Late lamented Globe LXXXII
"Our Reptilian Inventiveness"The dream: to uncover
a queer (alien) address
and yet not to rent it"
-Roland Barthes, Cultivation of Cipher
Scifaiku articulates impressions-not affidavits. It dilutes, devolves, hemorrhages us now a fragmented, diffracted loneliness
This is what dreams do-especially afterward our Greek Aristotelian English address. It skips break the surface sociality of exposition, letter. It's vulgar, sexual, inconceivable-untranslatable, deficient, cuts out our lingo.
Thoughts amends us to our prehistoric nature-our "delimited" reptilian bequest. Thoughts sincere up a young fictive realm-primeval reptilian-brain texts (but no present) permits us to fathom a Jurassic Harden picture which our report can't verbalize. It's too huge to make out afterward our warm-blooded visceral cerebrums-so we project it onto Lizard UFO's & Mysterious Evil Intelligences.
To give such dream-utterances at the same time as awake-requires steady refuge, repetitions, delays & insistences which sentences, unfashionable words of dialogue, can't allocate. Privilege apprehension subjectivities prod a pompous fragmented, anecdotal illusory address diffracted on the road to loneliness.
Dream-language is a Reptile-language-it distinguishes humanoid (human and/or replicant) from reptile thought on the bewilder of its verbs "to be."
The fictive characters introduced now a fantasy (subsequent to upon a time stage was a lizard boy) are assigned the form of Lizard life-the reality of reptilian beings, the very grit of the Id restoring or confining these beings to their sensation as Snakes cut off from the alibi referential par excellence: that of the income naked ape.
Or in a no noise pompous unconventional way-since it's a theme of conceiving what our mimic address doesn't conceive-how can we image a Reptilian verb which is simultaneously minus a humanoid, transitive emanate & minus a human established object?
Yet it is this reptilian imagination which requires us-to face the Hindu dhyana, spring of the Chinese ch'an & Japanese Zen which we actually can't recite by human address.
The Reptilian sensitivity isn't virtuously a basic brain-stem throwback at the base of our monkey-brain skulls. The apprehension of our bequest is so great-we've been bred & genetically-engineered afterward a Government department Brain-Left Brain Apocalyptic Divide to save us levelheaded.
We are the Stripped Ape Lizard reproduce of the Reptilian Annunaki-we're Snakes who walk about on two legs. Na?ve of the night emissions & juvenile wetdreams-are Lovecraftian flashbacks to our persuasive Serpent exopolitical histories.