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Positive Correlation Between Stellar Composition And Planetary Formation
Positive correlation between stellar composition and planetary formation Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:g STARS - Examining the wealth of data from Kepler, astronomers have seen a positive correlation between stellar composition and planetary formation, a correlation that could affect how we search for life in the universe. See article.g ABODES - Formalhaut b has been billed as the first exoplanet to be directly imaged in optical wavelengths. Now, it's identity is being questioned. Determining the effectiveness of planet-hunting techniques is important for astrobiologists who are searching for habitable worlds around distant stars. See article.g AFTERMATH - Within the scientific community, the question is no longer whether extraterrestrial life exists, but if ET is smart enough to do long division - and the United States and other world governments already have detailed secret plans for first contact. My apologies in advanced for Popular Mechanic's lurid title, but the reporting is sound See article.Get your SF book manuscript edited Widgets>