earth, reaching 1,500 mph (2414 kph). Along with the rapid rotation of the planet (around 16 hours), causing convection heat-cold quickly and then also can affect the speed of the wind and creates the wind speed exceeds the speed of the earth
4. Freeze Frame (frame es)
Temperatures on Uranus can reach below minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit (89 Kelvin). Uranus has 17-hour rotation yet reached 84 years of the revolution that led to the season (extreme) would be a long time to change. Sometimes, it can be so cold that methane gases in the atmosphere condenses into clouds of methane crystals.
3. Close Encounter (collision biggest storm)
Two spots above the sphere of the planet Jupiter is a storm that was raging on the planet. of the size of the storm alone we can know. Which is called the great big red spo, t storm that is more than double the width of the Earth with 350-mph ((563 kph) winds and a small (storms) on call red.Jr. Although not completely understood, scientists think the red color correlated with the intensity of the storm-wind and then generating a chemical compound from under the clouds and lift them to high ultraviolet sianr dtambah resulting brick hue.
2. Dust Buster (dust buster)
Mars has been known to have flung dust storms that swept across parts of the march. This rust colored dust can be blown with a speed of 60-100 mph (97-161 kilometers) per hour, which lasts for weeks to months. Once started, this impenetrable fog can envelop more than half the planet, raising the temperature 30 degrees Celsius in parts of Mars
1. Iron rain (rain of iron)
so-called "failed stars", this is a brown dwarf planet newly discovered planets of our solar styled (one of three dwarf planets are published on tlah found that tablets of Gan: d), the color brown indicates that this planet has ferum elements (iron) which high (CMIIW). This planet has a storm like that are on jupiter and menghepaskan BSI "to its surface. brown dwarf is getting a cold from time to time, the gas molecules condense into liquid iron-iron clouds and rain. With further cooling, a large storm swept away the clouds, let the bright infrared light escaping into space.
Source: www.space.com
Sunday, January 11, 2015
interview I conducted with John Lear, author of Lear.txt in the files section. Hopefully, this interview will answer some of your questions as well as some of mine.
Brad Langton 02-Feb-88 approx. 1:30AM to 3:30AM
Ok, we're "live" so to speak... you just mentioned that
there were 70 other species in contact with this world... of which 4 others were overt...are they aware of the EBE's?
Yes they are. The types I will mention are listed in a USAF
Academy Physics book called Introductory Space Science Volume 2. I
refer to Chapter 13 about page 8 which lists the ones that are most seen. They are the EBE's the "blondes". (also called the Nordics).
They look just like us but are invariably blonde haired and blue eyed.
Don't know where they come from but they do not interact with us
except for a few abductions now and then.
We also have a species that is similar to us in appearance but
they are about 7 ft tall and the main difference is that their eyes wrap around the head a little more than ours. Another type listed is a small species about 4 ft. tall, very hairy and extremely strong for their size. We don't know where these guys come from either. All
this was in the aforementioned text which was withdrawn by the Air
Force in the early 70's from the book. But there are several people that have the original book. The EBE's are about the only ones where we are pretty sure where they come from and that is Zeta Reticuli 1 ' (and as late as one week ago) that the situation is 'ominous'.
Please understand my pauses... have to consider the next
Ok, meantime looking for the date and issue of Nature.
I recall now, one of my users requested information on the
"Roswell Incident" and if it were in any way tied to any of this?
Yes, the Roswell crash was the first recovered flying saucer
crash in the U.S. Bill Moore located 90 material witnesses to the
crash. It was near Corona, N.M. and a few months ago I interviewed
Mrs. Procter near whose ranch this thing crashed. 4 bodies were
recovered. There is one person still alive at this moment who helped Mac Brazel drag some of the wreckage to the shed. He and Brazel were approached at that time by (I know its hard to believe but the guy is going to come forward soon) an alien who told them both to keep their mouths shut. He is the last guy alive that was directly connected
with that retrieval.
Are you saying that the others involved were murdered?
No. No. They have just passed away. That was a long time
ago. The last guy to die was Maj. Jesse Marcel, The intelligence
officer at Roswell who went out and helped pick up the wreckage.
Before he died a few years ago he went public with his account which was that the crash was not a balloon or a radar reflector or an
airplane. He didn't state what it was, but said it was not of this
earth. I have a transcript of the cassette tape of his memories of
picking up the wreckage, its only a page long if you would like me to send that.
Of course, any information you have will be helpful... What
of yourself, why are you coming forward now, particularly placing the spotlight on yourself... aren't you concerned that there may be some sort of repercussions from the government regarding the stir this is and will continue to cause?
Hopefully the spotlight will be on the information and not on
myself. No there is not too much worry because, well let me say that
5 years ago I wouldn't have gotten away with this but things are so screwed up now that one voice talking to...what 50? 100? people
can't make any possible difference. Also if something was going to
happen it would have happened a few weeks ago. I wrote Dr. Lew Allen, Director of JPL and MJ-12 member that I was going to do a story on his participation in MJ-12 particularly because JPL employed 8000 people in the Southern California area. I also enclosed a copy of my
hypothesis and told him it was on ParaNet and CompuServe. Dr. Allen has a reputation of responding to all mail in a very prompt manner.
But me? I didn't hear anything. Not even a "John Lear you must be
crazy." He wrote a letter to Max Fiebleman of Los Angeles on the 18th of December. Max had sent him a copy of the Hudson Valley video and asked Dr. Allen to look at it. Dr. Allen responded that he had taken a quick glance but did not have the time for anything more and on the basis of what he saw determined that it was a blimp. He also wished Max a Merry Christmas. Now......this is one of the worlds greatest
scientists? Not interested in that Hudson Valley video tape?
Gimme a break.
There are certainly a lot of inconsistencies seemingly from
everywhere on this issue. As you know, Jim Speiser and ParaNet are
often published in some form, usually a quote from Jim, in the major UFOlogy magazines... I would suspect that this matter will be reaching a lot more people than just those of us here in the BBS community.
What of the future...can we expect more information, hard or soft
evidence that will help align the apparent inconsistencies or at best, give a more cohesive picture of some of the answers to questions that your original release has raised?
I would be very surprised if some kind of statement from the
government is not forthcoming within the year, more probably within 6 months possibly much sooner... That's about all I can speculate from the information I am getting.
Well, you can be assured that we will be continuing to watch
these developments should they occur. Last year there was a similar promise of major information by year's end... you got in just under the wire but the other information was not this information, at least not necessarily as coming from you. Time is running short for me here and I want to thank you for incurring the phone bill for this
interview but I think it is important that we try to get as many
answers on this as possible. Do you have any closing statements that you would like to make at this time?
Just to thank you for your time and I will be sending you the
aforementioned documents etc.
Thank you very much John, your participation will no doubt
add a level of credibility to your desire to spare little expense in helping us find the truth about all this.
Thanks again, and talk to you later.
Copyright @1988 National Fringe Sciences Information Service. All
Rights Reserved.
Douglas Trumbull Ufotog Resurrected
Reference: fromatlantistosphinx.blogspot.com
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Alien Encounter In Imperial Beach
Thursday, January 8, 2015
2008 Crop Circle
Ufo News Unidentified Orange Ufo Caught Emitting Bright Lights Above Usa
Was taking Super Moon pics Aug. 11th on the east side of Brownsburg. I thought I saw a shooting star at one point while taking the moon pictures. On the way home, I was watching the sky to the west. I was only about 3 blocks from my house, looking west when I noticed a red orb, or fireball.
I have seen these before. I knew right away what it was. Got home, had my camera in the car, so got it out right away. Adjusted the settings, got one picture of it, as by that time was already over my house headed east. It was headed just to the right of the full moon. The moons light was so bright, that the orb just faded out in the light. I thought, oh darn, wanted to get more pics. I wanted it to come back. I took a couple more pics of the moon.
It seemed like only 5 min. and I looked straight up, and another one was there. I got six or seven pictures of that one. It went on the same path, and faded out in the moons light, just as the other one did. I thought it was no Chinese Lantern, as there was not much wind. Moved too fast for a lantern, and what's the chance it was on the exact same flight pattern as the first. Too slow for a plane, and no blinking lights.
I could have sworn I only waited about 5 min. when the second one went over. But when I went to up-load my photos, the time said the first one was at 9:44, and the rest of the pics on the second one was 10:10.
DATE - 2014-08-11 9:44PM
LOCATION - Brownsburg USA
COLOUR - Orange
Source: ufoproofs.blogspot.com
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