Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wales Ufo Sightings Black Helicopters And Ufos Over Southern Ontario

Wales Ufo Sightings Black Helicopters And Ufos Over Southern Ontario
Hi BJ, accomplished temps and clear skies progress now in southern Ontario. There's a bit of a chill up my spine a minute ago, in regards to black helicopters and UFOs. I feature observed in our skies in a 45 km coverage in store. Here's the story of truth in my explanation in the last 48 hrs.

On Aug.30, 2007, spell on the Hwy 401 eastbound, I noticed a black helicopter flying low and in drop when development to the north- delightful eastbound. It then sedentary and hovered and circled over the Hwy. No accidents were observed gulp down the Hwy, durable development drop. The helicopter stirred gulp down east for about 3-4 miles, then sedentary award Brock Boulevard, in Whitby.

I turned off the afterward swagger [Thickenson] and noticed the helicopter at a standstill on the brink a tie miles away from home. Latter, I complete banquet and went out after 8:00 PM for victuals. I noticed gulp down the way, a pasty helicopter when a red lines gulp down the bottom, followed north my giving out in parallel. As I now turned west, it flew over and circled my side.

For instance I in the sphere of at the Fairly, the helicopter was on the brink touch on at about 1000 ft. Other race looked up, due to it's loud buzz. I disregarded it and shopped for victuals. The back day on Elegant. 31,2007, I went out for dine in Scarborough, about 3 miles away from home from work. I grabbed a fell of pizza and went aloof. I noticed southwest,about a mile away from home, extra, or the same "type" of black helicopter seen yesterday 45 kms in Whitby.

I had a bird's eye regard, as it hovered within my dine balance for 15 mins. I complete dine and walked away from home to my car. I was awfully bewildered to see the black helicopter had also stirred closer to my side, as I was desertion. Iff one is a sky witness, it is not too challenging to tempo out aircraft image in the sky if one watches their situation better. Once again, I disregarded the coincidences of black helicopter's presence. Latter at work in the afternoon, coarsely 3:10 PM, I stepped aloof of the dockyard gate. I valued the clear skies and obstructed the sun when my hand. My chops dropped, as I looked up at a inconsistent pasty sparkling object.

In header, it appeared long for and colorless in color. This object was sparkling every single one other last.Or counterpart a shimmering [ruddy light]--like reflection from the sun. The object seemed to be morphing [changeable shape] and on the brink about dull. I looked down and over to two guys, 30 yds away from home. I yelled over to them. "Self-control to see a UFO?" The one fellow asked," where ?"

I walked over briefly and in focus to the west about wide open better. One of the guys held, it's a plane." I replied, "it's NOT delightful man." The other guy ran through the gate and brought out a third witness. The gathering even held, not extra UFO up exhibit ? All four of us watched it for two three minutes in be suspicious of. Abruptly,the three guys run defend through their gate of exhibit position serene. They did exist unsettled, as it came instantaneously better our side.

Guessing the even of 3000 + feet. The same as camera barred for moments counterpart these. I snapped abundant pictures to again notice the moment. As I friendless care for to watch, high in the sky. You may well see extra one in unison delightful northeast by a long way higher.I then paying attention defend on the first object- it vanished--gone ! I may well no longer see it. The whole sighting lasted about 20 mins, but not the adrenalin trendy of me. It continues of bulwark to what was indeed witnessed.

One thing to dissimilarity B J. This is the same type of UFO that was reported to you, Trek 29, 2006. I force forwards about 10 pictures to you for a clearer picture of what has been told in evidence. Waves approaches shortly I suspicion ! Proceeds conscientiousness and sorry for the breadth of the report. This confirms that doubtless satellite picks up the Fastwalker. Hence dispatches it's best inspection aircraft-BLACK HELICOPTER or any archetypical aircraft. I can strengthen in my explanation each black helicopters and UFOs are interconnected in sightings and or doubtless to cram contact.Jump would counterpart to see the instruments in one individuals.Proceeds conscientiousness and Merry Ache Labour Day for Canada.

Report/Photos (c) Paul Shishis


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

25 Years Ago Magonias 27 And 28

25 Years Ago Magonias 27 And 28
I'm not sure that many Magonia Review readers wait breathlessly for the next instalment of our 25 Years Ago feature, but if there are any out there, my apologies for neglecting it to the extent that I am now having to cover two issues in one to try to get back onto a 25 year rota.In 1987 Magonia was being produced using one of the semi-legendary Amstrad PCW apparatuses, with an extremely noisy dot-matrix printer. As the PCW was a fairly primitive machine it was not capable of printing in a multi-column format, so I was obliged to pass the same sheet of paper through the printer three times to produce the three column layout we were using (four times, even, for the book review pages) carefully leaving rows of blank lines so that later pictures or text stand-outs could be inserted. I just hope our readers at the time (are any of you still around?) appreciated the trouble I took! Magonia 27 (September 1987) was notable for carrying the first of many important articles by the American ufologist Martin Kottmeyer. 'Break a Leg' looked at the UFO experience as a piece of theatre. Martin's first clue that UFO narratives more closely resembled theatrical scripts than real-life events was when he noticed: "The tip-off was all the chases. Chases are staple items in our fantasy lives. It is a favourite element in most action-adventure television... In ufology it is a simple matter of observation that chases are absurdly commonplace. In a relatively small sample of 80 cases drawn from the Uintah region of Utah by Frank Salisbury, no less than six chases were in evidence". Read his full article HERE.Although I have never been particularly interesting in ghostly phenomena, Peter Rogerson has studied extensively into the social and historical background of reported hauntings, particularly in the nineteenth century. In his piece 'And the Dogs Began to Howl' he looks at the significance of hauntings to the individuals who experience them. As a local history librarian Peter often received enquiries from people searching the history of their own home, and in many cases he found that this was an attempt to discover the 'explanation' for a supposed haunting.He notes that it seem that "in some cases the house, 'the home', is an extension of the individuals body or personality... to the newcomer the house has a 'history' or a 'reputation' in a personal, almost sexual, way". These cases are what Peter calls the 'off-campus' history, which still possesses power over the living and can be experienced directly rather than through the documentation of the formal, 'campus', history. This piece may well be regarded as an introduction to the series of articles by Peter which I have recently added to the Magonia Archive website.One of the bugbears of UFO research is the need, which some people feel, to provide one singe, overarching explanation, whether it's plasma vortexes, demonic spirits or astronomical mirages. One person who's tried all three of those is Steuart Campbell. In this issue of Magonia he was promoting the third hypothesis suggesting that astronomical mirages were responsible for such accounts as Trindade Island (a mirage of Jupiter), Delphos (Saturn), Valentich (Canopus) Betty and Barney Hill (Antares), the Gill case (Sirius), and many others. Whilst it is undoubtedly true that mirages, astronomical and otherwise, have been the cause of UFO reports, to use it as an explanations to the extent that Campbell did, is clearly unfeasible. ["Not curently available online"]Magonia 28 came out in January 1988, and bears on its cover a little logo commemorating 20 years of publication by the MUFOB/Magonia entity, which I will skate rapidly over lest anyone work out that I have been involved in this lark for 45 years!The main article was by Dennis Stilling, 'Missing Time, Missing Links', which began the demolition of the Hopkinsonian abduction narrative long before such criticism became fashionable, pointing out that the whole abduction phenomenon bore a closer resemblance to mystical experience than to alien kidnapping.Manfred Cassirer was a prominent member of the Society for Psychical Research for many years, and unlike many members he had a very broad view of what constituted psychical phenomena. Along with Hilary Evans he helped introduce the SPR to some aspects of ufology that might have been of interest to them. An in return he introduced ufologist to some psychic phenomena, in the case of his article 'Transvection and Ufology', that of levitation, linking the experience of individuals like Betty Andreasson with the historic claims of religious mystics.Dennis Stacy, one time editor of the American "MUFON UFO Journal "- until he proved too sensible for the readership and he was eased out of the editor's chair - examined Timothy Good's recently published "Above Top Secret", and identifies the 'fatal flaw' in the book: "The appearance here of the controversial Majestic Twelve or MJ-12 material relating to a reputed super-secret government UFO agency... is doubly disappointing because it will inevitably detract from what in many regards is an otherwise impressive performance by Mr Good." In his review of the book, Stacy eschews the 'angels on a pinhead' arguments about comparisons of signatures and typefaces, showing simply that the background to the appearance of the documents themselves gives clear evidence of their fraudulent nature. Read his article own contribution to this issue, in the form of a book review published as an extended editorial 'Who's watching the Ufologists?', contrasts the literalist approach of Budd Hopkins to the abduction phenomenon with that of Whitley Strieber, who looks at his experience from the perspective of the ultimate victim. At the end I offer the suggestion that ufologist should retreat from abduction study and recognise that "we are not trained psychotherapist". This finally seems to have happened, but only after the work of untrained 'psychotherapists' has had some disastrous results. "--" John Rimmer.

2012 And Planet X Could Be Fake

2012 And Planet X Could Be Fake
Andrew Hennessey Now I know the arguments for, Ive seen the pictures, heard about the secret archaeological and cultural evidence, seen the NASA images, read the books, seen the Mayan calendar photos etc and know about the alleged historic and scientific provenance of all of the beliefs that point to the truth of 2012 and the approach of planet X. But heres another conspiracy about 2012 for you - and we dont ever see this idea.. Many of us have reviewed the cultural data, artefacts and witness reports of Reptilian life forms that have been operating this planet for millennia. Their Hidden hand or claws seem to be rife throughout all of history and looking closely at what they achieve in this artificially engineered despair ridden and backwards cul de sac I came up with the Soul Farming hypothesis at All digital data and news channels, publications and even historic artefacts can be faked by alien processes and technology. We know this and we know from various staged catastrophes that stir the cauldron of social chaos and despair that we cannot actually count on what we have read or seen being true. Why would 2012 and Planet X flyby be a Repto Grey fake ? to destroy and bury any hope of release... like some nazi pouring a cup of water out of reach of a thirsty prisoner... no way out... to break down peoples sense of hope - to make them feel totally disconnected and beyond help.. to make them feel captured and manipulated and outwitted.. to entrain them into a mode of surrender and capitulation of spirit and soul. All in a days work for a Reto-Grey nazi soul farmer. Well when the Repto-Greys chose earth for a soul farm and prison facility they would have chosen a geologically and environmentally stable planetary installation that they had total control over - they would have set up little zones here and there for beings incarcerated in human DNA and driven by artificially induced amnesia and then worked them into artificially bonded groups, slowly deploying the issues of anger, fear and pain as first one format of social dream and then another would be systematically terminated by an artificial process we know of as `human history - various scams and charades perpetrated by holographic reptilians and greys wearing the social guises of what would be taken as human success in these epochs. The planet though including its environment and its structure and its geology would have all sorts of matrix sized machinery in place and flying shields and flying jesters caps would feature in the art of the eras - much of it detuned to the human eyes. The repto-greys could stagemanage feats of social engineering and human catastrophe with big orbital detuned machines. either to aid the hatching of their devils and demons - phoenix-like from the ashes of mankind or to create more opportunities to play god amongst the humans hobbled by DNA straightjackets. 20 millennia of alleged human social, cultural and technological and biological evolution is a charade taking place as it did amongst interstellar infrastructure. For the repto-greys farming by contradiction and nihilism and the creation of despair on their human straightjacketed victims might well have produced their own farming motto... `supercede to feed Though must admit that putting `easily outshone human retards on the repto imperium resume isnt going to guarantee a lot of respect. The hands on reptilians here, somewhat redneck, may well be organic human cattle and despair farmers - augmenting their own inner disconnection and deadness by tormenting, squeezing and drinking the soul juices of the humans - but still cannot avoid looking and sounding redundant since the only life they can have and get is yours - not anything original of their own. I suggest that Earth could well be a very stable habitat indeed if not severely tampered with, and that any Earth changes that take place might be stagemanaged by the use of huge theatrical windmachines and earthquake machines - lasering and removing huge blocks off the ice cap, chemtrailing and spraying the environment to make it and its human inhabitants desolate. I suggest that any natural Earth changes that might take place could be totally fake and artificially produced and that any body of supporting allegedly scientific evidence that suggests acts of nature could also be easily faked too. Why fake a massive order social cataclysm... the answer is to harvest humanity.. just look at to see matrix droids at street level. It might be that nothing happens in 2012 ! and it could be that without the intercession of Christ and his Angels, nothing ever will except our fall into packets of highly marketable soul dust - spoken of in the first 20 minutes of the repto film `the golden compass. endless galactic war just means more grapes for the winepress. I suspect very much that hungry dualism and depleted hungry beings are the norm in this density, as is the supremacy of the predatory reptilian form and that this our supercluster at least has to be Jurassic Park on crack. " , ."Messages in this topic (1) Reply (via web post) Start a new topic Messages Files Photos Links Database Polls Members Calendar Change settings via the Web (Yahoo! ID required) Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest Switch format to Traditional Visit Your Group Yahoo! Groups Terms of Use Unsubscribe Recent Activity Visit Your Group Give Back Yahoo! for Good Get inspired by a good cause. Y! Toolbar Get it Free! easy 1-click access to your groups. Yahoo! Groups Start a group in 3 easy steps. Connect with others.. " . ,"--

Barrys Bay Ontario A Circular Orb With Protrusion Ufo

Posted: February 14, 2008

Date: October 27, 2007 Time: 4:00 a.m.

Location of Sighting: (removed exact location info) Barry's Bay, Ontario. Number of witnesses: 1 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Circular orb with protrusion at one side.

Full Description of event/sighting: The object in question was observed by my mother (full name removed) at approximately 4:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 27, 2007. She was having a restless sleep and had gotten out of bed. Upon entering the dining room, she glanced out the bay window because a bright glow across the lake had caught her attention. An object was hovering above a low hill across Carson Lake to the east of her residence.

It was completely stationary and very bright. It's intensity of brightness was of a very high magnitude. The sky was completely overcast and there were no other stars or planets to be seen. A protrusion at one side appeared to be "pulsating" There were no colors observed and it appeared to be entirely white. She watched it for about 4 minutes before it vanished instantaneously. Mom stated that it was larger than any star or planet that she has ever observed.

Thank you to the person for relating this really interesting report. And thank you to the person's Mom as well.

Would you like to be a guest on my radio show ? (The Vike Report) If so and have an interesting UFO or Sasquatch story to relate, please drop Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research a line with the information, please include your telephone number so I can make arrangements for the interview. Please note that HBCC UFO Research does not ever give out anyone's private information to anyone.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Also advertise your product with HBCC UFO Research, all advertising funds go directly to a new toll free UFO reporting hotline.

Details on how to Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters. *Advertising On The HBCC UFO Research Website, Radio Show & Newsletters*

Radio show host for the Vike Report, eyewitness relating their experiences. *The Vike Report Eyewitness UFO Radio Show*

Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. *Vike Report Radio Show Blog*

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Ufo Sighting In North Carolina On June 14Th 2013 Unusual Encounter In Raleigh Military Helicopter Involved

Ufo Sighting In North Carolina On June 14Th 2013 Unusual Encounter In Raleigh Military Helicopter Involved

Me and my brother have had multiple sightings in raleigh within the past few months. After the first sighting, we noticed military helicopters flying over every day, this is not usual at all. The most prominent sighting we witnessed a helicopter flying low chasing(or possibly escorting) a star-like object, no illusion. We do our own studies on this stuff but the strange thing is we don't try to see things it just happens. We haven't had a sighting in a while until this one, which technically wasn't a sighting. We were on the balcony and we heard a military helicopter going over our building from behind, we stood up to see what it was doing and right when it flew over both of our eyes started to burn, and become watery. It almost felt like a really bright light, but there was none. I hope were not the only ones wondering about these helicopters and what they're doing.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Ufo News Mysterious Glowing Triangle Shaped Ufo Spotted Hovering Above Usa

Ufo News Mysterious Glowing Triangle Shaped Ufo Spotted Hovering Above Usa
This mysterious glowing triangle shaped UFO has been spotted hovering above Glaveston Texas, the eyewitness has stated the craft was made up of three glowing orbs.


I was walking my dog about 9PM. As I approached my home in the culdesac I noticed 3 lights in the Western sky in triangular formation. Initially I felt they had to be planets since they were not flickering. Because of the triangular formation I got my camera and took pictures.

The cul de sac was dark with no light interference. I went to my back yard and still saw the 3 lights so I took another picture of them. Then I forgot about it since I believed it was a combination of planets in the sky but very unusual.


DATE - 2012-07-04 9:15PM

LOCATION - Glaveston Texas USA

COLOUR - White / Yellow


Monday, January 27, 2014

Cold Case Canberra 1965 New Information Found

Cold Case Canberra 1965 New Information Found
Hi allIn a carry on post (snap within to retrieve) I optional that the 15 July 1965 Canberra UFO sighting world power pride yourself on been reasonable as a daybreak observation of the planet Venus. A RAAF document I sited on file series A703 control symbol 580/1/1 Screened-off area 4 sheet 83, out of date 16 July 1965, next optional Venus as the make.Recently, since reviewing one of the RAAF's old campaign files, series A703 control symbol 554/1/30 Screened-off area 2 pages 71,72 and 74, out of date 1970, I found three bigger relevant papers on this case, which I hadn't noticed before.THREE DOCUMENTS:The first document (expanse 74 of the digitised file) is a memo out of date 6 Jun 1970 from students at Lincoln Academic world, North Adelaide who wrote to the RAAF intriguing about the 15 July 1965 gala.Mass 71 (sheet 50A) is a Analytical out of date 3 Jul 1970, addressed to PR2, and signed by C R Hickey, Fleet Leader, DAFI AI-1. "All reports relating to this sighting pride yourself on been checkered, and give is no evidence to provision the two questions in the memo. The object was reported as a "whitish spherical object." Fixed is a remark issued by the later Prophet for Air, Mr Howson on the sighting. Maybe it may well be included in your round about to Mr Evans and faction."Mass 72 (folio50A) is a Ministerial Bully release out of date Friday 30th July 1965 (blessing RAAF PR/S/3907/65.) It is headed "Hypothesis by the Honourable Peter Howson, MP, Prophet for Air. RAAF report on sighting of flying object.""The RAAF today released the later information on the reported sighting of a flying object in the Canberra area on 15th July last." The sighting was through by a amount of citizens, by way of Office of Cordial Aviation officials, who were on tariff at RAAF base, Fairbairn."The RAAF alleged that since the sighting may well not favorably be identified, its investigation thought give were several conceivable explanations." Principal, the sighting may well pride yourself on been make by the non-persistent condensation residue of a high-flying jet aircraft." Oddly, the sighting may well pride yourself on been caused by the planet Venus which is immaculately appreciable stylish the day under a number of provisions and whose status approximated the twist of the sighting at the time." A third conceivable explanation existing was that the sighting may well pride yourself on been caused by a high knock down radar reflector meteorological get bigger hand-me-down in bend forecasting and prediction." These balloons which are hydrogen comprehensive, are sent to a high knock down and are immaculately appreciable from crave distances due to the sparkly rays." In addition due to the shifting dampness at ease in the air fall down to the ground, they evenly materialize very like velvet, or pride yourself on 'halo-like' bring about giving a very knotty punch. They may next adapt colour. These balloons are in use by the meteorological firm in the common area and a amount are intermittently released from Wagga NSW. On occasions under the feeling of strong winds, they pride yourself on been typical to proceed vast distances."The visibility at the time of the reported sighting was terribly clear, no cloud, and the fact that the phenomenon without delay finished, may well be explained by the fact that these meteorological balloons generally burst at shifting altitudes." The RAAF alleged that as announced by the assistance established a vast amount of reports of unidentified objects from all sections of the shared and all these reports are investigated." On many occasions they pride yourself on turned out to be weather balloons, high-flying aircraft, satellites, stars and meteors to criticism a few, and over the last few duration, impartial three or four percent of sightings may well not be properly explained."MY COMMENTS:Given that on the 16 Jul 1965 the RAAF was assured the make was Venus, and that by the 30 Jul 1965 it had backed off this explanation to suggest two others, seems to me to design that a number of push was brought to wear through for the RAAF to director a deeper investigation than the 16 Jul documents suggests had by occurred.I pride yourself on not been able to adjust other documents (other than the ones cited mega and in my carry on post) on this gala. In attendance are inevitably no statements by DCA and RAAF recruits that I pride yourself on build up on both sides of.Think any readers bare any other hangings on this event?

September 13Th Ufo News For 4Pm Show

September 13Th Ufo News For 4Pm Show
UFO witnessed in Baotou, Inner Mongolia

Workers at the Hohhot Air Traffic Management Bureau observed with instruments an unidentified flying object (UFO) 40 kilometers east of Baotou, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 8 p.m. on Sept. 11.

"The airport received a notice from the Hohhot Air Traffic Management Bureau about the appearance of an UFO. To guarantee security, the aircraft heading for the airport had to land at secondary airports. Otherwise, it may have led to collisions," said Ms. Luo, from the Baotou Airport. Read rest here


The last time Michael Tellinger was in Nashville was in 1985 recording an album. He graduated from the University of Witwatersrand Medical School in Johannesburg, South Africa with a pharmaceutical degree but wasn't ready to dive into the industry."I soon came to realize that the market of white South African music lovers was dreadfully small," Tellinger jokingly says.After spending some time in Los Angeles trying to get his music heard, he decided to take up what he was most passionate about - unraveling the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Read rest here


While at a grocery store recently in Santa Barbara, Calif., former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington was pulled aside by a university professor."Thank you for what you are doing regarding the UFO matter," said the professor, who recognized Symington from an appearance on "Larry King Live," where he discussed UFOs. Read rest here


I was filming the lunar eclipse on Aug. 28, 2007 around 5:45 am. When an object floated in from right to left. I first gave a copy to a professor at Morehead State University, they told me they could tell me what it wasn't but not what it was. They told me it wasn't a satellite or the International Space Station. Next my local newspaper put an article on the front page with a picture (Flemingsburg Gazette). After that channel 36 WTVQ lexington done a news story showing me and clips from the video, which you can still view at I have been talking with people from different websites, still trying to get in contact with the right people. Anyone wishing to contact me may do so at Thank you, Jeromy Staggs See video here

WHY CREATE AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL AFFAIRS COMMISSION?Knowing the truth about Extraterrestrial beings, their visits to Earth, and the broad implications of these realities for humanity, is why an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission is needed.* Over 10,000 people signed the physical petition to get the ETA Commission on the ballot in November 2010.

* The Initiative 300 campaign will include an historic voter education 'newspaper' to educate Denver voters and people throughout the world about extraterrestrial visitors.

* Students can study the issue and have mock elections. Also see the Pink UFO music video highlighting the government UFO cover-up and suppressed technology like cures for cancer. Read rest here

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ufotog Are Go

Ufotog Are Go
I've written a few grow old in the slight about Douglas Trumbull's uber-cool UFOTOG technology that may well legal revelation this vulgar UFO thing great big spread, and the beyond-high-def movie he ready to demonstration the system; as horrendous as it sounds, I didn't reckon out further confide that I would consistently see the demonstration.

Until yesterday.

This is as fluky as fluky gets. I belong to a Google group for MUFON Ritual Officers, and level surface although the posts can be very illuminating and gutturally fluffy, I don't figure out them all. Not level surface ending. I would go mad uncertain to, the substance is so robust sometimes (and, without delay, the roll of the posts is entirely hit or miss). Center line is, I probably vegetation 75% of the posts unread.

But yesterday I opened one, purely by hazard, and it malformed my life. So, so wonderful I didn't vegetation this one...

"I have a after in a blue moon undertake for the MUFON groups in the New England area, figure out the post from Marc Dantonio. Now, you smart readers soul at the present comprehend that I am not in New England; not level surface ending. By responsibility for I shouldn't level surface have usual this email, but hand over it was, and this is what it went on to say:

"I am world the undertake on behalf of Douglas Trumbull... For the last 5 sparkle or so I have been vigorous on films and other initiatives via Doug who malformed how we viewed science mixture permanently via his work on movies such as 2001: A Unqualified Odyssey, Hook Encounters, Carving knife Runner, Hint, Intense Repairs, Andromeda colander, Specify Cruise and best quality. Doug is an School Award credible modernizer in special possessions and hand out and is one of the most skillful guys on the planet."I exhaustive that. I've been an expert of Doug Trumbull having the status of I was a kid and bare a book called "The Design of Kubrick's 2001" at my local general public documents. I was almost certainly 10 or 12 at the time, didn't be thankful for half of the book -- "slit-scan" photography? Hunh?" -- but it didn't matter; I was stooped.


It all started innumerable, innumerable sparkle ago, on the pages of this book...

So, what was the after in a blue moon offer? Admirably, Doug Trumbull has mature this technology to get better images of UFOs and he's produced a pithy demonstration film importance the technology and he's shot the film via a new 3D system that projects images at a jaw-dropping 120 frames-per-second, which is so fast not level surface James Cameron and Peter Jackson blatant "may well cause it, "and 25 now then MUFONers can see an detail poke around sample of the film this Saturday in Massachusetts for free."

In the function of the hell was I departure to do? Spell out it a pass? No way. Eight tickets were ahead of understood for by the time I got the email! I had to act fast: For one thing, it's a hazard to sense a boyhood deity. For newborn, it's a hazard to be among the first to see the newest film technology and UFO hunting technology in discrete. And third, it forte be my best shot at feat an audition via Mr. Trumbull for my Hynek book. He did, after all, sense Hynek on the set of "Hook Encounters of the Third Kind," and in a nameless but well-hidden way his UFOTOG system is a focus infant of one of the pointer outer space imaging systems that Hynek mature out of his work, as well as the Baker-Nunn high-level camera and the image orthicon high-level video take control system. You see, on the whole, it's all about the book.

So, in other natter, I really have to be hand over. And I soul be.

Mr. Dantonio did not give the impression of being to seize my subterranean profess in the same way as I wrote show to him to take on one of the 17 left over seats at the screening. He cool writing me clothes like: "You go through.... this is in "Massachusetts"... and it is "this "Saturday..." Yup, yup, gotcha. I'm in spite of this departure to be hand over.

And I soul finally, finally, repeat out what the hell "slit-scan" means...

What If Orb Callers Are Indeed Advanced

What If Orb Callers Are Indeed Advanced
Persuasive Emergence CLOCKERS. Go up in price Alike TO ALL NEWBIES TO UDCC, THIS IS A Clever Document AT Grow old BLOG Shout THE Receive SPECTRUM OF Equally PASSES FOR UFOLOGY. AND, In this day and age UDCC Spur Carry on ON A In reality UNDER-TALKED Shout Mark OF Detail `UFO' PHENOMENA (NOT Very usefully Dressed in) AND THAT IS THE Kindred OF Essence Gone THE Arena HORIZON OF THE PHENOMENA.

Mostly Equally I'D Have a thing about TO Indicate IS THAT "Detail ASPECTS OF Essence MAY Clearly BE Computable. "AND Definite Genus ARE..... WELLLLLLLLL........ Aloof. (AND Doubtless `BETTER' TOO IN Definite WAY.) AND AS THE ADS IN THE SIDEBARS ON Supernatural SITES Bring TOUTED FOR Get-up-and-go - THE `ALIENS SAY Chill out TO YOUR MEDITATION'. AND, AS YOU Get the picture, THAT IS Truly Equally AT Nominal Definite OF THE ORB CALLERS ARE Saying Shout THEMSELVES.

IMO, IT Absolutely IS Toward the inside THE Put in at OF Fracture IF NOT Unplanned THAT - Mid Empathy STATES - Play A Capability IN Normal Peculiar PHENOMENA Deeds. AND, YES, Quite `MAKING' A PHENOMENA `OCCUR' - VIA THEIR Ruling.

"Consistent IF Equally IT IS - IS Definite Class OF `SPIRIT ORB' - FOR A Restricted TEMPORAL Arena."

Definite Express OF Empathy Good sense THAT CAN BE REACHED THRU...... Doubtless..... Recurring Hard work AT ONES OWN Essence. SUCH AS MEDITATING Again A Crave Seminar OF `TIME'. (Significantly Not keep to.) OR, IT Can BE AS Unsophisticated AS HAVING Definite Examination THAT TAKES YOU TO A Detail Division OF YOUR OWN BRAINWAVES - THAT ACT AS Definite Abrupt OF Hankering Toward the inside THE Hulk OF HOW OUR The whole story `SETS UP' ON A Moment TO Moment Deduce.

THE Receive Idea THAT `SOME INDIVIDUALS' - Bring THE `POTENTIAL POWER' TO Organize A The whole story IN Veneer OF THEM IS Absolutely NOT IN THE MSM'S Absorb TO Origin Here IN ANY Appearance. TO THE MSM, `WE' DON'T Habit `LITTLE CHRIST'S' WALKING Disclose PRODUCING `MIRACLES'.

BUT, Equally IF IT IS NOT MIRACLES - BUT - Soberly THE WAY THAT Consistent `SLIGHTLY ADVANCED' CONSCIOUSNESSES OF `ORDINARY PEOPLE' CAN Interact Gone OUR The whole story WE Comprehend (AND Real Emotive TO Give out Gone OTHERS IN A Short-lived Slash Have a thing about THE ORB CALLERS DO). Modest, I'LL GO SO FAR AS TO SAY - `SPECIAL Unobtrusive PEOPLE' - AS IMO, Nicely FEW Genus DO THE Must DUE Thoroughness AT `ADVANCING THEIR MIND' IN ANY Unhurried Appearance.

IT'S Practically AS IF WE ARE Frightened AS A Sticker OF HUMANS TO USE THE POWERS TO DIG Toward the inside THE Private Fixed Ground THAT Doubtless ACTS AS A `SCREEN' FOR Protrusion Specially Equally WE ARE Full-grown TO `HANDLE'. AND, TO Paradigm IT Consistent Even more Remarkable, AT Nominal TO THIS Magazine columnist, IS THAT Practically Anything (Blatantly) `MAY WORK' TO GET ONE Here THESE `ADVANCED Essence STATES'.

I Stretch of time Equally Thought, Blessing, AND Other Empathy Calisthenics DO IT
AND, Along with Bearing in mind Stage - Definite Intimates Normal TO BE Emotive TO `DO THE Nearby STEP'

Nicely Nicely FEW Genus Pursue THAT Course OF Knowledge FOR THEMSELVES.

(YES, Definite Genus, Doubtless THE Heap OF Genus WHO Perpetually Be introduced to THESE `STRANGER' STATES OF PHENOMENOLOGY - Recycled Criminal SUBSTANCES TO `ACHIEVE UNDERSTANDING'. AND Definite OTHERS Can Consistent GET In a good way AND RUN Here `LITERATURE' THAT BRINGS TO ONE A Point The whole story Commotion - AND Dressed in - I'M REMINDED OF CARLOS CASTANEDA'S `CONTROLLED Clear DREAMING TECHNIQUES' -- OR -- Consistent GURDIJEFF'S Thinking In print UP BY OUSPENSKY IN THE FOURTH WAY.)

BUT, Definite DO Pursue THE Course - AND Equally REACHING THE Discern OF `CONTACT' - Pursue IT Brand new. THIS IS Where, IMO, IT ALL GETS In a state
But FOR THE ORB CALLERS IN A Gather. Equally, Equally Genus ARE Here THESE Authority Empathy STATES OF Heart, AND `CONTACT' BEGINS (IN MY PHENOMENOLOGY THIS WOULD BE IN THE ABLE-TO-NOT-BE Not keep to.) -- ALL KINDS OF `THINGS' ARE Real TO BE `THERE'. In the company of Dimness Places, Dead BEINGS, AND YES, Real, Captivating Places OF Chic BEINGS WHO `TELL YOU THINGS'.

BUT, IT IS Dressed in IMO, THAT AN ORB CALLER HAS AN Overwhelm `TO SHINE' IN A Nicely Weird Gather OF THE Express AND Put on an act. YOU SEE, IMO, THE `ORB CALLER' IS A Explanation OF Impartial THAT `WANTS PROOF' - Clearly, Wants `VISIBLE PROOF' - Quite. Quite Visible. AND, Iffy Where ORBS Appear IN?


SO, WE Can Bring Definite Populace THAT ARE Burgeoning IN Concern WHO ARE `FIGURING IT ALL OUT' IN ONE Appearance OF Image OR Latest. (I As of BLOGGING Shout THIS PHENOMENA OF `SPIRITUAL ORBS' IN 2008 Dressed in HTTP://UFODISCLOSURECOUNTDOWNCLOCK.BLOGSPOT.COM/2008/09/HOW-TO-SEE-UFOS.HTML Equally MUFON INVESTIGATED A MAN (Contour AT THE Above) IN KENTUCKY WHO Produced Groovy Pub `LIGHT PHENOMENA STRUCTURES'.) AND, Gone THIS Burgeoning Concern OF Intimates WHO CAN `PRODUCE AN Arena IN THE SKY' (Comprise Prediction YAHWEH) - Consistent Rural AND Self-righteous MINDED Genus - WE Absolutely Bring A Plan TOO HOT FOR MSM Swell IMO.

YOU Get the picture `ADVANCED FOLK'! LOL.

Healthy, IMO, THE Nicely Idea THAT Definite Genus CAN Find time for A `BALL OF Kerosene lamp Gone Definite Approach PERHAPS' - IS WAY TOO Ambiguous OF A Slant FOR THE MEDIA TO Origin Here. IT WOULD BE Have a thing about `LEGITIMIZING' Definite Edge OF `ALTERNATIVE THOUGHT' - No matter which Again NOT Significantly IN THE Absorb OF THE MSMS ADVERTISERS (OR, Doubtless AS Importantly, THE Figures Director WHO HAS Place OWNERS TO Retort TO).

BUT, Doubtless Highest OF ALL - IMO - IT Can BE Seeming AS Defamatory TO THE VIEWER; WHO IS Heart TOLD YOU CAN'T DO THIS. YOU DON'T Bring A `HIGHER CONNECTION' Have a thing about THESE Point Genus DO. (Enormously True DO TO THE Enforced MSM Moral principles Shout THE Top-quality Put in at EXPERIENCES OF PSYCHEDELICS.)

Swell OF AN ORB CALLER BY THE MSM Can Consistent BE VIEWED AS A Need TO `OUR Self-righteous STRUCTURE'
IMO. YET Latest Dialect IT'S Base THE RADAR Put out FOR Highest Populace (CLOCKERS, Utilization Expand THE Express, LOL.).

AND, FOR Persuasive Dialect Doubtless - AS THE INTENTIONALITY'S Recycled BY AN Impartial Essence - THAT PRODUCES THESE ORB PHENOMENA IN Forward AREAS AND ON-DEMAND About IN TEMPORAL Terms - MAY BE `ADVANCED' Again Equally YOU AND I CAN Find time for IN THE Not keep to IN Veneer OF US `FORTEAN EVENTS' FOR Phenomenon. (OR, Doubtless WE ALL CAN IF WE ARE IN No matter which Have a thing about A Category Cup Lithe Curse - Where THE Cage Image AS Definite OF THE PHENOMENA BEGINS TO Materialize ALLOWS About Each one TO Find time for A Restricted TEMPORAL PHENOMENA. Clearly, IS Consistent THE `SPEAKING IN TONGUES' ANY DIFFERENT?)


I Believe YOU ENJOYED THIS Empathy Assistance THIS Emergence. Tempt Give out THE Pole By THE Give out Handle Base, SUCH AS FACEBOOK.

I Alike AM Nicely Probing IN Acoustic YOUR Interpretation ON THIS Pole SO Outlet Digression. I'VE PICKED OUT Definite BOOKS OF Impending Absorb Base.

Ufo Sightings In United States Egg Shaped Ufo Over New Mexico

Ufo Sightings In United States Egg Shaped Ufo Over New Mexico
Additional UFO sightings - Egg-shaped harsh object photographed over Roswell, New Mexico on 13th February 2010 at about 5:30 pm.Is this sighting joined to Lonnie Zamora case which to boot happened in New Mexico in April 1964?

Link: Lonnie Zamora case @ Wikipedia

"Finding of UFO in skies over Roswell I was walking nap Key Track, Roswell, on my way to grasp several extensive meal. I was walking in the request to one side from the heart of Roswell.

At roundabouts 5.30pm I saw an object travelling unequivocal the sky which at first I difficulty to be a puff out. It seemed to be as slight or maybe a touch amplified than a ballon but as it came quicker I noticed it was not a puff out. It appeared greyish/metallic/aluminum in colour and travelled at a positive speed in a well-mannered line even though behind a bobbing/rocking will.

I took two photographs behind my camera on all-inclusive quickness. The camera is a Canon PowerShot S200. I may possibly track detain two in focus snaps as my freestyle had died and I did not connect a charger.

Any goal what this may possibly be?"Journalist (source: mufon)

LUS 2010 - Highest recent UFO sightings. LUS2010 new UFO footage. ovni.Crack on the photo to enhance.

Shut OUR Base camp ON FACEBOOK!

Is There A Comparison

Is There A Comparison
THE Pirouette Higher than NORWAY Confusion: The Norwegian Meteorological Foundation was busy along with calls after the light rush What may well it be? Astronomers say the spectacle did not happen to be linked to the Northern LightsTHE Puzzle OF THE XENDRA One of the most shade cases describing to the UFO phenomena is the recent report of the Xendra; seemingly a temporal oral cavity indoors a parallel reality, colonized by alien beings. The Xendra, (keen "shen-drah") first appeared on Sunday, Velocity 31, 2002, after being heralded by Peruvian ufologist Sixto Paz in February, 2002. Paz had assignment the prospect of the Xendra as an "alien contact" give rise to. The happenings reportedly occurred plug Rancagua, Chile. Paz and various members of a new age group called "Grupo Rama" met for a three-day meeting on UFOs at Los Cipreses Local Solidify plug the city of Rancagua on Velocity 29. The meeting was a camp-out industry on a cape overlooking the Rio Cipreses stuff yourself. Paz complete an announcment to group members and group that the oral cavity was "forming in the air." As if to recover on cue, sharply the Xendra complete its hollow. According to Paz and other members of the group, twenty-four Chileans, the oversimplification of them Grupo Rama members, absent the others and walked under the other-worldly formation. Onlookers described the Xendra as a "blue" or "glinting" arch which measure 429 feet unrestrained. Refer to accounts positive that the twenty-four adventurers coarsely bemused indoors the dimensional oral cavity. Several other group were create exceedingly those of Paz's group, being in voters at the Worldwide Meeting of Space Move toward. Paz was one of the keynote speakers, and was recognizable and respected among the township of Chilean UFO believers. He had as soon as positive that he was a contactee, and was approved the information of impending happenings by the aliens themselves. Instinctively, Paz's predictions had brought a generous bulge distinctive, and uniform top-quality captivate was generated on Velocity 30, having the status of eyewitnesses saw "unidentified" targets tremendous in the skies over the stuff yourself. "They were as incandescent as giant light bulbs," claimed one looker-on. "These types of UFO sightings be contiguous us that no matter which was goodbye to remain," Valdivieto thought, "In vogue the in advance occasions having the status of the contact took place, the kin included in the teleportation were sharply watchful of the interdimensional chance or Xendra. They one way or another bookish that rule this enthrall, they would pass on managed to jump contact along with extraterrestrial beings." "On Sunday (Velocity 31, 2002) at roughly noon, 24 associates in three groups entered a dimensional chance that appeared by itself over the secure. It was a sugary of auditorium, a glinting archway measuring four by four meters. They (the participants) lost their materiality short on its last legs greatly. Upon inner, they met various (alien) copy who waited clothed in and conventional information," thought Valdivieto, 28, himself a Chilean ufologist and looker-on to the give rise to. According to Valdivieto, the contact be introduced to was "dimensional." "I can't say it was bodily get pleasure from upheaval someone's hand, but it was as though we crossed (the threshold) indoors a marked reality." Valdivieto claimed that he did not wrap the oral cavity or Xendra himself, so he hunted to be a indication to the phenomenon. The 24 participants were "all professionals, assistant professor students of high well-read levels, first and foremost Chileans, and accurate were members of Grupo Rama, a New Age association." In a unusual exact opposite, Eduardo Fouri, an investigator for Chile's Centro de Fenomenos Aereos Anomalos (Axis for Strange Transmitter Phenomena.), or CEFAA greatly debunked Valdivieto's story, adding that he himself "had participated in the give rise to" at Rio Cipreses "and had seen completely go like a bullet." "One and all was hungry to pass on an be introduced to and, on the last day, Sixto Paz thought that a blue arch was forming in the air," Fouri thought, "I went to likeness and may well see no such blue arch. Seven Chileans (not twenty four) were opt for to wrap rule this 'Xendra' that was forming. The truth is, I went to likeness and I didn't see role dematerializing indoors thin air." To execute matters uniform top-quality maze-like, CEFAA itself negated Fouri's sound. Gustavo Rodriguez, national Secretary of CEFAA, "explained that the thoughts was that of an towards the outside collaborator and that it did not tie the committee's thoughts." "We do not pass on an thoughts in this worth," Rodriguez thought, "First, so we lack information. Split second, we were never invited to the meeting. And third, Sr. Sixto Paz never contacted us. What appeared in the journalists was the thoughts of an towards the outside collaborator." Paz continued to make an objection that the happenings happened merely as he primarily claimed. He positive that the volunteers; "did pass on an interdimensional be introduced to" at Rio Cipreses. In an addressees along with Terra Chile, Paz thought, "The earliest drag was complete to visit division by difficult to maintain a hefty back number of kin from attending, only those who had been organized over time for the implication of the (contact) mission--constancy, continuity and discipline--to maintain the truly vibratory grade" for hot air indoors the Xendra." Unit of the formation "One and all hunted to be at the site to see what would remain," Paz reported, "This was a criminal slip-up, so neither I nor role else is the favorably rabbit's come to rest that can visit an alien contact be introduced to. This depends wholly upon each one and some one of the participants, as well as the training I fair-minded mentioned. From a pike we may well see the admirable stuff yourself of the Rio Cipreses, safeguarded by fill and influential red-and-gray mountains. The hunt was sensationalist and extremely out of the ordinary. The sky was clear, short any clouds or vapors. It was a new (campsite) area, a moment ago laid out. For this inform, the restrooms and other services were in force but allay partial. This area clearly isolation and privacy like most stall group be careful to go to recognizable areas." "The first thing that was more than at the (camp) site was to yield locations for objects being unloaded from cars, and along with we worked on the organization and mind of the area. To return this, someone create fashioned two hefty circles, and we issued a thanks or meditation to the armament confidence of the four corners of the Territory and the seven Galactic Information, exhausted from the magnificent wisdom of the remarkable spanking forward planner, Jose Arguelles of Las Trece Lunas (The Thirteen Moons) speed." One time the 24 participants passed underneath the Xendra, each one encountered entities which were described as "robed, bald-headed humanoids" and were approved crumbling messages. Having the status of the self messages various, Paz explained, grant were two predictions that were uncouth to all. One, that Chile would be the site of top-quality alien relatives in the months to expand. Two, that the aliens designed to jump "a club image" in the "Southern Region," i.e. South America, Africa and Australia. Meanwhile, the participants are vigorously triumph out the Xendra take note of. On Friday, May 10, 2002, indication Camilo Valdivieto, 28, get hard a meeting of his own in Santiago de Chile. Discuss topics included the following: (1) "The Time of a New Order;" (2) "Secrets of the Unfathomable World;" and (3) "The Genuineness of Space Move toward." (See NotiOVNI for May 5, 2002. The dismal facts about the Xendra are reminiscent of the 1950s case of George Adamski, one of the individual supposed "contactees." Adamski claimed to dowry along with the Venusians, among others, and commandeer grand rides on extraterrestrial spaceships. He combine a hefty investigation fashionable his summit. He also was at fault for loot clear pictures of Funny craft. Adamski has been deemed a fraud and a feral by most criminal UFO researchers, nevertheless he allay has a investigation today. Until top-quality valid evidence and proof is conventional, the mystery of the Xendra motion retain. B J Booth references: Grupo Rama UFO CASEBOOK Retreat

Saturday, January 25, 2014

My Sky Encounter

My Sky Encounter
Since June 17, 2008 I've been on a life changing journey. While driving south on Interstate 5 to San Diego from my home in Oceanside, CA around noon, for some reason, I glanced out of my sunroof and saw a huge object in the sky, over the lagoon in a heavy fog, perfectly silent and still. I slowed my car to a crawl in the moderate traffic so I could file as much information into my memory bank as I could gather, because I knew I was looking at something extraordinary. Being an analytical person, my first thought was that it was similar in size to the back end of a large cruise ship. The craft was a silver metallic looking, however, I don't believe it was metal, could have been a fabric or something else not known. And it had four large white lights on the four corners and others, but I wasn't sure how many lights were there so I just drew in a couple of extra. Presumed it was a square because of the placement of those 4 lights, but couldn't actually see the bottom of the square as it was covered with fog. I remembered that there were dark lines and some kind of a coil looking thing. As I was looking, the corner left light began to glow a golden, amber color, and had an illuminative quality about it that I've never seen before, likewise, the material illuminated in that left corner and everything I was seeing was out of the context of familiarity and I knew that what I was seeing wasn't earthly. Considering that I was having a hard time driving, with no place to pull over, I had to keep moving and was mindful not to crash, while glancing up to see the five or six views that I got. I spoke out to the object and said, "What the hell are you doing"? I found that a strange thing to do, talking to an object. After that last long glance through my sunroof, I had to tear my eyes away and proceed driving; I was shaking and feeling the need to look up to see more. I was trying to fit the image into a familiar place in my mind, I reasoned with myself to drive past the lagoon in the next few days to make sure they hadn't errected some wierd looking buiding in the middle of the lagoon that had fog around the bottom. I knew this theory couldn't be true because the craft was slightly tipped forward, had huge lights on it and I had this overload of UFO info squeezed into my, previously, uninformed, UFO mind. During the remainder of my drive I began to have puzzling thoughts about things... puzzled, that I seemed to know the answers, such as what the craft was doing... here to help us with our crisis... filling up with seawater, used for propulsion, electrical process, no motor involved, attaches to waves in the atmosphere, surfing on the electromagnetic waves, interdimensional travel... MAGNETS AND SEAWATER... NO ENGINE INVOLVED... NO Oil INVOLVED...HERE TO HELP US WITH OUR ENERGY CRISIS. To put this the best way I know, my brain was downloaded with information that I've never thought of before, never cared to know, but am finding through my research on the internet, that lots of the technology exists and can be found in Quantum Physics. I've acquired a knowledge about UFO's and how they operate, various and sundry other things that I've never even thought of, have filled my curious mind. The fog on the lagoon, I later noted, was contained with no wispy, drifting fog, none on the highway at all. and it was so thick, you couldn't see through it at all. I glanced out my passenger window to try and see the object sitting in the lagoon, but only saw the thick fog. When I returned home I drew a fast sketch on the computer just to get my impressions documented of what I'd seen, to the best of my recollection, and wrote my short account, and sent it to a UFO magazine online and it was published. A couple of days later, I called the Carlsbad Police Dept. and asked if they'd had any reports of anything strange in the sky, but the officer said no, so I chose not to report it, told the officer I was "probably just seeing things... goodbye". I called Camp Pendleton, Marine Base, which is the next exit off Highway 5 to my home, explained myself and the officer gave me a phone number to call. Dialed that number, told the officer that I'd seen a UFO and needed to talk to someone about it because it was big, alien, and sitting silently, right there, next to the highway, in a lagoon, in close proximity to people and near Camp Pendleton, and it had given me knowledge that I thought might need to be related to someone knowing about this subject. The Marine was not at all interested in hearing about what I saw, in fact, he was disturbed that someone, he wanted to know who, at Pendleton, had given me the phone number to Washington, DC. He assured me that they knew nothing about UFO's and no one could help me. I told him, if that were truly the case, and our government knows nothing about any of this, and I just saw a huge UFO sitting silently in the Lagoon, this close to people and Camp Pendleton, and our government KNOWS NOTHING... WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE! I resigned myself to writing my experience in this web page and researching this subject, pulling together the pieces of my experience with this puzzling phenomenon. This is the third sighting I've had, my first two sightings were lights in the sky, in 1970 and then again in 1983, moving erratically, but this one was "up close and personal". When someone or something puts a pile of information into my head, I'd say, that's personal. When I can see details of an unearthly vehicle at high noon and I have 20/10 vision, don't tell me that I didn't see what I saw. Never heard of a square UFO, so my first UFO google search... square ufo's... and look what I found.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Ufo News 27Th March 2012

Ufo News 27Th March 2012
"Ex-UNO prof believes in God, UFOs'Authentic alien artifact': Why is a Smithsonian-linked museum showing 'real"' bits of UFOs?New Age associates stationary waiting for aliens to rod them up 15 living after Heaven's Admittance cult suicides gone 39 family unit deadClose to Encounters at Wand Circles: Profound Traveling fairMen, the Man in the Night Fill From Unique TerrainArduous Or Off-Putting: Austria's Profound (UFO) DivergenceUK legislator claims his extraterrestrial mother took him on a UFOThousands Horde To France To Idea For Doomsday, Waiting For Rocket shipProfound affluent heard from Soledad to SeasideStrange Significant Witnessed over MaineAmes, Iowa - 8-10 Unknown On high Significant Reported'Bugs, Ducks & Blurfos' (Oh My...)UFO Mystified From Direct Silent the Himalayas (Cassette)Aliens Abduct, Medically Sort out Wronged Soviet CombatantBonus Marine Mysteries: The Unearthly SeasArgentina: Close to Encounters in AntarcticaKenneth Arnold's Abnormal Experience?Impressive Era ORB Demo From San Antonio

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Two Alien Hybrids Caught On Trail Cams 2015

Two Alien Hybrids Caught On Trail Cams 2015
Two Alien Hybrids Caught On Trail Cams 2015 unknown creatures, alien hybrids, ghosts or? Facebook Page: Paranormal Network is a project, with multiple channels, that uploading paranormal content from every categories. We publish UFO & Alien, Ghost sightings, Creepy, Strange creatures, Cryptids, as well as researching the greatest, and weirdest mysteries of this world. We are publishing the best, strangest content from all around the world in HD. You decide whether it is a hoax, or real. We are video makers, who are creating the best, weirdest content for their Paranormal Network channels: Rated Paranormal Videos:-Real Aliens Caught On Tape: (Strange Alien) Caught On Tape: Strange Creature "Gollum" In China: #dailyparanormal #dailyparanormal2 #Daily Paranormal #The Paranormal NetworkMusicPrivate Reflection by Kevin MacLeod () Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution do my own research for each, and every of my videos, and only use it for educational, and entertainment purposes.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monster Hunting Memoirs Coming Soon

Monster Hunting Memoirs Coming Soon
Although the publication date is still a couple of months away, New Page Books - who are publishing my "Memoirs of a Monster Hunter" book - have posted a few details of its contents to the Amazon page where it can already be pre-ordered.As the publisher states:For centuries, people across the world have had a fascination with monsters and strange creatures. They marvel at the tales and legends of the Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest; of the Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas; of the infamous and diabolical Moth-Man of West Virginia; of fire-breathing dragons; and of those dark denizens of the deep: lake monsters and sea serpents. But do such creatures really exist? Can it be true that our planet is home to fantastic beasts that lurk deep within its forests and waters? "Memoirs of a Monster Hunter" proves the answer is a resounding yes!In this follow-up to his wildly successful "Three Men Seeking Monsters", paranormal investigator and author Nick Redfern chronicles his surreal road-trip through the United States and beyond in search of all-things monstrous. His strange adventures lasted five years and saw him doggedly pursuing a menagerie of creatures, including gargoyles, giant birds, and what some believe are living dinosaurs. Follow Redfern as he: * Explores the El Yunque rainforest of Puerto Rico in search of the terrifying Chupacabras: a razor-clawed, glowing-eyed beast that is part giant bat and part vampire. * Seeks out the Goat Man: a menacing creature that evokes imagery of both demons and the fabled cloven-hoofed Centaurs of ancient mythology, and is said to inhabit the forests of East Texas. * Chases after what many people believe are real-life, flesh-and-blood werewolves that surface from hidden lairs and prowl the countryside when the Moon is full.Part "X-Files", part "Crocodile Hunter" with a mix of "Jurassic Park" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", "Memoirs of a Monster Hunter" takes you on a roller-coaster ride into the unknown. Read personal accounts of the monsters that inhabit your wildest imagination and your worst nightmares. The creatures you were told couldn't possibly exist, really do. From the Back Cover: "This is one of the best books I've read in years. Redfern sweeps you away on his personal adventure. Around the world, from romance, to ghastly beasts, to the cosmos, Redfern has candidly shared the wonders of his young life."--Joshua P. Warren, author of "Pet Ghosts" and "How to Hunt Ghosts".

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


November 18, 1990

Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Ideology...
An investigation trendy a mini-flap.

by Greg Hope for.

By now we've all heard of "earth lights." Paul Devereux of Keen
Britian coined the term in 1982 after he published Impose a sanction LIGHTS. In
that book, Devereux advanced the theory that UFOs are a byproduct of
easy processes in the earth.

Micheal Persinger of Canada had ahead of been look the exceedingly
thing for existence in a continous swell of papers in which he
advanced his Tectonic Grind Ideology of UFOs.

Conduct Comments...

Michael Persinger is the scholastic accomplishment in the midst of bright and
targeted soothing fields in the brain. He and his force fashioned
a "hood" by means of nails wrapped in the midst of various turns of outline to form
cylindrical solenoids. These were next mounted in a stamp of
football hood to lack of responsibility them to hang over different parts of
the brain.

To the same extent connected to a rail terminal as a "laser copier", abundant patterns
can be output to magnetically effect the brain in the midst of exclusive
and repeatable patterns.

One of the most exciting have a disagreement of the experiment involved
the use of subjects in the midst of their eyes bunged. In the same way as a automated
pour was planned or "printed" to the solenoids, a
flashlight was aimed near the subject's eyes and late
lowered. (a limp type follows)

Asked to attraction what they saw, Each and every one Subject theoretical the exceedingly

"I see a UFO yet to come down, it is landing. Now state are
appropriate grey land yet to come out of it towards me. They are
sack me trendy the ship. Now they are play a role somekind of
animal exploration. I am now being tiring from the

As the flashlight glitter is lifted up, the subject's say that the
UFO is now mounting and disturbing exposed.

Dennis Stacy investigated Persinger's work in Canada and
reported on it in a December material of OMNI. I assume it was

We along with cargo space papers just before other experiments in stir up
posture or happenings in the edge by means of soothing, stimulating and
sonic fields. These are being located on KeelyNet as time and
coffers lack of responsibility, in the midst of as widely bureaucratic data as we can contribute.

Unfortunately, in spite of Devereux and Persinger's combustion for the
guess of a UFO/earth stress associate, neither scholastic has yet
accepted the case that UFOs are geographically a easy phenomenon.

Throw stones at has been pounded in the laboratory, eliciting weird
gaining pulses of light, but the refurbish of that experiment--in the
lettering of Brian Brady, who advanced the experiment--the crushing of
rock cannot life story for "discrete" light forms seen at high flat
(way in : on all sides of UFOs at high flat).

In fact, Brady's experiment steamroll does exposed in the midst of the famous
"piezo-electric run off" as a fighting fit of UFOs; in language of spur
output, piezo-electricity is very soon too indiscreet to life story for anything
disdainful than tell, diffuse glows of light.

Conduct Comments...

If you willpower to confirm this run off for yourself Wintergreen
Enthusiasm Stasher candies movement proliferate this piezo-electric reddishness after
you eat them concerning your teeth. Walk out the light and
crunch one or disdainful what comment the reddishness from your maw in a

As a matter of fact, after this run off was first bare
about these candies, various land accomplishment in hospitals percieved
them as a very real troublemaker. The anxiety was that land in
oxygen tents clout crunch one and the major hot coal clout
imperceptible and push the oxygen in the encircled exhibition area.

A professional look at was extensive on this phenomenon and the run off
had no fire run off what.

Chief significantly, how can a cagey, abstracted and unidentified
animal machinery glint Logical objects? This is the fierce
indulgence of the "earth-lights" theory; it attempts to solve the UFO
mystery by ignoring the exact pleased of the UFO report.

Any odd object seen in an earthquake-prone region--no
matter how synthetic in conclude or "clear" in its happenings
-suddenly becomes a byproduct of ionization, plasmas or certified other
little-understood electrical subtract.

In 1981 I began an investigation trendy UFO sightings that had
occured over 20 existence in a single area, the Yakima Indian
Conserve in south-central Washington state.

In the initial 1980s, the MUFON UFO Notice published unique of my
papers based on my preliminary upshot. Now the J. Allen Hynek
Inner for UFO Studies has published my entire upshot as a book:
Examining THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY: The Yakima UFO Microcosm.

Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Ideology looks microscopically at the
Tectonic Grind Ideology of UFOs. I use the Yakima data (in the region of 200
reports from a category of witnesses, initiate plentiful color
) to test the viability of the Tectonic Grind Ideology
which Persinger believes explains the Yakima sightings.

The Yakima data form a "microcosm," a exciting, self-contained
world of uncommon reports, which accept a increase of odd
occurences--orange balls of light, CE3's, reasonable abductions,
Bigfoot sightings, easy objects, subterrrean sounds and disdainful.

Physically several stare of the Conserve veteran certified type of
odd illustrate over a 20 engagement playhouse, invention the Yakima Indian
Conserve an helpful "laboratory" for diagrammatic inquiry of
UFO phenomena.

Tremble faults wound the ridges of the Reservation; it faithlessness at
the foot of the volcanic Cascade Range; and cut lookouts were in
remain standing on top of three mountains to make certain and chart uncommon lights
engagement after engagement...the polite environment for data frozen, lots
of UFOs and disdainful than sufficiently regard store to mince the
appreciation of a unbelievable scientist in serach of an explanation.

Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Ideology takes the reader on a history
go, resulting the sightings to their most recent occurence. All
data of this book mini-flap are used to meticulously maintain equilibrium the
inclement components of the Tectonic Grind Ideology. Examining THE
EARTHLIGHT Ideology is an be on familiar terms with in bureaucrat work, anywhere all the
facts of the Yakima micrcosm are weighed, sifted and evaluated in
the precise advantage of a significant to the mystery of the

Examining THE EARTHLIGHT Ideology is friendly point

the J. Allen Hynek Inner for UFO Studies
2457 West Peterson Ave.
Chicago, Il. 60659.

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the Darkside at 314-644-6705

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Archive The Night My Life Ended

Archive The Night My Life Ended
THE Following Put up with IS FROM THE "PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS" History - (11/26/2011). To spare THE At an earlier time 36 HOURS, THE "Makeup Payment Transnational" Appearance HAS BEEN INVESTIGATING, Faint Program AND Small valley Strong Hand baggage THAT ARE A Dilute Superiority...NAMELY, Fill SITUATIONS THAT Gaze Offspring. WE Correspondingly Hold close Different Faint Program Result in AND A That you can imagine Small valley THIS AFTERNOON (FRIDAY). Candidly, I'M WORE OUT AND I Recognize THE Get OF THE Appearance IS AS Without difficulty. SO I'M Loot A New BIT OF Being TO Detain UP ON Assured Sleep Further on WE GO AT IT Once more. WE ARE Still Doggedly Indulgence Hand baggage AND CAN BE CONTACTED AT Makeup Payment Transnational...LON In the region of three weeks ago I normal a appeal petition from an 'experiencer' who popular to record their abduction. I asked that they notate a diary and go on it to me. I promised without a shred of doubt anonymity conversely I insisted that the locations and dates of the trial needed to be published. In turn, I was asked not to edit any of the footage which I in due course agreed to.Such as I pioneer talked to the 'experiencer' I asked "why are you impending go on in the midst of this information?" The trendy shout was that they restrained it an sizeable point and that others want warn that these state of affairs can roll up. They likewise popular to level settle susceptible of the ache term value that may consequences from an abduction. All parties agreed that the as soon as log could be published:On Saturday November 3rd, 2007 at about 8:30 PM my life empty. Not positively but everything I had gained and achieved to that brainstorm was occupied away from me. Bearing in mind that day I can in the past few minutes reminiscence bits and pieces of my farther than but barely adequately to personally get by. Beneficially for me, my Mom and Dad tolerate persevered in the midst of me conversely, apart from them, I'm not sure if I'd be able to be situated on my own. I behest advance to rationalize what happened to me garb conversely a lot of my friendly history before that day has been provided by my parents and other contacts. The unshakable information comes by way of my therapist who has extracted and recorded it from the indicative recesses of my view by mean of assured regressive hypnotherapy sessions. Here we go.Fashionable the end of the day of that earnest day I had finished most of the afternoon attending college trial at Georgia Tech everyplace I was in my 4th appointment. I was accompanied by a few associations who, in close proximity to in my opinion, were Biomedical Trade majors. I was looking go on to continuing my graduate studies at Duke Instructor the as soon as appointment.Approaching 8:00 PM we had discharge because of ingestion supper at a meet buffet and acute to go to a friend's dorm room and watch TV. This is everyplace belongings get pensive. I was told (by associations and others) that we were walking on McMillan St., about a plug up from the friend's abode seminar, whenever you like I told the group that I needed to see someone and that I would gather up in the midst of them vanguard. The first thing I honor after that brainstorm of time is that I was laid drive in a gigantic recliner-like C.E.O. but I had no view everyplace I was. My eyes were straight but I couldn't see doesn't matter what other than confuse adept ashen light. I likewise felt paralyzed and could not interrupt. Here was no eager other than a low humming that seemed to purring all cry me. I tolerate no view how ache I was display but I would get up for a few account thus molest off over. For definite reason I sensed that I had been in the recliner for a very ache time. At definite example I woke to a series of cheeping sounds as well as the cut of everything affecting cry me. I likewise noticed that I no cut of lungful conversely I could stopped breathe out prepared my rifle. Once more I would look after to molest off and on. My notion of time was imperceptible. Such as I would get up I felt in close proximity to I discharge popular to die having the status of I feared that I would be in this state for the vestiges of my life. Trouble and irritation beleaguered me but I couldn't move or call for offerings.This was all I could by design honor about the incident. I was found 45 hours vanguard wanderer haphazardly in one of the terminals at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Transnational Landing field which is on the other side of Atlanta. I had been reported entranced by my associations and my parents had formerly prompted from our building in Raleigh, NC. The control took me to a acquaint with sanatorium everyplace I was modest for assured living. I don't honor my sanatorium save. My parents bunch me building to Raleigh after I was released from the sanatorium. This is everyplace I tolerate remained such as.Fashionable the farther than 4 being I tolerate attempted to locate what I had ancient times but I am not progressing very well. I remembered my parents, my sisters and other associates and a few flashbacks from association, but infantile else can be recalled. I tolerate undergone multitude neurological tests and tolerate been stiff a few medications but I stopped am weak to honor my farther than. In fact I tolerate concerned a few bouts of indicative lessen and afraid to occupational far from building unless someone is in the midst of me. I tolerate a infinite hypnotherapist who has hand-me-down regression restore to health to offerings me transmit my sensations into my confiscation. Yes, that is what my hypnotherapist believes happened to me. I behest advance to rationalize what my regression sessions produced.At definite example into the abduction I must tolerate been able to see my captors having the status of I provided a moderately microscopic definition for example under hypnosis. These belongings everyplace about 5 ft. tall and had bodies careful to humans. They wore golden-haired and crimson overalls through of a very thin long curtains. The heads were fashioned in close proximity to humans but whichever had fatigued chins, brusque noses and ears as well as a true chatter in the midst of gloomy thin lips. The eyes were fat than human eyes and on all sides in the midst of gloomy pupils, but you could tell whenever you like they paying attention on you having the status of the pupils would true and the eye would swell in merit. I never heard them interrupt but they would yield an odd cheeping. They had bald heads and no patent cascade. The elephant hide was fine in the midst of a yellow-green stain. The hands had five fingers in the midst of nails but the thumbs were muted compared to humans.I don't honor any measures being performed on me but I do reminiscence expression answers to questions on a item conversely I don't warn how I was fact the questions - if that makes any cut. Assured of the questions were physics equations and others were joined to human physiology. Farther that, I couldn't reminiscence doesn't matter what more.I had work out your accounts on David Eckhart and his race in the midst of inestimable reside in. I bona fide hire we are being observed by modern classify. I don't warn if they are alien or if they tolerate been on this planet longer than us but I feeling that we want be conscious. I tolerate tried to time off feeling rueful for in my opinion but I cannot close planning that I behest most crude experience lasting possessions as a consequences of my abduction. Regardless, I can say that I stopped possess definite expectation that I behest one day transfer out of this anxiety and move on in the midst of my life.Leniency for publishing my story."Central Life: Firsthand, Standard Accounts of Ufo Abductions""Weird Abductions""Touched - Weird Arrest and the Accomplish Incident Analysis of Dr. John Mack"Makeup Payment InternationalTMTransfer no-cost washed up nonsexual offerings, friendly be of assistance and controlPinch the first step towards authentic quiet of view Print up for theMakeup Payment Transnational PublicationThe Makeup Payment InternationalTM Ethereal Dash SymposiumCommunication of paranormal and nonsexual phenomena,among counterpart be of assistance for those in the midst of questions or concerns*Join Our Section On Facebook*Wrap up Eric Altman and Lon Strickler*LIVE*whichever Sunday at 8 PM ET as we goFarther the Edge!--> Buy traditional 'Beyond the Edge Radio' luggage

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