Friday, June 24, 2011

Ufo Sighting In Culver City California On March 5Th 2015 Daylight Star Moves Across Sky Then Suddenly Disappears

Ufo Sighting In Culver City California On March 5Th 2015 Daylight Star Moves Across Sky Then Suddenly Disappears
I was at work, as usual. I looked out my window in my office which faces East-South-East and saw a bright star like object in the sky approximately 45 degrees up at at a far distance. It had no condensation trail like the high flying airplanes I typically see, nor was it one of the planes that land at LAX regularly. They are quite large and distinguishable and always come in from the east and move west to land. LAX is only a few miles from my office. The object moved from south to north, and was to the east at some distance, at least it seemed to be far away to me. I tracked it for a bit less than one minute. As it moved across the sky from south to east it abruptly disappeared. I looked for it for another good five minutes after this and could not find it again. About an hour later I went outside to have a cigarette and tried to see if I could find it again and could not see it. I guess it had gone. I see airplanes over my office and home all the time because they are both close to LAX. And, every once in a while I see high flying jet liners flying over LA to go somewhere else, but in those situations there are always condensation trails behind the aircraft. I am also an amateur military and civil aircraft spotter. This was definitely not a regular civil nor military aircraft. It showed up, moved very slowly across the sky, then disappeared. It was not the first sighting I have had at work in the last year. It made me feel as if it was trying to get my attention., like the last ones I have seen. I felt as if it was teasing me, as if it wanted me to see it, and then play "peek-a-boo" with me. It disturbed me, just as all my other sightings have.

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