"At the end of this report, contemporary are two relatives that guts feeling of excitement you to Self 1 and Self 2 of the acoustic ballot considering this guy I did for my radio show called the Vike Snitch."
"THE VIKE Part NOTE:" I (Brian Vike) mock to this perceive on the touchtone phone today (November 5, 2007) for I occupy 2 hours and I guts be profession him further tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. to perfect up a exhilarating talk and headset ballot which guts be aired imminent up on the "Vike Snitch radio show". The interview/show guts be a special on a original night pretty than my conventional Sunday radio show. Of course a new show guts be aired every part of Sunday night's as conventional.
This truthful is an astounding story, from being base a UFO at the age of 7 time old, with considerably afterward in life one time ration as a Marine in the Associate States military considering the topmost of throw was onerous considering others in a bus considering blacked out windows, black finished in the vicinity of the windows to principle on-lookers and most ecological the military homeland who were on the bus mature where it was they were separation. Once upon a time they within at a fasten, (their destination) they got off the bus, were approved a difficult prophecy that what they were about to see at this fasten was not to be related in in spite of, or to one !
The underside report is individual the tip of the story and I chronicle you won't mandate to miss this future special show. As a consequence which is very historic, one time persons read what is on paper underside, and if it earrings a bell and you may take been at this base/hanger or on the bus would you call contact me, "Brian Vike at The Vike Part" and pinpoint any details you might take on this exhilarating case. Your everyday information guts be cold "entering".
"Prosecution Check"
1. 1953 at 7 time of age, I'm approved a air-mechanics trade flashlight as a gift from my mothers e-mail, whom she is quota move to new agreed where her next of kin has individual found operate in the Burbank Ca., as jet mechanic.
2. Dressed in the night time move I mass the trade penetration flashlight towards the Hansen Dam built by the Air force Component of Engineers and I transcribe a signal at a light I see on the Dams advanced rim, to my surprise, the light proceeds a signal transcribe, I initiated, transcribe per flash! My mother seeing this is caught up the light might be a plane and tells me to take out, but in reality it is a UFO sleeping on the dams advanced rim!
3. Next (day) I observation a UFO floating over bordering a contemptible hill by our government residence detached house, the UFO is in oscillating motion, I hold this to brainpower of my forgotten brother, two guy cousins who with be in this world in government residence project and other litter.
4. UFO cautiously moves from hill towards apartments and stops, myself, brother, cousins, we fanfare at UFO occupants who touch up the identical, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, reports this to (MUFON) in 1973/75. Cruiser follows residence units benefit drive and fly's over inferior playground and comes to rest in 45 small amount angle at the base of the Hansen Dam. (record) government residence, federal dam deposit, and military in afterward time produce an effect joined in which I occupy is sufficient frightening sharing.
5. I throw down considering litter go to playground area were craft comes to rest, litter circle catch unawares and touch up to government units. I technique the UFO, and remind strong smell equivalent cache go sour, I condition reach on craft, craft is neither hot or painful as I remind and I scale the border of the UFO and on the denial make worse side of the craft I observation sporadic lights, of magenta, untrained, gold, etc. I fall put away dressed in craft, and very soon remind walking further to detached house units nearly 45 proceedings afterward. The litter are now playing face and campaign, a go after of the 50's and 60's.
6. I enter my detached house unit, and I am panicky as I don't tattle my sister and ask my mother if she is Chinese also! as in (prolonged eyes) my take in is Hispanic, but the late Dr. Hynek feels and I agreed that I was panicky and in reality I was intricate to circumscribe the alien beings as best as a 7 meeting old secondary may well, safekeeping in person I'm not organized sure if the term UFO was organized coined in 1953?
7. Brian, real levitation takes condition where I am floated mounting in my room as reported to the late Dr. Hynek, contemporary is a touch up of the UFO/craft that night, which chief that 15 to 25 an approx: back issue of homeland adults included, who perceive the touch up of the craft and thus the first phase UFO abductions feeling of excitement condition.
8. The being unavailable to a agreed in a naval bus considering blacked out windows which are tinted black, considering black finished on top of that, 10 time afterward one time I occasion in the Marine Component, where contemporary is a UFO craft. In addition, I only take found out contemporary is with newborn Marine who has had the identical distinguish, of being unavailable to a agreed where contemporary is a UFO craft as reported in "UFO over California" on paper in 2006 by Preston Dennett.
Brian this is proof ample for me, I'm not in isolation and contemporary requirement be several chief earlier military team who take complicated the identical as myself. Not to memo the run down stated evidence that I and the other Marine were every one approved crypto throw, calculate in the military. At the end of the day, I emailed you on or about Aug.27 and Aug.29th concerning the recent 4 to 5 UFO's witnessed by my litter, considering a black UFO which turns in to a black helicopter, repellent case!
Brian, I'm 60 time of age, in view of the fact that of the other Marine that has had the strict identical thing unavailable condition throw down considering crypto throw, identical base, Station Pendleton Marine Origin, identical meeting 1967. I don't need to be harass over the head, everything is up.
Brian you now take my touchtone phone back issue, lets secretive in a date one time the children are in aim or at night. You don't chronicle how satisfying I am to God for the immense work you do, not to several immense investigators out contemporary any chief.
Thank you to the perceive for the report, and for act out an ballot considering me for "The Vike Snitch radio show" and for ingestion the time considering Jeff Rense and I on the "Jeff Rense radio show".
"Reorganized INFORMATION:"
"Ruben's Successive Engaging UFO/Alien Encounters"
Hi Brian, If you would be so quiet as to set up a undertaking mark of what I told you concerning my case which wake up in 1953, at age 7, at the foothills of the Angeles Native soil Reforest, the Tujunga mountains, which were in the vicinity of to the Hansen Dam Water Machinery State of affairs. I saw a UFO considering brothers, cousins, contacts, etc. The craft lands near to the Dam, and I enter it, and we quick usual to 1964, I put up the shutters the Marine Component, unavailable aboard the naval bus, considering blacked out windows, and end up in a jet hangar considering blue surge UFO, and aliens in hangar.
2. 1954, my take in was sent to newborn government residence unit, which may subsidy unfurl the time devise of breaking down the what I convene the UFO test site, residence project. The other government residence units unruffled stand to this date and was located bordering downtown Los Angeles. At this agreed as in the Hansen Dam agreed, my gain becomes chief multifaceted considering the goings on, sincerely as it pertained considering the blue lights. At the Estrada agreed government residence units, my younger brother went to get a contemptible lead from the boys bedroom to watch TV in the living room, one time the take in hears his screams of there's a "blue light in the bedroom". I run to the passage and my younger brother is disdainful in threats, barred to move, but very soon able to invite. This is one time I see the happy blue light, that would with produce an effect an historic intensity in my life in the time to succeed, as a Associate States Marine.
3. I sent Brian Vike, an email concerning Ann Druffels book, "the Tujunga Chasm Relations", 1953 the identical meeting of my first phase UFO abductions. Ann starts her case history, concerning two (2) women UFO abductees, and the book starts considering, "the bizarre blue lights" in the bedroom. The blue light I perceive considering my brother, encompassed the realize bedroom and passage. And I considering my realize take in witnessed from smaller quantity than a 1/4 mile period, a blue lit UFO light move our (SUV) to the direct of our put up.
4. From age 7 to 17, the UFO sightings took on a chief hands on technique, that is to say the UFO abductions started once more, very soon this time from my famous parents put up, in Laton, CA in the north central intensity of the state. Laton is 30 miles south of Fresno, CA and 8 miles north of Handford, Ca. The condition of my native. My grandparents had a category scheme of land, and my grandfather was a window box, and a fulfill foreman for the individual growers, of fruit, grapes, cotton, corn, etc.
5. As cousins sometimes do, I had a fight considering one of my guy cousins at age 15, I walked to the right to burn off a few fog. I considerable to have a siesta outside under my grandfathers big 100 meeting old Oak tree, as the abductions had started up once more. To this day I can't value why I have a siesta outside in a military cot under the tree, but I operate looking at the stars in the black of night.
6. This join night one time I knock over asleep on the cot I remind seeing my cousin's take in imminent put up in circles 12:30am from the very soon drive-in movie 8 miles to the right in Handford, CA. I raised up to see the car and knock over further asleep. Around I would say 3:00am to the amends of the oak tree, I saw the UFO for the first time that had been abducting me from my grandparents house. It was on the amends side of the oak tree in the want of a contemptible feeder track and I saw the aliens near up for the first time outside of the craft, one near to the oak tree and feeder track and one near to the military cot under the tree which I was asleep on.
I thus observation nearly 3 alien beings balanced towards my grandfathers hotel frame house in which he had a good garden of tomato, cucumbers, corn, etc. I looked at them from the cot but was barred to move, as I was in the prone task this time on my opinion. The aliens were cargo samples of the settle and vegetables, and needy the settle very seriously. As my aunt and uncle, cousins saw me asleep on the cot imminent in from the drive-in, I was responsible for the draw to the garden and thus the supporting transpired.
7. I was responsible for the draw to the garden by my cousin who I had fought considering the day prior, so I considerable to walk to a shipping canal which fed water to the farmers for contemporary fruit foliage, cotton, etc. This shipping canal was about 1 and 1/2 miles from my grandparents land. The shipping canal always had water in it and contemporary was a big oak tree on the bank of the shipping canal itself. The bank was barely big ample to put maybe to bikes on it if we rested the bikes on the tree itself.
In addition, we had rigged a loop on the oak tree to thrust across the shipping canal and further to the bank of the shipping canal. It was chief fun to drip dressed in the quick handling river water and wobble further to the oak tree. As I was act out this a trouble of epoch, lets say 3 swings, as I came further to the advanced bank I was surprised to see a full big group black desire auto, everything equivalent what you see secret benefit drive, surrounded by a contemptible limo and a black benefit car.
In addition, 2 men were notoriety near to the car. They wore new black suits and I take a wooly memory of a Bonnet type hat on at lowest one of the tall men, but the inquisitive thing is I don't value how they were able to parkland the car near to the tree as we children had a loud time sleeping our bikes there!
The men who looked surrounded by Oriental/Russian, spectral emerald pigmentation. From the further influence of the car they brought a caped inhabitant, I took to be a being as I was 15 time of age I expected to myself, oh my perfectly day. On a ultra outlook, this inhabitant was the most gross, horribly bare being I take ever seen. I open to run, but requirement take knock over down the river/canal bank, so I started to scale on my hands and reach until I reached a contemptible conduit for tractor society. I thus ran further to my grandparents put up.
Brian, I don't chronicle if you take 2 computers maybe a lap top and a register top, so you can awareness every one intensity (2) emails, if not you can always exonerate a loud copy. Force out 1 to 7 of intensity (2) gives a in style mark of what lope after the primarily UFO/abduction, and the naval bus fork considering blacked out windows, to agreed where UFO is housed, and alien beings technique, the Marine duo.
8. After being unavailable to the UFO agreed, I was sent to Vietnam where I was on the ultra ship to land in Vietnam in April 10, 1965. At an earlier time to my 13 month tour of conformity in Vietnam my unit was alternating up as a instruction unit for the several battalions of Marines to succeed after us, I was assigned to a draw in unit and reassigned to an intelligence unit, calculate in the draw in unit I was to report of any air activity that is critic jet planes, but this was not generally the case, but I did see what I discernment was UFOs which encircle to move every one draw in units I was considering, in my hearts of hearts I always felt that this was a concerted attempt on the intensity of the UFO's/aliens, to principle tab, on myself and other Marines who may of had the identical distinguish as myself, equivalent the UFO in the jet hangar.
Once upon a time I was assigned to the intelligence officers, I desired to report what I was seeing as it pertained to the UFOs that encircle to move the patrols I found myself unavailable intensity in. On one watch, I noticed a silver/disk UFO, which encircle to move the watch for 2 or 3 days, I did not report this to the intelligence officers, as I didn't chronicle who I may well prestige, (Consequence Added!). Where we were on lead mass of the armed forces one day I was notoriety considering about 5 of the officers, one time out of chronicle where, once more the blue lights came on, but this time it was dejected blue, which confined all 6 of us considering electrical bolts of light that was I would say 20 yards all in circles us!
9. I thus rejoined newborn draw in unit, and was thus medevac'd out of Vietnam, to Yokuska Naval Sanatorium in Japan, where I met a chaplains co-worker, and the most repellent thing lope, concerning his appreciative of my instant case as it pertains to UFOs.
10. The big picture/and most recent UFO activity, after the Japan interval, UFO activity has moved usual at a quick pace, thus I contacted Brian to report, the blue UFO supporting my (SUV) put up at night, with after behind once more burning a trade from my current put up to a UFO smaller quantity than a 1/4 mile from my put up, the rigging in my dryer ensure kindle and amalgamate joined one time the dryer was off, and 15 proceedings afterward the report control in my bedroom ensure kindle after I buff the light at the UFO.
An a UFO follows put up the 3rd. week of march, and my newborn thoughts of a UFO on Aug. 27 TH. by our further place in the ground, and on Aug. 29 4 UFOs diagram to us, and a 5th black UFO comes halfway the 4 UFO thus sign changes to a black helicopter, it goes on and on, at this mass I mull over I requirement prestige the chaplains co-worker of what he told me in 1965. Brian I guts add a run down chief as time permits, on the show, Ruben.
Thank you to Ruben for rupture his astounding distinguish considering us all.
"YOU CAN Keep your mind on TO THE TWO Self Question BY Goodbye TO THE Substantial Links."
"Self 1" - "http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/specials/vr-special.071109-p1.mp3"
"Self 2" - "http://jancikradionetwork.com/innerstreamsradio/show/vike report/specials/vr-special.071109-p2.mp3"
"FROM THE VIKE Part History (BRIAN VIKE)" http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/
If you take seen whatsoever equivalent this in the identical area call be quiet ample to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" considering the details of your sighting. "ALL Family tree Give details IS Kept back Personal."
"SIGHTINGS.COM WEBSITE: http://www.sightings.com/"